SettingsDialog 0 0 708 549 Settings 180 16777215 32 32 QListView::Static 2 QListView::ListMode true true true Playback :/media-playback-start-32.png:/media-playback-start-32.png Behavior :/icon.png:/icon.png Notifications :/lightbulb.png:/lightbulb.png Music Library :/library.png:/library.png :/ Qt::Horizontal 0 0 Fading Fade out when stopping a track true Cross-fade when changing tracks manually true Cross-fade when changing tracks automatically 0 Fading duration 22 ms 10000 1000 2000 Qt::Horizontal 257 20 false GStreamer audio engine Output plugin Choose automatically false Leave blank for the default. Examples: "/dev/dsp", "front", etc. false Output device Qt::Vertical 20 40 0 Show tray icon true When Clementine starts Always show the main window Always hide the main window Remember from last time true Qt::Vertical 20 290 0 Clementine can show a message when the track changes. Notification type Disabled Show a native desktop notification Show a pretty OSD Show a popup from the system tray General settings 0 Popup duration seconds 1 20 5 Show a notification when I change the volume Include album art in the notification Pretty OSD options Background opacity Qt::Horizontal Background color Basic Blue Clementine Orange Custom... Text color Choose color... Qt::Vertical 20 286 0 0 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok LineEdit QLineEdit
LastFMConfig QWidget
LibraryConfig QWidget
list fading_out fading_cross fading_duration gst_plugin gst_device b_show_tray_icon_ b_always_show_ b_always_hide_ b_remember_ notifications_none notifications_native notifications_pretty notifications_tray notifications_duration notifications_volume notifications_art notifications_opacity notifications_bg_preset notifications_fg_choose buttonBox list currentRowChanged(int) stacked_widget setCurrentIndex(int) 82 72 307 96 buttonBox accepted() SettingsDialog accept() 518 524 521 545 buttonBox rejected() SettingsDialog reject() 324 521 322 549