/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2010, David Sansome Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "cueparser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/timeconstants.h" const char* CueParser::kFileLineRegExp = "(\\S+)\\s+(?:\"([^\"]+)\"|(\\S+))\\s*(?:\"([^\"]+)\"|(\\S+))?"; const char* CueParser::kIndexRegExp = "(\\d{2,3}):(\\d{2}):(\\d{2})"; const char* CueParser::kPerformer = "performer"; const char* CueParser::kTitle = "title"; const char* CueParser::kSongWriter = "songwriter"; const char* CueParser::kFile = "file"; const char* CueParser::kTrack = "track"; const char* CueParser::kIndex = "index"; const char* CueParser::kAudioTrackType = "audio"; const char* CueParser::kRem = "rem"; const char* CueParser::kGenre = "genre"; const char* CueParser::kDate = "date"; const char* CueParser::kDisc = "discnumber"; CueParser::CueParser(LibraryBackendInterface* library, QObject* parent) : ParserBase(library, parent) {} SongList CueParser::Load(QIODevice* device, const QString& playlist_path, const QDir& dir) const { SongList ret; QTextStream text_stream(device); text_stream.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForUtfText( device->peek(1024), QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8"))); QString dir_path = dir.absolutePath(); // read the first line already QString line = text_stream.readLine(); QList entries; int files = 0; // -- whole file while (!text_stream.atEnd()) { QString album_artist; QString album; QString album_composer; QString file; QString file_type; QString genre; QString date; QString disc; // -- FILE section do { QStringList splitted = SplitCueLine(line); // uninteresting or incorrect line if (splitted.size() < 2) { continue; } QString line_name = splitted[0].toLower(); QString line_value = splitted[1]; // PERFORMER if (line_name == kPerformer) { album_artist = line_value; // TITLE } else if (line_name == kTitle) { album = line_value; // SONGWRITER } else if (line_name == kSongWriter) { album_composer = line_value; // FILE } else if (line_name == kFile) { file = QDir::isAbsolutePath(line_value) ? line_value : dir.absoluteFilePath(line_value); if (splitted.size() > 2) { file_type = splitted[2]; } // REM } else if (line_name == kRem) { if (splitted.size() < 3) { break; } // REM GENRE if (line_value.toLower() == kGenre) { genre = splitted[2]; // REM DATE } else if (line_value.toLower() == kDate) { date = splitted[2]; // REM DISC } else if (line_value.toLower() == kDisc) { disc = splitted[2]; } // end of the header -> go into the track mode } else if (line_name == kTrack) { files++; break; } // just ignore the rest of possible field types for now... } while (!(line = text_stream.readLine()).isNull()); if (line.isNull()) { qLog(Warning) << "the .cue file from " << dir_path << " defines no tracks!"; return ret; } // if this is a data file, all of it's tracks will be ignored bool valid_file = file_type.compare("BINARY", Qt::CaseInsensitive) && file_type.compare("MOTOROLA", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QString track_type; QString index; QString artist; QString composer; QString title; // TRACK section do { QStringList splitted = SplitCueLine(line); // uninteresting or incorrect line if (splitted.size() < 2) { continue; } QString line_name = splitted[0].toLower(); QString line_value = splitted[1]; QString line_additional = splitted.size() > 2 ? splitted[2].toLower() : ""; if (line_name == kTrack) { // the beginning of another track's definition - we're saving the // current one // for later (if it's valid of course) // please note that the same code is repeated just after this 'do-while' // loop if (valid_file && !index.isEmpty() && (track_type.isEmpty() || track_type == kAudioTrackType)) { entries.append(CueEntry(file, index, title, artist, album_artist, album, composer, album_composer, genre, date, disc)); } // clear the state track_type = index = artist = title = ""; if (!line_additional.isEmpty()) { track_type = line_additional; } } else if (line_name == kIndex) { // we need the index's position field if (!line_additional.isEmpty()) { // if there's none "01" index, we'll just take the first one // also, we'll take the "01" index even if it's the last one if (line_value == "01" || index.isEmpty()) { index = line_additional; } } } else if (line_name == kPerformer) { artist = line_value; } else if (line_name == kTitle) { title = line_value; } else if (line_name == kSongWriter) { composer = line_value; // end of track's for the current file -> parse next one } else if (line_name == kFile) { break; } // just ignore the rest of possible field types for now... } while (!