/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2010, David Sansome Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "albumcovermanager.h" #include "edittagdialog.h" #include "ui_edittagdialog.h" #include "core/albumcoverloader.h" #include "core/utilities.h" #include "library/library.h" #include "library/librarybackend.h" #include "playlist/playlistdelegates.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM # include "albumcoversearcher.h" # include "core/albumcoverfetcher.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const char* EditTagDialog::kHintText = QT_TR_NOOP("(different across multiple songs)"); EditTagDialog::EditTagDialog(QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent), ui_(new Ui_EditTagDialog), backend_(NULL), loading_(false), ignore_edits_(false), #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM cover_searcher_(new AlbumCoverSearcher(QIcon(":/nocover.png"), this)), cover_fetcher_(new AlbumCoverFetcher(this)), #endif cover_loader_(new BackgroundThreadImplementation(this)), cover_art_id_(0), cover_art_is_set_(false) { cover_loader_->Start(true); cover_loader_->Worker()->SetDefaultOutputImage(QImage(":nocover.png")); connect(cover_loader_->Worker().get(), SIGNAL(ImageLoaded(quint64,QImage)), SLOT(ArtLoaded(quint64,QImage))); #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM cover_searcher_->Init(cover_fetcher_); #endif ui_->setupUi(this); ui_->splitter->setSizes(QList() << 200 << width() - 200); ui_->loading_container->hide(); // An editable field is one that has a label as a buddy. The label is // important because it gets turned bold when the field is changed. foreach (QLabel* label, findChildren()) { QWidget* widget = label->buddy(); if (widget) { // Store information about the field fields_ << FieldData(label, widget, widget->objectName()); // Connect the Reset signal if (dynamic_cast(widget)) { connect(widget, SIGNAL(Reset()), SLOT(ResetField())); } // Connect the edited signal if (qobject_cast(widget)) { connect(widget, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(FieldValueEdited())); } else if (qobject_cast(widget)) { connect(widget, SIGNAL(textChanged()), SLOT(FieldValueEdited())); } else if (qobject_cast(widget)) { connect(widget, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), SLOT(FieldValueEdited())); } } } // Set the colour of all the labels on the summary page const bool light = palette().color(QPalette::Base).value() > 128; const QColor color = palette().color(QPalette::Dark); QPalette summary_label_palette(palette()); summary_label_palette.setColor(QPalette::WindowText, light ? color.darker(150) : color.lighter(125)); foreach (QLabel* label, ui_->summary_tab->findChildren()) { if (label->property("field_label").toBool()) { label->setPalette(summary_label_palette); } } // Pretend the summary text is just a label ui_->summary->setMaximumHeight(ui_->art->height() - ui_->summary_art_button->height() - 4); connect(ui_->song_list->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection,QItemSelection)), SLOT(SelectionChanged())); connect(ui_->button_box, SIGNAL(clicked(QAbstractButton*)), SLOT(ButtonClicked(QAbstractButton*))); connect(ui_->rating, SIGNAL(RatingChanged(float)), SLOT(SongRated(float))); connect(ui_->playcount_reset, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(ResetPlayCounts())); // Set up the album cover menu cover_menu_ = new QMenu(this); choose_cover_ = cover_menu_->addAction( IconLoader::Load("document-open"), tr("Load cover from disk..."), this, SLOT(LoadCoverFromFile())); download_cover_ = cover_menu_->addAction( IconLoader::Load("download"), tr("Search for album covers..."), this, SLOT(SearchCover())); unset_cover_ = cover_menu_->addAction( IconLoader::Load("list-remove"), tr("Unset cover"), this, SLOT(UnsetCover())); show_cover_ = cover_menu_->addAction( IconLoader::Load("zoom-in"), tr("Show fullsize..."), this, SLOT(ZoomCover())); ui_->summary_art_button->setMenu(cover_menu_); ui_->art->installEventFilter(this); // Add the next/previous buttons previous_button_ = new QPushButton(IconLoader::Load("go-previous"), tr("Previous"), this); next_button_ = new QPushButton(IconLoader::Load("go-next"), tr("Next"), this); ui_->button_box->addButton(previous_button_, QDialogButtonBox::ResetRole); ui_->button_box->addButton(next_button_, QDialogButtonBox::ResetRole); connect(previous_button_, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(PreviousSong())); connect(next_button_, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(NextSong())); // Set some shortcuts for the buttons new QShortcut(QKeySequence::Back, previous_button_, SLOT(click())); new QShortcut(QKeySequence::Forward, next_button_, SLOT(click())); new