/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 by Mark Kretschmann * * Copyright (C) 2005 by Jakub Stachowski * * Copyright (C) 2006 Paul Cifarelli * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "gstengine.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "devicefinder.h" #include "gstenginepipeline.h" #include "core/closure.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/taskmanager.h" #include "core/timeconstants.h" #include "core/utilities.h" #ifdef HAVE_MOODBAR #include "gst/moodbar/plugin.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBPULSE #include "engines/pulsedevicefinder.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_ALSA #include "engines/alsadevicefinder.h" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN #include "engines/osxdevicefinder.h" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 #include "engines/directsounddevicefinder.h" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN #include "core/mac_startup.h" #endif #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN #undef signals #include #endif using std::shared_ptr; using std::unique_ptr; using std::vector; const char* GstEngine::kSettingsGroup = "GstEngine"; const char* GstEngine::kAutoSink = "autoaudiosink"; const char* GstEngine::kHypnotoadPipeline = "audiotestsrc wave=6 ! " "audioecho intensity=1 delay=50000000 ! " "audioecho intensity=1 delay=25000000 ! " "equalizer-10bands " "band0=-24 band1=-3 band2=7.5 band3=12 band4=8 " "band5=6 band6=5 band7=6 band8=0 band9=-24"; const char* GstEngine::kEnterprisePipeline = "audiotestsrc wave=5 ! " "audiocheblimit mode=0 cutoff=120"; GstEngine::GstEngine(TaskManager* task_manager) : Engine::Base(), task_manager_(task_manager), buffering_task_id_(-1), latest_buffer_(nullptr), equalizer_enabled_(false), stereo_balance_(0.0f), rg_enabled_(false), rg_mode_(0), rg_preamp_(0.0), rg_compression_(true), buffer_duration_nanosec_(1 * kNsecPerSec), // 1s buffer_min_fill_(33), mono_playback_(false), sample_rate_(kAutoSampleRate), seek_timer_(new QTimer(this)), timer_id_(-1), next_element_id_(0), is_fading_out_to_pause_(false), has_faded_out_(false), scope_chunk_(0), have_new_buffer_(false) { seek_timer_->setSingleShot(true); seek_timer_->setInterval(kSeekDelayNanosec / kNsecPerMsec); connect(seek_timer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(SeekNow())); ReloadSettings(); #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN QDir resources_dir(mac::GetResourcesPath()); QString ca_cert_path = resources_dir.filePath("cacert.pem"); GError* error = nullptr; tls_database_ = g_tls_file_database_new(ca_cert_path.toUtf8().data(), &error); #endif } GstEngine::~GstEngine() { EnsureInitialised(); current_pipeline_.reset(); qDeleteAll(device_finders_); #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN g_object_unref(tls_database_); #endif } bool GstEngine::Init() { initialising_ = QtConcurrent::run(this, &GstEngine::InitialiseGstreamer); return true; } void GstEngine::InitialiseGstreamer() { gst_init(nullptr, nullptr); gst_pb_utils_init(); #ifdef HAVE_MOODBAR gstfastspectrum_register_static(); #endif QSet plugin_names; for (const PluginDetails& plugin : GetPluginList("Sink/Audio")) { plugin_names.insert(plugin.name); } bool pa(false); #ifdef HAVE_LIBPULSE unique_ptr finder_pulse(new PulseDeviceFinder); if (plugin_names.contains(finder_pulse->gstreamer_sink()) && finder_pulse->Initialise()) { pa = true; device_finders_.append(finder_pulse.release()); } #endif QList device_finders; if (!pa) { // Only add alsa devices if pulseaudio is not enabled to avoid // confusion. #ifdef HAVE_ALSA device_finders.append(new