/* This file is part of Clementine. Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "library.h" #include "librarybackend.h" #include "libraryitem.h" #include "songmimedata.h" #include "librarydirectorymodel.h" #include #include #include #include Library::Library(EngineBase* engine, QObject* parent) : SimpleTreeModel(new LibraryItem(this), parent), engine_(engine), backend_factory_(new BackgroundThreadFactoryImplementation), watcher_factory_(new BackgroundThreadFactoryImplementation), backend_(NULL), watcher_(NULL), dir_model_(new LibraryDirectoryModel(this)), waiting_for_threads_(2), artist_icon_(":artist.png"), album_icon_(":album.png"), no_cover_icon_(":nocover.png") { root_->lazy_loaded = true; group_by_[0] = GroupBy_Artist; group_by_[1] = GroupBy_Album; group_by_[2] = GroupBy_None; } Library::~Library() { delete root_; } void Library::set_backend_factory(BackgroundThreadFactory* factory) { backend_factory_.reset(factory); } void Library::set_watcher_factory(BackgroundThreadFactory* factory) { watcher_factory_.reset(factory); } void Library::Init() { backend_ = backend_factory_->GetThread(this); watcher_ = watcher_factory_->GetThread(this); connect(backend_, SIGNAL(Initialised()), SLOT(BackendInitialised())); connect(watcher_, SIGNAL(Initialised()), SLOT(WatcherInitialised())); } void Library::StartThreads() { Q_ASSERT(waiting_for_threads_); Q_ASSERT(backend_); Q_ASSERT(watcher_); backend_->Start(); watcher_->set_io_priority(BackgroundThreadBase::IOPRIO_CLASS_IDLE); watcher_->set_cpu_priority(QThread::IdlePriority); watcher_->Start(); } void Library::BackendInitialised() { connect(backend_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(SongsDiscovered(SongList)), SLOT(SongsDiscovered(SongList))); connect(backend_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(SongsDeleted(SongList)), SLOT(SongsDeleted(SongList))); connect(backend_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(Error(QString)), SIGNAL(Error(QString))); connect(backend_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(TotalSongCountUpdated(int)), SIGNAL(TotalSongCountUpdated(int))); dir_model_->SetBackend(backend_->Worker()); emit BackendReady(backend_->Worker()); if (--waiting_for_threads_ == 0) Initialise(); } void Library::WatcherInitialised() { connect(watcher_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(ScanStarted()), SIGNAL(ScanStarted())); connect(watcher_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(ScanFinished()), SIGNAL(ScanFinished())); watcher_->Worker()->SetEngine(engine_); if (--waiting_for_threads_ == 0) Initialise(); } void Library::Initialise() { // The backend and watcher threads are finished initialising, now we can // connect them together and start everything off. watcher_->Worker()->SetBackend(backend_->Worker()); connect(backend_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(DirectoryDiscovered(Directory,SubdirectoryList)), watcher_->Worker().get(), SLOT(AddDirectory(Directory,SubdirectoryList))); connect(backend_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(DirectoryDeleted(Directory)), watcher_->Worker().get(), SLOT(RemoveDirectory(Directory))); connect(watcher_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(NewOrUpdatedSongs(SongList)), backend_->Worker().get(), SLOT(AddOrUpdateSongs(SongList))); connect(watcher_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(SongsMTimeUpdated(SongList)), backend_->Worker().get(), SLOT(UpdateMTimesOnly(SongList))); connect(watcher_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(SongsDeleted(SongList)), backend_->Worker().get(), SLOT(DeleteSongs(SongList))); connect(watcher_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(SubdirsDiscovered(SubdirectoryList)), backend_->Worker().get(), SLOT(AddOrUpdateSubdirs(SubdirectoryList))); connect(watcher_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(SubdirsMTimeUpdated(SubdirectoryList)), backend_->Worker().get(), SLOT(AddOrUpdateSubdirs(SubdirectoryList))); // This will start the watcher checking for updates backend_->Worker()->LoadDirectoriesAsync(); backend_->Worker()->UpdateTotalSongCountAsync(); Reset(); } void Library::SongsDiscovered(const SongList& songs) { foreach (const Song& song, songs) { // Sanity check to make sure we don't add songs that are outside the user's // filter if (!query_options_.Matches(song)) continue; // Hey, we've already got that one! if (song_nodes_.contains(song.id())) continue; // Before