/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2012, David Sansome Copyright 2014, Krzysztof Sobiecki Copyright 2014, John Maguire Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "podcastupdater.h" #include #include #include "core/application.h" #include "core/closure.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/qhash_qurl.h" #include "core/timeconstants.h" #include "podcastbackend.h" #include "podcasturlloader.h" const char* PodcastUpdater::kSettingsGroup = "Podcasts"; PodcastUpdater::PodcastUpdater(Application* app, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), app_(app), update_interval_secs_(0), update_timer_(new QTimer(this)), loader_(new PodcastUrlLoader(this)), pending_replies_(0) { connect(app_, SIGNAL(SettingsChanged()), SLOT(ReloadSettings())); connect(update_timer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(UpdateAllPodcastsNow())); connect(app_->podcast_backend(), SIGNAL(SubscriptionAdded(Podcast)), SLOT(SubscriptionAdded(Podcast))); update_timer_->setSingleShot(true); ReloadSettings(); } void PodcastUpdater::ReloadSettings() { QSettings s; s.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); last_full_update_ = s.value("last_full_update").toDateTime(); update_interval_secs_ = s.value("update_interval_secs").toInt(); RestartTimer(); } void PodcastUpdater::SaveSettings() { QSettings s; s.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); s.setValue("last_full_update", last_full_update_); } void PodcastUpdater::RestartTimer() { // Stop any existing timer update_timer_->stop(); if (pending_replies_ > 0) { // We're still waiting for replies from the last update - don't do anything. return; } if (update_interval_secs_ > 0) { if (!last_full_update_.isValid()) { // Updates are enabled and we've never updated before. Do it now. qLog(Info) << "Updating podcasts for the first time"; UpdateAllPodcastsNow(); } else { const QDateTime next_update = last_full_update_.addSecs(update_interval_secs_); const int secs_until_next_update = QDateTime::currentDateTime().secsTo(next_update); if (secs_until_next_update < 0) { qLog(Info) << "Updating podcasts" << (-secs_until_next_update) << "seconds late"; UpdateAllPodcastsNow(); } else { qLog(Info) << "Updating podcasts at" << next_update << "(in" << secs_until_next_update << "seconds)"; update_timer_->start(secs_until_next_update * kMsecPerSec); } } } } void PodcastUpdater::SubscriptionAdded(const Podcast& podcast) { // Only update a new podcast immediately if it doesn't have an episode list. // We assume that the episode list has already been fetched recently // otherwise. if (podcast.episodes().isEmpty()) { UpdatePodcastNow(podcast); } } void PodcastUpdater::UpdatePodcastNow(const Podcast& podcast) { PodcastUrlLoaderReply* reply = loader_->Load(podcast.url()); NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(Finished(bool)), this, SLOT(PodcastLoaded(PodcastUrlLoaderReply*, Podcast, bool)), reply, podcast, false); } void PodcastUpdater::UpdateAllPodcastsNow() { for (const Podcast& podcast : app_->podcast_backend()->GetAllSubscriptions()) { PodcastUrlLoaderReply* reply = loader_->Load(podcast.url()); NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(Finished(bool)), this, SLOT(PodcastLoaded(PodcastUrlLoaderReply*, Podcast, bool)), reply, podcast, true); pending_replies_++; } } void PodcastUpdater::PodcastLoaded(PodcastUrlLoaderReply* reply, const Podcast& podcast, bool one_of_many) { reply->deleteLater(); if (one_of_many) { if (--pending_replies_ == 0) { // This was the last reply we were waiting for. Save this time as being // the last sucessful update and restart the timer. last_full_update_ = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); SaveSettings(); RestartTimer(); } } if (!reply->is_success()) { qLog(Warning) << "Error fetching podcast at" << podcast.url() << ":" << reply->error_text(); return; } if (reply->result_type() != PodcastUrlLoaderReply::Type_Podcast) { qLog(Warning) << "The URL" << podcast.url() << "no longer contains a podcast"; return; } // Get the episode URLs we had for this podcast already. QSet existing_urls; for (const PodcastEpisode& episode : app_->podcast_backend()->GetEpisodes(podcast.database_id())) { existing_urls.insert(episode.url()); } // Add any new episodes PodcastEpisodeList new_episodes; for (const Podcast& reply_podcast : reply->podcast_results()) { for (const PodcastEpisode& episode : reply_podcast.episodes()) { if (!existing_urls.contains(episode.url())) { PodcastEpisode episode_copy(episode); episode_copy.set_podcast_database_id(podcast.database_id()); new_episodes.append(episode_copy); } } } app_->podcast_backend()->AddEpisodes(&new_episodes); qLog(Info) << "Added" << new_episodes.count() << "new episodes for" << podcast.url(); }