AlsaDeviceFinder); #endif } #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN device_finders.append(new OsxDeviceFinder); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 device_finders.append(new DirectSoundDeviceFinder); #endif for (DeviceFinder* finder : device_finders) { if (!plugin_names.contains(finder->gstreamer_sink())) { qLog(Info) << "Skipping DeviceFinder for" << finder->gstreamer_sink() << "known plugins:" << plugin_names; delete finder; continue; } if (!finder->Initialise()) { qLog(Warning) << "Failed to initialise DeviceFinder for" << finder->gstreamer_sink(); delete finder; continue; } device_finders_.append(finder); } } void GstEngine::ReloadSettings() { Engine::Base::ReloadSettings(); QSettings s; s.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); sink_ = s.value("sink", kAutoSink).toString(); device_ = s.value("device"); if (sink_.isEmpty()) sink_ = kAutoSink; rg_enabled_ = s.value("rgenabled", false).toBool(); rg_mode_ = s.value("rgmode", 0).toInt(); rg_preamp_ = s.value("rgpreamp", 0.0).toDouble(); rg_compression_ = s.value("rgcompression", true).toBool(); buffer_duration_nanosec_ = s.value("bufferduration", 4000).toLongLong() * kNsecPerMsec; buffer_min_fill_ = s.value("bufferminfill", 33).toInt(); mono_playback_ = s.value("monoplayback", false).toBool(); sample_rate_ = s.value("samplerate", kAutoSampleRate).toInt(); } qint64 GstEngine::position_nanosec() const { if (!current_pipeline_) return 0; const qint64 result = current_pipeline_->position() - beginning_nanosec_; return qint64(qMax(0ll, result)); } qint64 GstEngine::length_nanosec() const { if (!current_pipeline_) return 0; const qint64 result = end_nanosec_ - beginning_nanosec_; if (result > 0) { return result; } else { // Get the length from the pipeline if we don't know. return current_pipeline_->length(); } } Engine::State GstEngine::state() const { if (!current_pipeline_) return url_.isEmpty() ? Engine::Empty : Engine::Idle; switch (current_pipeline_->state()) { case GST_STATE_NULL: return Engine::Empty; case GST_STATE_READY: return Engine::Idle; case GST_STATE_PLAYING: return Engine::Playing; case GST_STATE_PAUSED: return Engine::Paused; default: return Engine::Empty; } } void GstEngine::ConsumeBuffer(GstBuffer* buffer, int pipeline_id) { // Schedule this to run in the GUI thread. The buffer gets added to the // queue and unreffed by UpdateScope. if (!QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "AddBufferToScope", Q_ARG(GstBuffer*, buffer), Q_ARG(int, pipeline_id))) { qLog(Warning) << "Failed to invoke AddBufferToScope on GstEngine"; } } void GstEngine::AddBufferToScope(GstBuffer* buf, int pipeline_id) { if (!current_pipeline_ || current_pipeline_->id() != pipeline_id) { gst_buffer_unref(buf); return; } if (latest_buffer_ != nullptr) { gst_buffer_unref(latest_buffer_); } latest_buffer_ = buf; have_new_buffer_ = true; } const Engine::Scope& GstEngine::scope(int chunk_length) { // the new buffer could have a different size if (have_new_buffer_) { if (latest_buffer_ != nullptr) { scope_chunks_ = ceil(((double)GST_BUFFER_DURATION(latest_buffer_) / (double)(chunk_length * kNsecPerMsec))); } // if the buffer is shorter than the chunk length if (scope_chunks_ <= 0) { scope_chunks_ = 1; } scope_chunk_ = 0; have_new_buffer_ = false; } if (latest_buffer_ != nullptr) { UpdateScope(chunk_length); } return scope_; } void GstEngine::UpdateScope(int chunk_length) { typedef Engine::Scope::value_type sample_type; // prevent dbz or invalid chunk size if (!GST_CLOCK_TIME_IS_VALID(GST_BUFFER_DURATION(latest_buffer_))) return; if (GST_BUFFER_DURATION(latest_buffer_) == 0) return; GstMapInfo