/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2010, David Sansome Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "mpris1.h" #include "mpris_common.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "covers/artloader.h" #include #include #include "core/mpris_player.h" #include "core/mpris_root.h" #include "core/mpris_tracklist.h" #include "core/timeconstants.h" #include "engines/enginebase.h" #include "playlist/playlist.h" #include "playlist/playlistmanager.h" #include "playlist/playlistsequence.h" namespace mpris { const char* Mpris1::kDefaultDbusServiceName = "org.mpris.clementine"; Mpris1::Mpris1(PlayerInterface* player, ArtLoader* art_loader, QObject* parent, const QString& dbus_service_name) : QObject(parent), dbus_service_name_(dbus_service_name), root_(NULL), player_(NULL), tracklist_(NULL) { qDBusRegisterMetaType(); qDBusRegisterMetaType(); if (dbus_service_name_.isEmpty()) { dbus_service_name_ = kDefaultDbusServiceName; } if (!QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerService(dbus_service_name_)) { qLog(Warning) << "Failed to register" << dbus_service_name_ << "on the session bus"; return; } root_ = new Mpris1Root(player, this); player_ = new Mpris1Player(player, this); tracklist_ = new Mpris1TrackList(player, this); connect(art_loader, SIGNAL(ArtLoaded(const Song&, const QString&, const QImage&)), player_, SLOT(CurrentSongChanged(const Song&, const QString&, const QImage&))); } Mpris1::~Mpris1() { QDBusConnection::sessionBus().unregisterService(dbus_service_name_); } Mpris1Root::Mpris1Root(PlayerInterface* player, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), player_(player) { new MprisRoot(this); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/", this); } Mpris1Player::Mpris1Player(PlayerInterface* player, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), player_(player) { new MprisPlayer(this); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/Player", this); connect(player->engine(), SIGNAL(StateChanged(Engine::State)), SLOT(EngineStateChanged(Engine::State))); connect(player_->playlists(), SIGNAL(PlaylistManagerInitialized()), SLOT(PlaylistManagerInitialized())); } // when PlaylistManager gets it ready, we connect PlaylistSequence with this void Mpris1Player::PlaylistManagerInitialized() { connect(player_->playlists()->sequence(), SIGNAL(ShuffleModeChanged(PlaylistSequence::ShuffleMode)), SLOT(ShuffleModeChanged())); connect(player_->playlists()->sequence(), SIGNAL(RepeatModeChanged(PlaylistSequence::RepeatMode)), SLOT(RepeatModeChanged())); } Mpris1TrackList::Mpris1TrackList(PlayerInterface* player, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), player_(player) { new MprisTrackList(this); QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/TrackList", this); connect(player->playlists(), SIGNAL(PlaylistChanged(Playlist*)), SLOT(PlaylistChanged(Playlist*))); } void Mpris1TrackList::PlaylistChanged(Playlist* playlist) { emit TrackListChange(playlist->rowCount()); } // we use the state from event and don't try to obtain it from Player // later because only the event's version is really the current one void Mpris1Player::EngineStateChanged(Engine::State state) { emit StatusChange(GetStatus(state)); emit CapsChange(GetCaps(state)); } void Mpris1Player::CurrentSongChanged( const Song& song, const QString& art_uri, const QImage&) { last_metadata_ = Mpris1::GetMetadata(song); if (!art_uri.isEmpty()) { AddMetadata("arturl", art_uri, &last_metadata_); } emit TrackChange(last_metadata_); emit StatusChange(GetStatus()); emit CapsChange(GetCaps()); } QString Mpris1Root::Identity() { return QString("%1 %2").arg( QCoreApplication::applicationName(), QCoreApplication::applicationVersion()); } Version Mpris1Root::MprisVersion() { Version version; version.major = 1; version.minor = 0; return version; } void Mpris1Root::Quit() { qApp->quit(); } void Mpris1Player::Pause() { player_->Pause(); } void Mpris1Player::Stop() { player_->Stop(); } void Mpris1Player::Prev() { player_->Previous(); } void Mpris1Player::Play() { player_->Play(); } void Mpris1Player::Next() { player_->Next(); } void Mpris1Player::Repeat(bool repeat) { player_->playlists()->sequence()->SetRepeatMode( repeat ? PlaylistSequence::Repeat_Track : PlaylistSequence::Repeat_Off); } void Mpris1Player::ShuffleModeChanged() { emit StatusChange(GetStatus()); } void Mpris1Player::RepeatModeChanged() { emit StatusChange(GetStatus()); } DBusStatus Mpris1Player::GetStatus() const { return GetStatus(player_->GetState()); } DBusStatus Mpris1Player::GetStatus(Engine::State state) const { DBusStatus status; switch (state) { case Engine::Playing: status.play = DBusStatus::Mpris_Playing; break; case Engine::Paused: status.play = DBusStatus::Mpris_Paused; break; case Engine::Empty: case Engine::Idle: default: status.play = DBusStatus::Mpris_Stopped; break; } PlaylistManagerInterface* playlists_ = player_->playlists(); PlaylistSequence::RepeatMode repeat_mode = playlists_->sequence()->repeat_mode(); status.random = playlists_->sequence()->shuffle_mode() == PlaylistSequence::Shuffle_Off ? 