/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2012, Andreas Muttscheller Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "outgoingdatacreator.h" #include "networkremote.h" #include "core/logging.h" OutgoingDataCreator::OutgoingDataCreator(Application* app) : app_(app) { // Create Keep Alive Timer keep_alive_timer_ = new QTimer(this); connect(keep_alive_timer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(SendKeepAlive())); keep_alive_timeout_ = 10000; } OutgoingDataCreator::~OutgoingDataCreator() { } void OutgoingDataCreator::SetClients(QList* clients) { clients_ = clients; // After we got some clients, start the keep alive timer // Default: every 10 seconds keep_alive_timer_->start(keep_alive_timeout_); } void OutgoingDataCreator::SendDataToClients(pb::remote::Message* msg) { // Check if we have clients to send data to if (clients_->empty()) { return; } // Add the Version number msg->set_version(NetworkRemote::kProtocolBufferVersion); RemoteClient* client; foreach(client, *clients_) { // Check if the client is still active if (client->State() == QTcpSocket::ConnectedState) { client->SendData(msg); } else { clients_->removeAt(clients_->indexOf(client)); delete client; } } } void OutgoingDataCreator::SendClementineInfos() { // Create the general message and set the message type pb::remote::Message msg; msg.set_msgtype(pb::remote::INFOS); // Now add the message specific data SetEngineState(&msg); QString version = QString("%1 %2").arg(QCoreApplication::applicationName(), QCoreApplication::applicationVersion()); pb::remote::ClementineInfos *infos = msg.mutable_infos(); infos->set_version(version.toAscii()); SendDataToClients(&msg); } void OutgoingDataCreator::SetEngineState(pb::remote::Message *msg) { switch(app_->player()->GetState()) { case Engine::Idle: msg->set_state(pb::remote::Idle); break; case Engine::Empty: msg->set_state(pb::remote::Empty); break; case Engine::Playing: msg->set_state(pb::remote::Playing); break; case Engine::Paused: msg->set_state(pb::remote::Paused); break; } } void OutgoingDataCreator::SendAllPlaylists() { // Get all Playlists QList playlists = app_->playlist_manager()->GetAllPlaylists(); QListIterator i(playlists); int active_playlist = app_->playlist_manager()->active_id(); // Create message pb::remote::Message msg; msg.set_msgtype(pb::remote::PLAYLISTS); while(i.hasNext()) { // Get the next Playlist Playlist* p = i.next(); QString playlist_name = app_->playlist_manager()->GetPlaylistName(p->id()); // Create a new playlist pb::remote::Playlist* playlist = msg.add_playlists(); playlist->set_name(playlist_name.toStdString()); playlist->set_id(p->id()); playlist->set_item_count(p->GetAllSongs().size()); playlist->set_active((p->id() == active_playlist)); } SendDataToClients(&msg); } void OutgoingDataCreator::ActiveChanged(Playlist *) { // When a playlist was changed, send the new list SendAllPlaylists(); } void OutgoingDataCreator::SendFirstData() { // First Send the current song PlaylistItemPtr item = app_->player()->GetCurrentItem(); if (!item) { qLog(Info) << "No current item found!"; } CurrentSongChanged(current_song_, current_uri_, current_image_); // then the current volume VolumeChanged(app_->player()->GetVolume()); } void OutgoingDataCreator::CurrentSongChanged(const Song& song, const QString& uri, const QImage& img) { current_song_ = song; current_uri_ = uri; current_image_ = img; if (!clients_->empty()) { // Create the message pb::remote::Message msg; msg.set_msgtype(pb::remote::CURRENT_METAINFOS); // If there is no song, create an empty node, otherwise fill it with data int i = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_row(); CreateSong(msg.mutable_currentsong(), ¤t_song_, &uri, i); SendDataToClients(&msg); } } void OutgoingDataCreator::CreateSong(pb::remote::SongMetadata* song_metadata, Song* song, const QString* artUri, int index) { if (song->is_valid()) { song_metadata->set_id(song->id()); song_metadata->set_index(index); song_metadata->set_title( DataCommaSizeFromQString(song->PrettyTitle())); song_metadata->set_artist(DataCommaSizeFromQString(song->artist())); song_metadata->set_album( DataCommaSizeFromQString(song->album())); song_metadata->set_albumartist(DataCommaSizeFromQString(song->albumartist())); song_metadata->set_pretty_length(DataCommaSizeFromQString(song->PrettyLength())); song_metadata->set_genre(DataCommaSizeFromQString(song->genre())); song_metadata->set_pretty_year(DataCommaSizeFromQString(song->PrettyYear())); song_metadata->set_track(song->track()); song_metadata->set_disc(song->disc()); song_metadata->set_playcount(song->playcount()); // Append coverart if (!artUri->isEmpty()) { QImage orig(QUrl(*artUri).toLocalFile()); QImage small; // Check if we resize the image if (orig.width() > 1000) { small = orig.scaled(1000, 1000, Qt::KeepAspectRatio); } else { small = orig; } // Read the image in a buffer and compress it QByteArray data; QBuffer buf(&data); buf.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); small.save(&buf, "JPG"); // Append the Data in the protocol buffer song_metadata->set_art(data.data(), data.size()); buf.close(); } } } void OutgoingDataCreator::VolumeChanged(int volume) { // Create the message pb::remote::Message msg; msg.set_msgtype(pb::remote::SET_VOLUME); msg.set_volume(volume); SendDataToClients(&msg); } void OutgoingDataCreator::SendPlaylistSongs(int id) { // Get the PlaylistQByteArray(data.data(), data.size() Playlist* playlist = app_->playlist_manager()->playlist(id); if(!playlist) { qLog(Info) << "Could not find playlist with id = " << id; return; } SongList song_list = playlist->GetAllSongs(); QListIterator i(song_list); // Create the message and the playlist pb::remote::Message msg; msg.set_msgtype(pb::remote::PLAYLIST_SONGS); // Create a new playlist pb::remote::Playlist* pb_playlist = msg.add_playlists(); pb_playlist->set_id(id); pb_playlist->set_item_count(playlist->GetAllSongs().size()); // Send all songs int index = 0; while(i.hasNext()) { Song song = i.next(); QString art = song.art_automatic(); pb::remote::SongMetadata* pb_song = pb_playlist->add_songs(); CreateSong(pb_song, &song, &art, index); ++index; } SendDataToClients(&msg); } void OutgoingDataCreator::PlaylistChanged(Playlist* playlist) { // If a playlist changed, then send the new songs to the client SendPlaylistSongs(playlist->id()); } void OutgoingDataCreator::StateChanged(Engine::State state) { // Send state only if it changed // When selecting next song, StateChanged is emitted, but we already know // that we are playing if (state == last_state_) { return; } last_state_ = state; pb::remote::Message msg; switch (state) { case Engine::Playing: msg.set_msgtype(pb::remote::PLAY); break; case Engine::Paused: msg.set_msgtype(pb::remote::PAUSE); break; case Engine::Empty: msg.set_msgtype(pb::remote::STOP); // Empty is called when player stopped break; default: msg.set_msgtype(pb::remote::STOP); break; }; SendDataToClients(&msg); } void OutgoingDataCreator::SendKeepAlive() { pb::remote::Message msg; msg.set_msgtype(pb::remote::KEEP_ALIVE); SendDataToClients(&msg); }