/* This file is part of Clementine. Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "librarybackend.h" #include "libraryquery.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const char* LibraryBackend::kDatabaseName = "clementine.db"; const int LibraryBackend::kSchemaVersion = 5; int (*LibraryBackend::_sqlite3_create_function) ( sqlite3*, const char*, int, int, void*, void (*) (sqlite3_context*, int, sqlite3_value**), void (*) (sqlite3_context*, int, sqlite3_value**), void (*) (sqlite3_context*)) = NULL; int (*LibraryBackend::_sqlite3_value_type) (sqlite3_value*) = NULL; sqlite_int64 (*LibraryBackend::_sqlite3_value_int64) (sqlite3_value*) = NULL; const uchar* (*LibraryBackend::_sqlite3_value_text) (sqlite3_value*) = NULL; void (*LibraryBackend::_sqlite3_result_int64) (sqlite3_context*, sqlite_int64) = NULL; void* (*LibraryBackend::_sqlite3_user_data) (sqlite3_context*) = NULL; bool LibraryBackend::sStaticInitDone = false; bool LibraryBackend::sLoadedSqliteSymbols = false; void LibraryBackend::StaticInit() { if (sStaticInitDone) { return; } sStaticInitDone = true; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 // We statically link libqsqlite.dll on windows so these symbols are already // available _sqlite3_create_function = sqlite3_create_function; _sqlite3_value_type = sqlite3_value_type; _sqlite3_value_int64 = sqlite3_value_int64; _sqlite3_value_text = sqlite3_value_text; _sqlite3_result_int64 = sqlite3_result_int64; _sqlite3_user_data = sqlite3_user_data; sLoadedSqliteSymbols = true; #else // Q_OS_WIN32 QString plugin_path = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::PluginsPath) + "/sqldrivers/libqsqlite"; QLibrary library(plugin_path); if (!library.load()) { qDebug() << "QLibrary::load() failed for " << plugin_path; return; } _sqlite3_create_function = reinterpret_cast( library.resolve("sqlite3_create_function")); _sqlite3_value_type = reinterpret_cast( library.resolve("sqlite3_value_type")); _sqlite3_value_int64 = reinterpret_cast( library.resolve("sqlite3_value_int64")); _sqlite3_value_text = reinterpret_cast( library.resolve("sqlite3_value_text")); _sqlite3_result_int64 = reinterpret_cast( library.resolve("sqlite3_result_int64")); _sqlite3_user_data = reinterpret_cast( library.resolve("sqlite3_user_data")); if (!_sqlite3_create_function || !_sqlite3_value_type || !_sqlite3_value_int64 || !_sqlite3_value_text || !_sqlite3_result_int64 || !_sqlite3_user_data) { qDebug() << "Couldn't resolve sqlite symbols"; sLoadedSqliteSymbols = false; } else { sLoadedSqliteSymbols = true; } #endif } bool LibraryBackend::Like(const char* needle, const char* haystack) { uint hash = qHash(needle); if (!query_hash_ || hash != query_hash_) { // New query, parse and cache. query_cache_ = QString::fromUtf8(needle).section('%', 1, 1).split(' '); query_hash_ = hash; } QString b = QString::fromUtf8(haystack); foreach (const QString& query, query_cache_) { if (b.contains(query, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) { return true; } } return false; } // Custom LIKE(X, Y) function for sqlite3 that supports case insensitive unicode matching. void LibraryBackend::SqliteLike(sqlite3_context* context, int argc, sqlite3_value** argv) { Q_ASSERT(argc == 2 || argc == 3); Q_ASSERT(_sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) == _sqlite3_value_type(argv[1])); LibraryBackend* library = reinterpret_cast(_sqlite3_user_data(context)); Q_ASSERT(library); switch (_sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: { qint64 result = _sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]) - _sqlite3_value_int64(argv[1]); _sqlite3_result_int64(context, result ? 0 : 1); break; } case SQLITE_TEXT: { const char* data_a = reinterpret_cast(_sqlite3_value_text(argv[0])); const char* data_b = reinterpret_cast(_sqlite3_value_text(argv[1])); _sqlite3_result_int64(context, library->Like(data_a, data_b) ? 