#!/usr/bin/python from subprocess import * from sys import * from os import rename, remove from datetime import * def pretty_years(s): l = list(s) l.sort() start = None prev = None r = [] for x in l: if prev is None: start = x prev = x continue if x == prev + 1: prev = x continue if prev == start: r.append("%i" % prev) else: r.append("%i-%i" % (start, prev)) start = x prev = x if not prev is None: if prev == start: r.append("%i" % prev) else: r.append("%i-%i" % (start, prev)) return ", ".join(r) def order_by_year(a, b): la = list(a[2]) la.sort() lb = list(b[2]) lb.sort() if la[0] < lb[0]: return -1 elif la[0] > lb[0]: return 1 else: return 0 def gen_copyrights(f): commits = [] data = {} copyrights = [] for ln in Popen(["git", "blame", "--incremental", f], stdout=PIPE).stdout: if ln.startswith("filename "): if len(data) > 0: commits.append(data) data = {} elif ln.startswith("author "): data["author"] = ln[7:].strip() elif ln.startswith("author-mail <"): data["author-mail"] = ln[12:].strip() elif ln.startswith("author-time "): data["author-time"] = ln[11:].strip() elif ln.startswith("author-tz "): data["author-tz"] = ln[9:].strip() with open(f,'r') as fi: fil = fi.readlines() for i in fil: if -1 < i.find("Original Author"): da = i.split(" ") print f copyrights.append(" Copyright %s, %s %s\n" % (da[3].strip(), da[1], da[2])) by_author = {} for c in commits: try: n = by_author[c["author"]] except KeyError: n = (c["author"], c["author-mail"], set()) by_author[c["author"]] = n # FIXME: Handle time zones properly year = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(c["author-time"])).year n[2].add(year) for an, a in list(by_author.iteritems()): for bn, b in list(by_author.iteritems()): if a is b: continue if a[1] == b[1]: a[2].update(b[2]) if by_author.has_key(an) and by_author.has_key(bn): del by_author[bn] copyright = list(by_author.itervalues()) copyright.sort(order_by_year) for name, mail, years in copyright: copyrights.append(" Copyright %s, %s %s\n" % (pretty_years(years), name, mail)) return copyrights def change_file(filename): content=[] out=[] extended=0 ends=0 with open(filename, "r") as fi: content=fi.readlines() copyrights=gen_copyrights(filename) if -1 == content[0].find("/* This file is part of Clementine."): print("File {} have no Clementine copyright info".format(filename)) return 0 for i in content: if i.find("*/") != -1: ends = 1 if i.find("Copyright ") != -1: if not extended: out.extend(copyrights) extended = 1 if not ends: continue else: out.append(i) with open(filename+'_tmp', "w") as fi: fi.writelines(out) rename(filename+'_tmp', filename) if __name__ == "__main__": for files in argv[1:]: change_file(files)