0 : 1; status.repeat = repeat_mode == PlaylistSequence::Repeat_Track ? 1 : 0; status.repeat_playlist = (repeat_mode == PlaylistSequence::Repeat_Album || repeat_mode == PlaylistSequence::Repeat_Playlist || repeat_mode == PlaylistSequence::Repeat_Track) ? 1 : 0; return status; } void Mpris1Player::VolumeSet(int volume) { player_->SetVolume(volume); } int Mpris1Player::VolumeGet() const { return player_->GetVolume(); } void Mpris1Player::PositionSet(int pos_msec) { player_->SeekTo(pos_msec / kMsecPerSec); } int Mpris1Player::PositionGet() const { return player_->engine()->position_nanosec() / kNsecPerMsec; } QVariantMap Mpris1Player::GetMetadata() const { return last_metadata_; } int Mpris1Player::GetCaps() const { return GetCaps(player_->GetState()); } int Mpris1Player::GetCaps(Engine::State state) const { int caps = CAN_HAS_TRACKLIST; PlaylistItemPtr current_item = player_->GetCurrentItem(); PlaylistManagerInterface* playlists = player_->playlists(); // play is disabled when playlist is empty or when last.fm stream is already playing if (playlists->active()->rowCount() != 0 && !(state == Engine::Playing && (player_->GetCurrentItem()->options() & PlaylistItem::LastFMControls))) { caps |= CAN_PLAY; } if (current_item) { caps |= CAN_PROVIDE_METADATA; if (state == Engine::Playing && !(current_item->options() & PlaylistItem::PauseDisabled)) { caps |= CAN_PAUSE; } if (state != Engine::Empty && !current_item->Metadata().is_stream()) { caps |= CAN_SEEK; } } if (playlists->active()->next_row() != -1 || playlists->active()->current_item_options() & PlaylistItem::ContainsMultipleTracks) { caps |= CAN_GO_NEXT; } if (playlists->active()->previous_row() != -1) { caps |= CAN_GO_PREV; } return caps; } void Mpris1Player::VolumeUp(int change) { VolumeSet(VolumeGet() + change); } void Mpris1Player::VolumeDown(int change) { VolumeSet(VolumeGet() - change); } void Mpris1Player::Mute() { player_->Mute(); } void Mpris1Player::ShowOSD() { player_->ShowOSD(); } int Mpris1TrackList::AddTrack(const QString& track, bool play) { player_->playlists()->active()->InsertUrls( QList() << QUrl(track), -1, play); return 0; } void Mpris1TrackList::DelTrack(int index) { player_->playlists()->active()->removeRows(index, 1); } int Mpris1TrackList::GetCurrentTrack() const { return player_->playlists()->active()->current_row(); } int Mpris1TrackList::GetLength() const { return player_->playlists()->active()->rowCount(); } QVariantMap Mpris1TrackList::GetMetadata(int pos) const { PlaylistItemPtr item = player_->GetItemAt(pos); if (!item) return QVariantMap(); return Mpris1::GetMetadata(item->Metadata()); } void Mpris1TrackList::SetLoop(bool enable) { player_->playlists()->active()->sequence()->SetRepeatMode( enable ? PlaylistSequence::Repeat_Playlist : PlaylistSequence::Repeat_Off); } void Mpris1TrackList::SetRandom(bool enable) { player_->playlists()->active()->sequence()->SetShuffleMode( enable ? PlaylistSequence::Shuffle_All : PlaylistSequence::Shuffle_Off); } void Mpris1TrackList::PlayTrack(int index) { player_->PlayAt(index, Engine::Manual, true); } QVariantMap Mpris1::GetMetadata(const Song& song) { QVariantMap ret; AddMetadata("location", song.filename(), &ret); AddMetadata("title", song.PrettyTitle(), &ret); AddMetadata("artist", song.artist(), &ret); AddMetadata("album", song.album(), &ret); AddMetadata("time", song.length_nanosec() / kNsecPerSec, &ret); AddMetadata("mtime", song.length_nanosec() / kNsecPerMsec, &ret); AddMetadata("tracknumber", song.track(), &ret); AddMetadata("year", song.year(), &ret); AddMetadata("genre", song.genre(), &ret); AddMetadata("disc", song.disc(), &ret); AddMetadata("comment", song.comment(), &ret); AddMetadata("audio-bitrate", song.bitrate(), &ret); AddMetadata("audio-samplerate", song.samplerate(), &ret); AddMetadata("bpm", song.bpm(), &ret); AddMetadata("composer", song.composer(), &ret); if (song.rating() != -1.0) { AddMetadata("rating", song.rating() * 5, &ret); } return ret; } } // namespace mpris QDBusArgument& operator<< (QDBusArgument& arg, const Version& version) { arg.beginStructure(); arg << version.major << version.minor; arg.endStructure(); return arg; } const QDBusArgument& operator>> (const QDBusArgument& arg, Version& version) { arg.beginStructure(); arg >> version.major >> version.minor; arg.endStructure(); return arg; } QDBusArgument& operator<< (QDBusArgument& arg, const DBusStatus& status) { arg.beginStructure(); arg << status.play; arg << status.random; arg << status.repeat; arg << status.repeat_playlist; arg.endStructure(); return arg; } const QDBusArgument& operator>> (const QDBusArgument& arg, DBusStatus& status) { arg.beginStructure(); arg >> status.play; arg >> status.random; arg >> status.repeat; arg >> status.repeat_playlist; arg.endStructure(); return arg; }