/* This file is part of Clementine. Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "gstenginepipeline.h" #include "gstequalizer.h" #include "gstengine.h" #include GstEnginePipeline::GstEnginePipeline(GstEngine* engine) : QObject(NULL), engine_(engine), valid_(false), sink_(GstEngine::kAutoSink), forwards_buffers_(false), volume_percent_(100), volume_modifier_(1.0), fader_(NULL), pipeline_(NULL), uridecodebin_(NULL), audiobin_(NULL), audioconvert_(NULL), equalizer_(NULL), volume_(NULL), audioscale_(NULL), audiosink_(NULL), event_cb_id_(0) { } void GstEnginePipeline::set_output_device(const QString &sink, const QString &device) { sink_ = sink; device_ = device; } bool GstEnginePipeline::Init(const QUrl &url) { pipeline_ = gst_pipeline_new("pipeline"); // Here we create all the parts of the gstreamer pipeline - from the source // to the sink. The parts of the pipeline are split up into bins: // uri decode bin -> audio bin // The uri decode bin is a gstreamer builtin that automatically picks the // right type of source and decoder for the URI. // The audio bin gets created here and contains: // audioconvert -> equalizer -> volume -> audioscale -> audioconvert -> // audiosink // Decode bin if (!(uridecodebin_ = engine_->CreateElement("uridecodebin", pipeline_))) { return false; } g_object_set(G_OBJECT(uridecodebin_), "uri", url.toEncoded().constData(), NULL); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(uridecodebin_), "pad-added", G_CALLBACK(NewPadCallback), this); // Does some stuff with ghost pads /*GstPad* pad = gst_element_get_pad(uridecodebin_, "sink"); if (pad) { event_cb_id_ = gst_pad_add_event_probe (pad, G_CALLBACK(EventCallback), this); gst_object_unref(pad); }*/ // Audio bin audiobin_ = gst_bin_new("audiobin"); gst_bin_add(GST_BIN(pipeline_), audiobin_); if (!(audiosink_ = engine_->CreateElement(sink_, audiobin_))) return false; if (GstEngine::DoesThisSinkSupportChangingTheOutputDeviceToAUserEditableString(sink_) && !device_.isEmpty()) g_object_set(G_OBJECT(audiosink_), "device", device_.toUtf8().constData(), NULL); equalizer_ = GST_ELEMENT(gst_equalizer_new()); gst_bin_add(GST_BIN(audiobin_), equalizer_); if (!(audioconvert_ = engine_->CreateElement("audioconvert", audiobin_))) { return false; } if (!(volume_ = engine_->CreateElement("volume", audiobin_))) { return false; } if (!(audioscale_ = engine_->CreateElement("audioresample", audiobin_))) { return false; } GstPad* pad = gst_element_get_pad(audioconvert_, "sink"); gst_element_add_pad(audiobin_, gst_ghost_pad_new("sink", pad)); gst_object_unref(pad); // Add a data probe on the src pad of the audioconvert element for our scope. // We do it here because we want pre-equalized and pre-volume samples // so that our visualization are not affected by them pad = gst_element_get_pad(audioconvert_, "src"); gst_pad_add_buffer_probe(pad, G_CALLBACK(HandoffCallback), this); gst_object_unref (pad); // Ensure we get the right type out of audioconvert for our scope GstCaps* caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("audio/x-raw-int", "width", G_TYPE_INT, 16, "signed", G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, true, NULL); gst_element_link_filtered(audioconvert_, equalizer_, caps); gst_caps_unref(caps); // Add an extra audioconvert at the end as osxaudiosink supports only one format. GstElement* convert = engine_->CreateElement("audioconvert", audiobin_, "FFFUUUU"); if (!convert) { return false; } gst_element_link_many(equalizer_, volume_, audioscale_, convert, audiosink_, NULL); gst_bus_set_sync_handler(gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(pipeline_)), BusCallbackSync, this); bus_cb_id_ = gst_bus_add_watch(gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(pipeline_)), BusCallback, this); return true; } GstEnginePipeline::~GstEnginePipeline() { // We don't want an EOS signal from the decodebin if (uridecodebin_) { GstPad *p = gst_element_get_pad(uridecodebin_, "sink"); if (p) gst_pad_remove_event_probe(p, event_cb_id_); } if (pipeline_) { gst_bus_set_sync_handler(gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(pipeline_)), NULL, NULL); g_source_remove(bus_cb_id_); gst_element_set_state(pipeline_, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(pipeline_)); } } gboolean GstEnginePipeline::BusCallback(GstBus*, GstMessage* msg, gpointer self) { GstEnginePipeline* instance = reinterpret_cast(self); switch ( GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg)) { case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR: instance->ErrorMessageReceived(msg); break; case GST_MESSAGE_TAG: instance->TagMessageReceived(msg); break; default: break; } return