#include "playlist.h" #include "songmimedata.h" #include "songplaylistitem.h" #include "radiomimedata.h" #include "radioplaylistitem.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const char* Playlist::kRowsMimetype = "application/x-clementine-playlist-rows"; const char* Playlist::kSettingsGroup = "Playlist"; Playlist::Playlist(QObject *parent) : QAbstractListModel(parent), current_is_paused_(false), scrobble_point_(-1), has_scrobbled_(false), ignore_sorting_(false) { } Playlist::~Playlist() { qDeleteAll(items_); } QVariant Playlist::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation, int role) const { if (role != Qt::DisplayRole) return QVariant(); switch (section) { case Column_Title: return "Title"; case Column_Artist: return "Artist"; case Column_Album: return "Album"; case Column_Length: return "Length"; case Column_Track: return "Track"; case Column_Disc: return "Disc"; case Column_Year: return "Year"; case Column_Genre: return "Genre"; case Column_BPM: return "BPM"; case Column_Bitrate: return "Bit rate"; case Column_Samplerate: return "Sample rate"; case Column_Filename: return "File name"; case Column_Filesize: return "File size"; } return QVariant(); } QVariant Playlist::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const { switch (role) { case Role_IsCurrent: return current_item_.isValid() && index.row() == current_item_.row(); case Role_IsPaused: return current_is_paused_; case Role_StopAfter: return stop_after_.isValid() && stop_after_.row() == index.row(); case Qt::DisplayRole: { PlaylistItem* item = items_[index.row()]; Song song = item->Metadata(); switch (index.column()) { case Column_Title: return song.title(); case Column_Artist: return song.artist(); case Column_Album: return song.album(); case Column_Length: return song.length(); case Column_Track: return song.track(); case Column_Disc: return song.disc(); case Column_Year: return song.year(); case Column_Genre: return song.genre(); case Column_BPM: return song.bpm(); case Column_Bitrate: return song.bitrate(); case Column_Samplerate: return song.samplerate(); case Column_Filename: return song.filename(); case Column_Filesize: return song.filesize(); } } default: return QVariant(); } } int Playlist::current_index() const { return current_item_.isValid() ? current_item_.row() : -1; } int Playlist::next_index() const { int i = current_index() + 1; if (i >= items_.count()) return -1; if (stop_after_.isValid() && current_index() == stop_after_.row()) return -1; return i; } int Playlist::previous_index() const { int i = current_index() - 1; if (i < 0) return -1; return i; } void Playlist::set_current_index(int i) { QModelIndex old_current = current_item_; ClearStreamMetadata(); current_item_ = QPersistentModelIndex(index(i, 0, QModelIndex())); if (old_current.isValid()) emit dataChanged(old_current, old_current.sibling(old_current.row(), ColumnCount)); if (current_item_.isValid()) { emit dataChanged(current_item_, current_item_.sibling(current_item_.row(), ColumnCount)); emit CurrentSongChanged(current_item_metadata()); } UpdateScrobblePoint(); } Qt::ItemFlags Playlist::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { if (index.isValid()) return Qt::ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; return Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsSelectable; } QStringList Playlist::mimeTypes() const { return QStringList() << "text/uri-list" << kRowsMimetype; } Qt::DropActions Playlist::supportedDropActions() const { return Qt::MoveAction | Qt::CopyAction; } bool Playlist::dropMimeData(const QMimeData* data, Qt::DropAction action, int row, int, const QModelIndex&) { if (action == Qt::IgnoreAction) return false; if (const SongMimeData* song_data = qobject_cast(data)) { // Dragged from the library InsertSongs(song_data->songs, row); } else if (const RadioMimeData* radio_data = qobject_cast(data)) { // Dragged from the Radio pane InsertRadioStations(radio_data->items, row); } else if (data->hasFormat(kRowsMimetype)) { // Dragged from the playlist // Rearranging it is tricky... // Get the list of rows that were moved QList source_rows; QDataStream stream(data->data(kRowsMimetype)); stream >> source_rows; qStableSort(source_rows); // Make sure we take them in order layoutAboutToBeChanged(); QList moved_items; // Take the items out of the list first, keeping track of whether the // insertion point changes int offset = 0; foreach (int source_row, source_rows) { moved_items << items_.takeAt(source_row-offset); if (row != -1 && row >= source_row) row --; offset++; } // Put the items back in const int start = row == -1 ? items_.count() : row; for (int i=start ; i source_row) d --; } if (pidx.row() + d >= start) d += source_rows.count(); changePersistentIndex(pidx, index(pidx.row() + d, pidx.column(), QModelIndex())); } } layoutChanged(); Save(); } else if (data->hasUrls()) { // URL list dragged from the file list or some other app InsertPaths(data->urls(), row); } return true; } QModelIndex Playlist::InsertPaths(QList urls, int after) { SongList songs; for (int i=0 ; i new_urls; while (it.hasNext()) { QString path(it.next()); new_urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile(path); } qSort(new_urls); urls << new_urls; } else { Song song; song.InitFromFile(filename, -1); if (!song.is_valid()) continue; songs << song; } } return InsertSongs(songs, after); } QModelIndex Playlist::InsertItems(const QList& items, int after) { if (items.isEmpty()) return QModelIndex(); const int start = after == -1 ? items_.count() : after; const int end = start + items.count() - 1; beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), start, end); for (int i=start ; i<=end ; ++i) { items_.insert(i, items[i - start]); } endInsertRows(); Save(); return index(start, 0); } QModelIndex Playlist::InsertSongs(const SongList& songs, int after) { QList items; foreach (const Song& song, songs) { items << new SongPlaylistItem(song); } return InsertItems(items, after); } QModelIndex Playlist::InsertRadioStations(const QList& items, int after) { QList playlist_items; foreach (RadioItem* item, items) { if (!item->playable) continue; playlist_items << new RadioPlaylistItem(item->service, item->Url(), item->Title(), item->Artist()); } return InsertItems(playlist_items, after); } QMimeData* Playlist::mimeData(const QModelIndexList& indexes) const { QMimeData* data = new QMimeData; QList urls; QList rows; foreach (const QModelIndex& index, indexes) { if (index.column() != 0) continue; urls << items_[index.row()]->Url(); rows << index.row(); } QBuffer buf; buf.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); QDataStream stream(&buf); stream << rows; buf.close(); data->setUrls(urls); data->setData(kRowsMimetype, buf.data()); return data; } bool Playlist::CompareItems(int column, Qt::SortOrder order, const PlaylistItem* _a, const PlaylistItem* _b) { const PlaylistItem* a = order == Qt::AscendingOrder ? _a : _b; const PlaylistItem* b = order == Qt::AscendingOrder ? _b : _a; switch (column) { case Column_Title: return a->Metadata().title() < b->Metadata().title(); case Column_Artist: return a->Metadata().artist() < b->Metadata().artist(); case Column_Album: return a->Metadata().album() < b->Metadata().album(); case Column_Length: return a->Metadata().length() < b->Metadata().length(); case Column_Track: return a->Metadata().track() < b->Metadata().track(); } return false; } void Playlist::sort(int column, Qt::SortOrder order) { if (ignore_sorting_) return; layoutAboutToBeChanged(); // This is a slow and nasty way to keep the persistent indices QMap old_persistent_mappings; foreach (const QModelIndex& index, persistentIndexList()) { old_persistent_mappings[index.row()] = items_[index.row()]; } qStableSort(items_.begin(), items_.end(), boost::bind(&Playlist::CompareItems, column, order, _1, _2)); QMapIterator it(old_persistent_mappings); while (it.hasNext()) { it.next(); for (int col=0 ; coltype_string()); items_.at(i)->Save(s); } s.endArray(); } void Playlist::Restore() { qDeleteAll(items_); items_.clear(); QSettings s; s.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); int count = s.beginReadArray("items"); for (int i=0 ; iRestore(s); items_ << item; } s.endArray(); reset(); } bool Playlist::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex& parent) { beginRemoveRows(parent, row, row+count-1); // Remove items for (int i=0 ; iUrl() != url) return; item->SetTemporaryMetadata(song); UpdateScrobblePoint(); emit dataChanged(index(current_item_.row(), 0), index(current_item_.row(), ColumnCount)); emit CurrentSongChanged(song); } void Playlist::ClearStreamMetadata() { if (!current_item_.isValid()) return; PlaylistItem* item = items_[current_item_.row()]; item->ClearTemporaryMetadata(); UpdateScrobblePoint(); emit dataChanged(index(current_item_.row(), 0), index(current_item_.row(), ColumnCount)); } bool Playlist::stop_after_current() const { return stop_after_.isValid() && current_item_.isValid() && stop_after_.row() == current_item_.row(); } PlaylistItem* Playlist::current_item() const { int i = current_index(); if (i == -1) return NULL; return item_at(i); } PlaylistItem::Options Playlist::current_item_options() const { PlaylistItem* item = current_item(); if (!item) return PlaylistItem::Default; return item->options(); } Song Playlist::current_item_metadata() const { PlaylistItem* item = current_item(); if (!item) return Song(); return item->Metadata(); } void Playlist::UpdateScrobblePoint() { int length = current_item_metadata().length(); ScrobblePoint point(length / 2); scrobble_point_ = point; has_scrobbled_ = false; } void Playlist::Clear() { qDeleteAll(items_); items_.clear(); reset(); Save(); } void Playlist::ReloadItems(const QList& rows) { foreach (int row, rows) { item_at(row)->Reload(); emit dataChanged(index(row, 0), index(row, ColumnCount-1)); } } void Playlist::Shuffle() { layoutAboutToBeChanged(); const int count = items_.count(); for (int i=0 ; i < count; ++i) { int new_pos = i + (rand() % (count - i)); std::swap(items_[i], items_[new_pos]); foreach (const QModelIndex& pidx, persistentIndexList()) { if (pidx.row() == i) changePersistentIndex(pidx, index(new_pos, pidx.column(), QModelIndex())); else if (pidx.row() == new_pos) changePersistentIndex(pidx, index(i, pidx.column(), QModelIndex())); } } layoutChanged(); Save(); }