map; gst_buffer_map(latest_buffer_, &map, GST_MAP_READ); // determine where to split the buffer int chunk_density = (map.size * kNsecPerMsec) / GST_BUFFER_DURATION(latest_buffer_); int chunk_size = chunk_length * chunk_density; // in case a buffer doesn't arrive in time if (scope_chunk_ >= scope_chunks_) { scope_chunk_ = 0; return; } const sample_type* source = reinterpret_cast(map.data); sample_type* dest = scope_.data(); source += (chunk_size / sizeof(sample_type)) * scope_chunk_; int bytes = 0; // make sure we don't go beyond the end of the buffer if (scope_chunk_ == scope_chunks_ - 1) { bytes = qMin(static_cast( map.size - (chunk_size * scope_chunk_)), scope_.size() * sizeof(sample_type)); } else { bytes = qMin(static_cast(chunk_size), scope_.size() * sizeof(sample_type)); } scope_chunk_++; memcpy(dest, source, bytes); gst_buffer_unmap(latest_buffer_, &map); if (scope_chunk_ == scope_chunks_) { gst_buffer_unref(latest_buffer_); latest_buffer_ = nullptr; } } void GstEngine::StartPreloading(const QUrl& url, bool force_stop_at_end, qint64 beginning_nanosec, qint64 end_nanosec) { EnsureInitialised(); QUrl gst_url = FixupUrl(url); // No crossfading, so we can just queue the new URL in the existing // pipeline and get gapless playback (hopefully) if (current_pipeline_) current_pipeline_->SetNextUrl(gst_url, beginning_nanosec, force_stop_at_end ? end_nanosec : 0); } QUrl GstEngine::FixupUrl(const QUrl& url) { QUrl copy = url; // It's a file:// url with a hostname set. QUrl::fromLocalFile does this // when given a \\host\share\file path on Windows. Munge it back into a // path that gstreamer will recognise. if (url.scheme() == "file" && !url.host().isEmpty()) { copy.setPath("//" + copy.host() + copy.path()); copy.setHost(QString()); } return copy; } bool GstEngine::Load(const QUrl& url, Engine::TrackChangeFlags change, bool force_stop_at_end, quint64 beginning_nanosec, qint64 end_nanosec) { EnsureInitialised(); Engine::Base::Load(url, change, force_stop_at_end, beginning_nanosec, end_nanosec); QUrl gst_url = FixupUrl(url); bool crossfade = current_pipeline_ && ((crossfade_enabled_ && change & Engine::Manual) || (autocrossfade_enabled_ && change & Engine::Auto) || ((crossfade_enabled_ || autocrossfade_enabled_) && change & Engine::Intro)); if (change & Engine::Auto && change & Engine::SameAlbum && !crossfade_same_album_) crossfade = false; if (!crossfade && current_pipeline_ && current_pipeline_->url() == gst_url && change & Engine::Auto) { // We're not crossfading, and the pipeline is already playing the URI we // want, so just do nothing. return true; } shared_ptr pipeline = CreatePipeline(gst_url, force_stop_at_end ? end_nanosec : 0); if (!pipeline) return false; if (crossfade) StartFadeout(); BufferingFinished(); current_pipeline_ = pipeline; SetVolume(volume_); SetEqualizerEnabled(equalizer_enabled_); SetEqualizerParameters(equalizer_preamp_, equalizer_gains_); SetStereoBalance(stereo_balance_); // Maybe fade in this track if (crossfade) current_pipeline_->StartFader(fadeout_duration_nanosec_, QTimeLine::Forward); return true; } void GstEngine::StartFadeout() { if (is_fading_out_to_pause_) return; fadeout_pipeline_ = current_pipeline_; disconnect(fadeout_pipeline_.get(), 0, 0, 0); fadeout_pipeline_->RemoveAllBufferConsumers(); fadeout_pipeline_->StartFader(fadeout_duration_nanosec_, QTimeLine::Backward); connect(fadeout_pipeline_.get(), SIGNAL(FaderFinished()), SLOT(FadeoutFinished())); } void GstEngine::StartFadeoutPause() { fadeout_pause_pipeline_ = current_pipeline_; disconnect(fadeout_pause_pipeline_.get(), SIGNAL(FaderFinished()), 0, 