/* * MilkdropWaveform.cpp * * Created on: Jun 25, 2008 * Author: pete */ #include <iostream> #ifdef LINUX #include <GL/gl.h> #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include "glew.h" #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #include <OpenGL/gl.h> #endif #include <cmath> #include "MilkdropWaveform.hpp" #include "math.h" #include "BeatDetect.hpp" MilkdropWaveform::MilkdropWaveform(): RenderItem(), x(0.5), y(0.5), r(1), g(0), b(0), a(1), mystery(0), mode(Line), scale(10), smoothing(0), rot(0), samples(0),modOpacityStart(0),modOpacityEnd(1), modulateAlphaByVolume(false), maximizeColors(false), additive(false), dots(false), thick(false), loop(false) {} void MilkdropWaveform::Draw(RenderContext &context) { WaveformMath(context); glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); if(modulateAlphaByVolume) ModulateOpacityByVolume(context); else temp_a = a; MaximizeColors(context); #ifndef USE_GLES1 if(dots==1) glEnable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE); #endif //Thick wave drawing if (thick==1) glLineWidth( (context.texsize < 512 ) ? 2 : 2*context.texsize/512); else glLineWidth( (context.texsize < 512 ) ? 1 : context.texsize/512); //Additive wave drawing (vice overwrite) if (additive==1)glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE); else glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glTranslatef(.5, .5, 0); glRotatef(rot, 0, 0, 1); glScalef(aspectScale, 1.0, 1.0); glTranslatef(-.5, -.5, 0); glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY); glVertexPointer(2,GL_FLOAT,0,wavearray); if (loop) glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP,0,samples); else glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP,0,samples); if (two_waves) { glVertexPointer(2,GL_FLOAT,0,wavearray2); if (loop) glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP,0,samples); else glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP,0,samples); } #ifndef USE_GLES1 if(dots==1) glDisable(GL_LINE_STIPPLE); #endif glPopMatrix(); } void MilkdropWaveform::ModulateOpacityByVolume(RenderContext &context) { //modulate volume by opacity // //set an upper and lower bound and linearly //calculate the opacity from 0=lower to 1=upper //based on current volume if (context.beatDetect->vol<= modOpacityStart) temp_a=0.0; else if (context.beatDetect->vol>=modOpacityEnd) temp_a=a; else temp_a=a*((context.beatDetect->vol-modOpacityStart)/(modOpacityEnd-modOpacityStart)); } void MilkdropWaveform::MaximizeColors(RenderContext &context) { float wave_r_switch=0, wave_g_switch=0, wave_b_switch=0; //wave color brightening // //forces max color value to 1.0 and scales // the rest accordingly if(mode==Blob2 || mode==Blob5) switch(context.texsize) { case 256: temp_a *= 0.07f; break; case 512: temp_a *= 0.09f; break; case 1024: temp_a *= 0.11f; break; case 2048: temp_a *= 0.13f; break; } else if(mode==Blob3) { switch(context.texsize) { case 256: temp_a *= 0.075f; break; case 512: temp_a *= 0.15f; break; case 1024: temp_a *= 0.22f; break; case 2048: temp_a *= 0.33f; break; } temp_a*=1.3f; temp_a*=std::pow(context.beatDetect->treb , 2.0f); } if (maximizeColors==true) { if(r>=g && r>=b) //red brightest { wave_b_switch=b*(1/r); wave_g_switch=g*(1/r); wave_r_switch=1.0; } else if (b>=g && b>=r) //blue brightest { wave_r_switch=r*(1/b); wave_g_switch=g*(1/b); wave_b_switch=1.0; } else if (g>=b && g>=r) //green brightest { wave_b_switch=b*(1/g); wave_r_switch=r*(1/g); wave_g_switch=1.0; } glColor4f(wave_r_switch, wave_g_switch, wave_b_switch, temp_a * masterAlpha); } else { glColor4f(r, g, b, temp_a * masterAlpha); } } void MilkdropWaveform::WaveformMath(RenderContext &context) { int i; float r, theta; float offset; float wave_x_temp=0; float wave_y_temp=0; float cos_rot; float sin_rot; offset=x-.5; float temp_y; two_waves = false; loop = false; switch(mode) { case Circle: { loop = true; rot = 0; aspectScale=1.0; temp_y=-1*(y-1.0); samples = 0? 