/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2011, David Sansome Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "groovesharksearchprovider.h" #include #include "core/application.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "covers/albumcoverloader.h" #include "internet/groovesharkservice.h" GroovesharkSearchProvider::GroovesharkSearchProvider(Application* app, QObject* parent) : SearchProvider(app, parent), service_(NULL) { } void GroovesharkSearchProvider::Init(GroovesharkService* service) { service_ = service; SearchProvider::Init("Grooveshark", "grooveshark", QIcon(":providers/grooveshark.png"), WantsDelayedQueries | ArtIsProbablyRemote | CanShowConfig); connect(service_, SIGNAL(SimpleSearchResults(int, SongList)), SLOT(SearchDone(int, SongList))); connect(service_, SIGNAL(AlbumSearchResult(int, QList)), SLOT(AlbumSearchResult(int, QList))); connect(service_, SIGNAL(AlbumSongsLoaded(quint64, SongList)), SLOT(AlbumSongsLoaded(quint64, SongList))); cover_loader_options_.desired_height_ = kArtHeight; cover_loader_options_.pad_output_image_ = true; cover_loader_options_.scale_output_image_ = true; connect(app_->album_cover_loader(), SIGNAL(ImageLoaded(quint64, QImage)), SLOT(AlbumArtLoaded(quint64, QImage))); } void GroovesharkSearchProvider::SearchAsync(int id, const QString& query) { const int service_id = service_->SimpleSearch(query); pending_searches_[service_id] = PendingState(id, TokenizeQuery(query));; const int album_id = service_->SearchAlbums(query); pending_searches_[album_id] = PendingState(id, TokenizeQuery(query)); } void GroovesharkSearchProvider::SearchDone(int id, const SongList& songs) { // Map back to the original id. const PendingState state = pending_searches_.take(id); const int global_search_id = state.orig_id_; ResultList ret; foreach (const Song& song, songs) { Result result(this); result.metadata_ = song; ret << result; } emit ResultsAvailable(global_search_id, ret); MaybeSearchFinished(global_search_id); } void GroovesharkSearchProvider::AlbumSearchResult(int id, const QList& albums_ids) { // Map back to the original id. const PendingState state = pending_searches_.take(id); const int global_search_id = state.orig_id_; if (albums_ids.isEmpty()) { MaybeSearchFinished(global_search_id); return; } foreach (const quint64 album_id, albums_ids) { pending_searches_[album_id] = PendingState(global_search_id, QStringList()); } } void GroovesharkSearchProvider::MaybeSearchFinished(int id) { if (pending_searches_.keys(PendingState(id, QStringList())).isEmpty()) { emit SearchFinished(id); } } void GroovesharkSearchProvider::LoadArtAsync(int id, const Result& result) { quint64 loader_id = app_->album_cover_loader()->LoadImageAsync( cover_loader_options_, result.metadata_); cover_loader_tasks_[loader_id] = id; } void GroovesharkSearchProvider::AlbumArtLoaded(quint64 id, const QImage& image) { if (!cover_loader_tasks_.contains(id)) { return; } int original_id = cover_loader_tasks_.take(id); emit ArtLoaded(original_id, image); } bool GroovesharkSearchProvider::IsLoggedIn() { return (service_ && service_->IsLoggedIn()); } void GroovesharkSearchProvider::ShowConfig() { service_->ShowConfig(); } void GroovesharkSearchProvider::AlbumSongsLoaded(quint64 id, const SongList& songs) { const PendingState state = pending_searches_.take(id); const int global_search_id = state.orig_id_; ResultList ret; foreach (const Song& s, songs) { Result result(this); result.metadata_ = s; ret << result; } emit ResultsAvailable(global_search_id, ret); MaybeSearchFinished(global_search_id); }