#include "icecastservice.h" #include using std::sort; using std::unique; #include #include #include #include #include "core/network.h" const char* IcecastService::kServiceName = "Icecast"; const char* IcecastService::kDirectoryUrl = "http://dir.xiph.org/yp.xml"; IcecastService::IcecastService(RadioModel* parent) : RadioService(kServiceName, parent), network_(new NetworkAccessManager(this)) { } IcecastService::~IcecastService() { } RadioItem* IcecastService::CreateRootItem(RadioItem* parent) { root_ = new RadioItem(this, RadioItem::Type_Service, kServiceName, parent); root_->icon = QIcon(":last.fm/icon_radio.png"); return root_; } void IcecastService::LazyPopulate(RadioItem* item) { switch (item->type) { case RadioItem::Type_Service: LoadDirectory(); break; default: break; } } void IcecastService::LoadDirectory() { QNetworkRequest req = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(kDirectoryUrl)); QNetworkReply* reply = network_->get(req); connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(DownloadDirectoryFinished())); } void IcecastService::DownloadDirectoryFinished() { QNetworkReply* reply = qobject_cast(sender()); Q_ASSERT(reply); QFuture > future = QtConcurrent::run(this, &IcecastService::ParseDirectory, reply); QFutureWatcher >* watcher = new QFutureWatcher >(this); watcher->setFuture(future); connect(watcher, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(ParseDirectoryFinished())); } namespace { template struct GenreSorter { GenreSorter(const QMultiHash& genres) : genres_(genres) { } bool operator() (const QString& a, const QString& b) const { return genres_.count(a) > genres_.count(b); } private: const QMultiHash& genres_; }; template struct StationSorter { bool operator() (T a, T b) const { return a->name.compare(b->name, Qt::CaseInsensitive) < 0; } }; template struct StationEquality { bool operator() (T a, T b) const { return a->name == b->name; } }; } void IcecastService::ParseDirectoryFinished() { QFutureWatcher >* watcher = static_cast >*>(sender()); QList all_stations = watcher->result(); // Cluster stations by genre. QMultiHash genres; foreach (const Station& s, all_stations) { foreach (const QString& genre, s.genres) { genres.insert(genre, &s); } } // Sort genres by station count. // HACK: De-dupe keys. QList genre_names = genres.keys().toSet().toList(); sort(genre_names.begin(), genre_names.end(), GenreSorter(genres)); foreach (const QString& genre, genre_names) { RadioItem* genre_item = new RadioItem(this, Type_Genre, genre); genre_item->icon = QIcon(":last.fm/icon_tag.png"); QList stations = genres.values(genre); sort(stations.begin(), stations.end(), StationSorter()); // Remove duplicates by name. These tend to be multiple URLs for the same station. QList::iterator it = unique(stations.begin(), stations.end(), StationEquality()); stations.erase(it, stations.end()); foreach (const Station* station, stations) { RadioItem* radio = new RadioItem( this, Type_Stream, station->url.toString(), genre_item); radio->lazy_loaded = true; radio->playable = true; radio->icon = QIcon(":last.fm/icon_radio.png"); radio->display_text = station->name; } genre_item->InsertNotify(root_); } root_->lazy_loaded = true; delete watcher; } QList IcecastService::ParseDirectory(QIODevice* device) const { QXmlStreamReader reader(device); QList stations; while (!reader.atEnd()) { reader.readNext(); if (reader.tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement && reader.name() == "entry") { stations << ReadStation(&reader); } } device->deleteLater(); return stations; } IcecastService::Station IcecastService::ReadStation(QXmlStreamReader* reader) const { Station station; while (!reader->atEnd()) { reader->readNext(); if (reader->tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::EndElement) break; if (reader->tokenType() == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) { QStringRef name = reader->name(); QString value = reader->readElementText(QXmlStreamReader::SkipChildElements); if (name == "server_name") station.name = value; if (name == "listen_url") station.url = QUrl(value); if (name == "server_type") station.mime_type = value; if (name == "bitrate") station.bitrate = value.toInt(); if (name == "channels") station.channels = value.toInt(); if (name == "samplerate") station.samplerate = value.toInt(); if (name == "genre") station.genres = value.split(' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts); } } // HACK: This hints to the player that the artist and title metadata needs swapping. station.url.setFragment("icecast"); return station; }