/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2009-2012, David Sansome Copyright 2010-2011, 2014, Arnaud Bienner Copyright 2010-2012, 2014, John Maguire Copyright 2011, Paweł Bara Copyright 2011, Andrea Decorte Copyright 2012, Anand Copyright 2012, Arash Abedinzadeh Copyright 2013, Andreas Copyright 2013, Kevin Cox Copyright 2014, Mark Furneaux Copyright 2014, Krzysztof Sobiecki Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "player.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/urlhandler.h" #include "engines/enginebase.h" #include "engines/gstengine.h" #include "library/librarybackend.h" #include "playlist/playlist.h" #include "playlist/playlistitem.h" #include "playlist/playlistmanager.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM #include "internet/lastfm/lastfmservice.h" #endif using std::shared_ptr; const char* Player::kSettingsGroup = "Player"; Player::Player(Application* app, QObject* parent) : PlayerInterface(parent), app_(app), lastfm_(nullptr), engine_(new GstEngine(app_)), stream_change_type_(Engine::First), last_state_(Engine::Empty), nb_errors_received_(0), volume_before_mute_(50), last_pressed_previous_(QDateTime::currentDateTime()), menu_previousmode_(PreviousBehaviour_DontRestart), seek_step_sec_(10) { settings_.beginGroup("Player"); SetVolume(settings_.value("volume", 50).toInt()); connect(engine_.get(), SIGNAL(Error(QString)), SIGNAL(Error(QString))); connect(engine_.get(), SIGNAL(ValidSongRequested(QUrl)), SLOT(ValidSongRequested(QUrl))); connect(engine_.get(), SIGNAL(InvalidSongRequested(QUrl)), SLOT(InvalidSongRequested(QUrl))); } Player::~Player() {} void Player::Init() { if (!engine_->Init()) qFatal("Error initialising audio engine"); connect(engine_.get(), SIGNAL(StateChanged(Engine::State)), SLOT(EngineStateChanged(Engine::State))); connect(engine_.get(), SIGNAL(TrackAboutToEnd()), SLOT(TrackAboutToEnd())); connect(engine_.get(), SIGNAL(TrackEnded()), SLOT(TrackEnded())); connect(engine_.get(), SIGNAL(MetaData(Engine::SimpleMetaBundle)), SLOT(EngineMetadataReceived(Engine::SimpleMetaBundle))); engine_->SetVolume(settings_.value("volume", 50).toInt()); ReloadSettings(); #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM lastfm_ = app_->scrobbler(); #endif } void Player::ReloadSettings() { QSettings s; s.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); menu_previousmode_ = PreviousBehaviour( s.value("menu_previousmode", PreviousBehaviour_DontRestart).toInt()); seek_step_sec_ = s.value("seek_step_sec", 10).toInt(); s.endGroup(); engine_->ReloadSettings(); } void Player::HandleLoadResult(const UrlHandler::LoadResult& result) { // Might've been an async load, so check we're still on the same item shared_ptr item = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item(); if (!item) { loading_async_ = QUrl(); return; } if (item->Url() != result.original_url_) return; switch (result.type_) { case UrlHandler::LoadResult::NoMoreTracks: qLog(Debug) << "URL handler for" << result.original_url_ << "said no more tracks"; loading_async_ = QUrl(); NextItem(stream_change_type_); break; case UrlHandler::LoadResult::TrackAvailable: { // The media URL may contain an auth token. qLog(Debug) << "URL handler for" << result.original_url_ << "returned" << result.media_url_.toString(QUrl::RemoveQuery) << "(query removed)"; // If there was no length info in song's metadata, use the one provided by // URL handler, if there is one if (item->Metadata().length_nanosec() <= 0 && result.length_nanosec_ != -1) { Song song = item->Metadata(); song.set_length_nanosec(result.length_nanosec_); item->SetTemporaryMetadata(song); app_->playlist_manager()->active()->InformOfCurrentSongChange(); } MediaPlaybackRequest req(result.media_url_); if (!result.auth_header_.isEmpty()) req.headers_["Authorization"] = result.auth_header_; engine_->Play(req, stream_change_type_, item->Metadata().has_cue(), item->Metadata().beginning_nanosec(), item->Metadata().end_nanosec()); current_item_ = item; loading_async_ = QUrl(); break; } case UrlHandler::LoadResult::WillLoadAsynchronously: qLog(Debug) << "URL handler for" << result.original_url_ << "is loading asynchronously"; // We'll get called again later with either NoMoreTracks or TrackAvailable loading_async_ = result.original_url_; break; } } void Player::Next() { NextInternal(Engine::Manual); } void Player::NextAlbum() { NextInternal(Engine::Manual, NextTrackOrAlbumSelected::SelectNextAlbum); } void Player::NextInternal(Engine::TrackChangeFlags change, NextTrackOrAlbumSelected NextTrackOrAlbum) { if (HandleStopAfter()) return; if (app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item()) { const QUrl url = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item()->Url(); if (url_handlers_.contains(url.scheme())) { // The next track is already being loaded if (url == loading_async_) return; stream_change_type_ = change; HandleLoadResult(url_handlers_[url.scheme()]->LoadNext(url)); return; } } NextItem(change, NextTrackOrAlbum); } void