/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2010, David Sansome Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "playlist.h" #include "playlistlistcontainer.h" #include "playlistlistmodel.h" #include "playlistmanager.h" #include "ui_playlistlistcontainer.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/player.h" #include "ui/iconloader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* This filter proxy will: - Accept all ancestors if at least a single child matches - Accept all children if at least a single ancestor matches The tree is then expanded only to the level at which the match occurs */ class PlaylistListFilterProxyModel : public QSortFilterProxyModel { public: explicit PlaylistListFilterProxyModel(QObject* parent) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent) {} bool lessThan(const QModelIndex& left, const QModelIndex& right) const { // Compare the display text first. const int ret = left.data().toString().localeAwareCompare(right.data().toString()); if (ret < 0) return true; if (ret > 0) return false; // Now use the source model row order to ensure we always get a // deterministic sorting even when two items are named the same. return left.row() < right.row(); } QList expandList; void setFilterRegExp(const QRegExp & regExp) { expandList.clear(); QSortFilterProxyModel::setFilterRegExp(regExp); } void refreshExpanded(QTreeView *tree) { tree->collapseAll(); // The call to setExpanded causes expendList to be appended via // the filterAcceptsRow overload. Since QList's implementation is an array, // when the reserved space is exhausted, it must be reallocated. When this // happens, iterators are likely to break. But because of this implemention, // indexing is safe and efficient. for (int i = 0; i < expandList.count(); i++) { const QModelIndex& sourceIndex = expandList[i]; QModelIndex mappedIndex = mapFromSource( sourceIndex ); tree->setExpanded( mappedIndex, true ); } } // Depth first search of all the items bool hasAcceptedChildren(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const { QModelIndex item = sourceModel()->index(source_row,0,source_parent); if (!item.isValid()) { return false; } //check if there are children int childCount = item.model()->rowCount(item); if (childCount == 0) return false; for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { if (filterAcceptsRowItself(i, item)) return true; if (hasAcceptedChildren(i, item)) return true; } return false; } bool filterAcceptsRowItself(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const { bool rv = QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(source_row, source_parent); if(rv) { if(sourceModel()->hasIndex(source_row,0,source_parent)) { QModelIndex idx = sourceModel()->index(source_row,0,source_parent); // Bit of a hack to get around the const in this function auto * me = const_cast(this); QModelIndex pidx = sourceModel()->parent(idx); while(pidx.isValid()) { me->expandList.append(pidx); pidx = sourceModel()->parent(pidx); } } } return rv; } bool filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const { if (filterAcceptsRowItself(source_row, source_parent)) { return true; } //accept if any of the parents is accepted on it's own merits QModelIndex parent = source_parent; while (parent.isValid()) { if (filterAcceptsRowItself(parent.row(), parent.parent())) return true; parent = parent.parent(); } //accept if any of the children is accepted on it's own merits return hasAcceptedChildren(source_row, source_parent); } }; PlaylistListContainer::PlaylistListContainer(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent), app_(nullptr), ui_(new Ui_PlaylistListContainer), menu_(nullptr), action_new_folder_(new QAction(this)), action_remove_(new QAction(this)), action_save_playlist_(new QAction(this)), model_(new PlaylistListModel(this)), proxy_(new PlaylistListFilterProxyModel(this)), loaded_icons_(false), active_playlist_id_(-1) { ui_->setupUi(this); ui_->tree->setAttribute(Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, false); ui_->tree->SetAutoOpen(false); action_new_folder_->setText(tr("New folder")); action_remove_->setText(tr("Delete")); action_save_playlist_->setText( tr("Save playlist", "Save playlist menu action.")); ui_->new_folder->setDefaultAction(action_new_folder_); ui_->remove->setDefaultAction(action_remove_); ui_->save_playlist->setDefaultAction(action_save_playlist_); connect(action_new_folder_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(NewFolderClicked())); connect(action_remove_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(DeleteClicked())); connect(action_save_playlist_, SIGNAL(triggered()), SLOT(SavePlaylist())); connect(model_, SIGNAL(PlaylistPathChanged(int, QString)), SLOT(PlaylistPathChanged(int, QString))); proxy_->setSourceModel(model_); proxy_->setDynamicSortFilter(true); proxy_->sort(0); ui_->tree->setModel(proxy_); connect(ui_->tree, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QModelIndex)), SLOT(ItemDoubleClicked(QModelIndex))); model_->invisibleRootItem()->setData(PlaylistListModel::Type_Folder, PlaylistListModel::Role_Type); connect(ui_->search, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(SearchTextEdited(QString))); } PlaylistListContainer::~PlaylistListContainer() { delete