0); fadeout_pause_pipeline_->StartFader(fadeout_pause_duration_nanosec_, QTimeLine::Backward, QTimeLine::EaseInOutCurve, false); if (fadeout_pipeline_ && fadeout_pipeline_->state() == GST_STATE_PLAYING) { fadeout_pipeline_->StartFader(fadeout_pause_duration_nanosec_, QTimeLine::Backward, QTimeLine::LinearCurve, false); } connect(fadeout_pause_pipeline_.get(), SIGNAL(FaderFinished()), SLOT(FadeoutPauseFinished())); is_fading_out_to_pause_ = true; } bool GstEngine::Play(quint64 offset_nanosec) { EnsureInitialised(); if (!current_pipeline_ || current_pipeline_->is_buffering()) return false; QFuture future = current_pipeline_->SetState(GST_STATE_PLAYING); NewClosure(future, this, SLOT(PlayDone(QFuture, quint64, int)), future, offset_nanosec, current_pipeline_->id()); if (is_fading_out_to_pause_) { current_pipeline_->SetState(GST_STATE_PAUSED); } return true; } void GstEngine::PlayDone(QFuture future, const quint64 offset_nanosec, const int pipeline_id) { GstStateChangeReturn ret = future.result(); if (!current_pipeline_ || pipeline_id != current_pipeline_->id()) { return; } if (ret == GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE) { // Failure, but we got a redirection URL - try loading that instead QUrl redirect_url = current_pipeline_->redirect_url(); if (!redirect_url.isEmpty() && redirect_url != current_pipeline_->url()) { qLog(Info) << "Redirecting to" << redirect_url; current_pipeline_ = CreatePipeline(redirect_url, end_nanosec_); Play(offset_nanosec); return; } // Failure - give up qLog(Warning) << "Could not set thread to PLAYING."; current_pipeline_.reset(); BufferingFinished(); return; } StartTimers(); // initial offset if (offset_nanosec != 0 || beginning_nanosec_ != 0) { Seek(offset_nanosec); } emit StateChanged(Engine::Playing); // we've successfully started playing a media stream with this url emit ValidSongRequested(url_); } void GstEngine::Stop(bool stop_after) { StopTimers(); url_ = QUrl(); // To ensure we return Empty from state() beginning_nanosec_ = end_nanosec_ = 0; // Check if we started a fade out. If it isn't finished yet and the user // pressed stop, we cancel the fader and just stop the playback. if (is_fading_out_to_pause_) { disconnect(current_pipeline_.get(), SIGNAL(FaderFinished()), 0, 0); is_fading_out_to_pause_ = false; has_faded_out_ = true; fadeout_pause_pipeline_.reset(); fadeout_pipeline_.reset(); } if (fadeout_enabled_ && current_pipeline_ && !stop_after) StartFadeout(); current_pipeline_.reset(); BufferingFinished(); emit StateChanged(Engine::Empty); } void GstEngine::FadeoutFinished() { fadeout_pipeline_.reset(); emit FadeoutFinishedSignal(); } void GstEngine::FadeoutPauseFinished() { fadeout_pause_pipeline_->SetState(GST_STATE_PAUSED); current_pipeline_->SetState(GST_STATE_PAUSED); emit StateChanged(Engine::Paused); StopTimers(); is_fading_out_to_pause_ = false; has_faded_out_ = true; fadeout_pause_pipeline_.reset(); fadeout_pipeline_.reset(); emit FadeoutFinishedSignal(); } void GstEngine::Pause() { if (!current_pipeline_ || current_pipeline_->is_buffering()) return; // Check if we started a fade out. If it isn't finished yet and the user // pressed play, we inverse the fader and resume the playback. if (is_fading_out_to_pause_) { disconnect(current_pipeline_.get(), SIGNAL(FaderFinished()), 0, 0); current_pipeline_->StartFader(fadeout_pause_duration_nanosec_, QTimeLine::Forward, QTimeLine::EaseInOutCurve, false); is_fading_out_to_pause_ = false; has_faded_out_ = false; emit StateChanged(Engine::Playing); return; } if (current_pipeline_->state() == GST_STATE_PLAYING) { if (fadeout_pause_enabled_) { StartFadeoutPause(); } else { current_pipeline_->SetState(GST_STATE_PAUSED); emit