/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2010, David Sansome Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "globalsearchsortmodel.h" #include "globalsearchview.h" #include "searchprovider.h" #include "core/logging.h" GlobalSearchSortModel::GlobalSearchSortModel(QObject* parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent) { } bool GlobalSearchSortModel::lessThan(const QModelIndex& left, const QModelIndex& right) const { // Compare the provider sort index first. const int index_left = left.data(GlobalSearchView::Role_ProviderIndex).toInt(); const int index_right = right.data(GlobalSearchView::Role_ProviderIndex).toInt(); if (index_left < index_right) return true; if (index_left > index_right) return false; // Dividers always go first if (left.data(LibraryModel::Role_IsDivider).toBool()) return true; if (right.data(LibraryModel::Role_IsDivider).toBool()) return false; // Containers go before songs if they're at the same level const bool left_is_container = left.data(LibraryModel::Role_ContainerType).isValid(); const bool right_is_container = right.data(LibraryModel::Role_ContainerType).isValid(); if (left_is_container && !right_is_container) return true; if (right_is_container && !left_is_container) return false; // Containers get sorted on their sort text. if (left_is_container) { return QString::localeAwareCompare( left.data(LibraryModel::Role_SortText).toString(), right.data(LibraryModel::Role_SortText).toString()) < 0; } // Otherwise we're comparing songs. Sort by disc, track, then title. const SearchProvider::Result r1 = left.data(GlobalSearchView::Role_Result) .value(); const SearchProvider::Result r2 = right.data(GlobalSearchView::Role_Result) .value(); #define CompareInt(field) \ if (r1.metadata_.field() < r2.metadata_.field()) return true; \ if (r1.metadata_.field() > r2.metadata_.field()) return false int ret = 0; #define CompareString(field) \ ret = QString::localeAwareCompare(r1.metadata_.field(), r2.metadata_.field()); \ if (ret < 0) return true; \ if (ret > 0) return false CompareInt(disc); CompareInt(track); CompareString(title); return false; #undef CompareInt #undef CompareString }