(line = text_stream.readLine()).isNull()); // we didn't add the last song yet... if (valid_file && !index.isEmpty() && (track_type.isEmpty() || track_type == kAudioTrackType)) { entries.append(CueEntry(file, index, title, artist, album_artist, album, composer, album_composer, genre, date, disc)); } } QDateTime cue_mtime = QFileInfo(playlist_path).lastModified(); // finalize parsing songs for (int i = 0; i < entries.length(); i++) { CueEntry entry = entries.at(i); Song song = LoadSong(entry.file, IndexToMarker(entry.index), dir); // cue song has mtime equal to qMax(media_file_mtime, cue_sheet_mtime) if (cue_mtime.isValid()) { song.set_mtime(qMax(cue_mtime.toTime_t(), song.mtime())); } song.set_cue_path(playlist_path); // overwrite the stuff, we may have read from the file or library, using // the current .cue metadata // set track number only in single-file mode if (files == 1) { song.set_track(i + 1); } // the last TRACK for every FILE gets it's 'end' marker from the media // file's // length if (i + 1 < entries.size() && entries.at(i).file == entries.at(i + 1).file) { // incorrect indices? if (!UpdateSong(entry, entries.at(i + 1).index, &song)) { continue; } } else { // incorrect index? if (!UpdateLastSong(entry, &song)) { continue; } } ret << song; } return ret; } // This and the kFileLineRegExp do most of the "dirty" work, namely: splitting // the raw .cue // line into logical parts and getting rid of all the unnecessary whitespaces // and quoting. QStringList CueParser::SplitCueLine(const QString& line) const { QRegExp line_regexp(kFileLineRegExp); if (!line_regexp.exactMatch(line.trimmed())) { return QStringList(); } // let's remove the empty entries while we're at it return line_regexp.capturedTexts().filter(QRegExp(".+")).mid(1, -1); } // Updates the song with data from the .cue entry. This one mustn't be used for // the // last song in the .cue file. bool CueParser::UpdateSong(const CueEntry& entry, const QString& next_index, Song* song) const { qint64 beginning = IndexToMarker(entry.index); qint64 end = IndexToMarker(next_index); // incorrect indices (we won't be able to calculate beginning or end) if (beginning == -1 || end == -1) { return false; } // believe the CUE: Init() forces validity song->Init(entry.title, entry.PrettyArtist(), entry.album, beginning, end); song->set_albumartist(entry.album_artist); song->set_composer(entry.PrettyComposer()); song->set_genre(entry.genre); song->set_year(entry.date.toInt()); song->set_disc(entry.disc.toInt()); return true; } // Updates the song with data from the .cue entry. This one must be used only // for the // last song in the .cue file. bool CueParser::UpdateLastSong(const CueEntry& entry, Song* song) const { qint64 beginning = IndexToMarker(entry.index); // incorrect index (we won't be able to calculate beginning) if (beginning == -1) { return false; } // believe the CUE and force validity (like UpdateSong() does) song->set_valid(true); song->set_title(entry.title); song->set_artist(entry.PrettyArtist()); song->set_album(entry.album); song->set_albumartist(entry.album_artist); song->set_genre(entry.genre); song->set_year(entry.date.toInt()); song->set_composer(entry.PrettyComposer()); song->set_disc(entry.disc.toInt()); // we don't do anything with the end here because it's already set to // the end of the media file (if it exists) song->set_beginning_nanosec(beginning); return true; } qint64 CueParser::IndexToMarker(const QString& index) const { QRegExp index_regexp(kIndexRegExp); if (!index_regexp.exactMatch(index)) { return -1; } QStringList splitted = index_regexp.capturedTexts().mid(1, -1); qlonglong frames = splitted.at(0).toLongLong() * 60 * 75 + splitted.at(1).toLongLong() * 75 + splitted.at(2).toLongLong(); return (frames * kNsecPerSec) / 75; } void CueParser::Save(const SongList& songs, QIODevice* device, const QDir& dir, Playlist::Path path_type) const { // TODO } // Looks for a track starting with one of the .cue's keywords. bool CueParser::TryMagic(const QByteArray& data) const { QStringList splitted = QString::fromUtf8(data.constData()).split('\n'); for (int i = 0; i < splitted.length(); i++) { QString line = splitted.at(i).trimmed(); if (line.startsWith(kPerformer, Qt::CaseInsensitive) || line.startsWith(kTitle, Qt::CaseInsensitive) || line.startsWith(kFile, Qt::CaseInsensitive) || line.startsWith(kTrack, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return true; } } return false; }