/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2013, David Sansome Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "tagreader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef TAGLIB_HAS_OPUS #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fmpsparser.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/messagehandler.h" #include "core/timeconstants.h" using boost::scoped_ptr; // Taglib added support for FLAC pictures in 1.7.0 #if (TAGLIB_MAJOR_VERSION > 1) || (TAGLIB_MAJOR_VERSION == 1 && TAGLIB_MINOR_VERSION >= 7) # define TAGLIB_HAS_FLAC_PICTURELIST #endif #ifdef HAVE_GOOGLE_DRIVE # include "cloudstream.h" #endif #define NumberToASFAttribute(x) TagLib::ASF::Attribute(QStringToTaglibString(QString::number(x))) class FileRefFactory { public: virtual ~FileRefFactory() {} virtual TagLib::FileRef* GetFileRef(const QString& filename) = 0; }; class TagLibFileRefFactory : public FileRefFactory { public: virtual TagLib::FileRef* GetFileRef(const QString& filename) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 return new TagLib::FileRef(filename.toStdWString().c_str()); #else return new TagLib::FileRef(QFile::encodeName(filename).constData()); #endif } }; namespace { TagLib::String StdStringToTaglibString(const std::string& s) { return TagLib::String(s.c_str(), TagLib::String::UTF8); } TagLib::String QStringToTaglibString(const QString& s) { return TagLib::String(s.toUtf8().constData(), TagLib::String::UTF8); } } const char* TagReader::kMP4_FMPS_Rating_ID = "----:com.apple.iTunes:FMPS_Rating"; const char* TagReader::kMP4_FMPS_Playcount_ID = "----:com.apple.iTunes:FMPS_Playcount"; const char* TagReader::kMP4_FMPS_Score_ID = "----:com.apple.iTunes:FMPS_Rating_Amarok_Score"; TagReader::TagReader() : factory_(new TagLibFileRefFactory), network_(new QNetworkAccessManager), kEmbeddedCover("(embedded)") {} void TagReader::ReadFile(const QString& filename, pb::tagreader::SongMetadata* song) const { const QByteArray url(QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename).toEncoded()); const QFileInfo info(filename); qLog(Debug) << "Reading tags from" << filename; song->set_basefilename(DataCommaSizeFromQString(info.fileName())); song->set_url(url.constData(), url.size()); song->set_filesize(info.size()); song->set_mtime(info.lastModified().toTime_t()); song->set_ctime(info.created().toTime_t()); scoped_ptr fileref(factory_->GetFileRef(filename)); if(fileref->isNull()) { qLog(Info) << "TagLib hasn't been able to read " << filename << " file"; return; } TagLib::Tag* tag = fileref->tag(); if (tag) { Decode(tag->title(), NULL, song->mutable_title()); Decode(tag->artist(), NULL, song->mutable_artist()); // TPE1 Decode(tag->album(), NULL, song->mutable_album()); Decode(tag->genre(), NULL, song->mutable_genre()); song->set_year(tag->year()); song->set_track(tag->track()); song->set_valid(true); } QString disc; QString compilation; // Handle all the files which have VorbisComments (Ogg, OPUS, ...) in the same way; // apart, so we keep specific behavior for some formats by adding another // "else if" block below. if (TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment* tag = dynamic_cast(fileref->file()->tag())) { ParseOggTag(tag->fieldListMap(), NULL, &disc, &compilation, song); } if (TagLib::MPEG::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { if (file->ID3v2Tag()) { const TagLib::ID3v2::FrameListMap& map = file->ID3v2Tag()->frameListMap(); if (!map["TPOS"].isEmpty()) disc = TStringToQString(map["TPOS"].front()->toString()).trimmed(); if (!map["TBPM"].isEmpty()) song->set_bpm(TStringToQString(map["TBPM"].front()->toString()).trimmed().toFloat()); if (!map["TCOM"].isEmpty()) Decode(map["TCOM"].front()->toString(), NULL, song->mutable_composer()); if (!map["TIT1"].isEmpty()) // content group Decode(map["TIT1"].front()->toString(), NULL, song->mutable_grouping()); // Skip TPE1 (which is the artist) here because we already fetched it if (!map["TPE2"].isEmpty()) // non-standard: Apple, Microsoft