/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2014, Andre Siviero Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #ifndef SRC_RIPPER_RIPPER_H_ #define SRC_RIPPER_RIPPER_H_ #include #include #include #include "core/song.h" #include "core/tagreaderclient.h" #include "transcoder/transcoder.h" class QFile; // Rips selected tracks from an audio CD, transcodes them to a chosen // format, and finally tags the files with the supplied metadata. // // Usage: Add tracks with AddTrack() and album metadata with // SetAlbumInformation(). Then start the ripper with Start(). The ripper // emits the Finished() signal when it's done or the Cancelled() // signal if the ripping has been cancelled. class Ripper : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit Ripper(CdIo_t* cdio, QObject* parent = nullptr); ~Ripper(); // Adds a track to the rip list if the track number corresponds to a // track on the audio cd. The track will transcoded according to the // chosen TranscoderPreset. void AddTrack(int track_number, const QString& title, const QString& transcoded_filename, const TranscoderPreset& preset, bool overwrite_existing); // Sets album metadata. This information is used when tagging the // final files. void SetAlbumInformation(const QString& album, const QString& artist, const QString& genre, int year, int disc, Song::FileType type); // Returns the number of audio tracks on the disc. int TracksOnDisc() const; // Returns the number of tracks added to the rip list. int AddedTracks() const; // Clears the rip list. void ClearTracks(); signals: void Finished(); void Cancelled(); void ProgressInterval(int min, int max); void Progress(int progress); void RippingComplete(); public slots: void Start(); void Cancel(); private slots: void TranscodingJobComplete(const QString& input, const QString& output, bool success); void AllTranscodingJobsComplete(); void LogLine(const QString& message); void FileTagged(TagReaderReply* reply); private: struct TrackInformation { TrackInformation(int track_number, const QString& title, const QString& transcoded_filename, const TranscoderPreset& preset, bool overwrite_existing) : track_number(track_number), title(title), transcoded_filename(transcoded_filename), preset(preset), overwrite_existing(overwrite_existing) {} int track_number; QString title; QString transcoded_filename; TranscoderPreset preset; QString temporary_filename; bool overwrite_existing; }; struct AlbumInformation { AlbumInformation() : year(0), disc(0), type(Song::Type_Unknown) {} QString album; QString artist; QString genre; int year; int disc; Song::FileType type; }; void WriteWAVHeader(QFile* stream, int32_t i_bytecount); void Rip(); void SetupProgressInterval(); void UpdateProgress(); void RemoveTemporaryDirectory(); void TagFiles(); CdIo_t* cdio_; Transcoder* transcoder_; QString temporary_directory_; bool cancel_requested_; QMutex mutex_; int finished_success_; int finished_failed_; int files_tagged_; QList tracks_; AlbumInformation album_; }; #endif // SRC_RIPPER_RIPPER_H_