we can add each song we need to make sure the required container // items already exist in the tree. These depend on which "group by" // settings the user has on the library. Eg. if the user grouped by // artist and album, we would need to make sure nodes for the song's artist // and album were already in the tree. // Find parent containers in the tree LibraryItem* container = root_; for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; ++i) { GroupBy type = group_by_[i]; if (type == GroupBy_None) break; // Special case: if we're at the top level and the song is a compilation // and the top level is Artists, then we want the Various Artists node :( if (i == 0 && type == GroupBy_Artist && song.is_compilation()) { if (compilation_artist_node_ == NULL) CreateCompilationArtistNode(true, root_); container = compilation_artist_node_; } else { // Otherwise find the proper container at this level based on the // item's key QString key; switch (type) { case GroupBy_Album: key = song.album(); break; case GroupBy_Artist: key = song.artist(); break; case GroupBy_Composer: key = song.composer(); break; case GroupBy_Genre: key = song.genre(); break; case GroupBy_AlbumArtist: key = song.albumartist(); break; case GroupBy_Year: key = QString::number(qMax(0, song.year())); break; case GroupBy_YearAlbum: key = PrettyYearAlbum(qMax(0, song.year()), song.album()); break; case GroupBy_None: Q_ASSERT(0); break; } // Does it exist already? if (!container_nodes_[i].contains(key)) { // Create the container container_nodes_[i][key] = ItemFromSong(type, true, i == 0, container, song, i); } container = container_nodes_[i][key]; } // If we just created the damn thing then we don't need to continue into // it any further because it'll get lazy-loaded properly later. if (!container->lazy_loaded) break; } if (!container->lazy_loaded) continue; // We've gone all the way down to the deepest level and everything was // already lazy loaded, so now we have to create the song in the container. song_nodes_[song.id()] = ItemFromSong(GroupBy_None, true, false, container, song, -1); } } LibraryItem* Library::CreateCompilationArtistNode(bool signal, LibraryItem* parent) { if (signal) beginInsertRows(ItemToIndex(parent), parent->children.count(), parent->children.count()); compilation_artist_node_ = new LibraryItem(LibraryItem::Type_Container, parent); compilation_artist_node_->key = tr("Various Artists"); compilation_artist_node_->sort_text = " various"; compilation_artist_node_->container_level = parent->container_level + 1; if (signal) endInsertRows(); return compilation_artist_node_; } QString Library::DividerKey(GroupBy type, LibraryItem* item) const { // Items which are to be grouped under the same divider must produce the // same divider key. This will only get called for top-level items. if (item->sort_text.isEmpty()) return QString(); switch (type) { case GroupBy_Album: case GroupBy_Artist: case GroupBy_Composer: case GroupBy_Genre: case GroupBy_AlbumArtist: if (item->sort_text[0].isDigit()) return "0"; if (item->sort_text[0] == ' ') return QString(); return QString(item->sort_text[0]); case GroupBy_Year: return SortTextForYear(item->sort_text.toInt() / 10 * 10); case GroupBy_YearAlbum: return SortTextForYear(item->metadata.year()); case GroupBy_None: default: Q_ASSERT(0); return QString(); } } QString Library::DividerDisplayText(GroupBy type, const QString& key) const { // Pretty display text for the dividers. switch (type) { case GroupBy_Album: case GroupBy_Artist: case GroupBy_Composer: case GroupBy_Genre: case GroupBy_AlbumArtist: if (key == "0") return "0-9"; return key.toUpper(); case GroupBy_YearAlbum: if (key == "0000") return tr("Unknown"); return key.toUpper(); case GroupBy_Year: if (key == "0000") return tr("Unknown"); return QString::number(key.toInt()); // To remove leading 0s case GroupBy_None: default: Q_ASSERT(0); return QString(); } } void Library::SongsDeleted(const SongList& songs) { // Delete the actual song nodes first, keeping track of each parent so we // might check to see if they're empty later. QSet parents; foreach (const Song& song, songs) { if (song_nodes_.contains(song.id())) { LibraryItem* node = song_nodes_[song.id()]; if (node->parent != root_) parents << node->parent; beginRemoveRows(ItemToIndex(node->parent), node->row, node->row); node->parent->Delete(node->row); song_nodes_.remove(song.id()); endRemoveRows(); } else { // If we get here it means some of the songs we want to delete haven't // been lazy-loaded yet. This is bad, because it would mean that to // clean up empty parents we would need to lazy-load them all // individually to see if they're empty. This can take a very long time, // so better to just reset the model and be done with it. Reset(); return; } } // Now delete empty parents QSet divider_keys; while (!parents.isEmpty()) { foreach (LibraryItem* node, parents) { parents.remove(node); if (node->children.count() != 0) continue; // Consider its parent for the next round if (node->parent != root_) parents << node->parent; // Maybe consider its divider node if (node->container_level == 0) divider_keys << DividerKey(group_by_[0], node); // Special case the Various Artists node if (node == compilation_artist_node_) compilation_artist_node_ = NULL; else container_nodes_[node->container_level].remove(node->key); // It was empty - delete it beginRemoveRows(ItemToIndex(node->parent), node->row, node->row); node->parent->Delete(node->row); endRemoveRows(); } } // Delete empty dividers foreach (const QString& divider_key, divider_keys) { if (!divider_nodes_.contains(divider_key)) continue; // Look to see if there are any other items still under this divider bool found = false; foreach (LibraryItem* node, container_nodes_[0].values()) { if (DividerKey(group_by_[0], node) == divider_key) { found = true; break; } } if (found) continue; // Remove the divider int row = divider_nodes_[divider_key]->row; beginRemoveRows(ItemToIndex(root_), row, row); root_->Delete(row); endRemoveRows(); divider_nodes_.remove(divider_key); } } QVariant Library::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const { const LibraryItem* item = IndexToItem(index); return data(item, role); } QVariant Library::data(const LibraryItem* item, int role) const { GroupBy container_type = item->type == LibraryItem::Type_Container ? group_by_[item->container_level] : GroupBy_None; switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: case Qt::ToolTipRole: return item->DisplayText(); case Qt::DecorationRole: switch (item->type) case LibraryItem::Type_Container: switch (container_type) { case GroupBy_Album: case GroupBy_YearAlbum: return album_icon_; case GroupBy_Artist: return artist_icon_; default: break; } default: break; break; case Role_Type: return item->type; case Role_ContainerType: return container_type; case Role_Key: return item->key; case Role_Artist: return item->metadata.artist(); case Role_SortText: if (item->type == LibraryItem::Type_Song) return item->metadata.disc() * 1000 + item->metadata.track(); return item->SortText(); } return QVariant(); } void Library::LazyPopulate(LibraryItem* parent, bool signal) { if (parent->lazy_loaded) return; parent->lazy_loaded = true; // Information about what we want the children to be int child_level = parent->container_level + 1; GroupBy child_type = child_level >= 3 ? GroupBy_None : group_by_[child_level]; // Initialise the query. child_type says what type of thing we want (artists, // songs, etc.) LibraryQuery q(query_options_); InitQuery(child_type, &q); // Top-level artists is special - we don't want compilation albums appearing if (child_level == 0 && child_type == GroupBy_Artist) { q.AddCompilationRequirement(false); } // Walk up through the item's parents adding filters as necessary LibraryItem* p = parent; while (p != root_) { FilterQuery(group_by_[p->container_level], p, &q); p = p->parent; } // Execute the query if (!backend_->Worker()->ExecQuery(&q)) return; // Step through the results while (q.Next()) { // Create the item - it will get inserted into the model here LibraryItem* item = ItemFromQuery(child_type, signal, child_level == 0, parent, q, child_level); // Save a pointer to it for later if (child_type == GroupBy_None) song_nodes_[item->metadata.id()] = item; else container_nodes_[child_level][item->key] = item; } } void Library::Reset() { delete root_; song_nodes_.clear(); container_nodes_[0].clear(); container_nodes_[1].clear(); container_nodes_[2].clear(); divider_nodes_.clear(); compilation_artist_node_ = NULL; root_ = new LibraryItem(this); root_->lazy_loaded = false; // Various artists? if (group_by_[0] == GroupBy_Artist && backend_->Worker()->HasCompilations(query_options_)) CreateCompilationArtistNode(false, root_); // Populate top level LazyPopulate(root_, false); reset(); } void Library::InitQuery(GroupBy