Decode(map["TPE2"].front()->toString(), NULL, song->mutable_albumartist()); if (!map["TCMP"].isEmpty()) compilation = TStringToQString(map["TCMP"].front()->toString()).trimmed(); if (!map["APIC"].isEmpty()) song->set_art_automatic(kEmbeddedCover); // Find a suitable comment tag. For now we ignore iTunNORM comments. for (int i=0 ; i(map["COMM"][i]); if (frame && TStringToQString(frame->description()) != "iTunNORM") { Decode(frame->text(), NULL, song->mutable_comment()); break; } } // Parse FMPS frames for (int i=0 ; i(map["TXXX"][i]); if (frame && frame->description().startsWith("FMPS_")) { ParseFMPSFrame(TStringToQString(frame->description()), TStringToQString(frame->fieldList()[1]), song); } } // Check POPM tags // We do this after checking FMPS frames, so FMPS have precedence, as we // will consider POPM tags iff song has no rating/playcount already set. if (!map["POPM"].isEmpty()) { const TagLib::ID3v2::PopularimeterFrame* frame = dynamic_cast(map["POPM"].front()); if (frame) { // Take a user rating only if there's no rating already set if (song->rating() <= 0 && frame->rating() > 0) { song->set_rating(ConvertPOPMRating(frame->rating())); } if (song->playcount() <= 0 && frame->counter() > 0) { song->set_playcount(frame->counter()); } } } } } else if (TagLib::FLAC::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { if ( file->xiphComment() ) { ParseOggTag(file->xiphComment()->fieldListMap(), NULL, &disc, &compilation, song); #ifdef TAGLIB_HAS_FLAC_PICTURELIST if (!file->pictureList().isEmpty()) { song->set_art_automatic(kEmbeddedCover); } #endif } Decode(tag->comment(), NULL, song->mutable_comment()); } else if (TagLib::MP4::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { if (file->tag()) { TagLib::MP4::Tag* mp4_tag = file->tag(); const TagLib::MP4::ItemListMap& items = mp4_tag->itemListMap(); // Find album artists TagLib::MP4::ItemListMap::ConstIterator it = items.find("aART"); if (it != items.end()) { TagLib::StringList album_artists = it->second.toStringList(); if (!album_artists.isEmpty()) { Decode(album_artists.front(), NULL, song->mutable_albumartist()); } } // Find album cover art if (items.find("covr") != items.end()) { song->set_art_automatic(kEmbeddedCover); } if (items.contains("disk")) { disc = TStringToQString(TagLib::String::number(items["disk"].toIntPair().first)); } if (items.contains(kMP4_FMPS_Rating_ID)) { float rating = TStringToQString(items[kMP4_FMPS_Rating_ID].toStringList().toString('\n')).toFloat(); if (song->rating() <= 0 && rating > 0) { song->set_rating(rating); } } if (items.contains(kMP4_FMPS_Playcount_ID)) { int playcount = TStringToQString(items[kMP4_FMPS_Playcount_ID].toStringList().toString('\n')).toFloat(); if (song->playcount() <= 0 && playcount > 0) { song->set_playcount(playcount); } } if (items.contains(kMP4_FMPS_Playcount_ID)) { int score = TStringToQString(items[kMP4_FMPS_Score_ID].toStringList().toString('\n')).toFloat() * 100; if (song->score() <= 0 && score > 0) { song->set_score(score); } } if(items.contains("\251wrt")) { Decode(items["\251wrt"].toStringList().toString(", "), NULL, song->mutable_composer()); } if(items.contains("\251grp")) { Decode(items["\251grp"].toStringList().toString(" "), NULL, song->mutable_grouping()); } Decode(mp4_tag->comment(), NULL, song->mutable_comment()); } } #ifdef TAGLIB_WITH_ASF else if (TagLib::ASF::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { const TagLib::ASF::AttributeListMap& attributes_map = file->tag()->attributeListMap(); if (attributes_map.contains("FMPS/Rating")) { const TagLib::ASF::AttributeList& attributes = attributes_map["FMPS/Rating"]; if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { float rating = TStringToQString(attributes.front().toString()).toFloat(); if (song->rating() <= 0 && rating > 0) { song->set_rating(rating); } } } if (attributes_map.contains("FMPS/Playcount")) { const TagLib::ASF::AttributeList& attributes = attributes_map["FMPS/Playcount"]; if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { int playcount = TStringToQString(attributes.front().toString()).toInt(); if (song->playcount() <= 0 && playcount > 0) { song->set_playcount(playcount); } } } if (attributes_map.contains("FMPS/Rating_Amarok_Score")) { const TagLib::ASF::AttributeList& attributes = attributes_map["FMPS/Rating_Amarok_Score"]; if (!attributes.isEmpty()) { int score = TStringToQString(attributes.front().toString()).toFloat() * 100; if (song->score() <= 0 && score > 0) { song->set_score(score); } } } } #endif else if (tag) { Decode(tag->comment(), NULL, song->mutable_comment()); } if (!disc.isEmpty()) { const int i = disc.indexOf('/'); if (i != -1) { // disc.right( i ).toInt() is total number of discs, we don't use this at the moment song->set_disc(disc.left(i).toInt()); } else { song->set_disc(disc.toInt()); } } if (compilation.isEmpty()) { // well, it wasn't set, but if the artist is VA assume it's a compilation if (QStringFromStdString(song->artist()).toLower() == "various artists") { song->set_compilation(true); } } else { song->set_compilation(compilation.toInt() == 1); } if (fileref->audioProperties()) { song->set_bitrate(fileref->audioProperties()->bitrate()); song->set_samplerate(fileref->audioProperties()->sampleRate()); song->set_length_nanosec(fileref->audioProperties()->length() * kNsecPerSec); } // Get the filetype if we can song->set_type(GuessFileType(fileref.get())); // Set integer fields to -1 if they're not valid #define SetDefault(field) if (song->field() <= 0) { song->set_##field(-1); } SetDefault(track); SetDefault(disc); SetDefault(bpm); SetDefault(year); SetDefault(bitrate); SetDefault(samplerate); SetDefault(lastplayed); #undef SetDefault } void TagReader::Decode(const TagLib::String& tag, const QTextCodec* codec, std::string* output) { QString tmp; if (codec && tag.isLatin1()) { // Never override UTF-8. const std::string fixed = QString::fromUtf8(tag.toCString(true)).toStdString(); tmp = codec->toUnicode(fixed.c_str()).trimmed(); } else { tmp = TStringToQString(tag).trimmed(); } output->assign(DataCommaSizeFromQString(tmp)); } void TagReader::Decode(const QString& tag, const QTextCodec* codec, std::string* output) { if (!codec) { output->assign(DataCommaSizeFromQString(tag)); } else { const QString decoded(codec->toUnicode(tag.toUtf8())); output->assign(DataCommaSizeFromQString(decoded)); } } void TagReader::ParseFMPSFrame(const QString& name, const QString& value, pb::tagreader::SongMetadata* song) const { qLog(Debug) << "Parsing FMPSFrame" << name << ", " << value; FMPSParser parser; if (!parser.Parse(value) || parser.is_empty()) return; QVariant var; if (name == "FMPS_Rating") { var = parser.result()[0][0]; if (var.type() == QVariant::Double) { song->set_rating(var.toDouble()); } } else if (name == "FMPS_Rating_User") { // Take a user rating only if there's no rating already set if (song->rating() == -1 && parser.result()[0].count() >= 2) { var = parser.result()[0][1]; if (var.type() == QVariant::Double) { song->set_rating(var.toDouble()); } } } else if (name == "FMPS_PlayCount") { var = parser.result()[0][0]; if (var.type() == QVariant::Double) { song->set_playcount(var.toDouble()); } } else if (name == "FMPS_PlayCount_User") { // Take a user playcount only if there's no playcount already set if (song->playcount() == 0 && parser.result()[0].count() >= 2) { var = parser.result()[0][1]; if (var.type() == QVariant::Double) { song->set_playcount(var.toDouble()); } } } else if (name == "FMPS_Rating_Amarok_Score") { var = parser.result()[0][0]; if (var.type() == QVariant::Double) { song->set_score(var.toFloat() * 100); } } } void TagReader::ParseOggTag(const TagLib::Ogg::FieldListMap& map, const QTextCodec* codec, QString* disc, QString* compilation, pb::tagreader::SongMetadata* song) const { if (!map["COMPOSER"].isEmpty()) Decode(map["COMPOSER"].front(), codec, song->mutable_composer()); if (!map["PERFORMER"].isEmpty()) Decode(map["PERFORMER"].front(), codec, song->mutable_performer()); if (!map["CONTENT GROUP"].isEmpty()) Decode(map["CONTENT GROUP"].front(), codec, song->mutable_grouping()); if (!map["ALBUMARTIST"].isEmpty()) { Decode(map["ALBUMARTIST"].front(), codec, song->mutable_albumartist()); } else if (!map["ALBUM ARTIST"].isEmpty()) { Decode(map["ALBUM ARTIST"].front(), codec, song->mutable_albumartist()); } if (!map["BPM"].isEmpty() ) song->set_bpm(TStringToQString( map["BPM"].front() ).trimmed().toFloat()); if (!map["DISCNUMBER"].isEmpty() ) *disc = TStringToQString( map["DISCNUMBER"].front() ).trimmed(); if (!map["COMPILATION"].isEmpty() ) *compilation = TStringToQString( map["COMPILATION"].front() ).trimmed(); if (!map["COVERART"].isEmpty()) song->set_art_automatic(kEmbeddedCover); if (!map["METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE"].isEmpty()) song->set_art_automatic(kEmbeddedCover); if (!map["FMPS_RATING"].isEmpty() && song->rating() <= 0) song->set_rating(TStringToQString( map["FMPS_RATING"].front() ).trimmed().toFloat()); if (!map["FMPS_PLAYCOUNT"].isEmpty() && song->playcount() <= 0) song->set_playcount(TStringToQString( map["FMPS_PLAYCOUNT"].front() ).trimmed().toFloat()); if (!map["FMPS_RATING_AMAROK_SCORE"].isEmpty() && song->score() <= 0) song->set_score(TStringToQString( map["FMPS_RATING_AMAROK_SCORE"].front() ).trimmed().toFloat() * 100); } void TagReader::SetVorbisComments(TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment* vorbis_comments, const pb::tagreader::SongMetadata& song) const { vorbis_comments->addField("COMPOSER", StdStringToTaglibString(song.composer()), true); vorbis_comments->addField("PERFORMER", StdStringToTaglibString(song.performer()), true); vorbis_comments->addField("CONTENT GROUP", StdStringToTaglibString(song.grouping()), true); vorbis_comments->addField("BPM", QStringToTaglibString(song.bpm() <= 0 -1 ? QString() : QString::number(song.bpm())), true); vorbis_comments->addField("DISCNUMBER", QStringToTaglibString(song.disc() <= 0 -1 ? QString() : QString::number(song.disc())), true); vorbis_comments->addField("COMPILATION", StdStringToTaglibString(song.compilation() ? "1" : "0"), true); } void TagReader::SetFMPSStatisticsVorbisComments(TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment* vorbis_comments, const pb::tagreader::SongMetadata& song) const { vorbis_comments->addField("FMPS_PLAYCOUNT", QStringToTaglibString(QString::number(song.playcount()))); vorbis_comments->addField("FMPS_RATING_AMAROK_SCORE", QStringToTaglibString(QString::number(song.score() / 100.0))); } void TagReader::SetFMPSRatingVorbisComments(TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment* vorbis_comments, const pb::tagreader::SongMetadata& song) const { vorbis_comments->addField("FMPS_RATING", QStringToTaglibString(QString::number(song.rating()))); } pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type TagReader::GuessFileType( TagLib::FileRef* fileref) const { #ifdef TAGLIB_WITH_ASF if (dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) return pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_ASF; #endif if (dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) return pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_FLAC; #ifdef TAGLIB_WITH_MP4 if (dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) return pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_MP4; #endif if (dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) return pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_MPC; if (dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) return pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_MPEG; if (dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) return pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_OGGFLAC; if (dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) return pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_OGGSPEEX; if (dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) return pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_OGGVORBIS; #ifdef TAGLIB_HAS_OPUS if (dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) return pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_OGGOPUS; #endif