StateChanged(Engine::Paused); StopTimers(); } } } void GstEngine::Unpause() { if (!current_pipeline_ || current_pipeline_->is_buffering()) return; if (current_pipeline_->state() == GST_STATE_PAUSED) { current_pipeline_->SetState(GST_STATE_PLAYING); // Check if we faded out last time. If yes, fade in no matter what the // settings say. If we pause with fadeout, deactivate fadeout and resume // playback, the player would be muted if not faded in. if (has_faded_out_) { disconnect(current_pipeline_.get(), SIGNAL(FaderFinished()), 0, 0); current_pipeline_->StartFader(fadeout_pause_duration_nanosec_, QTimeLine::Forward, QTimeLine::EaseInOutCurve, false); has_faded_out_ = false; } emit StateChanged(Engine::Playing); StartTimers(); } } void GstEngine::Seek(quint64 offset_nanosec) { if (!current_pipeline_) return; seek_pos_ = beginning_nanosec_ + offset_nanosec; waiting_to_seek_ = true; if (!seek_timer_->isActive()) { SeekNow(); seek_timer_->start(); // Stop us from seeking again for a little while } } void GstEngine::SeekNow() { if (!waiting_to_seek_) return; waiting_to_seek_ = false; if (!current_pipeline_) return; if (!current_pipeline_->Seek(seek_pos_)) { qLog(Warning) << "Seek failed"; } } void GstEngine::SetEqualizerEnabled(bool enabled) { equalizer_enabled_ = enabled; if (current_pipeline_) current_pipeline_->SetEqualizerEnabled(enabled); } void GstEngine::SetEqualizerParameters(int preamp, const QList& band_gains) { equalizer_preamp_ = preamp; equalizer_gains_ = band_gains; if (current_pipeline_) current_pipeline_->SetEqualizerParams(preamp, band_gains); } void GstEngine::SetStereoBalance(float value) { stereo_balance_ = value; if (current_pipeline_) current_pipeline_->SetStereoBalance(value); } void GstEngine::SetVolumeSW(uint percent) { if (current_pipeline_) current_pipeline_->SetVolume(percent); } void GstEngine::StartTimers() { StopTimers(); timer_id_ = startTimer(kTimerIntervalNanosec / kNsecPerMsec); } void GstEngine::StopTimers() { if (timer_id_ != -1) { killTimer(timer_id_); timer_id_ = -1; } } void GstEngine::timerEvent(QTimerEvent* e) { if (e->timerId() != timer_id_) return; if (current_pipeline_) { const qint64 current_position = position_nanosec(); const qint64 current_length = length_nanosec(); const qint64 remaining = current_length - current_position; const qint64 fudge = kTimerIntervalNanosec + 100 * kNsecPerMsec; // Mmm fudge const qint64 gap = buffer_duration_nanosec_ + (autocrossfade_enabled_ ? fadeout_duration_nanosec_ : kPreloadGapNanosec); // only if we know the length of the current stream... if (current_length > 0) { // emit TrackAboutToEnd when we're a few seconds away from finishing if (remaining < gap + fudge) { EmitAboutToEnd(); } } } } void GstEngine::HandlePipelineError(int pipeline_id, const QString& message, int domain, int error_code) { if (!current_pipeline_.get() || current_pipeline_->id() != pipeline_id) return; qLog(Warning) << "Gstreamer error:" << message; // try to reload the URL in case of a drop of the connection if (domain == GST_RESOURCE_ERROR && error_code == GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_SEEK) { if (Load(url_, 0, false, 0, 0)) { current_pipeline_->SetState(GST_STATE_PLAYING); return; } qLog(Warning) << "Attempt to reload " << url_ << " failed"; } current_pipeline_.reset(); BufferingFinished(); emit StateChanged(Engine::Error); // unable to play media stream with this url emit InvalidSongRequested(url_); // TODO: the types of errors listed below won't be shown to user - they will // get logged and the current song will be skipped; instead of maintaining // the list we should probably: // - don't report any engine's errors to user (always just log and skip) // - come up with a less intrusive error box (not a dialog but a notification // popup of some kind) and then report all errors if (!