type, LibraryQuery* q) { // Say what type of thing we want to get back from the database. switch (type) { case GroupBy_Artist: q->SetColumnSpec("DISTINCT artist"); break; case GroupBy_Album: q->SetColumnSpec("DISTINCT album"); break; case GroupBy_Composer: q->SetColumnSpec("DISTINCT composer"); break; case GroupBy_YearAlbum: q->SetColumnSpec("DISTINCT year, album"); break; case GroupBy_Year: q->SetColumnSpec("DISTINCT year"); break; case GroupBy_Genre: q->SetColumnSpec("DISTINCT genre"); break; case GroupBy_AlbumArtist: q->SetColumnSpec("DISTINCT albumartist"); break; case GroupBy_None: q->SetColumnSpec("ROWID, " + Song::kColumnSpec); break; } } void Library::FilterQuery(GroupBy type, LibraryItem* item, LibraryQuery* q) { // Say how we want the query to be filtered. This is done once for each // parent going up the tree. switch (type) { case GroupBy_Artist: if (item == compilation_artist_node_) q->AddCompilationRequirement(true); else { if (item->container_level == 0) // Stupid hack q->AddCompilationRequirement(false); q->AddWhere("artist", item->key); } break; case GroupBy_Album: q->AddWhere("album", item->key); break; case GroupBy_YearAlbum: q->AddWhere("year", item->metadata.year()); q->AddWhere("album", item->metadata.album()); break; case GroupBy_Year: q->AddWhere("year", item->key); break; case GroupBy_Composer: q->AddWhere("composer", item->key); break; case GroupBy_Genre: q->AddWhere("genre", item->key); break; case GroupBy_AlbumArtist: q->AddWhere("albumartist", item->key); break; case GroupBy_None: Q_ASSERT(0); break; } } LibraryItem* Library::InitItem(GroupBy type, bool signal, LibraryItem *parent, int container_level) { LibraryItem::Type item_type = type == GroupBy_None ? LibraryItem::Type_Song : LibraryItem::Type_Container; if (signal) beginInsertRows(ItemToIndex(parent), parent->children.count(),parent->children.count()); // Initialise the item depending on what type it's meant to be LibraryItem* item = new LibraryItem(item_type, parent); item->container_level = container_level; return item; } LibraryItem* Library::ItemFromQuery(GroupBy type, bool signal, bool create_divider, LibraryItem* parent, const LibraryQuery& q, int container_level) { LibraryItem* item = InitItem(type, signal, parent, container_level); int year = 0; switch (type) { case GroupBy_Artist: item->key = q.Value(0).toString(); item->display_text = TextOrUnknown(item->key); item->sort_text = SortTextForArtist(item->key); break; case GroupBy_YearAlbum: year = qMax(0, q.Value(0).toInt()); item->metadata.set_year(year); item->metadata.set_album(q.Value(1).toString()); item->key = PrettyYearAlbum(year, item->metadata.album()); item->sort_text = SortTextForYear(year) + item->metadata.album(); break; case GroupBy_Year: year = qMax(0, q.Value(0).toInt()); item->key = QString::number(year); item->sort_text = SortTextForYear(year) + " "; break; case GroupBy_Composer: case GroupBy_Genre: case GroupBy_Album: case GroupBy_AlbumArtist: item->key = q.Value(0).toString(); item->display_text = TextOrUnknown(item->key); item->sort_text = SortText(item->key); break; case GroupBy_None: item->metadata.InitFromQuery(q); item->key = item->metadata.title(); item->display_text = item->metadata.PrettyTitleWithArtist(); break; } FinishItem(type, signal, create_divider, parent, item); return item; } LibraryItem* Library::ItemFromSong(GroupBy type, bool signal, bool create_divider, LibraryItem* parent, const Song& s, int container_level) { LibraryItem* item = InitItem(type, signal, parent, container_level); int year = 0; switch (type) { case GroupBy_Artist: item->key = s.artist(); item->display_text = TextOrUnknown(item->key); item->sort_text = SortTextForArtist(item->key); break; case GroupBy_YearAlbum: year = qMax(0, s.year()); item->metadata.set_year(year); item->metadata.set_album(s.album()); item->key = PrettyYearAlbum(year, s.album()); item->sort_text = SortTextForYear(year) + s.album(); break; case GroupBy_Year: year = qMax(0, s.year()); item->key = QString::number(year); item->sort_text = SortTextForYear(year) + " "; break; case GroupBy_Composer: item->key = s.composer(); case GroupBy_Genre: if (item->key.isNull()) item->key = s.genre(); case GroupBy_Album: if (item->key.isNull()) item->key = s.album(); case GroupBy_AlbumArtist: if (item->key.isNull()) item->key = s.albumartist(); item->display_text = TextOrUnknown(item->key); item->sort_text = SortText(item->key); break; case GroupBy_None: