/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2010, David Sansome Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "songloader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOCD # include #endif #include "config.h" #include "core/concurrentrun.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/song.h" #include "core/signalchecker.h" #include "core/tagreaderclient.h" #include "core/timeconstants.h" #include "internet/fixlastfm.h" #include "internet/internetmodel.h" #include "library/librarybackend.h" #include "library/sqlrow.h" #include "playlistparsers/parserbase.h" #include "playlistparsers/cueparser.h" #include "playlistparsers/playlistparser.h" #include "podcasts/podcastparser.h" #include "podcasts/podcastservice.h" #include "podcasts/podcasturlloader.h" QSet SongLoader::sRawUriSchemes; const int SongLoader::kDefaultTimeout = 5000; SongLoader::SongLoader(LibraryBackendInterface* library, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), timeout_timer_(new QTimer(this)), playlist_parser_(new PlaylistParser(library, this)), podcast_parser_(new PodcastParser), cue_parser_(new CueParser(library, this)), timeout_(kDefaultTimeout), state_(WaitingForType), success_(false), parser_(NULL), is_podcast_(false), library_(library) { if (sRawUriSchemes.isEmpty()) { sRawUriSchemes << "udp" << "mms" << "mmsh" << "mmst" << "mmsu" << "rtsp" << "rtspu" << "rtspt" << "rtsph" << "spotify"; } timeout_timer_->setSingleShot(true); connect(timeout_timer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(Timeout())); } SongLoader::~SongLoader() { if (pipeline_) { state_ = Finished; gst_element_set_state(pipeline_.get(), GST_STATE_NULL); } delete podcast_parser_; } SongLoader::Result SongLoader::Load(const QUrl& url) { url_ = url; if (url_.scheme() == "file") { return LoadLocal(url_.toLocalFile()); } if (sRawUriSchemes.contains(url_.scheme())) { // The URI scheme indicates that it can't possibly be a playlist, so add // it as a raw stream. AddAsRawStream(); return Success; } url_ = PodcastUrlLoader::FixPodcastUrl(url_); timeout_timer_->start(timeout_); return LoadRemote(); } SongLoader::Result SongLoader::LoadLocalPartial(const QString& filename) { qLog(Debug) << "Fast Loading local file" << filename; // First check to see if it's a directory - if so we can load all the songs // inside right away. if (QFileInfo(filename).isDir()) { LoadLocalDirectory(filename); return Success; } Song song; song.InitFromFilePartial(filename); if (song.is_valid()) songs_ << song; return Success; } SongLoader::Result SongLoader::LoadAudioCD() { #ifdef HAVE_AUDIOCD // Create gstreamer cdda element GstElement* cdda = gst_element_make_from_uri (GST_URI_SRC, "cdda://", NULL); if (cdda == NULL) { qLog(Error) << "Error while creating CDDA GstElement"; return Error; } // Change the element's state to ready and paused, to be able to query it if (gst_element_set_state(cdda, GST_STATE_READY) == GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE || gst_element_set_state(cdda, GST_STATE_PAUSED) == GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE) { qLog(Error) << "Error while changing CDDA GstElement's state"; gst_element_set_state(cdda, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(cdda)); return Error; } // Get number of tracks GstFormat fmt = gst_format_get_by_nick ("track"); GstFormat out_fmt = fmt; gint64 num_tracks = 0; if (!gst_element_query_duration (cdda, &out_fmt, &num_tracks) || out_fmt != fmt) { qLog(Error) << "Error while querying cdda GstElement"; gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(cdda)); return Error; } for (int track_number = 1; track_number <= num_tracks; track_number++) { // Init song Song song; guint64 duration = 0; // quint64 == ulonglong and guint64 == ulong, therefore we must cast if (gst_tag_list_get_uint64 (GST_CDDA_BASE_SRC(cdda)->tracks[track_number-1].tags, GST_TAG_DURATION, &duration)) { song.set_length_nanosec((quint64)duration); } song.set_valid(true); song.set_filetype(Song::Type_Cdda); song.set_url(QUrl(QString("cdda://%1").arg(track_number))); song.set_title(QString("Track %1").arg(track_number)); song.set_track(track_number); songs_ << song; } // Generate MusicBrainz DiscId gst_tag_register_musicbrainz_tags(); GstElement *pipe = gst_pipeline_new ("pipeline"); gst_bin_add (GST_BIN (pipe), cdda); gst_element_set_state (pipe, GST_STATE_READY); gst_element_set_state (pipe, GST_STATE_PAUSED); GstMessage *msg = gst_bus_timed_pop_filtered (GST_ELEMENT_BUS (pipe), GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE, GST_MESSAGE_TAG); GstTagList *tags = NULL; gst_message_parse_tag (msg, &tags); char *string_mb = NULL; if (gst_tag_list_get_string (tags, GST_TAG_CDDA_MUSICBRAINZ_DISCID, &string_mb)) { QString