1 : 0); break; } } } LibraryBackendInterface::LibraryBackendInterface(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { } LibraryBackend::LibraryBackend(QObject* parent, const QString& database_name) : LibraryBackendInterface(parent), injected_database_name_(database_name), query_hash_(0) { QSettings s; s.beginGroup("Library"); directory_ = s.value("database_directory", DefaultDatabaseDirectory()).toString(); Connect(); } QString LibraryBackend::DefaultDatabaseDirectory() { QDir ret(QDir::homePath() + "/.config/" + QCoreApplication::organizationName()); return QDir::toNativeSeparators(ret.path()); } QSqlDatabase LibraryBackend::Connect() { QMutexLocker l(&connect_mutex_); // Create the directory if it doesn't exist if (!QFile::exists(directory_)) { QDir dir; if (!dir.mkpath(directory_)) { } } const QString connection_id("thread_" + QString::number( reinterpret_cast(QThread::currentThread()))); // Try to find an existing connection for this thread QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database(connection_id); if (db.isOpen()) { return db; } db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", connection_id); if (!injected_database_name_.isNull()) db.setDatabaseName(injected_database_name_); else db.setDatabaseName(directory_ + "/" + kDatabaseName); if (!db.open()) { emit Error("LibraryBackend: " + db.lastError().text()); return db; } // Find Sqlite3 functions in the Qt plugin. StaticInit(); // We want Unicode aware LIKE clauses if possible if (sLoadedSqliteSymbols) { QVariant v = db.driver()->handle(); if (v.isValid() && qstrcmp(v.typeName(), "sqlite3*") == 0) { sqlite3* handle = *static_cast(v.data()); if (handle) { _sqlite3_create_function( handle, // Sqlite3 handle. "LIKE", // Function name (either override or new). 2, // Number of args. SQLITE_ANY, // What types this function accepts. this, // Custom data available via sqlite3_user_data(). &LibraryBackend::SqliteLike, // Our function :-) NULL, NULL); } } } if (db.tables().count() == 0) { // Set up initial schema UpdateDatabaseSchema(0, db); } // Get the database's schema version QSqlQuery q("SELECT version FROM schema_version", db); int schema_version = 0; if (q.next()) schema_version = q.value(0).toInt(); if (schema_version > kSchemaVersion) { qWarning() << "The database schema (version" << schema_version << ") is newer than I was expecting"; return db; } if (schema_version < kSchemaVersion) { // Update the schema for (int v=schema_version+1 ; v<= kSchemaVersion ; ++v) { UpdateDatabaseSchema(v, db); } } return db; } void LibraryBackend::UpdateDatabaseSchema(int version, QSqlDatabase &db) { QString filename; if (version == 0) filename = ":/schema.sql"; else filename = QString(":/schema-%1.sql").arg(version); // Open and read the database schema QFile schema_file(filename); if (!schema_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) qFatal("Couldn't open schema file %s", filename.toUtf8().constData()); QString schema(QString::fromUtf8(schema_file.readAll())); // Run each command QStringList commands(schema.split(";\n\n")); db.transaction(); foreach (const QString& command, commands) { QSqlQuery query(db.exec(command)); if (CheckErrors(query.lastError())) qFatal("Unable to update music library database"); } db.commit(); } bool LibraryBackend::CheckErrors(const QSqlError& error) { if (error.isValid()) { qDebug() << error; emit Error("LibraryBackend: " + error.text()); return true; } return false; } void LibraryBackend::LoadDirectoriesAsync() { metaObject()->invokeMethod(this, "LoadDirectories", Qt::QueuedConnection); } void LibraryBackend::UpdateTotalSongCountAsync() { metaObject()->invokeMethod(this, "UpdateTotalSongCount", Qt::QueuedConnection); } void LibraryBackend::UpdateCompilationsAsync() { metaObject()->invokeMethod(this, "UpdateCompilations", Qt::QueuedConnection); } void LibraryBackend::LoadDirectories() { QSqlDatabase db(Connect()); QSqlQuery q("SELECT ROWID, path" " FROM directories", db); q.exec(); if (CheckErrors(q.lastError())) return; DirectoryList directories; while (q.next()) { Directory dir; dir.id = q.value(0).toInt(); dir.path = q.value(1).toString(); directories << dir; } emit DirectoriesDiscovered(directories); } void LibraryBackend::UpdateTotalSongCount() { QSqlDatabase db(Connect()); QSqlQuery q("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM songs", db); q.exec(); if (CheckErrors(q.lastError())) return; if (!q.next()) return; emit TotalSongCountUpdated(q.value(0).toInt()); } void LibraryBackend::AddDirectory(const QString &path) { QSqlDatabase db(Connect()); QSqlQuery q("INSERT INTO directories (path, subdirs)" " VALUES (:path, 1)", db); q.bindValue(":path", path); q.exec(); if (CheckErrors(q.lastError())) return; Directory dir; dir.path = path; dir.id = q.lastInsertId().toInt(); emit DirectoriesDiscovered(DirectoryList() << dir); } void LibraryBackend::RemoveDirectory(const Directory& dir) { QSqlDatabase db(Connect()); // Remove songs first DeleteSongs(FindSongsInDirectory(dir.id)); // Now remove the directory QSqlQuery q("DELETE FROM directories WHERE ROWID = :id", db); q.bindValue(":id", dir.id); q.exec(); if (CheckErrors(q.lastError())) return; emit DirectoriesDeleted(DirectoryList() << dir); } SongList LibraryBackend::FindSongsInDirectory(int id) { QSqlDatabase db(Connect()); QSqlQuery q("SELECT ROWID, " + QString(Song::kColumnSpec) + " FROM songs WHERE directory = :directory", db); q.bindValue(":directory", id); q.exec(); if (CheckErrors(q.lastError())) return SongList(); SongList ret; while (q.next()) { Song song; song.InitFromQuery(q); ret << song; } return ret; } void LibraryBackend::AddOrUpdateSongs(const SongList& songs) { QSqlDatabase db(Connect()); QSqlQuery check_dir( "SELECT ROWID FROM directories WHERE ROWID = :id", db); QSqlQuery add_song( "INSERT INTO songs (" + QString(Song::kColumnSpec) + ")" " VALUES (" + QString(Song::kBindSpec) + ")", db); QSqlQuery update_song( "UPDATE songs SET " + QString(Song::kUpdateSpec) + " WHERE ROWID = :id", db); db.transaction(); SongList added_songs; SongList deleted_songs; foreach (const Song& song, songs) { // Do a sanity check first - make sure the song's directory still exists // This is to fix a possible race condition when a directory is removed // while LibraryWatcher is scanning it. check_dir.bindValue(":id", song.directory_id()); check_dir.exec(); if (CheckErrors(check_dir.lastError())) continue; if (!check_dir.next()) continue; // Directory didn't exist if (song.id() == -1) { // Create song.BindToQuery(&add_song); add_song.exec(); if (CheckErrors(add_song.lastError())) continue; Song copy(song); copy.set_id(add_song.lastInsertId().toInt()); added_songs << copy; } else { // Get the previous song data first Song old_song(GetSongById(song.id())); if (!old_song.is_valid()) continue; // Update song.BindToQuery(&update_song); update_song.bindValue(":id", song.id()); update_song.exec(); if (CheckErrors(update_song.lastError())) continue; deleted_songs << old_song; added_songs << song; } } db.commit(); if (!deleted_songs.isEmpty()) emit SongsDeleted(deleted_songs); if (!added_songs.isEmpty()) emit SongsDiscovered(added_songs); UpdateTotalSongCountAsync(); } void LibraryBackend::UpdateMTimesOnly(const SongList& songs) { QSqlDatabase db(Connect()); QSqlQuery q("UPDATE songs SET mtime = :mtime WHERE ROWID = :id", db); db.transaction(); foreach (const Song& song, songs) { q.bindValue(":mtime", song.mtime()); q.bindValue(":id", song.id()); q.exec(); CheckErrors(q.lastError()); } db.commit(); } void LibraryBackend::DeleteSongs(const SongList &songs) { QSqlDatabase db(Connect()); QSqlQuery q("DELETE FROM songs WHERE ROWID = :id", db); db.transaction(); foreach (const Song& song, songs) { q.bindValue(":id", song.id()); q.exec(); CheckErrors(q.lastError()); } db.commit(); emit SongsDeleted(songs); UpdateTotalSongCountAsync(); } QStringList LibraryBackend::GetAllArtists(const QueryOptions& opt) { LibraryQuery query(opt); query.SetColumnSpec("DISTINCT artist"); query.AddCompilationRequirement(false); QSqlQuery q(query.Query(Connect())); q.exec(); if (CheckErrors(q.lastError())) return QStringList(); QStringList ret; while (q.next()) { ret << q.value(0).toString(); } return ret; } LibraryBackend::AlbumList LibraryBackend::GetAllAlbums(const QueryOptions &opt) { return GetAlbums(QString(), false, opt); } LibraryBackend::AlbumList LibraryBackend::GetAlbumsByArtist(const QString& artist, const