if (dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) return pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_AIFF; if (dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) return pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_WAV; if (dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) return pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_TRUEAUDIO; return pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_UNKNOWN; } bool TagReader::SaveFile(const QString& filename, const pb::tagreader::SongMetadata& song) const { if (filename.isNull()) return false; qLog(Debug) << "Saving tags to" << filename; scoped_ptr fileref(factory_->GetFileRef(filename)); if (!fileref || fileref->isNull()) // The file probably doesn't exist return false; fileref->tag()->setTitle(StdStringToTaglibString(song.title())); fileref->tag()->setArtist(StdStringToTaglibString(song.artist())); // TPE1 fileref->tag()->setAlbum(StdStringToTaglibString(song.album())); fileref->tag()->setGenre(StdStringToTaglibString(song.genre())); fileref->tag()->setComment(StdStringToTaglibString(song.comment())); fileref->tag()->setYear(song.year()); fileref->tag()->setTrack(song.track()); if (TagLib::MPEG::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { TagLib::ID3v2::Tag* tag = file->ID3v2Tag(true); SetTextFrame("TPOS", song.disc() <= 0 -1 ? QString() : QString::number(song.disc()), tag); SetTextFrame("TBPM", song.bpm() <= 0 -1 ? QString() : QString::number(song.bpm()), tag); SetTextFrame("TCOM", song.composer(), tag); SetTextFrame("TIT1", song.grouping(), tag); // Skip TPE1 (which is the artist) here because we already set it SetTextFrame("TPE2", song.albumartist(), tag); SetTextFrame("TCMP", std::string(song.compilation() ? "1" : "0"), tag); } else if (TagLib::FLAC::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment* tag = file->xiphComment(); SetVorbisComments(tag, song); } else if (TagLib::MP4::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { TagLib::MP4::Tag* tag = file->tag(); tag->itemListMap()["disk"] = TagLib::MP4::Item(song.disc() <= 0 -1 ? 0 : song.disc(), 0); tag->itemListMap()["tmpo"] = TagLib::StringList(song.bpm() <= 0 -1 ? "0" : TagLib::String::number(song.bpm())); tag->itemListMap()["\251wrt"] = TagLib::StringList(song.composer()); tag->itemListMap()["\251grp"] = TagLib::StringList(song.grouping()); tag->itemListMap()["aART"] = TagLib::StringList(song.albumartist()); tag->itemListMap()["cpil"] = TagLib::StringList(song.compilation() ? "1" : "0"); } // Handle all the files which have VorbisComments (Ogg, OPUS, ...) in the same way; // apart, so we keep specific behavior for some formats by adding another // "else if" block above. if (TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment* tag = dynamic_cast(fileref->file()->tag())) { SetVorbisComments(tag, song); } bool ret = fileref->save(); #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX if (ret) { // Linux: inotify doesn't seem to notice the change to the file unless we // change the timestamps as well. (this is what touch does) utimensat(0, QFile::encodeName(filename).constData(), NULL, 0); } #endif // Q_OS_LINUX return ret; } bool TagReader::SaveSongStatisticsToFile(const QString& filename, const pb::tagreader::SongMetadata& song) const { if (filename.isNull()) return false; qLog(Debug) << "Saving song statistics tags to" << filename; scoped_ptr fileref(factory_->GetFileRef(filename)); if (!fileref || fileref->isNull()) // The file probably doesn't exist return false; if (TagLib::MPEG::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { TagLib::ID3v2::Tag* tag = file->ID3v2Tag(true); // Save as FMPS SetUserTextFrame("FMPS_PlayCount", QString::number(song.playcount()), tag); SetUserTextFrame("FMPS_Rating_Amarok_Score", QString::number(song.score() / 100.0), tag); // Also save as POPM TagLib::ID3v2::PopularimeterFrame* frame = GetPOPMFrameFromTag(tag); frame->setCounter(song.playcount()); } else if (TagLib::FLAC::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment* vorbis_comments = file->xiphComment(true); SetFMPSStatisticsVorbisComments(vorbis_comments, song); } else if (TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment* tag = dynamic_cast(fileref->file()->tag())) { SetFMPSStatisticsVorbisComments(tag, song); } #ifdef TAGLIB_WITH_ASF else if (TagLib::ASF::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { TagLib::ASF::Tag* tag = file->tag(); tag->addAttribute("FMPS/Playcount", NumberToASFAttribute(song.playcount())); tag->addAttribute("FMPS/Rating_Amarok_Score", NumberToASFAttribute(song.score() / 100.0)); } #endif else if (TagLib::MP4::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { TagLib::MP4::Tag* tag = file->tag(); tag->itemListMap()[kMP4_FMPS_Score_ID] = TagLib::StringList(QStringToTaglibString(QString::number(song.score() / 100.0))); tag->itemListMap()[kMP4_FMPS_Playcount_ID] = TagLib::StringList(TagLib::String::number(song.playcount())); } else { // Nothing to save: stop now return true; } bool ret = fileref->save(); #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX if (ret) { // Linux: inotify doesn't seem to notice the change to the file unless we // change the timestamps as well. (this is what touch does) utimensat(0, QFile::encodeName(filename).constData(), NULL, 0); } #endif // Q_OS_LINUX return ret; } bool TagReader::SaveSongRatingToFile(const QString& filename, const pb::tagreader::SongMetadata& song) const { if (filename.isNull()) return false; qLog(Debug) << "Saving song rating tags to" << filename; scoped_ptr fileref(factory_->GetFileRef(filename)); if (!fileref || fileref->isNull()) // The file probably doesn't exist return false; if (TagLib::MPEG::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { TagLib::ID3v2::Tag* tag = file->ID3v2Tag(true); // Save as FMPS SetUserTextFrame("FMPS_Rating", QString::number(song.rating()), tag); // Also save as POPM TagLib::ID3v2::PopularimeterFrame* frame = GetPOPMFrameFromTag(tag); frame->setRating(ConvertToPOPMRating(song.rating())); } else if (TagLib::FLAC::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment* vorbis_comments = file->xiphComment(true); SetFMPSRatingVorbisComments(vorbis_comments, song); } else if (TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment* tag = dynamic_cast(fileref->file()->tag())) { SetFMPSRatingVorbisComments(tag, song); } #ifdef TAGLIB_WITH_ASF else if (TagLib::ASF::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { TagLib::ASF::Tag* tag = file->tag(); tag->addAttribute("FMPS/Rating", NumberToASFAttribute(song.rating())); } #endif else if (TagLib::MP4::File* file = dynamic_cast(fileref->file())) { TagLib::MP4::Tag* tag = file->tag(); tag->itemListMap()[kMP4_FMPS_Rating_ID] = TagLib::StringList(QStringToTaglibString(QString::number(song.rating()))); } else { // Nothing to save: stop now return true; } bool ret = fileref->save(); #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX if (ret) { // Linux: inotify doesn't seem to notice the change to the file unless we // change the timestamps as well. (this is what touch does) utimensat(0, QFile::encodeName(filename).constData(), NULL, 0); } #endif // Q_OS_LINUX return ret; } void TagReader::SetUserTextFrame(const QString& description, const QString& value, TagLib::ID3v2::Tag* tag) const { const QByteArray descr_utf8(description.toUtf8()); const QByteArray value_utf8(value.toUtf8()); qLog(Debug) << "Setting FMPSFrame:" << description << ", " << value; SetUserTextFrame(std::string(descr_utf8.constData(), descr_utf8.length()), std::string(value_utf8.constData(), value_utf8.length()), tag); } void TagReader::SetUserTextFrame(const std::string& description, const std::string& value, TagLib::ID3v2::Tag* tag) const { const TagLib::String t_description = StdStringToTaglibString(description); // Remove the frame if it already exists TagLib::ID3v2::UserTextIdentificationFrame* frame = TagLib::ID3v2::UserTextIdentificationFrame::find(tag, t_description); if (frame) { tag->removeFrame(frame); } // Create and add a new frame frame = new