<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Copyright 2014 David Sansome <me@davidsansome.com> --> <application> <id type="desktop">clementine.desktop</id> <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license> <project_license>GPL-3.0+</project_license> <name>Clementine Music Player</name> <summary>Plays music files and internet radio</summary> <description> <p> Clementine is a multiplatform music player focusing on a fast and easy-to-use interface for searching and playing your music. </p> <p>Summary of included features:</p> <ul> <li>Search and play your local music library</li> <li>Listen to internet radio from Last.fm, SomaFM, IntergalacticFM, Magnatune, Jamendo and Icecast</li> <li>Tabbed playlists, import and export M3U, XSPF, PLS and ASX</li> <li>Visualisations from projectM</li> <li>Transcode music into MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Speex, FLAC or AA</li> <li>Edit tags on MP3 and OGG files, organise your music</li> <li>Download missing album cover art from Last.fm</li> <li>Native desktop notifications using libnotify</li> <li>Supports MPRIS, or remote control using the command-line</li> <li>Remote control using a Wii Remote, MPRIS or the command-line</li> <li>Copy music to your iPod, iPhone, MTP or mass-storage USB player</li> </ul> </description> <screenshots> <screenshot type="default" width="1139" height="724">https://clementine-player.github.io/pages/images/screenshots/clementine-1.2-1.png</screenshot> <screenshot width="1080" height="724">https://clementine-player.github.io/pages/images/screenshots/clementine-1.2-2.png</screenshot> </screenshots> <url type="homepage">https://www.clementine-player.org</url> <updatecontact>me@davidsansome.com</updatecontact> </application>