musicbrainz_discid(string_mb); qLog(Info) << "MusicBrainz discid: " << musicbrainz_discid; MusicBrainzClient *musicbrainz_client = new MusicBrainzClient(this); connect(musicbrainz_client, SIGNAL(Finished(const QString&, const QString&, MusicBrainzClient::ResultList)), SLOT(AudioCDTagsLoaded(const QString&, const QString&, MusicBrainzClient::ResultList))); musicbrainz_client->StartDiscIdRequest(musicbrainz_discid); g_free(string_mb); } // Clean all the Gstreamer objects we have used: we don't need them anymore gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(cdda)); gst_element_set_state (pipe, GST_STATE_NULL); gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(pipe)); gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(msg)); gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(tags)); return Success; #else // HAVE_AUDIOCD return Error; #endif } void SongLoader::AudioCDTagsLoaded(const QString& artist, const QString& album, const MusicBrainzClient::ResultList& results) { // Remove previously added songs metadata, because there are not needed // and that we are going to fill it with new (more complete) ones songs_.clear(); int track_number = 1; foreach (const MusicBrainzClient::Result& ret, results) { Song song; song.set_artist(artist); song.set_album(album); song.set_title(ret.title_); song.set_length_nanosec(ret.duration_msec_ * kNsecPerMsec); song.set_track(track_number); song.set_year(ret.year_); // We need to set url: that's how playlist will find the correct item to update song.set_url(QUrl(QString("cdda://%1").arg(track_number++))); songs_ << song; } emit LoadFinished(true); } SongLoader::Result SongLoader::LoadLocal(const QString& filename) { qLog(Debug) << "Loading local file" << filename; // First check to see if it's a directory - if so we can load all the songs // inside right away. if (QFileInfo(filename).isDir()) { ConcurrentRun::Run(&thread_pool_, boost::bind(&SongLoader::LoadLocalDirectoryAndEmit, this, filename)); return WillLoadAsync; } // It's a local file, so check if it looks like a playlist. // Read the first few bytes. QFile file(filename); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return Error; QByteArray data(file.read(PlaylistParser::kMagicSize)); ParserBase* parser = playlist_parser_->ParserForMagic(data); if (!parser) { // Check the file extension as well, maybe the magic failed, or it was a // basic M3U file which is just a plain list of filenames. parser = playlist_parser_->ParserForExtension(QFileInfo(filename).suffix()); } if (parser) { qLog(Debug) << "Parsing using" << parser->name(); // It's a playlist! ConcurrentRun::Run(&thread_pool_, boost::bind(&SongLoader::LoadPlaylistAndEmit, this, parser, filename)); return WillLoadAsync; } // Not a playlist, so just assume it's a song QUrl url = QUrl::fromLocalFile(filename); LibraryQuery query; query.SetColumnSpec("%songs_table.ROWID, " + Song::kColumnSpec); query.AddWhere("filename", url.toEncoded()); SongList song_list; if (library_->ExecQuery(&query) && query.Next()) { // we may have many results when the file has many sections do { Song song; song.InitFromQuery(query, true); song_list << song; } while(query.Next()); } else { QString matching_cue = filename.section('.', 0, -2) + ".cue"; if (QFile::exists(matching_cue)) { // it's a cue - create virtual tracks QFile cue(matching_cue); cue.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); song_list = cue_parser_->Load(&cue, matching_cue, QDir(filename.section('/', 0, -2))); } else { // it's a normal media file, load it asynchronously. TagReaderReply* reply = TagReaderClient::Instance()->ReadFile(filename); NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(Finished(bool)), this, SLOT(LocalFileLoaded(TagReaderReply*)), reply); return WillLoadAsync; } } foreach (const Song& song, song_list) { if (song.is_valid()) { songs_ << song; } } return Success; } void SongLoader::LocalFileLoaded(TagReaderReply* reply) { reply->deleteLater(); Song song; song.InitFromProtobuf(reply->message().read_file_response().metadata()); if (song.is_valid()) { songs_ << song; } emit LoadFinished(true); } void SongLoader::EffectiveSongsLoad() { for (int i = 0; i < songs_.size(); i++) { EffectiveSongLoad(&songs_[i]); } } void SongLoader::EffectiveSongLoad(Song* song) { if (!song) return; if (song->filetype() != Song::Type_Unknown) { // Maybe we loaded the metadata already, for example from a cuesheet. return; } // First, try to get the song from the library Song library_song = library_->GetSongByUrl(song->url()); if (library_song.is_valid()) { *song = library_song; } else { // it's a normal media file QString filename = song->url().toLocalFile(); TagReaderClient::Instance()->ReadFileBlocking(filename, song); } } void