OrganiseDialog 0 0 588 525 Organise Files :/icon.png:/icon.png Destination After copying... Keep the original files Delete the original files Safely remove the device after copying Naming options <p>Tokens start with %, for example: %artist %album %title </p> <p>If you surround sections of text that contain a token with curly-braces, that section will be hidden if the token is empty.</p> QTextEdit::NoWrap false Insert... QToolButton::InstantPopup Ignore "The" in artist names Replaces spaces with underscores Restrict to ASCII characters Overwrite existing files Preview 0 0 0 0 0 Qt::Horizontal 264 20 Loading... Qt::Horizontal 264 20 Qt::Horizontal QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok|QDialogButtonBox::Reset FreeSpaceBar QWidget
LineTextEdit QTextEdit
BusyIndicator QWidget
destination aftercopying eject_after naming insert replace_the replace_spaces replace_ascii overwrite button_box button_box accepted() OrganiseDialog accept() 257 487 157 274 button_box rejected() OrganiseDialog reject() 325 487 286 274