
283 lines
11 KiB

/* This file is part of Clementine.
Copyright 2010, David Sansome <>
Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Clementine. If not, see <>.
#include "libraryquery.h"
#include "core/song.h"
#include <QtDebug>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <QSqlError>
QueryOptions::QueryOptions() : max_age_(-1), query_mode_(QueryMode_All) {}
const QStringList LibraryQuery::kNumericCompOperators = QStringList() << "<="
<< ">="
<< "<"
<< ">"
<< "=";
const QMap<QString, Song::FileType> kFiletypeId = QMap<QString, Song::FileType>(
std::map<QString, Song::FileType>{{"asf", Song::Type_Asf},
{"flac", Song::Type_Flac},
{"mp4", Song::Type_Mp4},
{"mpc", Song::Type_Mpc},
{"mp3", Song::Type_Mpeg},
{"oggflac", Song::Type_OggFlac},
{"oggspeex", Song::Type_OggSpeex},
{"oggvorbis", Song::Type_OggVorbis},
{"oggopus", Song::Type_OggOpus},
{"aiff", Song::Type_Aiff},
{"wav", Song::Type_Wav},
{"wavpack", Song::Type_WavPack},
{"trueaudio", Song::Type_TrueAudio},
{"cdda", Song::Type_Cdda},
{"spc700", Song::Type_Spc},
{"vgm", Song::Type_VGM},
{"stream", Song::Type_Stream},
{"unknown", Song::Type_Unknown}});
LibraryQuery::LibraryQuery(const QueryOptions& options)
: include_unavailable_(false), join_with_fts_(false), limit_(-1) {
if (!options.filter().isEmpty()) {
// We need to munge the filter text a little bit to get it to work as
// expected with sqlite's FTS3:
// 1) Append * to all tokens.
// 2) Prefix "fts" to column names.
// 3) Remove colons which don't correspond to column names.
// We also allow to search on non-FTS columns, but FTS columns
// are higher priority. Non-FTS query parts go to where_clauses
// Split on whitespace
QStringList tokens(
options.filter().split(QRegExp("\\s+"), QString::SkipEmptyParts));
QString query;
for (QString token : tokens) {
token.replace('-', ' ');
if (token.contains(':')) {
QString columntoken = token.section(':', 0, 0);
QString subtoken = token.section(':', 1, -1);
subtoken.replace(":", " ");
subtoken = subtoken.trimmed();
if (Song::kFtsColumns.contains(
"fts" + columntoken,
Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { // Is it a FTS column?
query += "fts" + columntoken + subtoken + "* ";
} else if (Song::kColumns.contains(columntoken, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
// We need to extract the operator and the value from the subtoken
QRegExp operatorRe("^(" + kNumericCompOperators.join("|") + ")(.*)");
QString op = "="; // default if no operator given
QString val = subtoken; // whole subtoken is the value if no operator
if (operatorRe.indexIn(subtoken) != -1) {
op = operatorRe.cap(1);
val = operatorRe.cap(2);
if (Song::kIntColumns.contains(columntoken)) {
bool ok;
int intVal = val.toInt(&ok);
if (ok) {
AddWhere(columntoken, intVal, op);
} else if (Song::kFloatColumns.contains(columntoken)) {
bool ok;
double doubleVal = val.toDouble(&ok);
if (ok) {
AddWhere(columntoken, doubleVal, op);
} else if (columntoken == "filetype") {
AddWhere(columntoken, kFiletypeId[val]);
} else if (Song::kDateColumns.contains(columntoken)) {
int seconds = 0;
QString tmp = "";
QString allowedChars = "smhd";
for (QChar c : val) {
if (c.isDigit()) {
} else if (allowedChars.contains(c)) {
bool ok;
int intVal = tmp.toInt(&ok);
tmp = "";
if (ok) {
if (c == 's') {
seconds += intVal;
} else if (c == 'm') {
seconds += intVal * 60;
} else if (c == 'h') {
seconds += intVal * 60 * 60;
} else if (c == 'd') {
seconds += intVal * 60 * 60 * 24;
if (seconds > 0) {
int now = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t();
QString dt = QString("(%1-%2)").arg(now).arg(columntoken);
AddWhere(dt, seconds, op);
} else {
AddWhere(columntoken, val, op);
} else { // We did't recognize this as a column
token.replace(":", " ");
token = token.trimmed();
query += token + "* ";
} else {
query += token + "* ";
if (!query.isEmpty()) {
where_clauses_ << "fts.%fts_table_noprefix MATCH ?";
bound_values_ << query;
join_with_fts_ = true;
if (options.max_age() != -1) {
int cutoff = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() - options.max_age();
where_clauses_ << "ctime > ?";
bound_values_ << cutoff;
// TODO: currently you cannot use any QueryMode other than All and fts at the
// same time.
