#include "libraryquery.h" #include #include LibraryQuery::LibraryQuery() { } LibraryQuery::LibraryQuery(const QueryOptions& options) { if (!options.filter.isEmpty()) { where_clauses_ << "(" "artist LIKE ? OR " "album LIKE ? OR " "title LIKE ?)"; bound_values_ << "%" + options.filter + "%"; bound_values_ << "%" + options.filter + "%"; bound_values_ << "%" + options.filter + "%"; } if (options.max_age != -1) { int cutoff = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toTime_t() - options.max_age; where_clauses_ << "ctime > ?"; bound_values_ << cutoff; } } void LibraryQuery::AddWhere(const QString& column, const QVariant& value) { // Do integers inline - sqlite seems to get confused when you pass integers // to bound parameters if (value.type() == QVariant::Int) where_clauses_ << QString("%1 = %2").arg(column, value.toString()); else { where_clauses_ << QString("%1 = ?").arg(column); bound_values_ << value; } } QSqlQuery LibraryQuery::Query(QSqlDatabase db) const { QString sql = QString("SELECT %1 FROM songs").arg(column_spec_); if (!where_clauses_.isEmpty()) sql += " WHERE " + where_clauses_.join(" AND "); QSqlQuery q(sql, db); // Bind values foreach (const QVariant& value, bound_values_) { q.addBindValue(value); } return q; }