QShortcut(QKeySequence::MoveToPreviousPage, previous_button_, SLOT(click())); new QShortcut(QKeySequence::MoveToNextPage, next_button_, SLOT(click())); } EditTagDialog::~EditTagDialog() { delete ui_; } bool EditTagDialog::SetLoading(const QString& message) { const bool loading = !message.isEmpty(); if (loading == loading_) return false; loading_ = loading; ui_->loading_container->setVisible(loading); ui_->button_box->setEnabled(!loading); ui_->tab_widget->setEnabled(!loading); ui_->song_list->setEnabled(!loading); ui_->loading_label->setText(message); return true; } QList EditTagDialog::LoadData(const SongList& songs) const { QList ret; foreach (const Song& song, songs) { if (song.IsEditable()) { // Try reloading the tags from file Song copy(song); copy.InitFromFile(copy.filename(), copy.directory_id()); if (copy.is_valid()) ret << Data(copy); } } return ret; } void EditTagDialog::SetSongs(const SongList& s, const PlaylistItemList& items) { // Show the loading indicator if (!SetLoading(tr("Loading tracks") + "...")) return; data_.clear(); playlist_items_ = items; ui_->song_list->clear(); // Reload tags in the background QFuture > future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &EditTagDialog::LoadData, s); QFutureWatcher >* watcher = new QFutureWatcher >(this); watcher->setFuture(future); connect(watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(SetSongsFinished())); } void EditTagDialog::SetSongsFinished() { QFutureWatcher >* watcher = dynamic_cast >*>(sender()); if (!watcher) return; watcher->deleteLater(); if (!SetLoading(QString())) return; data_ = watcher->result(); if (data_.count() == 0) return; // Add the filenames to the list foreach (const Data& data, data_) { ui_->song_list->addItem(data.current_.basefilename()); } // Select all ui_->song_list->selectAll(); // Hide the list if there's only one song in it const bool multiple = data_.count() != 1; ui_->song_list->setVisible(multiple); previous_button_->setEnabled(multiple); next_button_->setEnabled(multiple); ui_->tab_widget->setCurrentWidget(multiple ? ui_->tags_tab : ui_->summary_tab); } void EditTagDialog::SetTagCompleter(LibraryBackend* backend) { backend_ = backend; new TagCompleter(backend, Playlist::Column_Artist, ui_->artist); new TagCompleter(backend, Playlist::Column_Album, ui_->album); new TagCompleter(backend, Playlist::Column_AlbumArtist, ui_->albumartist); new TagCompleter(backend, Playlist::Column_Genre, ui_->genre); new TagCompleter(backend, Playlist::Column_Composer, ui_->composer); } QVariant EditTagDialog::Data::value(const Song& song, const QString& id) { if (id == "title") return song.title(); if (id == "artist") return song.artist(); if (id == "album") return song.album(); if (id == "albumartist") return song.albumartist(); if (id == "composer") return song.composer(); if (id == "genre") return song.genre(); if (id == "comment") return song.comment(); if (id == "track") return song.track(); if (id == "disc") return song.disc(); if (id == "year") return song.year(); qDebug() << "Unknown ID" << id; return QVariant(); } void EditTagDialog::Data::set_value(const QString& id, const QVariant& value) { if (id == "title") current_.set_title(value.toString()); if (id == "artist") current_.set_artist(value.toString()); if (id == "album") current_.set_album(value.toString()); if (id == "albumartist") current_.set_albumartist(value.toString()); if (id == "composer") current_.set_composer(value.toString()); if (id == "genre") current_.set_genre(value.toString()); if (id == "comment") current_.set_comment(value.toString()); if (id == "track") current_.set_track(value.toInt()); if (id == "disc") current_.set_disc(value.toInt()); if (id == "year") current_.set_year(value.toInt()); } bool EditTagDialog::DoesValueVary(const QModelIndexList& sel, const QString& id) const { QVariant value = data_[sel.first().row()].current_value(id); for (int i=1 ; i(field.editor_)) { editor->clear(); editor->clear_hint(); if (varies) { editor->set_hint(EditTagDialog::kHintText); } else { editor->set_text(data_[sel[0].row()].current_value(field.id_).toString()); } } QFont new_font(font()); new_font.setBold(modified); field.label_->setFont(new_font); field.editor_->setFont(new_font); } void EditTagDialog::UpdateFieldValue(const FieldData& field, const QModelIndexList& sel) { // Get the value from the field QVariant value; if (ExtendedEditor* editor = dynamic_cast(field.editor_)) { value = editor->text(); } // Did we get it? if (!value.isValid()) { return; } // Set it in each selected song foreach (const QModelIndex& i, sel) { data_[i.row()].set_value(field.id_, value); } // Update the boldness const bool modified = IsValueModified(sel, field.id_); QFont