/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2010-2011, David Sansome Copyright 2011, Arnaud Bienner Copyright 2014, Krzysztof Sobiecki Copyright 2014, John Maguire Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "taskmanager.h" TaskManager::TaskManager(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), next_task_id_(1) {} int TaskManager::StartTask(const QString& name) { Task t; t.name = name; t.progress = 0; t.progress_max = 0; t.blocks_library_scans = false; { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); t.id = next_task_id_++; tasks_[t.id] = t; } emit TasksChanged(); return t.id; } QList TaskManager::GetTasks() { QList ret; { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); ret = tasks_.values(); } return ret; } void TaskManager::SetTaskBlocksLibraryScans(int id) { { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); if (!tasks_.contains(id)) return; Task& t = tasks_[id]; t.blocks_library_scans = true; } emit TasksChanged(); emit PauseLibraryWatchers(); } void TaskManager::SetTaskProgress(int id, int progress, int max) { { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); if (!tasks_.contains(id)) return; Task& t = tasks_[id]; t.progress = progress; if (max) t.progress_max = max; } emit TasksChanged(); } void TaskManager::IncreaseTaskProgress(int id, int progress, int max) { { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); if (!tasks_.contains(id)) return; Task& t = tasks_[id]; t.progress += progress; if (max) t.progress_max = max; } emit TasksChanged(); } void TaskManager::SetTaskFinished(int id) { bool resume_library_watchers = false; { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); if (!tasks_.contains(id)) return; if (tasks_[id].blocks_library_scans) { resume_library_watchers = true; for (const Task& task : tasks_.values()) { if (task.id != id && task.blocks_library_scans) { resume_library_watchers = false; break; } } } tasks_.remove(id); } emit TasksChanged(); if (resume_library_watchers) emit ResumeLibraryWatchers(); } int TaskManager::GetTaskProgress(int id) { { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); if (!tasks_.contains(id)) return 0; return tasks_[id].progress; } }