/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2010, David Sansome Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 # define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 # include # include #endif // Q_OS_WIN32 #include "config.h" #include "core/commandlineoptions.h" #include "core/database.h" #include "core/encoding.h" #include "core/mac_startup.h" #include "core/network.h" #include "core/networkproxyfactory.h" #include "core/player.h" #include "core/potranslator.h" #include "core/song.h" #include "core/taskmanager.h" #include "core/utilities.h" #include "engines/enginebase.h" #include "library/directory.h" #include "playlist/playlist.h" #include "playlist/playlistmanager.h" #include "radio/radiomodel.h" #include "smartplaylists/generator.h" #include "ui/equalizer.h" #include "ui/iconloader.h" #include "ui/mainwindow.h" #include "ui/systemtrayicon.h" #include "widgets/osd.h" #include "qtsingleapplication.h" #include "qtsinglecoreapplication.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using boost::scoped_ptr; #include #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM #include "radio/lastfmservice.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_DBUS #include "core/mpris_common.h" #include "core/mpris.h" #include "core/mpris2.h" #include #include #include QDBusArgument& operator<< (QDBusArgument& arg, const QImage& image); const QDBusArgument& operator>> (const QDBusArgument& arg, QImage& image); #endif #ifdef HAVE_REMOTE #include "remote/httpserver.h" #include "remote/zeroconf.h" #endif class GstEnginePipeline; // Load sqlite plugin on windows and mac. #ifdef HAVE_STATIC_SQLITE # include Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(qsqlite) #endif void LoadTranslation(const QString& prefix, const QString& path, const QString& override_language = QString()) { #if QT_VERSION < 0x040700 // QTranslator::load will try to open and read "clementine" if it exists, // without checking if it's a file first. // This was fixed in Qt 4.7 QFileInfo maybe_clementine_directory(path + "/clementine"); if (maybe_clementine_directory.exists() && !maybe_clementine_directory.isFile()) return; #endif QString language = override_language.isEmpty() ? QLocale::system().name() : override_language; QTranslator* t = new PoTranslator; if (t->load(prefix + "_" + language, path)) QCoreApplication::installTranslator(t); else delete t; } void GLog(const gchar* domain, GLogLevelFlags level, const gchar* message, gpointer user_data) { qDebug() << "GLOG" << message; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN // Do Mac specific startup to get media keys working. // This must go before QApplication initialisation. mac::MacMain(); { // Bump the soft limit for the number of file descriptors from the default of 256 to // the maximum (usually 10240). struct rlimit limit; getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit); // getrlimit() lies about the hard limit so we have to check sysctl. int max_fd = 0; size_t len = sizeof(max_fd); sysctlbyname("kern.maxfilesperproc", &max_fd, &len, NULL, 0); limit.rlim_cur = max_fd; int ret = setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit); if (ret == 0) { qDebug() << "Max fd:" << max_fd; } } #endif QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("Clementine"); QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_DISPLAY); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName("Clementine"); QCoreApplication::setOrganizationDomain("davidsansome.com"); #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN // Must happen after QCoreApplication::setOrganizationName(). if (mac::MigrateLegacyConfigFiles()) { QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); db.setDatabaseName(Utilities::GetConfigPath( Utilities::Path_Root) + "/" + Database::kDatabaseFilename); db.open(); QSqlQuery query( "UPDATE songs SET art_manual = replace(" "art_manual, '.config', 'Library/Application Support') " "WHERE art_manual LIKE '%.config%'", db); query.exec(); db.close(); QSqlDatabase::removeDatabase(db.connectionName()); } #endif // This makes us show up nicely in gnome-volume-control g_type_init(); g_set_application_name(QCoreApplication::applicationName().toLocal8Bit()); g_log_set_default_handler(&GLog, NULL); qRegisterMetaType("Directory"); qRegisterMetaType("DirectoryList"); qRegisterMetaType("Subdirectory"); qRegisterMetaType("SubdirectoryList"); qRegisterMetaType("SongList"); qRegisterMetaType("PlaylistItemList"); qRegisterMetaType("Engine::State"); qRegisterMetaType("Engine::SimpleMetaBundle"); qRegisterMetaType("Equalizer::Params"); qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators("Equalizer::Params"); qRegisterMetaType("const