ui_; } void PlaylistListContainer::showEvent(QShowEvent* e) { // Loading icons is expensive so only do it when the view is first opened if (loaded_icons_) { QWidget::showEvent(e); return; } loaded_icons_ = true; action_new_folder_->setIcon(IconLoader::Load("folder-new", IconLoader::Base)); action_remove_->setIcon(IconLoader::Load("edit-delete", IconLoader::Base)); action_save_playlist_->setIcon(IconLoader::Load("document-save", IconLoader::Base)); model_->SetIcons(IconLoader::Load("view-media-playlist", IconLoader::Base), IconLoader::Load("folder", IconLoader::Base)); // Apply these icons to items that have already been created. RecursivelySetIcons(model_->invisibleRootItem()); QWidget::showEvent(e); } void PlaylistListContainer::RecursivelySetIcons(QStandardItem* parent) const { for (int i = 0; i < parent->rowCount(); ++i) { QStandardItem* child = parent->child(i); switch (child->data(PlaylistListModel::Role_Type).toInt()) { case PlaylistListModel::Type_Folder: child->setIcon(model_->folder_icon()); RecursivelySetIcons(child); break; case PlaylistListModel::Type_Playlist: child->setIcon(model_->playlist_icon()); break; case PlaylistListModel::Type_Track: child->setIcon(model_->track_icon()); break; } } } void PlaylistListContainer::SetApplication(Application* app) { app_ = app; PlaylistManager* manager = app_->playlist_manager(); Player* player = app_->player(); connect(manager, SIGNAL(PlaylistAdded(int, QString, bool)), SLOT(AddPlaylist(int, QString, bool))); connect(manager, SIGNAL(PlaylistFavorited(int, bool)), SLOT(PlaylistFavoriteStateChanged(int, bool))); connect(manager, SIGNAL(PlaylistRenamed(int, QString)), SLOT(PlaylistRenamed(int, QString))); connect(manager, SIGNAL(CurrentChanged(Playlist*)), SLOT(CurrentChanged(Playlist*))); connect(manager, SIGNAL(ActiveChanged(Playlist*)), SLOT(ActiveChanged(Playlist*))); connect(model_, SIGNAL(PlaylistRenamed(int, QString)), manager, SLOT(Rename(int, QString))); connect(player, SIGNAL(Paused()), SLOT(ActivePaused())); connect(player, SIGNAL(Playing()), SLOT(ActivePlaying())); connect(player, SIGNAL(Stopped()), SLOT(ActiveStopped())); // Get all playlists, even ones that are hidden in the UI. for (const PlaylistBackend::Playlist& p : app->playlist_backend()->GetAllFavoritePlaylists()) { AddPlaylist(p.id,p.name,true,&p.ui_path); } } void PlaylistListContainer::NewFolderClicked() { QString name = QInputDialog::getText(this, tr("New folder"), tr("Enter the name of the folder")); if (name.isEmpty()) { return; } name.replace("/", " "); model_->invisibleRootItem()->appendRow(model_->NewFolder(name)); } void PlaylistListContainer::AddPlaylist(int id, const QString& name, bool favorite, const QString *ui_path) { if (!favorite) { return; } if (model_->PlaylistById(id)) { // We know about this playlist already - it was probably one of the open // ones that was loaded on startup. return; } if(ui_path == nullptr) ui_path = &app_->playlist_manager()->playlist(id)->ui_path(); QStandardItem* playlist_item = model_->NewPlaylist(name, id); QStandardItem* parent_folder = model_->FolderByPath(*ui_path); parent_folder->appendRow(playlist_item); for (const Song s : app_->playlist_backend()->GetPlaylistSongs(id)) { QStandardItem* track_item = model_->NewTrack(s); track_item->setDragEnabled(false); playlist_item->appendRow(track_item); } } void PlaylistListContainer::PlaylistRenamed(int id, const QString& new_name) { QStandardItem* item = model_->PlaylistById(id); if (!item) { return; } item->setText(new_name); } void PlaylistListContainer::RemovePlaylist(int id) { QStandardItem* item = model_->PlaylistById(id); if (item) { QStandardItem* parent = item->parent(); if (!parent) { parent = model_->invisibleRootItem(); } parent->removeRow(item->row()); } } void PlaylistListContainer::SavePlaylist() { const QModelIndex& current_index = proxy_->mapToSource(ui_->tree->currentIndex()); // Is it a playlist? if (current_index.data(PlaylistListModel::Role_Type).toInt() == PlaylistListModel::Type_Playlist) { const int playlist_id = current_index.data(PlaylistListModel::Role_PlaylistId).toInt(); QStandardItem* item = model_->PlaylistById(playlist_id); QString playlist_name = item ? item->text() : tr("Playlist"); app_->playlist_manager()->SaveWithUI(playlist_id, playlist_name); } } void