QueryOptions& opt) { return GetAlbums(artist, false, opt); } SongList LibraryBackend::GetSongs(const QString& artist, const QString& album, const QueryOptions& opt) { LibraryQuery query(opt); query.SetColumnSpec("ROWID, " + QString(Song::kColumnSpec)); query.AddCompilationRequirement(false); query.AddWhere("artist", artist); query.AddWhere("album", album); QSqlQuery q(query.Query(Connect())); q.exec(); if (CheckErrors(q.lastError())) return SongList(); SongList ret; while (q.next()) { Song song; song.InitFromQuery(q); ret << song; } return ret; } Song LibraryBackend::GetSongById(int id) { QSqlDatabase db(Connect()); QSqlQuery q("SELECT ROWID, " + QString(Song::kColumnSpec) + " FROM songs" " WHERE ROWID = :id", db); q.bindValue(":id", id); q.exec(); if (CheckErrors(q.lastError())) return Song(); q.next(); Song ret; ret.InitFromQuery(q); return ret; } bool LibraryBackend::HasCompilations(const QueryOptions& opt) { LibraryQuery query(opt); query.SetColumnSpec("ROWID"); query.AddCompilationRequirement(true); QSqlQuery q(query.Query(Connect())); q.exec(); if (CheckErrors(q.lastError())) return false; return q.next(); } LibraryBackend::AlbumList LibraryBackend::GetCompilationAlbums(const QueryOptions& opt) { return GetAlbums(QString(), true, opt); } SongList LibraryBackend::GetCompilationSongs(const QString& album, const QueryOptions& opt) { LibraryQuery query(opt); query.SetColumnSpec("ROWID, " + QString(Song::kColumnSpec)); query.AddCompilationRequirement(true); query.AddWhere("album", album); QSqlQuery q(query.Query(Connect())); q.exec(); if (CheckErrors(q.lastError())) return SongList(); SongList ret; while (q.next()) { Song song; song.InitFromQuery(q); ret << song; } return ret; } void LibraryBackend::UpdateCompilations() { QSqlDatabase db(Connect()); // Look for albums that have songs by more than one artist in the same // directory QSqlQuery q("SELECT artist, album, filename, sampler FROM songs ORDER BY album", db); q.exec(); if (CheckErrors(q.lastError())) return; QMap compilation_info; while (q.next()) { QString artist = q.value(0).toString(); QString album = q.value(1).toString(); QString filename = q.value(2).toString(); bool sampler = q.value(3).toBool(); // Ignore songs that don't have an album field set if (album.isEmpty()) continue; // Find the directory the song is in QDir dir(filename); QString path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(dir.canonicalPath()); int last_separator = path.lastIndexOf(QDir::separator()); if (last_separator == -1) continue; path = path.left(last_separator); CompilationInfo& info = compilation_info[album]; info.artists.insert(artist); info.directories.insert(path); if (sampler) info.has_samplers = true; else info.has_not_samplers = true; } // Now mark the songs that we think are in compilations QSqlQuery update("UPDATE songs" " SET sampler = :sampler," " effective_compilation = ((compilation OR :sampler OR forced_compilation_on) AND NOT forced_compilation_off) + 0" " WHERE album = :album", db); QSqlQuery find_songs("SELECT ROWID, " + QString(Song::kColumnSpec) + " FROM songs" " WHERE album = :album AND sampler = :sampler", db); SongList deleted_songs; SongList added_songs; db.transaction(); QMap::const_iterator it = compilation_info.constBegin(); for ( ; it != compilation_info.constEnd() ; ++it) { const CompilationInfo& info = it.value(); QString album(it.key()); // If there were more artists than there were directories for this album, // then it's a compilation if (info.artists.count() > info.directories.count()) { if (info.has_not_samplers) UpdateCompilations(find_songs, update, deleted_songs, added_songs, album, 1); } else { if (info.has_samplers) UpdateCompilations(find_songs, update, deleted_songs, added_songs, album, 0); } } db.commit(); if (!deleted_songs.isEmpty()) { emit SongsDeleted(deleted_songs); emit SongsDiscovered(added_songs); } } void LibraryBackend::UpdateCompilations(QSqlQuery& find_songs, QSqlQuery& update, SongList& deleted_songs, SongList& added_songs, const QString& album, int sampler) { // Get songs that were already in that album, so we can tell the model // they've