TagLib::ID3v2::UserTextIdentificationFrame(TagLib::String::UTF8); frame->setDescription(t_description); frame->setText(StdStringToTaglibString(value)); tag->addFrame(frame); } void TagReader::SetTextFrame(const char* id, const QString& value, TagLib::ID3v2::Tag* tag) const { const QByteArray utf8(value.toUtf8()); SetTextFrame(id, std::string(utf8.constData(), utf8.length()), tag); } void TagReader::SetTextFrame(const char* id, const std::string& value, TagLib::ID3v2::Tag* tag) const { TagLib::ByteVector id_vector(id); // Remove the frame if it already exists while (tag->frameListMap().contains(id_vector) && tag->frameListMap()[id_vector].size() != 0) { tag->removeFrame(tag->frameListMap()[id_vector].front()); } // Create and add a new frame TagLib::ID3v2::TextIdentificationFrame* frame = new TagLib::ID3v2::TextIdentificationFrame(id_vector, TagLib::String::UTF8); frame->setText(StdStringToTaglibString(value)); tag->addFrame(frame); } bool TagReader::IsMediaFile(const QString& filename) const { qLog(Debug) << "Checking for valid file" << filename; scoped_ptr fileref(factory_->GetFileRef(filename)); return !fileref->isNull() && fileref->tag(); } QByteArray TagReader::LoadEmbeddedArt(const QString& filename) const { if (filename.isEmpty()) return QByteArray(); qLog(Debug) << "Loading art from" << filename; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 TagLib::FileRef ref(filename.toStdWString().c_str()); #else TagLib::FileRef ref(QFile::encodeName(filename).constData()); #endif if (ref.isNull() || !ref.file()) return QByteArray(); // MP3 TagLib::MPEG::File* file = dynamic_cast(ref.file()); if (file && file->ID3v2Tag()) { TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList apic_frames = file->ID3v2Tag()->frameListMap()["APIC"]; if (apic_frames.isEmpty()) return QByteArray(); TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame* pic = static_cast(apic_frames.front()); return QByteArray((const char*) pic->picture().data(), pic->picture().size()); } // Ogg vorbis/speex TagLib::Ogg::XiphComment* xiph_comment = dynamic_cast(ref.file()->tag()); if (xiph_comment) { TagLib::Ogg::FieldListMap map = xiph_comment->fieldListMap(); // Other than the below mentioned non-standard COVERART, METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE // is the proposed tag for cover pictures. // (see http://wiki.xiph.org/VorbisComment#METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE) if (map.contains("METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE")) { TagLib::StringList pict_list = map["METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE"]; for(std::list::iterator it = pict_list.begin(); it != pict_list.end(); ++it) { QByteArray data(QByteArray::fromBase64(it->toCString())); TagLib::ByteVector tdata(data.data(), data.size()); TagLib::FLAC::Picture p(tdata); if (p.type() == TagLib::FLAC::Picture::FrontCover) return QByteArray(p.data().data(), p.data().size()); } // If there was no specific front cover, just take the first picture QByteArray data(QByteArray::fromBase64(map["METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE"].front().toCString())); TagLib::ByteVector tdata(data.data(), data.size()); TagLib::FLAC::Picture p(tdata); return QByteArray(p.data().data(), p.data().size()); } // Ogg lacks a definitive standard for embedding cover art, but it seems // b64 encoding a field called COVERART is the general convention if (!map.contains("COVERART")) return QByteArray(); return QByteArray::fromBase64(map["COVERART"].toString().toCString()); } #ifdef TAGLIB_HAS_FLAC_PICTURELIST // Flac TagLib::FLAC::File* flac_file = dynamic_cast(ref.file()); if (flac_file && flac_file->xiphComment()) { TagLib::List pics = flac_file->pictureList(); if (!pics.isEmpty()) { // Use the first picture in the file - this could be made cleverer and // pick the front cover if it's present. std::list::iterator it = pics.begin(); TagLib::FLAC::Picture* picture = *it; return QByteArray(picture->data().data(), picture->data().size()); } } #endif // MP4/AAC