(domain == GST_RESOURCE_ERROR && error_code == GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_NOT_FOUND) && !(domain == GST_STREAM_ERROR && error_code == GST_STREAM_ERROR_TYPE_NOT_FOUND) && !(domain == GST_RESOURCE_ERROR && error_code == GST_RESOURCE_ERROR_OPEN_READ)) { emit Error(message); } } void GstEngine::EndOfStreamReached(int pipeline_id, bool has_next_track) { if (!current_pipeline_.get() || current_pipeline_->id() != pipeline_id) return; if (!has_next_track) { current_pipeline_.reset(); BufferingFinished(); } emit TrackEnded(); } void GstEngine::NewMetaData(int pipeline_id, const Engine::SimpleMetaBundle& bundle) { if (!current_pipeline_.get() || current_pipeline_->id() != pipeline_id) return; emit MetaData(bundle); } GstElement* GstEngine::CreateElement(const QString& factoryName, GstElement* bin) { // Make a unique name QString name = factoryName + "-" + QString::number(next_element_id_++); GstElement* element = gst_element_factory_make( factoryName.toAscii().constData(), name.toAscii().constData()); if (!element) { emit Error(QString( "GStreamer could not create the element: %1. " "Please make sure that you have installed all necessary " "GStreamer plugins (e.g. OGG and MP3)").arg(factoryName)); if (bin) gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(bin)); return nullptr; } if (bin) gst_bin_add(GST_BIN(bin), element); return element; } GstEngine::PluginDetailsList GstEngine::GetPluginList( const QString& classname) const { PluginDetailsList ret; GstRegistry* registry = gst_registry_get(); GList* const features = gst_registry_get_feature_list(registry, GST_TYPE_ELEMENT_FACTORY); GList* p = features; while (p) { GstElementFactory* factory = GST_ELEMENT_FACTORY(p->data); if (QString(gst_element_factory_get_klass(factory)).contains(classname)) { PluginDetails details; details.name = QString::fromUtf8(gst_plugin_feature_get_name(p->data)); details.description = QString::fromUtf8(gst_element_factory_get_metadata( factory, GST_ELEMENT_METADATA_DESCRIPTION)); ret << details; } p = g_list_next(p); } gst_plugin_feature_list_free(features); return ret; } shared_ptr GstEngine::CreatePipeline() { EnsureInitialised(); shared_ptr ret(new GstEnginePipeline(this)); ret->set_output_device(sink_, device_); ret->set_replaygain(rg_enabled_, rg_mode_, rg_preamp_, rg_compression_); ret->set_buffer_duration_nanosec(buffer_duration_nanosec_); ret->set_buffer_min_fill(buffer_min_fill_); ret->set_mono_playback(mono_playback_); ret->set_sample_rate(sample_rate_); ret->AddBufferConsumer(this); for (BufferConsumer* consumer : buffer_consumers_) { ret->AddBufferConsumer(consumer); } connect(ret.get(), SIGNAL(EndOfStreamReached(int, bool)), SLOT(EndOfStreamReached(int, bool))); connect(ret.get(), SIGNAL(Error(int, QString, int, int)), SLOT(HandlePipelineError(int, QString, int, int))); connect(ret.get(), SIGNAL(MetadataFound(int, Engine::SimpleMetaBundle)), SLOT(NewMetaData(int, Engine::SimpleMetaBundle))); connect(ret.get(), SIGNAL(BufferingStarted()), SLOT(BufferingStarted())); connect(ret.get(), SIGNAL(BufferingProgress(int)), SLOT(BufferingProgress(int))); connect(ret.get(), SIGNAL(BufferingFinished()), SLOT(BufferingFinished())); return ret; } shared_ptr GstEngine::CreatePipeline(const QUrl& url, qint64 end_nanosec) { shared_ptr ret = CreatePipeline(); if (url.scheme() == "hypnotoad") { ret->InitFromString(kHypnotoadPipeline); return ret; } if (url.scheme() == "enterprise") { ret->InitFromString(kEnterprisePipeline); return