SettingsDialog 0 0 774 618 Preferences :/icon.png:/icon.png 220 16777215 32 32 QListView::Static 2 QListView::ListMode true true true Playback Behavior :/icon.png:/icon.png Song Information Global Shortcuts Notifications Music Library Magnatune :/providers/magnatune.png:/providers/magnatune.png Background Streams Network Proxy Transcoding Qt::Horizontal 9 Show a glowing animation on the current track true Fading Fade out when stopping a track true Cross-fade when changing tracks manually true Cross-fade when changing tracks automatically false Except between tracks on the same album or in the same CUE sheet 0 Fading duration 22 ms 10000 1000 2000 Qt::Horizontal 257 20 false Replay Gain Use Replay Gain metadata if it is available false 0 Replay Gain mode Radio (equal loudness for all tracks) Album (ideal loudness for all tracks) Pre-amp 300 150 Qt::Horizontal 150 Apply compression to prevent clipping false GStreamer audio engine Output plugin Choose automatically false Leave blank for the default. Examples: "/dev/dsp", "front", etc. false Output device Buffer duration ms 60000 100 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Show tray icon true Keep running in the background when the window is closed When Clementine starts Always show the main window Always hide the main window Remember from last time true Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 10 Grey out non existent songs in my playlists Double clicking a song will... 0 Append to the playlist Replace the playlist Open in new playlist Add to the queue 1 Never start playing Play if there is nothing already playing Always start playing Using the menu to add a song will... 0 Never start playing Play if there is nothing already playing Always start playing Language Use the system default You will need to restart Clementine if you change the language. Qt::Vertical 20 290 0 0 Appearance Font size pt 1 5.000000000000000 50.000000000000000 0.500000000000000 Preview 16777215 100 true Network Timeout ms 1000 60000 2500 0 0 Lyrics 0 0 0 0 Clementine can show a message when the track changes. Notification type Disabled Show a native desktop notification Show a pretty OSD Show a popup from the system tray General settings 0 Popup duration seconds 1 20 5 Show a notification when I change the volume Show a notification when I change the repeat/shuffle mode Include album art in the notification Pretty OSD options Background opacity Qt::Horizontal Background color Basic Blue Clementine Orange Custom... Text color Choose color... Qt::Vertical 20 286 0 0 0 You can listen to background streams at the same time as other music. Qt::Vertical 20 40 Use the system proxy settings true Direct internet connection Manual proxy configuration false 24 HTTP proxy SOCKS proxy Port 65535 8080 Use authentication true false QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Username Password QLineEdit::Password Qt::Vertical 20 247 These settings are used in the "Transcode Music" dialog, and when converting music before copying it to a device. true 0 MP3 0 0 Vorbis 0 0 FLAC 0 0 Speex 0 0 AAC 0 0 WMA 0 0 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok LineEdit QLineEdit
LibraryConfig QWidget
StickySlider QSlider
MagnatuneConfig QWidget
GlobalShortcutsConfig QWidget
LyricSettings QWidget
TranscoderOptionsMP3 QWidget
TranscoderOptionsVorbis QWidget
TranscoderOptionsSpeex QWidget
TranscoderOptionsAAC QWidget
TranscoderOptionsFlac QWidget
TranscoderOptionsWma QWidget
list current_glow fading_out fading_cross fading_auto fading_samealbum fading_duration replaygain replaygain_mode replaygain_preamp replaygain_compression gst_plugin gst_device buffer_duration doubleclick_playmode menu_playmode language b_always_hide_ notifications_none notifications_native notifications_pretty notifications_tray notifications_duration notifications_volume notifications_art notifications_opacity notifications_bg_preset notifications_fg_choose song_info_font_size song_info_font_preview buttonBox song_info_timeout proxy_system proxy_direct proxy_manual proxy_type proxy_hostname proxy_port proxy_auth proxy_username proxy_password b_always_show_ b_show_tray_icon_ b_keep_running_ doubleclick_addmode b_remember_ list currentRowChanged(int) stacked_widget setCurrentIndex(int) 82 72 307 96 buttonBox accepted() SettingsDialog accept() 763 593 521 545 buttonBox rejected() SettingsDialog reject() 763 593 322 549 replaygain toggled(bool) widget setEnabled(bool) 558 295 558 359 proxy_manual toggled(bool) proxy_manual_container setEnabled(bool) 335 70 335 70 fading_auto toggled(bool) fading_samealbum setEnabled(bool) 378 170 381 195