// C++ Implementation: PresetFactoryManager
// Description: 
// Author: Carmelo Piccione <carmelo.piccione@gmail.com>, (C) 2008
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include "PresetFactory.hpp"

/// A simple exception class to strongly type all preset factory related issues
class PresetFactoryException : public std::exception
		inline PresetFactoryException(const std::string & message) : _message(message) {}
		virtual ~PresetFactoryException() throw() {}
		const std::string & message() const { return _message; } 

		std::string _message;

/// A manager of preset factories
class PresetFactoryManager {


		/// Initializes the manager with mesh sizes specified
		/// \param gx the width of the mesh
		/// \param gy the height of the mesh
		/// \note This must be called once before any other methods
		void initialize(int gx, int gy);
		/// Requests a factory given a preset extension type
		/// \param extension a string denoting the preset suffix type
		/// \throws PresetFactoryException if the extension is unhandled
		/// \returns a valid preset factory associated with the extension
		PresetFactory & factory(const std::string & extension);

		/// Tests if an extension has been registered with a factory
		/// \param extension the file name extension to verify
		/// \returns true if a factory exists, false otherwise
		bool extensionHandled(const std::string & extension) const;

		int _gx, _gy;				
		mutable std::map<std::string, PresetFactory *> _factoryMap;
		mutable std::vector<PresetFactory *> _factoryList;
		void registerFactory(const std::string & extension, PresetFactory * factory);