ret; } if (!ret->InitFromUrl(url, end_nanosec)) ret.reset(); return ret; } void GstEngine::AddBufferConsumer(BufferConsumer* consumer) { buffer_consumers_ << consumer; if (current_pipeline_) current_pipeline_->AddBufferConsumer(consumer); } void GstEngine::RemoveBufferConsumer(BufferConsumer* consumer) { buffer_consumers_.removeAll(consumer); if (current_pipeline_) current_pipeline_->RemoveBufferConsumer(consumer); } int GstEngine::AddBackgroundStream(shared_ptr pipeline) { // We don't want to get metadata messages or end notifications. disconnect(pipeline.get(), SIGNAL(MetadataFound(int, Engine::SimpleMetaBundle)), this, 0); disconnect(pipeline.get(), SIGNAL(EndOfStreamReached(int, bool)), this, 0); connect(pipeline.get(), SIGNAL(EndOfStreamReached(int, bool)), SLOT(BackgroundStreamFinished())); const int stream_id = next_background_stream_id_++; background_streams_[stream_id] = pipeline; QFuture future = pipeline->SetState(GST_STATE_PLAYING); NewClosure(future, this, SLOT(BackgroundStreamPlayDone(QFuture, int)), future, stream_id); return stream_id; } void GstEngine::BackgroundStreamPlayDone(QFuture future, int stream_id) { GstStateChangeReturn ret = future.result(); if (ret == GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE) { qLog(Warning) << "Could not set thread to PLAYING."; background_streams_.remove(stream_id); } } int GstEngine::AddBackgroundStream(const QUrl& url) { shared_ptr pipeline = CreatePipeline(url, 0); if (!pipeline) { return -1; } pipeline->SetVolume(30); pipeline->SetNextUrl(url, 0, 0); return AddBackgroundStream(pipeline); } void GstEngine::StopBackgroundStream(int id) { background_streams_.remove(id); // Removes last shared_ptr reference. } void GstEngine::BackgroundStreamFinished() { GstEnginePipeline* pipeline = qobject_cast(sender()); pipeline->SetNextUrl(pipeline->url(), 0, 0); } void GstEngine::SetBackgroundStreamVolume(int id, int volume) { shared_ptr pipeline = background_streams_[id]; Q_ASSERT(pipeline); pipeline->SetVolume(volume); } void GstEngine::BufferingStarted() { if (buffering_task_id_ != -1) { task_manager_->SetTaskFinished(buffering_task_id_); } buffering_task_id_ = task_manager_->StartTask(tr("Buffering")); task_manager_->SetTaskProgress(buffering_task_id_, 0, 100); } void GstEngine::BufferingProgress(int percent) { task_manager_->SetTaskProgress(buffering_task_id_, percent, 100); } void GstEngine::BufferingFinished() { if (buffering_task_id_ != -1) { task_manager_->SetTaskFinished(buffering_task_id_); buffering_task_id_ = -1; } } GstEngine::OutputDetailsList GstEngine::GetOutputsList() const { const_cast(this)->EnsureInitialised(); OutputDetailsList ret; OutputDetails default_output; default_output.description = tr("Choose automatically"); default_output.gstreamer_plugin_name = kAutoSink; ret.append(default_output); for (DeviceFinder* finder : device_finders_) { for (const DeviceFinder::Device& device : finder->ListDevices()) { OutputDetails output; output.description = device.description; output.icon_name = device.icon_name; output.gstreamer_plugin_name = finder->gstreamer_sink(); output.device_property_value = device.device_property_value; ret.append(output); } } PluginDetailsList plugins = GetPluginList("Sink/Audio"); // If there are only 2 plugins (autoaudiosink and the OS' default), don't add // any, since the OS' default would be redundant. if (plugins.count() > 2) { for (const PluginDetails& plugin : plugins) { if (plugin.name == kAutoSink) { continue; } OutputDetails output; output.description = tr("Default device on %1").arg(plugin.description); output.gstreamer_plugin_name = plugin.name; ret.append(output); } } return ret; }