been updated find_songs.bindValue(":album", album); find_songs.bindValue(":sampler", int(!sampler)); find_songs.exec(); while (find_songs.next()) { Song song; song.InitFromQuery(find_songs); deleted_songs << song; song.set_sampler(true); added_songs << song; } // Mark this album update.bindValue(":sampler", sampler); update.bindValue(":album", album); update.exec(); CheckErrors(update.lastError()); } LibraryBackend::AlbumList LibraryBackend::GetAlbums(const QString& artist, bool compilation, const QueryOptions& opt) { AlbumList ret; LibraryQuery query(opt); query.SetColumnSpec("album, artist, compilation, sampler, art_automatic, art_manual"); query.SetOrderBy("album"); if (compilation) { query.AddCompilationRequirement(true); } else if (!artist.isNull()) { query.AddCompilationRequirement(false); query.AddWhere("artist", artist); } QSqlQuery q(query.Query(Connect())); q.exec(); if (CheckErrors(q.lastError())) return ret; QString last_album; QString last_artist; while (q.next()) { bool compilation = q.value(2).toBool() | q.value(3).toBool(); Album info; info.artist = compilation ? QString() : q.value(1).toString(); info.album_name = q.value(0).toString(); info.art_automatic = q.value(4).toString(); info.art_manual = q.value(5).toString(); if (info.artist == last_artist && info.album_name == last_album) continue; ret << info; last_album = info.album_name; last_artist = info.artist; } return ret; } LibraryBackend::Album LibraryBackend::GetAlbumArt(const QString& artist, const QString& album) { Album ret; ret.album_name = album; ret.artist = artist; LibraryQuery query = LibraryQuery(QueryOptions()); query.SetColumnSpec("art_automatic, art_manual"); query.AddWhere("artist", artist); query.AddWhere("album", album); QSqlQuery q(query.Query(Connect())); q.exec(); if (CheckErrors(q.lastError())) return ret; if (q.next()) { ret.art_automatic = q.value(0).toString(); ret.art_manual = q.value(1).toString(); } return ret; } void LibraryBackend::UpdateManualAlbumArtAsync(const QString &artist, const QString &album, const QString &art) { metaObject()->invokeMethod(this, "UpdateManualAlbumArt", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(QString, artist), Q_ARG(QString, album), Q_ARG(QString, art)); } void LibraryBackend::UpdateManualAlbumArt(const QString &artist, const QString &album, const QString &art) { QSqlDatabase db(Connect()); QString sql("UPDATE songs SET art_manual = :art" " WHERE album = :album"); if (!artist.isNull()) sql += " AND artist = :artist"; QSqlQuery q(sql, db); q.bindValue(":art", art); q.bindValue(":album", album); if (!artist.isNull()) q.bindValue(":artist", artist); q.exec(); CheckErrors(q.lastError()); } void LibraryBackend::ForceCompilation(const QString& artist, const QString& album, bool on) { QSqlDatabase db(Connect()); // Get the songs before they're updated LibraryQuery query; query.SetColumnSpec("ROWID, " + QString(Song::kColumnSpec)); query.AddWhere("album", album); if (!artist.isNull()) query.AddWhere("artist", artist); QSqlQuery q(query.Query(db)); q.exec(); CheckErrors(q.lastError()); SongList deleted_songs; while (q.next()) { Song song; song.InitFromQuery(q); deleted_songs << song; } // Update the songs QString sql("UPDATE songs SET forced_compilation_on = :forced_compilation_on," " forced_compilation_off = :forced_compilation_off," " effective_compilation = ((compilation OR sampler OR :forced_compilation_on) AND NOT :forced_compilation_off) + 0" " WHERE album = :album"); if (!artist.isEmpty()) sql += " AND artist = :artist"; q = QSqlQuery(sql, db); q.bindValue(":forced_compilation_on", on ? 1 : 0); q.bindValue(":forced_compilation_off", on ? 0 : 1); q.bindValue(":album", album); if (!artist.isEmpty()) q.bindValue(":artist", artist); q.exec(); CheckErrors(q.lastError()); // Now get the updated songs q = QSqlQuery(query.Query(db)); q.exec(); CheckErrors(q.lastError()); SongList added_songs; while (q.next()) { Song song; song.InitFromQuery(q); added_songs << song; } if (!added_songs.isEmpty() || !deleted_songs.isEmpty()) { emit SongsDeleted(deleted_songs); emit SongsDiscovered(added_songs); } }