item->metadata = s; item->key = s.title(); item->display_text = s.PrettyTitleWithArtist(); break; } FinishItem(type, signal, create_divider, parent, item); return item; } void Library::FinishItem(GroupBy type, bool signal, bool create_divider, LibraryItem *parent, LibraryItem *item) { if (type == GroupBy_None) item->lazy_loaded = true; if (signal) endInsertRows(); // Create the divider entry if we're supposed to if (create_divider) { QString divider_key = DividerKey(type, item); if (!divider_key.isEmpty() && !divider_nodes_.contains(divider_key)) { if (signal) beginInsertRows(ItemToIndex(parent), parent->children.count(), parent->children.count()); LibraryItem* divider = new LibraryItem(LibraryItem::Type_Divider, root_); divider->key = divider_key; divider->display_text = DividerDisplayText(type, divider_key); divider->lazy_loaded = true; divider_nodes_[divider_key] = divider; if (signal) endInsertRows(); } } } QString Library::TextOrUnknown(const QString& text) const { if (text.isEmpty()) { return tr("Unknown"); } return text; } QString Library::PrettyYearAlbum(int year, const QString& album) const { if (year <= 0) return TextOrUnknown(album); return QString::number(year) + " - " + TextOrUnknown(album); } QString Library::SortText(QString text) const { if (text.isEmpty()) { text = " unknown"; } else { text = text.toLower(); } text = text.remove(QRegExp("[^\\w ]")); return text; } QString Library::SortTextForArtist(QString artist) const { artist = SortText(artist); if (artist.startsWith("the ")) { artist = artist.right(artist.length() - 4) + ", the"; } return artist; } QString Library::SortTextForYear(int year) const { QString str = QString::number(year); return QString("0").repeated(qMax(0, 4 - str.length())) + str; } Qt::ItemFlags Library::flags(const QModelIndex& index) const { switch (IndexToItem(index)->type) { case LibraryItem::Type_Song: case LibraryItem::Type_Container: return Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled; case LibraryItem::Type_Divider: case LibraryItem::Type_Root: default: return Qt::ItemIsEnabled; } } QStringList Library::mimeTypes() const { return QStringList() << "text/uri-list"; } QMimeData* Library::mimeData(const QModelIndexList& indexes) const { SongMimeData* data = new SongMimeData; QList urls; QSet song_ids; foreach (const QModelIndex& index, indexes) { GetChildSongs(IndexToItem(index), &urls, &data->songs, &song_ids); } data->setUrls(urls); return data; } bool Library::CompareItems(const LibraryItem* a, const LibraryItem* b) const { QVariant left(data(a, Library::Role_SortText)); QVariant right(data(b, Library::Role_SortText)); if (left.type() == QVariant::Int) return left.toInt() < right.toInt(); return left.toString() < right.toString(); } void Library::GetChildSongs(LibraryItem* item, QList* urls, SongList* songs, QSet* song_ids) const { switch (item->type) { case LibraryItem::Type_Container: { const_cast(this)->LazyPopulate(item); QList children = item->children; qSort(children.begin(), children.end(), boost::bind( &Library::CompareItems, this, _1, _2)); foreach (LibraryItem* child, children) GetChildSongs(child, urls, songs, song_ids); break; } case LibraryItem::Type_Song: urls->append(QUrl::fromLocalFile(item->metadata.filename())); if (!song_ids->contains(item->metadata.id())) { songs->append(item->metadata); song_ids->insert(item->metadata.id()); } break; default: break; } } SongList Library::GetChildSongs(const QModelIndex& index) const { QList dontcare; SongList ret; QSet song_ids; if (!index.isValid()) return SongList(); GetChildSongs(IndexToItem(index), &dontcare, &ret, &song_ids); return ret; } void Library::SetFilterAge(int age) { query_options_.max_age = age; Reset(); } void Library::SetFilterText(const QString& text) { query_options_.filter = text; Reset(); } bool Library::canFetchMore(const QModelIndex &parent) const { if (!parent.isValid()) return false; LibraryItem* item = IndexToItem(parent); return !item->lazy_loaded; } void Library::SetGroupBy(const Grouping& g) { group_by_ = g; if (!waiting_for_threads_) Reset(); emit GroupingChanged(g); } const Library::GroupBy& Library::Grouping::operator [](int i) const { switch (i) { case 0: return first; case 1: return second; case 2: return third; } Q_ASSERT(0); return first; } Library::GroupBy& Library::Grouping::operator [](int i) { switch (i) { case 0: return first; case 1: return second; case 2: return third; } Q_ASSERT(0); return first; }