512-32 : context.beatDetect->pcm->numsamples; float inv_nverts_minus_one = 1.0f/(float)(samples); float last_value = context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataR[samples-1]+context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataL[samples-1]; float first_value = context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataR[0]+context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataL[0]; float offset = first_value-last_value; for ( int i=0;i<samples;i++) { float value = context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataR[i]+context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataL[i]; value += offset * (i/(float)samples); r=(0.5 + 0.4f*.12*value*scale + mystery)*.5; theta=i*inv_nverts_minus_one*6.28f + context.time*0.2f; wavearray[i][0]=(r*cos(theta)*(context.aspectCorrect? context.aspectRatio : 1.0)+x); wavearray[i][1]=(r*sin(theta)+temp_y); } } break; case RadialBlob://circularly moving waveform rot = 0; aspectScale = context.aspectRatio; temp_y=-1*(y-1.0); samples = 512-32; for ( int i=0;i<512-32;i++) { theta=context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataL[i+32]*0.06*scale * 1.57 + context.time*2.3; r=(0.53 + 0.43*context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataR[i]*0.12*scale+ mystery)*.5; wavearray[i][0]=(r*cos(theta)*(context.aspectCorrect ? context.aspectRatio : 1.0)+x); wavearray[i][1]=(r*sin(theta)+temp_y); } break; case Blob2://EXPERIMENTAL temp_y=-1*(y-1.0); rot = 0; aspectScale =1.0; samples = 512-32; for ( int i=0;i<512-32;i++) { wavearray[i][0]=(context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataR[i]*scale*0.5*(context.aspectCorrect ? context.aspectRatio : 1.0) + x); wavearray[i][1]=(context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataL[i+32]*scale*0.5 + temp_y); } break; case Blob3://EXPERIMENTAL temp_y=-1*(y-1.0); rot = 0; aspectScale =1.0; samples = 512-32; for ( int i=0;i<512-32;i++) { wavearray[i][0]=(context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataR[i] * scale*0.5 + x); wavearray[i][1]=( (context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataL[i+32]*scale*0.5 + temp_y)); } break; case DerivativeLine://single x-axis derivative waveform { rot =-mystery*90; aspectScale=1.0; temp_y=-1*(y-1.0); float w1 = 0.45f + 0.5f*(mystery*0.5f + 0.5f); float w2 = 1.0f - w1; float xx[512], yy[512]; samples = 512-32; for (int i=0; i<512-32; i++) { xx[i] = -1.0f + 2.0f*(i/(512.0-32.0)) + x; yy[i] =0.4* context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataL[i]*0.47f*scale + temp_y; xx[i] += 0.4*context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataR[i]*0.44f*scale; if (i>1) { xx[i] = xx[i]*w2 + w1*(xx[i-1]*2.0f - xx[i-2]); yy[i] = yy[i]*w2 + w1*(yy[i-1]*2.0f - yy[i-2]); } wavearray[i][0]=xx[i]; wavearray[i][1]=yy[i]; } } break; case Blob5://EXPERIMENTAL rot = 0; aspectScale =1.0; temp_y=-1*(y-1.0); cos_rot = cosf(context.time*0.3f); sin_rot = sinf(context.time*0.3f); samples = 512-32; for ( int i=0;i<512-32;i++) { float x0 = (context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataR[i]*context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataL[i+32] + context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataL[i+32]*context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataR[i]); float y0 = (context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataR[i]*context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataR[i] - context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataL[i+32]*context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataL[i+32]); wavearray[i][0]=((x0*cos_rot - y0*sin_rot)*scale*0.5*(context.aspectCorrect ? context.aspectRatio : 1.0) + x); wavearray[i][1]=( (x0*sin_rot + y0*cos_rot)*scale*0.5 + temp_y); } break; case Line://single waveform wave_x_temp=-2*0.4142*(fabs(fabs(mystery)-.5)-.5); rot = -mystery*90; aspectScale =1.0+wave_x_temp; wave_x_temp=-1*(x-1.0); samples = 0 ? 512-32 : context.beatDetect->pcm->numsamples; for ( int i=0;i< samples;i++) { wavearray[i][0]=i/(float) samples; wavearray[i][1]=context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataR[i]*.04*scale+wave_x_temp; } // printf("%f %f\n",renderTarget->texsize*wave_y_temp,wave_y_temp); break; case DoubleLine://dual waveforms wave_x_temp=-2*0.4142*(fabs(fabs(mystery)-.5)-.5); rot = -mystery*90; aspectScale =1.0+wave_x_temp; samples = 0 ? 512-32 : context.beatDetect->pcm->numsamples; two_waves = true; double y_adj = y*y*.5; wave_y_temp=-1*(x-1); for ( int i=0;i<samples;i++) { wavearray[i][0]=i/((float) samples); wavearray[i][1]= context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataL[i]*.04*scale+(wave_y_temp+y_adj); } for ( int i=0;i<samples;i++) { wavearray2[i][0]=i/((float) samples); wavearray2[i][1]=context.beatDetect->pcm->pcmdataR[i]*.04*scale+(wave_y_temp-y_adj); } break; } }