/* * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 by Jakob Schroeter * This file is part of the gloox library. http://camaya.net/gloox * * This software is distributed under a license. The full license * agreement can be found in the file LICENSE in this distribution. * This software may not be copied, modified, sold or distributed * other than expressed in the named license agreement. * * This software is distributed without any warranty. */ #include "tlsdefault.h" #include "tlshandler.h" #include "config.h" #if defined( HAVE_GNUTLS ) # define HAVE_TLS # include "tlsgnutlsclient.h" # include "tlsgnutlsclientanon.h" # include "tlsgnutlsserveranon.h" #elif defined( HAVE_OPENSSL ) # define HAVE_TLS # include "tlsopensslclient.h" #ifndef __SYMBIAN32__ # include "tlsopensslserver.h" #endif #elif defined( HAVE_WINTLS ) # define HAVE_TLS # include "tlsschannel.h" #endif namespace gloox { TLSDefault::TLSDefault( TLSHandler* th, const std::string server, Type type ) : TLSBase( th, server ), m_impl( 0 ) { switch( type ) { case VerifyingClient: #ifdef HAVE_GNUTLS m_impl = new GnuTLSClient( th, server ); #elif defined( HAVE_OPENSSL ) m_impl = new OpenSSLClient( th, server ); #elif defined( HAVE_WINTLS ) m_impl = new SChannel( th, server ); #endif break; case AnonymousClient: #ifdef HAVE_GNUTLS m_impl = new GnuTLSClientAnon( th ); #endif break; case AnonymousServer: #ifdef HAVE_GNUTLS m_impl = new GnuTLSServerAnon( th ); #endif break; case VerifyingServer: #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL #ifndef __SYMBIAN32__ m_impl = new OpenSSLServer( th ); #endif #endif break; default: break; } } TLSDefault::~TLSDefault() { delete m_impl; } bool TLSDefault::init( const std::string& clientKey, const std::string& clientCerts, const StringList& cacerts ) { return m_impl ? m_impl->init( clientKey, clientCerts, cacerts ) : false; } int TLSDefault::types() { int types = 0; #ifdef HAVE_GNUTLS types |= VerifyingClient; types |= AnonymousClient; types |= AnonymousServer; #elif defined( HAVE_OPENSSL ) types |= VerifyingClient; types |= VerifyingServer; #elif defined( HAVE_WINTLS ) types |= VerifyingClient; #endif return types; } bool TLSDefault::encrypt( const std::string& data ) { return m_impl ? m_impl->encrypt( data ) : false; } int TLSDefault::decrypt( const std::string& data ) { return m_impl ? m_impl->decrypt( data ) : 0; } void TLSDefault::cleanup() { if( m_impl ) m_impl->cleanup(); } bool TLSDefault::handshake() { return m_impl ? m_impl->handshake() : false; } bool TLSDefault::isSecure() const { return m_impl ? m_impl->isSecure() : false; } void TLSDefault::setCACerts( const StringList& cacerts ) { if( m_impl ) m_impl->setCACerts( cacerts ); } const CertInfo& TLSDefault::fetchTLSInfo() const { return m_impl ? m_impl->fetchTLSInfo() : m_certInfo; } void TLSDefault::setClientCert( const std::string& clientKey, const std::string& clientCerts ) { if( m_impl ) m_impl->setClientCert( clientKey, clientCerts ); } }