TagLib::MP4::File* aac_file = dynamic_cast(ref.file()); if (aac_file) { TagLib::MP4::Tag* tag = aac_file->tag(); const TagLib::MP4::ItemListMap& items = tag->itemListMap(); TagLib::MP4::ItemListMap::ConstIterator it = items.find("covr"); if (it != items.end()) { const TagLib::MP4::CoverArtList& art_list = it->second.toCoverArtList(); if (!art_list.isEmpty()) { // Just take the first one for now const TagLib::MP4::CoverArt& art = art_list.front(); return QByteArray(art.data().data(), art.data().size()); } } } return QByteArray(); } #ifdef HAVE_GOOGLE_DRIVE bool TagReader::ReadCloudFile(const QUrl& download_url, const QString& title, int size, const QString& mime_type, const QString& authorisation_header, pb::tagreader::SongMetadata* song) const { qLog(Debug) << "Loading tags from" << title; CloudStream* stream = new CloudStream( download_url, title, size, authorisation_header, network_); stream->Precache(); scoped_ptr tag; if (mime_type == "audio/mpeg" && title.endsWith(".mp3")) { tag.reset(new TagLib::MPEG::File( stream, // Takes ownership. TagLib::ID3v2::FrameFactory::instance(), TagLib::AudioProperties::Accurate)); } else if (mime_type == "audio/mp4" || (mime_type == "audio/mpeg" && title.endsWith(".m4a"))) { tag.reset(new TagLib::MP4::File( stream, true, TagLib::AudioProperties::Accurate)); } #ifdef TAGLIB_HAS_OPUS else if ((mime_type == "application/opus" || mime_type == "audio/opus" || mime_type == "application/ogg" || mime_type == "audio/ogg") && title.endsWith(".opus")) { tag.reset(new TagLib::Ogg::Opus::File( stream, true, TagLib::AudioProperties::Accurate)); } #endif else if (mime_type == "application/ogg" || mime_type == "audio/ogg") { tag.reset(new TagLib::Ogg::Vorbis::File( stream, true, TagLib::AudioProperties::Accurate)); } else if (mime_type == "application/x-flac" || mime_type == "audio/flac" || mime_type == "audio/x-flac") { tag.reset(new TagLib::FLAC::File( stream, TagLib::ID3v2::FrameFactory::instance(), true, TagLib::AudioProperties::Accurate)); } else if (mime_type == "audio/x-ms-wma") { tag.reset(new TagLib::ASF::File( stream, true, TagLib::AudioProperties::Accurate)); } else { qLog(Debug) << "Unknown mime type for tagging:" << mime_type; return false; } if (stream->num_requests() > 2) { // Warn if pre-caching failed. qLog(Warning) << "Total requests for file:" << title << stream->num_requests() << stream->cached_bytes(); } if (tag->tag() && !tag->tag()->isEmpty()) { song->set_title(tag->tag()->title().toCString(true)); song->set_artist(tag->tag()->artist().toCString(true)); song->set_album(tag->tag()->album().toCString(true)); song->set_filesize(size); if (tag->tag()->track() != 0) { song->set_track(tag->tag()->track()); } if (tag->tag()->year() != 0) { song->set_year(tag->tag()->year()); } song->set_type(pb::tagreader::SongMetadata_Type_STREAM); if (tag->audioProperties()) { song->set_length_nanosec(tag->audioProperties()->length() * kNsecPerSec); } return true; } return false; } #endif // HAVE_GOOGLE_DRIVE TagLib::ID3v2::PopularimeterFrame* TagReader::GetPOPMFrameFromTag(TagLib::ID3v2::Tag* tag) { TagLib::ID3v2::PopularimeterFrame* frame = NULL; const TagLib::ID3v2::FrameListMap& map = tag->frameListMap(); if (!map["POPM"].isEmpty()) { frame = dynamic_cast(map["POPM"].front()); } if (!frame) { frame = new TagLib::ID3v2::PopularimeterFrame(); tag->addFrame(frame); } return frame; } float TagReader::ConvertPOPMRating(const int POPM_rating) { if (POPM_rating < 0x01) { return 0.0; } else if (POPM_rating < 0x40) { return 0.20; // 1 star } else if (POPM_rating < 0x80) { return 0.40; // 2 stars } else if (POPM_rating < 0xC0) { return 0.60; // 3 stars } else if (POPM_rating < 0xFC) { // some players store 5 stars as 0xFC return 0.80; // 4 stars } return 1.0; // 5 stars } int TagReader::ConvertToPOPMRating(const float rating) { if (rating < 0.20) { return 0x00; } else if (rating < 0.40) { return 0x01; } else if (rating < 0.60) { return 0x40; } else if (rating < 0.80) { return 0x80; } else if (rating < 1.0) { return 0xC0; } return 0xFF; }