/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2010, David Sansome Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "imobiledeviceconnection.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include #include #include #include iMobileDeviceConnection::iMobileDeviceConnection(const QString& uuid) : device_(NULL), afc_(NULL), afc_port_(0) { idevice_error_t err = idevice_new(&device_, uuid.toUtf8().constData()); if (err != IDEVICE_E_SUCCESS) { qLog(Warning) << "idevice error:" << err; return; } lockdownd_client_t lockdown; QByteArray label_ascii = QCoreApplication::applicationName().toAscii(); const char* label = label_ascii.constData(); lockdownd_error_t lockdown_err = lockdownd_client_new_with_handshake(device_, &lockdown, label); if (lockdown_err != LOCKDOWN_E_SUCCESS) { qLog(Warning) << "lockdown error:" << lockdown_err; return; } lockdown_err = lockdownd_start_service(lockdown, "com.apple.afc", &afc_port_); if (lockdown_err != LOCKDOWN_E_SUCCESS) { qLog(Warning) << "lockdown error:" << lockdown_err; lockdownd_client_free(lockdown); return; } afc_error_t afc_err = afc_client_new(device_, afc_port_, &afc_); if (afc_err != 0) { qLog(Warning) << "afc error:" << afc_err; lockdownd_client_free(lockdown); return; } lockdownd_client_free(lockdown); } iMobileDeviceConnection::~iMobileDeviceConnection() { if (afc_) { afc_client_free(afc_); } if (device_) { idevice_free(device_); } } template T GetPListValue(plist_t node, F f) { T ret; f(node, &ret); return ret; } QVariant iMobileDeviceConnection::GetProperty(const QString& property, const QString& domain) { lockdownd_client_t lockdown; QByteArray label_ascii = QCoreApplication::applicationName().toAscii(); const char* label = label_ascii.constData(); lockdownd_error_t lockdown_err = lockdownd_client_new_with_handshake(device_, &lockdown, label); if (lockdown_err != LOCKDOWN_E_SUCCESS) { qLog(Warning) << "lockdown error:" << lockdown_err; return QVariant(); } plist_t node = NULL; QByteArray domain_ascii = domain.toAscii(); const char* d = domain_ascii.isEmpty() ? NULL : domain_ascii.constData(); //const char* d = domain.isEmpty() ? NULL : "com.apple.disk_usage"; lockdownd_get_value(lockdown, d, property.toAscii().constData(), &node); lockdownd_client_free(lockdown); if (!node) { qLog(Warning) << "get_value failed" << property << domain; return QVariant(); } switch (plist_get_node_type(node)) { case PLIST_BOOLEAN: return bool(GetPListValue(node, plist_get_bool_val)); case PLIST_UINT: return QVariant::fromValue(GetPListValue(node, plist_get_uint_val)); case PLIST_STRING: { char* data = GetPListValue(node, plist_get_string_val); QString ret = QString::fromUtf8(data); free(data); return ret; } default: qLog(Warning) << "Unhandled PList type"; return QVariant(); } } QStringList iMobileDeviceConnection::ReadDirectory(const QString& path, QDir::Filters filters) { char** list = NULL; afc_error_t err = afc_read_directory(afc_, path.toUtf8().constData(), &list); if (err != AFC_E_SUCCESS || !list) { return QStringList(); } QStringList ret; for (char** p = list ; *p != NULL ; ++p) { QString filename = QString::fromUtf8(*p); free(*p); if (filters == QDir::NoFilter) ret << filename; else { if (filters & QDir::NoDotAndDotDot && (filename == "." || filename == "..")) continue; if (!(filters & QDir::Hidden) && filename.startsWith(".")) continue; QString filetype = GetFileInfo(path + "/" + filename, "st_ifmt"); if ((filetype == "S_IFREG" && (filters & QDir::Files)) || (filetype == "S_IFDIR" && (filters & QDir::Dirs)) || (filetype == "S_IFLNK" && (!(filters & QDir::NoSymLinks)))) ret << filename; } } free(list); return ret; } bool iMobileDeviceConnection::MkDir(const QString& path) { afc_error_t err = afc_make_directory(afc_, path.toUtf8().constData()); return err == AFC_E_SUCCESS; } QString iMobileDeviceConnection::GetFileInfo(const QString& path, const QString& key) { QString ret; char** infolist = NULL; afc_error_t err = afc_get_file_info(afc_, path.toUtf8().constData(), &infolist); if (err != AFC_E_SUCCESS || !infolist) { return ret; } QString last_key; for (char** p = infolist ; *p != NULL ; ++p) { if (last_key.isNull()) { last_key = QString::fromUtf8(*p); } else { if (last_key == key) ret = QString::fromUtf8(*p); last_key = QString(); } free(*p); } free(infolist); return ret; } bool iMobileDeviceConnection::Exists(const QString& path) { return !GetFileInfo(path, "st_ifmt").isNull(); } QString iMobileDeviceConnection::GetUnusedFilename( Itdb_iTunesDB* itdb, const Song& metadata) { // This function does the same as itdb_cp_get_dest_filename, except it // accesses the device's filesystem through imobiledevice. // Get the total number of F.. directories int total_musicdirs = 0; for ( ; ; ++total_musicdirs) { QString dir; dir.sprintf("/iTunes_Control/Music/F%02d", total_musicdirs); if (!Exists(dir)) break; } if (total_musicdirs <= 0) { qLog(Warning) << "No 'F..'' directories found on iPod"; return QString(); } // Pick one at random const int dir_num = qrand() % total_musicdirs; QString dir; dir.sprintf("/iTunes_Control/Music/F%02d", dir_num); if (!Exists(dir)) { qLog(Warning) << "Music directory doesn't exist:" << dir; return QString(); } // Use the same file extension as the original file, default to mp3. QString extension = metadata.url().path().section('.', -1, -1).toLower(); if (extension.isEmpty()) extension = "mp3"; // Loop until we find an unused filename. // Use the same naming convention as libgpod, which is // "libgpod" + 6-digit random number static const int kRandMax = 999999; QString filename; forever { filename.sprintf("libgpod%06d", qrand() % kRandMax); filename += "." + extension; if (!Exists(dir + "/" + filename)) break; } return dir + "/" + filename; }