/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2010, David Sansome Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include #include "playlist.h" #include "songloaderinserter.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/songloader.h" #include "core/taskmanager.h" SongLoaderInserter::SongLoaderInserter( TaskManager* task_manager, LibraryBackendInterface* library) : task_manager_(task_manager), destination_(NULL), row_(-1), play_now_(true), enqueue_(false), async_load_id_(0), async_progress_(0), library_(library) { } SongLoaderInserter::~SongLoaderInserter() { qDeleteAll(pending_); qDeleteAll(pending_async_); } void SongLoaderInserter::Load(Playlist *destination, int row, bool play_now, bool enqueue, const QList &urls) { destination_ = destination; row_ = row; play_now_ = play_now; enqueue_ = enqueue; connect(destination, SIGNAL(destroyed()), SLOT(DestinationDestroyed())); connect(this, SIGNAL(EffectiveLoadFinished(const SongList&)), destination, SLOT(UpdateItems(const SongList&))); foreach (const QUrl& url, urls) { SongLoader* loader = new SongLoader(library_, this); // we're connecting this before we're even sure if this is an async load // to avoid race conditions (signal emission before we're listening to it) connect(loader, SIGNAL(LoadFinished(bool)), SLOT(PendingLoadFinished(bool))); SongLoader::Result ret = loader->Load(url); if (ret == SongLoader::WillLoadAsync) { pending_.insert(loader); continue; } if (ret == SongLoader::Success) songs_ << loader->songs(); else emit Error(tr("Error loading %1").arg(url.toString())); delete loader; } if (pending_.isEmpty()) Finished(); else { async_progress_ = 0; async_load_id_ = task_manager_->StartTask(tr("Loading tracks")); task_manager_->SetTaskProgress(async_load_id_, async_progress_, pending_.count()); } } // Load audio CD tracks: // First, we add tracks (without metadata) into the playlist // In the meantine, MusicBrainz will be queried to get songs' metadata. // AudioCDTagsLoaded will be called next, and playlist's items will be updated. void SongLoaderInserter::LoadAudioCD(Playlist *destination, int row, bool play_now, bool enqueue) { destination_ = destination; row_ = row; play_now_ = play_now; enqueue_ = enqueue; SongLoader *loader = new SongLoader(library_, this); connect(loader, SIGNAL(LoadFinished(bool)), SLOT(AudioCDTagsLoaded(bool))); qLog(Info) << "Loading audio CD..."; SongLoader::Result ret = loader->LoadAudioCD(); if (ret == SongLoader::Error) { emit Error(tr("Error while loading audio CD")); delete loader; } songs_ = loader->songs(); PartiallyFinished(); } void SongLoaderInserter::DestinationDestroyed() { destination_ = NULL; } void SongLoaderInserter::AudioCDTagsLoaded(bool success) { SongLoader* loader = qobject_cast(sender()); if (!loader || !destination_) return; if (success) destination_->UpdateItems(loader->songs()); else qLog(Error) << "Error while getting audio CD metadata from MusicBrainz"; deleteLater(); } void SongLoaderInserter::PendingLoadFinished(bool success) { SongLoader* loader = qobject_cast(sender()); if (!loader || !pending_.contains(loader)) return; pending_.remove(loader); pending_async_.insert(loader); if (success) songs_ << loader->songs(); else emit Error(tr("Error loading %1").arg(loader->url().toString())); task_manager_->SetTaskProgress(async_load_id_, ++async_progress_); if (pending_.isEmpty()) { task_manager_->SetTaskFinished(async_load_id_); async_progress_ = 0; async_load_id_ = task_manager_->StartTask(tr("Loading tracks info")); task_manager_->SetTaskProgress(async_load_id_, async_progress_, pending_async_.count()); PartiallyFinished(); QtConcurrent::run(this, &SongLoaderInserter::EffectiveLoad); } } void SongLoaderInserter::PartiallyFinished() { // Insert songs (that haven't been completelly loaded) to allow user to see // and play them while not loaded completely if (destination_) { destination_->InsertSongsOrLibraryItems(songs_, row_, play_now_, enqueue_); } } void SongLoaderInserter::EffectiveLoad() { foreach (SongLoader* loader, pending_async_) { loader->EffectiveSongsLoad(); task_manager_->SetTaskProgress(async_load_id_, ++async_progress_); emit EffectiveLoadFinished(loader->songs()); } task_manager_->SetTaskFinished(async_load_id_); deleteLater(); } void SongLoaderInserter::Finished() { if (destination_) { destination_->InsertSongsOrLibraryItems(songs_, row_, play_now_, enqueue_); } deleteLater(); }