#include "librarywatcher.h" #include "librarybackend.h" #include "enginebase.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include LibraryWatcher::LibraryWatcher(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), fs_watcher_(new QFileSystemWatcher(this)), rescan_timer_(new QTimer(this)), total_watches_(0) { rescan_timer_->setInterval(1000); rescan_timer_->setSingleShot(true); connect(fs_watcher_, SIGNAL(directoryChanged(QString)), SLOT(DirectoryChanged(QString))); connect(rescan_timer_, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(RescanPathsNow())); } void LibraryWatcher::AddDirectories(const DirectoryList& directories) { // Iterate through each directory to find a list of files that look like they // could be music. foreach (const Directory& dir, directories) { paths_watched_[dir.path] = dir; ScanDirectory(dir.path); // Start monitoring this directory for more changes fs_watcher_->addPath(dir.path); ++total_watches_; // And all the subdirectories QDirIterator it(dir.path, QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Dirs, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext()) { QString subdir(it.next()); fs_watcher_->addPath(subdir); paths_watched_[subdir] = dir; #ifdef Q_OS_DARWIN if (++total_watches_ > kMaxWatches) { qWarning() << "Trying to watch more files than we can manage"; return; } #endif } } } void LibraryWatcher::RemoveDirectories(const DirectoryList &directories) { foreach (const Directory& dir, directories) { fs_watcher_->removePath(dir.path); paths_watched_.remove(dir.path); paths_needing_rescan_.removeAll(dir.path); // And all the subdirectories QDirIterator it(dir.path, QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Dirs, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (it.hasNext()) { QString subdir(it.next()); fs_watcher_->removePath(subdir); paths_watched_.remove(subdir); } } } void LibraryWatcher::ScanDirectory(const QString& path) { const Directory& dir = paths_watched_[path]; qDebug() << "Scanning" << path; emit ScanStarted(); QStringList files_on_disk; QDirIterator it(dir.path, QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::Readable, QDirIterator::Subdirectories | QDirIterator::FollowSymlinks); while (it.hasNext()) { QString path(it.next()); // Don't bother if the engine can't decode it if (!engine_->canDecode(QUrl::fromLocalFile(path))) continue; files_on_disk << path; } // Ask the database for a list of files in this directory SongList songs_in_db = backend_->FindSongsInDirectory(dir.id); // Now compare the list from the database with the list of files on disk SongList new_songs; SongList touched_songs; foreach (const QString& file, files_on_disk) { Song matching_song; if (FindSongByPath(songs_in_db, file, &matching_song)) { // The song is in the database and still on disk. // Check the mtime to see if it's been changed since it was added. if (matching_song.mtime() != QFileInfo(file).lastModified().toTime_t()) { qDebug() << file << "changed"; // It's changed - reread the metadata from the file Song song_on_disk; song_on_disk.InitFromFile(file, dir.id); song_on_disk.set_id(matching_song.id()); if (!matching_song.IsMetadataEqual(song_on_disk)) { qDebug() << file << "metadata changed"; // Update the song in the DB new_songs << song_on_disk; } else { // Only the metadata changed touched_songs << song_on_disk; } } } else { // The song is on disk but not in the DB Song song; song.InitFromFile(file, dir.id); if (!song.is_valid()) continue; qDebug() << file << "created"; new_songs << song; } } if (!new_songs.isEmpty()) emit NewOrUpdatedSongs(new_songs); if (!touched_songs.isEmpty()) emit SongsMTimeUpdated(touched_songs); // Look for deleted songs SongList deleted_songs; foreach (const Song& song, songs_in_db) { if (!files_on_disk.contains(song.filename())) { qDebug() << "Song deleted from disk:" << song.filename(); deleted_songs << song; } } if (!deleted_songs.isEmpty()) emit SongsDeleted(deleted_songs); qDebug() << "Finished scanning" << path; emit ScanFinished(); } bool LibraryWatcher::FindSongByPath(const SongList& list, const QString& path, Song* out) { foreach (const Song& song, list) { if (song.filename() == path) { *out = song; return true; } } return false; } void LibraryWatcher::DirectoryChanged(const QString &path) { qDebug() << path; if (!paths_needing_rescan_.contains(path)) paths_needing_rescan_ << path; rescan_timer_->start(); } void LibraryWatcher::RescanPathsNow() { foreach (const QString& path, paths_needing_rescan_) ScanDirectory(path); paths_needing_rescan_.clear(); }