new_font(font()); new_font.setBold(modified); field.label_->setFont(new_font); field.editor_->setFont(new_font); } void EditTagDialog::ResetFieldValue(const FieldData& field, const QModelIndexList& sel) { // Reset each selected song foreach (const QModelIndex& i, sel) { Data& data = data_[i.row()]; data.set_value(field.id_, data.original_value(field.id_)); } // Reset the field InitFieldValue(field, sel); } void EditTagDialog::SelectionChanged() { const QModelIndexList sel = ui_->song_list->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (sel.isEmpty()) return; // Set the editable fields ignore_edits_ = true; foreach (const FieldData& field, fields_) { InitFieldValue(field, sel); } ignore_edits_ = false; // If we're editing multiple songs then we have to disable certain tabs const bool multiple = sel.count() > 1; ui_->tab_widget->setTabEnabled(ui_->tab_widget->indexOf(ui_->summary_tab), !multiple); if (!multiple) { const Song& song = data_[sel.first().row()].original_; UpdateSummaryTab(song); UpdateStatisticsTab(song); } } static void SetText(QLabel* label, int value, const QString& suffix, const QString& def = QString()) { label->setText(value <= 0 ? def : (QString::number(value) + " " + suffix)); } void EditTagDialog::UpdateSummaryTab(const Song& song) { cover_art_id_ = cover_loader_->Worker()->LoadImageAsync(song); QString summary = "" + Qt::escape(song.PrettyTitleWithArtist()) + "
"; bool art_is_set = true; if (song.art_manual() == AlbumCoverLoader::kManuallyUnsetCover) { summary += Qt::escape(tr("Cover art manually unset")); art_is_set = false; } else if (!song.art_manual().isEmpty()) { summary += Qt::escape(tr("Cover art set from %1").arg(song.art_manual())); } else if (song.art_automatic() == AlbumCoverLoader::kEmbeddedCover) { summary += Qt::escape(tr("Cover art from embedded image")); } else if (!song.art_automatic().isEmpty()) { summary += Qt::escape(tr("Cover art loaded automatically from %1").arg(song.art_manual())); } else { summary += Qt::escape(tr("Cover art not set")); art_is_set = false; } ui_->summary->setText(summary); #ifndef HAVE_LIBLASTFM choose_cover_->setEnabled(false); download_cover_->setEnabled(false); #endif unset_cover_->setEnabled(art_is_set); show_cover_->setEnabled(art_is_set); ui_->summary_art_button->setEnabled(song.id() != -1); ui_->length->setText(Utilities::PrettyTime(song.length())); SetText(ui_->bpm, song.bpm(), tr("bpm")); SetText(ui_->samplerate, song.samplerate(), "Hz"); SetText(ui_->bitrate, song.bitrate(), tr("kbps")); ui_->mtime->setText(QDateTime::fromTime_t(song.mtime()).toString( QLocale::system().dateTimeFormat(QLocale::LongFormat))); ui_->ctime->setText(QDateTime::fromTime_t(song.ctime()).toString( QLocale::system().dateTimeFormat(QLocale::LongFormat))); ui_->filesize->setText(Utilities::PrettySize(song.filesize())); ui_->filetype->setText(song.TextForFiletype()); ui_->filename->setText(QDir::toNativeSeparators(song.filename())); } void EditTagDialog::UpdateStatisticsTab(const Song& song) { ui_->playcount->setText(QString::number(qMax(0, song.playcount()))); ui_->skipcount->setText(QString::number(qMax(0, song.skipcount()))); ui_->score->setText(QString::number(qMax(0, song.score()))); ui_->rating->set_rating(song.rating()); ui_->lastplayed->setText(song.lastplayed() <= 0 ? tr("Never") : QDateTime::fromTime_t(song.lastplayed()).toString( QLocale::system().dateTimeFormat(QLocale::LongFormat))); } void EditTagDialog::ArtLoaded(quint64 id, const QImage& image) { if (id == cover_art_id_) { ui_->art->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image)); } } void EditTagDialog::FieldValueEdited() { if (ignore_edits_) return; const QModelIndexList sel = ui_->song_list->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (sel.isEmpty()) return; QWidget* w = qobject_cast(sender()); // Find the field foreach (const FieldData& field, fields_) { if (field.editor_ == w) { UpdateFieldValue(field, sel); return; } } } void EditTagDialog::ResetField() { const QModelIndexList sel = ui_->song_list->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (sel.isEmpty()) return; QWidget* w = qobject_cast(sender()); // Find the field foreach (const FieldData& field, fields_) { if (field.editor_ == w) { ignore_edits_ = true; ResetFieldValue(field, sel); ignore_edits_ = false; return; } } } void EditTagDialog::LoadCoverFromFile() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM const QModelIndexList sel = ui_->song_list->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (sel.isEmpty()) return; const Song& song = data_[sel.first().row()].original_; // Figure out the initial path. Logic copied from // AlbumCoverManager::InitialPathForOpenCoverDialog QString dir; if (!song.art_automatic().isEmpty() && song.art_automatic() != AlbumCoverLoader::kEmbeddedCover) { dir = song.art_automatic(); } else { dir = song.filename().section('/', 0, -1); } QString cover = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( this, tr("Choose manual cover"), dir, tr(AlbumCoverManager::kImageFileFilter) + ";;" + tr(AlbumCoverManager::kAllFilesFilter)); if (cover.isNull()) return; // Can we load the image? QImage image(cover); if (image.isNull()) return; // Update database SetAlbumArt(cover); #endif } void EditTagDialog::SearchCover() { #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM const QModelIndexList sel = ui_->song_list->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (sel.isEmpty()) return; const Song& song = data_[sel.first().row()].original_; // Get something sensible to stick in the search box QString query = song.artist(); if (!query.isEmpty()) query += " "; query += song.album(); QImage image = cover_searcher_->Exec(query); if (image.isNull()) return; SetAlbumArt(AlbumCoverManager::SaveCoverInCache(song.artist(), song.album(), image)); #endif } void EditTagDialog::UnsetCover() { SetAlbumArt(AlbumCoverLoader::kManuallyUnsetCover); } void EditTagDialog::ZoomCover() { const QModelIndexList sel = ui_->song_list->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (sel.isEmpty()) return; const Song& song = data_[sel.first().row()].original_; QDialog* dialog = new QDialog(this); dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); dialog->setWindowTitle(song.title()); QLabel* label = new QLabel(dialog); label->setPixmap(AlbumCoverLoader::TryLoadPixmap( song.art_automatic(), song.art_manual(), song.filename())); dialog->resize(label->pixmap()->size()); dialog->show(); } void EditTagDialog::SetAlbumArt(const QString& path) { const QModelIndexList sel = ui_->song_list->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (sel.isEmpty()) return; Song* song = &data_[sel.first().row()].original_; if (!song->is_valid() || song->id() == -1) return; song->set_art_manual(path); backend_->UpdateManualAlbumArtAsync(song->artist(), song->album(), path); UpdateSummaryTab(*song); // Now check if we have any other songs cached that share that artist and // album (and would therefore be changed as well) for (int i=0 ; iartist() == other_song->artist() && song->album() == other_song->album()) { other_song->set_art_manual(path); } } } void EditTagDialog::NextSong() { int row = (ui_->song_list->currentRow() + 1) % ui_->song_list->count(); ui_->song_list->setCurrentRow(row); } void EditTagDialog::PreviousSong() { int row = (ui_->song_list->currentRow() - 1 + ui_->song_list->count()) % ui_->song_list->count(); ui_->song_list->setCurrentRow(row); } void EditTagDialog::ButtonClicked(QAbstractButton* button) { if (button == ui_->button_box->button(QDialogButtonBox::Discard)) { reject(); } } void EditTagDialog::SaveData(const QList& data) { for (int i=0 ; i future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &EditTagDialog::SaveData, data_); QFutureWatcher* watcher = new QFutureWatcher(this); watcher->setFuture(future); connect(watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(AcceptFinished())); } void EditTagDialog::AcceptFinished() { QFutureWatcher* watcher = dynamic_cast*>(sender()); if (!watcher) return; watcher->deleteLater(); if (!SetLoading(QString())) return; QDialog::accept(); } bool EditTagDialog::eventFilter(QObject* o, QEvent* e) { if (o == ui_->art && e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { cover_menu_->popup(static_cast(e)->globalPos()); } return false; } void EditTagDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent* e) { // Set the dialog's height to the smallest possible resize(width(), sizeHint().height()); QDialog::showEvent(e); } void EditTagDialog::SongRated(float rating) { const QModelIndexList sel = ui_->song_list->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (sel.isEmpty()) return; Song* song = &data_[sel.first().row()].original_; if (!song->is_valid() || song->id() == -1) return; song->set_rating(rating); backend_->UpdateSongRatingAsync(song->id(), rating); } void EditTagDialog::ResetPlayCounts() { const QModelIndexList sel = ui_->song_list->selectionModel()->selectedIndexes(); if (sel.isEmpty()) return; Song* song = &data_[sel.first().row()].original_; if (!song->is_valid() || song->id() == -1) return; if (QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Reset play counts"), tr("Are you sure you want to reset this song's statistics?"), QMessageBox::Reset, QMessageBox::Cancel) != QMessageBox::Reset) { return; } song->set_playcount(0); song->set_skipcount(0); song->set_lastplayed(-1); song->set_score(0); backend_->ResetStatisticsAsync(song->id()); UpdateStatisticsTab(*song); }