SongLoader::LoadPlaylistAndEmit(ParserBase* parser, const QString& filename) { LoadPlaylist(parser, filename); emit LoadFinished(true); } void SongLoader::LoadPlaylist(ParserBase* parser, const QString& filename) { QFile file(filename); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); songs_ = parser->Load(&file, filename, QFileInfo(filename).path()); } static bool CompareSongs(const Song& left, const Song& right) { // Order by artist, album, disc, track if (left.artist() < right.artist()) return true; if (left.artist() > right.artist()) return false; if (left.album() < right.album()) return true; if (left.album() > right.album()) return false; if (left.disc() < right.disc()) return true; if (left.disc() > right.disc()) return false; if (left.track() < right.track()) return true; if (left.track() > right.track()) return false; return left.url() < right.url(); } void SongLoader::LoadLocalDirectoryAndEmit(const QString& filename) { LoadLocalDirectory(filename); emit LoadFinished(true); } void SongLoader::LoadLocalDirectory(const QString& filename) { QDirIterator it(filename, QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Readable, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext()) { LoadLocalPartial(it.next()); } qStableSort(songs_.begin(), songs_.end(), CompareSongs); // Load the first song: all songs will be loaded async, but we want the first // one in our list to be fully loaded, so if the user has the "Start playing // when adding to playlist" preference behaviour set, it can enjoy the first // song being played (seek it, have moodbar, etc.) if (!songs_.isEmpty()) EffectiveSongLoad(&(*songs_.begin())); } void SongLoader::AddAsRawStream() { Song song; song.set_valid(true); song.set_filetype(Song::Type_Stream); song.set_url(url_); song.set_title(url_.toString()); songs_ << song; } void SongLoader::Timeout() { state_ = Finished; success_ = false; StopTypefind(); } void SongLoader::StopTypefind() { // Destroy the pipeline if (pipeline_) { gst_element_set_state(pipeline_.get(), GST_STATE_NULL); pipeline_.reset(); } timeout_timer_->stop(); if (success_ && parser_) { qLog(Debug) << "Parsing" << url_ << "with" << parser_->name(); // Parse the playlist QBuffer buf(&buffer_); buf.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); songs_ = parser_->Load(&buf); } else if (success_ && is_podcast_) { qLog(Debug) << "Parsing" << url_ << "as a podcast"; QBuffer buf(&buffer_); buf.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QVariant result = podcast_parser_->Load(&buf, url_); if (result.isNull()) { qLog(Warning) << "Failed to parse podcast"; } else { InternetModel::Service()->SubscribeAndShow(result); } } else if (success_) { qLog(Debug) << "Loading" << url_ << "as raw stream"; // It wasn't a playlist - just put the URL in as a stream AddAsRawStream(); } emit LoadFinished(success_); } SongLoader::Result SongLoader::LoadRemote() { qLog(Debug) << "Loading remote file" << url_; // It's not a local file so we have to fetch it to see what it is. We use // gstreamer to do this since it handles funky URLs for us (http://, ssh://, // etc) and also has typefinder plugins. // First we wait for typefinder to tell us what it is. If it's not text/plain // or text/uri-list assume it's a song and return success. // Otherwise wait to get 512 bytes of data and do magic on it - if the magic // fails then we don't know what it is so return failure. // If the magic succeeds then we know for sure it's a playlist - so read the // rest of the file, parse the playlist and return success. // Create the pipeline - it gets unreffed if it goes out of scope boost::shared_ptr pipeline( gst_pipeline_new(NULL), boost::bind(&gst_object_unref, _1)); // Create the source element automatically based on the URL GstElement* source = gst_element_make_from_uri( GST_URI_SRC, url_.toEncoded().constData(), NULL); if (!source) { qLog(Warning) << "Couldn't create gstreamer source element for" << url_.toString(); return Error; } // Create the other elements and link them up GstElement* typefind = gst_element_factory_make("typefind", NULL); GstElement* fakesink = gst_element_factory_make("fakesink", NULL); gst_bin_add_many(GST_BIN(pipeline.get()), source, typefind, fakesink, NULL); gst_element_link_many(source, typefind, fakesink, NULL); // Connect callbacks GstBus* bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(pipeline.get())); CHECKED_GCONNECT(typefind, "have-type", &TypeFound, this); gst_bus_set_sync_handler(bus, BusCallbackSync, this); gst_bus_add_watch(bus, BusCallback, this); // Add a probe to the sink so we can capture the data if it's a playlist GstPad* pad = gst_element_get_static_pad(fakesink, "sink"); gst_pad_add_buffer_probe(pad, G_CALLBACK(DataReady), this); gst_object_unref(pad); // Start "playing" gst_element_set_state(pipeline.get(), GST_STATE_PLAYING); pipeline_ = pipeline; return WillLoadAsync; } void SongLoader::TypeFound(GstElement*, uint, GstCaps* caps, void* self) { SongLoader* instance = static_cast(self); if (instance->state_ != WaitingForType) return; // Check the mimetype instance->mime_type_ = gst_structure_get_name(gst_caps_get_structure(caps, 0)); qLog(Debug) << "Mime type is" << instance->mime_type_; if (instance->mime_type_ == "text/plain" || instance->mime_type_ == "text/uri-list" || instance->podcast_parser_->supported_mime_types().contains(instance->mime_type_)) { // Yeah it might be a playlist, let's get some data and have a better look instance->state_ = WaitingForMagic; return; } // Nope, not a playlist - we're done instance->StopTypefindAsync(true); } gboolean SongLoader::DataReady(GstPad*, GstBuffer* buf, void* self) { SongLoader* instance = static_cast(self); if (instance->state_ == Finished) return true; // Append the data to the buffer instance->buffer_.append(reinterpret_cast(GST_BUFFER_DATA(buf)), GST_BUFFER_SIZE(buf)); qLog(Debug) << "Received total" << instance->buffer_.size() << "bytes"; if (instance->state_ == WaitingForMagic && (instance->buffer_.size() >= PlaylistParser::kMagicSize || !instance->IsPipelinePlaying())) { // Got enough that we can test the magic instance->MagicReady(); } return true; } gboolean SongLoader::BusCallback(GstBus*, GstMessage* msg, gpointer self) { SongLoader* instance = reinterpret_cast(self); switch (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg)) { case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR: instance->ErrorMessageReceived(msg); break; default: break; } return TRUE; } GstBusSyncReply SongLoader::BusCallbackSync(GstBus*, GstMessage* msg, gpointer self) { SongLoader* instance = reinterpret_cast(self); switch (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(msg)) { case GST_MESSAGE_EOS: instance->EndOfStreamReached(); break; case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR: instance->ErrorMessageReceived(msg); break; default: break; } return GST_BUS_PASS; } void SongLoader::ErrorMessageReceived(GstMessage* msg) { if (state_ == Finished) return; GError* error; gchar* debugs; gst_message_parse_error(msg, &error, &debugs); qLog(Error) << error->message; qLog(Error) << debugs; QString message_str = error->message; g_error_free(error); free(debugs); if (state_ == WaitingForType && message_str == gst_error_get_message( GST_STREAM_ERROR, GST_STREAM_ERROR_TYPE_NOT_FOUND)) { // Don't give up - assume it's a playlist and see if one of our parsers can // read it. state_ = WaitingForMagic; return; } StopTypefindAsync(false); } void SongLoader::EndOfStreamReached() { qLog(Debug) << Q_FUNC_INFO << state_; switch (state_) { case Finished: break; case WaitingForMagic: // Do the magic on the data we have already MagicReady(); if (state_ == Finished) break; // It looks like a playlist, so parse it // fallthrough case WaitingForData: // It's a playlist and we've got all the data - finish and parse it StopTypefindAsync(true); break; case WaitingForType: StopTypefindAsync(false); break; } } void SongLoader::MagicReady() { qLog(Debug) << Q_FUNC_INFO; parser_ = playlist_parser_->ParserForMagic(buffer_, mime_type_); is_podcast_ = false; if (!parser_) { // Maybe it's a podcast? if (podcast_parser_->TryMagic(buffer_)) { is_podcast_ = true; qLog(Debug) << "Looks like a podcast"; } else { qLog(Warning) << url_.toString() << "is text, but not a recognised playlist"; // It doesn't look like a playlist, so just finish StopTypefindAsync(false); return; } } // We'll get more data and parse the whole thing in EndOfStreamReached if (!is_podcast_) { qLog(Debug) << "Magic says" << parser_->name(); if (parser_->name() == "ASX/INI" && url_.scheme() == "http") { // This is actually a weird MS-WMSP stream. Changing the protocol to MMS from // HTTP makes it playable. parser_ = NULL; url_.setScheme("mms"); StopTypefindAsync(true); } } state_ = WaitingForData; if (!IsPipelinePlaying()) { EndOfStreamReached(); } } bool SongLoader::IsPipelinePlaying() { GstState state = GST_STATE_NULL; GstState pending_state = GST_STATE_NULL; GstStateChangeReturn ret = gst_element_get_state(pipeline_.get(), &state, &pending_state, GST_SECOND); if (ret == GST_STATE_CHANGE_ASYNC && pending_state == GST_STATE_PLAYING) { // We're still on the way to playing return true; } return state == GST_STATE_PLAYING; } void SongLoader::StopTypefindAsync(bool success) { state_ = Finished; success_ = success; metaObject()->invokeMethod(this, "StopTypefind", Qt::QueuedConnection); }