char*"); qRegisterMetaType("QNetworkReply*"); qRegisterMetaType("QNetworkReply**"); qRegisterMetaType("smart_playlists::GeneratorPtr"); qRegisterMetaType("ColumnAlignmentMap"); qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators >("ColumnAlignmentMap"); qRegisterMetaType("GstBuffer*"); qRegisterMetaType("GstElement*"); qRegisterMetaType("GstEnginePipeline*"); #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM lastfm::ws::ApiKey = LastFMService::kApiKey; lastfm::ws::SharedSecret = LastFMService::kSecret; #endif CommandlineOptions options(argc, argv); { // Only start a core application now so we can check if there's another // Clementine running without needing an X server. // This MUST be done before parsing the commandline options so QTextCodec // gets the right system locale for filenames. QtSingleCoreApplication a(argc, argv); // Parse commandline options - need to do this before starting the // full QApplication so it works without an X server if (!options.Parse()) return 1; if (a.isRunning()) { if (options.is_empty()) { qDebug() << "Clementine is already running - activating existing window"; } if (a.sendMessage(options.Serialize(), 5000)) { return 0; } // Couldn't send the message so start anyway } } // Detect technically invalid usage of non-ASCII in ID3v1 tags. UniversalEncodingHandler handler; TagLib::ID3v1::Tag::setStringHandler(&handler); QtSingleApplication a(argc, argv); #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN QCoreApplication::setLibraryPaths( QStringList() << QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/../PlugIns"); #endif a.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); // Do this check again because another instance might have started by now if (a.isRunning() && a.sendMessage(options.Serialize(), 5000)) { return 0; } #ifndef Q_OS_DARWIN // Gnome on Ubuntu has menu icons disabled by default. I think that's a bad // idea, and makes some menus in Clementine look confusing. QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontShowIconsInMenus, false); #else QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DontShowIconsInMenus, true); #endif // Resources Q_INIT_RESOURCE(data); Q_INIT_RESOURCE(translations); // Has the user forced a different language? QString language = options.language(); if (language.isEmpty()) { QSettings s; s.beginGroup("General"); language = s.value("language").toString(); } // Translations LoadTranslation("qt", QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath), language); LoadTranslation("clementine", ":/translations", language); LoadTranslation("clementine", a.applicationDirPath(), language); LoadTranslation("clementine", QDir::currentPath(), language); // Icons IconLoader::Init(); Echonest::Config::instance()->setAPIKey("DFLFLJBUF4EGTXHIG"); Echonest::Config::instance()->setNetworkAccessManager(new NetworkAccessManager); // Network proxy QNetworkProxyFactory::setApplicationProxyFactory( NetworkProxyFactory::Instance()); // Seed the random number generator srand(time(NULL)); scoped_ptr > database( new BackgroundThreadImplementation(NULL)); database->Start(true); TaskManager task_manager; PlaylistManager playlists(&task_manager, NULL); RadioModel radio_model(database.get(), &task_manager, NULL); Player player(&playlists #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM ,radio_model.GetLastFMService() #endif ); scoped_ptr tray_icon(SystemTrayIcon::CreateSystemTrayIcon()); OSD osd(tray_icon.get()); #ifdef HAVE_DBUS qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); mpris::ArtLoader art_loader; mpris::Mpris mpris(&player, &art_loader); QObject::connect(&playlists, SIGNAL(CurrentSongChanged(Song)), &art_loader, SLOT(LoadArt(Song))); QObject::connect(&art_loader, SIGNAL(ThumbnailLoaded(Song, QString)), &osd, SLOT(CoverArtPathReady(Song, QString))); #endif #ifdef HAVE_REMOTE Zeroconf* zeroconf = Zeroconf::GetZeroconf(); if (zeroconf) { HttpServer* server = new HttpServer(&player); int port = 12345; while (!server->Listen(QHostAddress::Any, port)) { ++port; } zeroconf->Publish("local", "_clementine._tcp", "Clementine", port); } #endif // Window MainWindow w( database.get(), &task_manager, &playlists, &radio_model, &player, tray_icon.get(), &osd); #ifdef HAVE_DBUS QObject::connect(&mpris, SIGNAL(RaiseMainWindow()), &w, SLOT(Raise())); #endif QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL(messageReceived(QByteArray)), &w, SLOT(CommandlineOptionsReceived(QByteArray))); w.CommandlineOptionsReceived(options); return a.exec(); }