/* This file is part of Clementine. Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "macglobalshortcutbackend.h" #include "globalshortcuts.h" #include "mac_startup.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class MacGlobalShortcutBackendPrivate : boost::noncopyable { public: explicit MacGlobalShortcutBackendPrivate(MacGlobalShortcutBackend* backend) : global_monitor_(nil), local_monitor_(nil), backend_(backend) { } bool Register() { #ifdef NS_BLOCKS_AVAILABLE global_monitor_ = [NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSKeyDownMask handler:^(NSEvent* event) { HandleKeyEvent(event); }]; local_monitor_ = [NSEvent addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSKeyDownMask handler:^(NSEvent* event) { HandleKeyEvent(event); return event; }]; return true; #else return false; #endif } void Unregister() { [NSEvent removeMonitor:global_monitor_]; [NSEvent removeMonitor:local_monitor_]; } // See UIElementInspector example. bool CheckAccessibilityEnabled() { if (AXAPIEnabled()) { return true; } QMessageBox box( QMessageBox::Question, QObject::tr("Accessibility API required for global shortcuts"), QObject::tr("Would you like to launch System Preferences so that you can turn on" " \"Enable access for assistive devices\"?\n" "This is required to use global shortcuts in Clementine.")); QPushButton* default_button = box.addButton(QObject::tr("Open System Preferences"), QMessageBox::AcceptRole); QPushButton* continue_button = box.addButton(QObject::tr("Continue anyway"), QMessageBox::RejectRole); box.setDefaultButton(default_button); box.exec(); QPushButton* clicked_button = static_cast(box.clickedButton()); if (clicked_button == default_button) { NSArray* paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains( NSPreferencePanesDirectory, NSSystemDomainMask, YES); if ([paths count] == 1) { NSURL* prefpane_url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: [[paths objectAtIndex:0] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"UniversalAccessPref.prefPane"]]; [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:prefpane_url]; } // We assume the user actually clicks the button in the preference pane here... return true; } else if (clicked_button == continue_button) { return false; } return false; } private: static QKeySequence GetSequence(NSEvent* event) { NSString* str = [event charactersIgnoringModifiers]; NSString* lower = [str lowercaseString]; const char* chars = [lower UTF8String]; NSUInteger modifiers = [event modifierFlags]; int key = Qt::Key_A + chars[0] - 'a'; // >.> if (modifiers & NSShiftKeyMask) { key += Qt::SHIFT; } if (modifiers & NSControlKeyMask) { key += Qt::META; } if (modifiers & NSAlternateKeyMask) { key += Qt::ALT; } if (modifiers & NSCommandKeyMask) { key += Qt::CTRL; } return QKeySequence(key); } void HandleKeyEvent(NSEvent* event) { QKeySequence sequence = GetSequence(event); backend_->KeyPressed(sequence); } id global_monitor_; id local_monitor_; MacGlobalShortcutBackend* backend_; }; MacGlobalShortcutBackend::MacGlobalShortcutBackend(GlobalShortcuts* parent) : GlobalShortcutBackend(parent), accessibility_status_(NOT_CHECKED), p_(new MacGlobalShortcutBackendPrivate(this)) { } MacGlobalShortcutBackend::~MacGlobalShortcutBackend() { } bool MacGlobalShortcutBackend::DoRegister() { // Always enable media keys. mac::SetShortcutHandler(this); // Check whether universal access is enabled so that global shortcuts will work. // This may pop up a modal dialog so only ask once per session. if (accessibility_status_ == NOT_CHECKED) { accessibility_status_ = CheckAccessibilityEnabled() ? ENABLED : DISABLED; } if (accessibility_status_ == ENABLED && AXAPIEnabled()) { foreach (const GlobalShortcuts::Shortcut& shortcut, manager_->shortcuts().values()) { shortcuts_[shortcut.action->shortcut()] = shortcut.action; } return p_->Register(); } return false; } void MacGlobalShortcutBackend::DoUnregister() { p_->Unregister(); shortcuts_.clear(); } void MacGlobalShortcutBackend::MacMediaKeyPressed(int key) { switch (key) { case NX_KEYTYPE_PLAY: KeyPressed(Qt::Key_MediaPlay); break; case NX_KEYTYPE_FAST: KeyPressed(Qt::Key_MediaNext); break; case NX_KEYTYPE_REWIND: KeyPressed(Qt::Key_MediaPrevious); break; } } void MacGlobalShortcutBackend::KeyPressed(const QKeySequence& sequence) { QAction* action = shortcuts_[sequence]; if (action) { action->trigger(); } } bool MacGlobalShortcutBackend::CheckAccessibilityEnabled() { return p_->CheckAccessibilityEnabled(); }