GST_BUS_DROP; } GstBusSyncReply GstEnginePipeline::BusCallbackSync(GstBus*, GstMessage* msg, gpointer self) { GstEnginePipeline* instance = reinterpret_cast(self); switch (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg)) { case GST_MESSAGE_EOS: emit instance->EndOfStreamReached(); break; case GST_MESSAGE_TAG: instance->TagMessageReceived(msg); break; case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR: instance->ErrorMessageReceived(msg); break; default: break; } return GST_BUS_PASS; } void GstEnginePipeline::ErrorMessageReceived(GstMessage* msg) { GError* error; gchar* debugs; gst_message_parse_error(msg, &error, &debugs); QString message = QString::fromLocal8Bit(error->message); g_error_free(error); free(debugs); emit Error(message); } void GstEnginePipeline::TagMessageReceived(GstMessage* msg) { GstTagList* taglist = NULL; gst_message_parse_tag(msg, &taglist); Engine::SimpleMetaBundle bundle; bundle.title = ParseTag(taglist, GST_TAG_TITLE); bundle.artist = ParseTag(taglist, GST_TAG_ARTIST); bundle.comment = ParseTag(taglist, GST_TAG_COMMENT); bundle.album = ParseTag(taglist, GST_TAG_ALBUM); gst_tag_list_free(taglist); if (!bundle.title.isEmpty() || !bundle.artist.isEmpty() || !bundle.comment.isEmpty() || !bundle.album.isEmpty()) emit MetadataFound(bundle); } QString GstEnginePipeline::ParseTag(GstTagList* list, const char* tag) const { gchar* data = NULL; bool success = gst_tag_list_get_string(list, tag, &data); QString ret; if (success && data) { ret = QString::fromUtf8(data); g_free(data); } return ret.trimmed(); } void GstEnginePipeline::NewPadCallback(GstElement*, GstPad* pad, gpointer self) { GstEnginePipeline* instance = reinterpret_cast(self); GstPad* const audiopad = gst_element_get_pad(instance->audiobin_, "sink"); if (GST_PAD_IS_LINKED(audiopad)) { qDebug() << "audiopad is already linked. Unlinking old pad." ; gst_pad_unlink(audiopad, GST_PAD_PEER(audiopad)); } gst_pad_link(pad, audiopad); gst_object_unref(audiopad); } bool GstEnginePipeline::HandoffCallback(GstPad*, GstBuffer* buf, gpointer self) { GstEnginePipeline* instance = reinterpret_cast(self); if (instance->forwards_buffers_) { gst_buffer_ref(buf); emit instance->BufferFound(buf); } return true; } void GstEnginePipeline::EventCallback(GstPad*, GstEvent* event, gpointer self) { GstEnginePipeline* instance = reinterpret_cast(self); switch(event->type) { case GST_EVENT_EOS: emit instance->EndOfStreamReached(); break; default: break; } } qint64 GstEnginePipeline::position() const { GstFormat fmt = GST_FORMAT_TIME; gint64 value = 0; gst_element_query_position(pipeline_, &fmt, &value); return value; } qint64 GstEnginePipeline::length() const { GstFormat fmt = GST_FORMAT_TIME; gint64 value = 0; gst_element_query_duration(pipeline_, &fmt, &value); return value; } GstState GstEnginePipeline::state() const { GstState s, sp; if (gst_element_get_state(pipeline_, &s, &sp, kGstStateTimeoutNanosecs) == GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE) return GST_STATE_NULL; return s; } bool GstEnginePipeline::SetState(GstState state) { return gst_element_set_state(pipeline_, state) != GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE; } bool GstEnginePipeline::Seek(qint64 nanosec) { return gst_element_seek_simple(pipeline_, GST_FORMAT_TIME, GST_SEEK_FLAG_FLUSH, nanosec); } void GstEnginePipeline::SetEqualizerEnabled(bool enabled) { g_object_set(G_OBJECT(equalizer_), "active", enabled, NULL); } void GstEnginePipeline::SetEqualizerParams(int preamp, const QList& band_gains) { // Preamp g_object_set(G_OBJECT(equalizer_), "preamp", ( preamp + 100 ) / 2, NULL); // Gains std::vector gains_temp; gains_temp.resize( band_gains.count() ); for ( int i = 0; i < band_gains.count(); i++ ) gains_temp[i] = band_gains.at( i ) + 100; g_object_set(G_OBJECT(equalizer_), "gain", &gains_temp, NULL); } void GstEnginePipeline::SetVolume(int percent) { volume_percent_ = percent; UpdateVolume(); } void GstEnginePipeline::SetVolumeModifier(qreal mod) { volume_modifier_ = mod; UpdateVolume(); } void GstEnginePipeline::UpdateVolume() { float vol = double(volume_percent_) * 0.01 * volume_modifier_; g_object_set(G_OBJECT(volume_), "volume", vol, NULL); } void GstEnginePipeline::StartFader(int duration_msec, QTimeLine::Direction direction, QTimeLine::CurveShape shape) { delete fader_; fader_ = new QTimeLine(duration_msec, this); connect(fader_, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), SLOT(SetVolumeModifier(qreal))); connect(fader_, SIGNAL(finished()), SIGNAL(FaderFinished())); fader_->setDirection(direction); fader_->setCurveShape(shape); fader_->start(); SetVolumeModifier(fader_->currentValue()); }