// joining songs, duplicated_songs and songs_fts all together takes a huge
// amount of
// time. the query takes about 20 seconds on my machine then. why?
// untagged mode could work with additional filtering but I'm disabling it
// just to be
// consistent - this way filtering is available only in the All mode.
// remember though that when you fix the Duplicates + FTS cooperation, enable
// the
// filtering in both Duplicates and Untagged modes.
duplicates_only_ = options.query_mode() == QueryOptions::QueryMode_Duplicates;
if (options.query_mode() == QueryOptions::QueryMode_Untagged) {
where_clauses_ << "(artist = '' OR album = '' OR title ='')";
QString LibraryQuery::GetInnerQuery() {
return duplicates_only_
? QString(
" INNER JOIN (select * from duplicated_songs) dsongs "
"ON (%songs_table.artist = dsongs.dup_artist "
"AND %songs_table.album = dsongs.dup_album "
"AND %songs_table.title = dsongs.dup_title) ")
: QString();
void LibraryQuery::AddWhere(const QString& column, const QVariant& value,
const QString& op) {
// ignore 'literal' for IN
if (!"IN", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
QStringList final;
for (const QString& single_value : value.toStringList()) {
bound_values_ << single_value;
where_clauses_ << QString("%1 IN (" + final.join(",") + ")").arg(column);
} else {
// Do integers inline - sqlite seems to get confused when you pass integers
// to bound parameters
if (value.type() == QVariant::Int) {
where_clauses_ << QString("%1 %2 %3").arg(column, op, value.toString());
} else {
where_clauses_ << QString("%1 %2 ?").arg(column, op);
bound_values_ << value;
void LibraryQuery::AddCompilationRequirement(bool compilation) {
// The unary + is added to prevent sqlite from using the index
// idx_comp_artist. When joining with fts, sqlite 3.8 has a tendency
// to use this index and thereby nesting the tables in an order
// which gives very poor performance. See
// for
// more details.
where_clauses_ << QString("+effective_compilation = %1")
.arg(compilation ? 1 : 0);
QSqlQuery LibraryQuery::Exec(QSqlDatabase db, const QString& songs_table,
const QString& fts_table) {
QString sql;
if (join_with_fts_) {
sql = QString(
.arg(column_spec_, songs_table, fts_table);
} else {
sql = QString("SELECT %1 FROM %2 %3")
.arg(column_spec_, songs_table, GetInnerQuery());
QStringList where_clauses(where_clauses_);
if (!include_unavailable_) {
where_clauses << "unavailable = 0";
if (!where_clauses.isEmpty()) sql += " WHERE " + where_clauses.join(" AND ");
if (!order_by_.isEmpty()) sql += " ORDER BY " + order_by_;
if (limit_ != -1) sql += " LIMIT " + QString::number(limit_);
sql.replace("%songs_table", songs_table);
sql.replace("%fts_table_noprefix", fts_table.section('.', -1, -1));
sql.replace("%fts_table", fts_table);
query_ = QSqlQuery(sql, db);
// Bind values
for (const QVariant& value : bound_values_) {
return query_;
bool LibraryQuery::Next() { return; }
QVariant LibraryQuery::Value(int column) const { return query_.value(column); }
bool QueryOptions::Matches(const Song& song) const {
if (max_age_ != -1) {
const uint cutoff = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() - max_age_;
if (song.ctime() <= cutoff) return false;
if (!filter_.isNull()) {
return song.artist().contains(filter_, Qt::CaseInsensitive) ||
song.album().contains(filter_, Qt::CaseInsensitive) ||
song.title().contains(filter_, Qt::CaseInsensitive);
return true;