PlaylistListContainer::PlaylistFavoriteStateChanged(int id, bool favorite) { if (favorite) { const QString& name = app_->playlist_manager()->GetPlaylistName(id); AddPlaylist(id, name, favorite); } else { RemovePlaylist(id); } } void PlaylistListContainer::ActiveChanged(Playlist* new_playlist) { const int new_id = new_playlist->id(); if (new_id != active_playlist_id_) { UpdateActiveIcon(active_playlist_id_, QIcon()); } active_playlist_id_ = new_id; } void PlaylistListContainer::CurrentChanged(Playlist* new_playlist) { if (!new_playlist) { return; } // Focus this playlist in the tree QStandardItem* item = model_->PlaylistById(new_playlist->id()); if (!item) { return; } QModelIndex index = proxy_->mapFromSource(item->index()); ui_->tree->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex( index, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); ui_->tree->scrollTo(index); } void PlaylistListContainer::SearchTextEdited(const QString& text) { QRegExp regexp(text); regexp.setCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); proxy_->setFilterRegExp(regexp); if(regexp.isEmpty()) { ui_->tree->collapseAll(); } else { proxy_->refreshExpanded(ui_->tree); } } void PlaylistListContainer::PlaylistPathChanged(int id, const QString& new_path) { // Update the path in the database app_->playlist_backend()->SetPlaylistUiPath(id, new_path); Playlist* playlist = app_->playlist_manager()->playlist(id); // Check the playlist exists (if it's not opened it's not in the manager) if (playlist) { playlist->set_ui_path(new_path); } } void PlaylistListContainer::ItemDoubleClicked(const QModelIndex& proxy_index) { const QModelIndex& index = proxy_->mapToSource(proxy_index); // Is it a playlist? if (index.data(PlaylistListModel::Role_Type).toInt() == PlaylistListModel::Type_Playlist) { app_->playlist_manager()->SetCurrentOrOpen( index.data(PlaylistListModel::Role_PlaylistId).toInt()); } } void PlaylistListContainer::DeleteClicked() { QSet ids; QList folders_to_delete; for (const QModelIndex& proxy_index : ui_->tree->selectionModel()->selectedRows(0)) { const QModelIndex& index = proxy_->mapToSource(proxy_index); // Is it a playlist? switch (index.data(PlaylistListModel::Role_Type).toInt()) { case PlaylistListModel::Type_Playlist: ids << index.data(PlaylistListModel::Role_PlaylistId).toInt(); break; case PlaylistListModel::Type_Folder: // Find all the playlists inside. RecursivelyFindPlaylists(index, &ids); folders_to_delete << index; break; } } // Make sure the user really wants to unfavorite all these playlists. if (ids.count() > 1) { const int button = QMessageBox::question( this, tr("Remove playlists"), tr("You are about to remove %1 playlists from your favorites, are you " "sure?").arg(ids.count()), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::Cancel); if (button != QMessageBox::Yes) { return; } } // Unfavorite the playlists for (int id : ids) { app_->playlist_manager()->Favorite(id, false); } // Delete the top-level folders. for (const QPersistentModelIndex& index : folders_to_delete) { if (index.isValid()) { model_->removeRow(index.row(), index.parent()); } } } void PlaylistListContainer::RecursivelyFindPlaylists(const QModelIndex& parent, QSet* ids) const { switch (parent.data(PlaylistListModel::Role_Type).toInt()) { case PlaylistListModel::Type_Playlist: ids->insert(parent.data(PlaylistListModel::Role_PlaylistId).toInt()); break; case PlaylistListModel::Type_Folder: for (int i = 0; i < parent.model()->rowCount(parent); ++i) { RecursivelyFindPlaylists(parent.model()->index(i, 0, parent), ids); } break; } } void PlaylistListContainer::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* e) { if (!menu_) { menu_ = new QMenu(this); menu_->addAction(action_new_folder_); menu_->addAction(action_remove_); menu_->addSeparator(); menu_->addAction(action_save_playlist_); } menu_->popup(e->globalPos()); } void PlaylistListContainer::ActivePlaying() { if (padded_play_icon_.isNull()) { QPixmap pixmap(":tiny-start.png"); QPixmap new_pixmap(QSize(pixmap.height(), pixmap.height())); new_pixmap.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter p(&new_pixmap); p.drawPixmap((new_pixmap.width() - pixmap.width()) / 2, 0, pixmap.width(), pixmap.height(), pixmap); p.end(); padded_play_icon_.addPixmap(new_pixmap); } UpdateActiveIcon(active_playlist_id_, padded_play_icon_); } void PlaylistListContainer::ActivePaused() { UpdateActiveIcon(active_playlist_id_, QIcon(":tiny-pause.png")); } void PlaylistListContainer::ActiveStopped() { UpdateActiveIcon(active_playlist_id_, QIcon()); } void PlaylistListContainer::UpdateActiveIcon(int id, const QIcon& icon) { if (id == -1) { return; } QStandardItem* item = model_->PlaylistById(id); if (!item) { return; } if (icon.isNull()) { item->setIcon(model_->playlist_icon()); } else { item->setIcon(icon); } }