Player::NextItem(Engine::TrackChangeFlags change, NextTrackOrAlbumSelected NextTrackOrAlbum) { Playlist* active_playlist = app_->playlist_manager()->active(); // If we received too many errors in auto change, with repeat enabled, we stop if (change == Engine::Auto) { const PlaylistSequence::RepeatMode repeat_mode = active_playlist->sequence()->repeat_mode(); if (repeat_mode != PlaylistSequence::Repeat_Off) { if ((repeat_mode == PlaylistSequence::Repeat_Track && nb_errors_received_ >= 3) || (nb_errors_received_ >= app_->playlist_manager()->active()->proxy()->rowCount())) { // We received too many "Error" state changes: probably looping over a // playlist which contains only unavailable elements: stop now. nb_errors_received_ = 0; Stop(); return; } } } // Manual track changes override "Repeat track" const bool ignore_repeat_track = change & Engine::Manual; int i = active_playlist->current_row(); if (NextTrackOrAlbum == SelectNextAlbum && i != -1) { if (active_playlist->sequence()->repeat_mode() != PlaylistSequence::Repeat_Track) { int original_index = i; QString album = active_playlist->current_item_metadata().album(); i = active_playlist->next_row(ignore_repeat_track); while (i != -1 && active_playlist->item_at(i)->Metadata().album() == album && i != original_index) { active_playlist->set_current_row(i, true); i = active_playlist->next_row(ignore_repeat_track); } } } else { i = active_playlist->next_row(ignore_repeat_track); } if (i == -1) { app_->playlist_manager()->active()->set_current_row(i); emit PlaylistFinished(); Stop(); return; } PlayAt(i, change, false); } void Player::PlayPlaylist(const QString& playlistName) { PlayPlaylistInternal(Engine::Manual, playlistName); } void Player::PlayPlaylistInternal(Engine::TrackChangeFlags change, const QString& playlistName) { Playlist* playlist = nullptr; for (Playlist* p : app_->playlist_manager()->GetAllPlaylists()) { if (playlistName == app_->playlist_manager()->GetPlaylistName(p->id())) { playlist = p; break; } } if (playlist == NULL) { qLog(Warning) << "Playlist '" << playlistName << "' not found."; return; } app_->playlist_manager()->SetActivePlaylist(playlist->id()); app_->playlist_manager()->SetCurrentPlaylist(playlist->id()); if (playlist->rowCount() == 0) return; int i = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_row(); if (i == -1) i = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->last_played_row(); if (i == -1) i = 0; PlayAt(i, Engine::First, true); } bool Player::HandleStopAfter() { if (app_->playlist_manager()->active()->stop_after_current()) { // Find what the next track would've been, and mark that one as current // so it plays next time the user presses Play. const int next_row = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->next_row(); if (next_row != -1) { app_->playlist_manager()->active()->set_current_row(next_row, true); } app_->playlist_manager()->active()->StopAfter(-1); Stop(true); return true; } return false; } void Player::TrackEnded() { if (HandleStopAfter()) return; if (current_item_ && current_item_->IsLocalLibraryItem() && current_item_->Metadata().id() != -1 && !app_->playlist_manager()->active()->have_incremented_playcount() && app_->playlist_manager()->active()->get_lastfm_status() != Playlist::LastFM_Seeked) { // The track finished before its scrobble point (30 seconds), so increment // the play count now. app_->playlist_manager()->library_backend()->IncrementPlayCountAsync( current_item_->Metadata().id()); } NextInternal(Engine::Auto); } void Player::PlayPause() { switch (engine_->state()) { case Engine::Paused: engine_->Unpause(); break; case Engine::Playing: { // We really shouldn't pause last.fm streams // Stopping seems like a reasonable thing to do (especially on mac where // there // is no media key for stop). if (current_item_->options() & PlaylistItem::PauseDisabled) { Stop(); } else { engine_->Pause(); } break; } case Engine::Empty: case Engine::Error: case Engine::Idle: { app_->playlist_manager()->SetActivePlaylist( app_->playlist_manager()->current_id()); if (app_->playlist_manager()->active()->rowCount() == 0) break; int i = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_row(); if (i == -1) i = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->last_played_row(); if (i == -1) i = 0; PlayAt(i, Engine::First, true); break; } } } void Player::RestartOrPrevious() { if (engine_->position_nanosec() < 8 * kNsecPerSec) return Previous(); SeekTo(0); } void Player::Stop(bool stop_after) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM lastfm_->Scrobble(); #endif engine_->Stop(stop_after); app_->playlist_manager()->active()->set_current_row(-1); current_item_.reset(); } void Player::StopAfterCurrent() { app_->playlist_manager()->active()->StopAfter( app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_row()); } bool Player::PreviousWouldRestartTrack() const { // Check if it has been over two seconds since previous button was pressed return menu_previousmode_ == PreviousBehaviour_Restart && last_pressed_previous_.isValid() && last_pressed_previous_.secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()) >= 2; } void Player::Previous() { PreviousItem(Engine::Manual); } void Player::PreviousItem(Engine::TrackChangeFlags change) { const bool ignore_repeat_track = change & Engine::Manual; if (menu_previousmode_ == PreviousBehaviour_Restart) { // Check if it has been over two seconds since previous button was pressed QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); if (last_pressed_previous_.isValid() && last_pressed_previous_.secsTo(now) >= 2) { last_pressed_previous_ = now; PlayAt(app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_row(), change, false); return; } last_pressed_previous_ = now; } int i = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->previous_row(ignore_repeat_track); app_->playlist_manager()->active()->set_current_row(i); if (i == -1) { Stop(); PlayAt(i, change, true); return; } PlayAt(i, change, false); } void Player::EngineStateChanged(Engine::State state) { if (Engine::Error == state) { nb_errors_received_++; } else { nb_errors_received_ = 0; } switch (state) { case Engine::Paused: emit Paused(); break; case Engine::Playing: emit Playing(); break; case Engine::Error: case Engine::Empty: case Engine::Idle: emit Stopped(); break; } last_state_ = state; } void Player::SetVolume(int value) { int old_volume = engine_->volume(); int volume = qBound(0, value, 100); settings_.setValue("volume", volume); engine_->SetVolume(volume); if (volume != old_volume) { emit VolumeChanged(volume); } } int Player::GetVolume() const { return engine_->volume(); } void Player::PlayAt(int index, Engine::TrackChangeFlags change, bool reshuffle) { if (change == Engine::Manual && engine_->position_nanosec() != engine_->length_nanosec()) { emit TrackSkipped(current_item_); const QUrl& url = current_item_->Url(); if (url_handlers_.contains(url.scheme())) { url_handlers_[url.scheme()]->TrackSkipped(); } } if (current_item_ && app_->playlist_manager()->active()->has_item_at(index) && current_item_->Metadata().IsOnSameAlbum( app_->playlist_manager()->active()->item_at(index)->Metadata())) { change |= Engine::SameAlbum; } if (reshuffle) app_->playlist_manager()->active()->ReshuffleIndices(); app_->playlist_manager()->active()->set_current_row(index); if (app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_row() == -1) { // Maybe index didn't exist in the playlist. return; } current_item_ = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item(); const QUrl url = current_item_->Url(); if (url_handlers_.contains(url.scheme())) { // It's already loading if (url == loading_async_) return; stream_change_type_ = change; HandleLoadResult(url_handlers_[url.scheme()]->StartLoading(url)); } else { loading_async_ = QUrl(); MediaPlaybackRequest req(current_item_->Url()); engine_->Play(req, change, current_item_->Metadata().has_cue(), current_item_->Metadata().beginning_nanosec(), current_item_->Metadata().end_nanosec()); #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM if (lastfm_->IsScrobblingEnabled()) lastfm_->NowPlaying(current_item_->Metadata()); #endif } } void Player::CurrentMetadataChanged(const Song& metadata) { // those things might have changed (especially when a previously invalid // song was reloaded) so we push the latest version into Engine engine_->RefreshMarkers(metadata.beginning_nanosec(), metadata.end_nanosec()); #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM lastfm_->Scrobble(); lastfm_->NowPlaying(metadata); #endif } void Player::SeekTo(int seconds) { const qint64 length_nanosec = engine_->length_nanosec(); // If the length is 0 then either there is no song playing, or the song isn't // seekable. if (length_nanosec <= 0) { return; } const qint64 nanosec = qBound(0ll, qint64(seconds) * kNsecPerSec, length_nanosec); engine_->Seek(nanosec); // If we seek the track we need to move the scrobble point qLog(Info) << "Track seeked to" << nanosec << "ns - updating scrobble point"; app_->playlist_manager()->active()->UpdateScrobblePoint(nanosec); emit Seeked(nanosec / 1000); } void Player::SeekForward() { SeekTo(engine()->position_nanosec() / kNsecPerSec + seek_step_sec_); } void Player::SeekBackward() { SeekTo(engine()->position_nanosec() / kNsecPerSec - seek_step_sec_); } void Player::EngineMetadataReceived(const Engine::SimpleMetaBundle& bundle) { PlaylistItemPtr item = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item(); if (!item) return; Engine::SimpleMetaBundle bundle_copy = bundle; // Maybe the metadata is from icycast and has "Artist - Title" shoved // together in the title field. const int dash_pos = bundle_copy.title.indexOf('-'); if (dash_pos != -1 && bundle_copy.artist.isEmpty()) { // Split on " - " if it exists, otherwise split on "-". const int space_dash_pos = bundle_copy.title.indexOf(" - "); if (space_dash_pos != -1) { bundle_copy.artist = bundle_copy.title.left(space_dash_pos).trimmed(); bundle_copy.title = bundle_copy.title.mid(space_dash_pos + 3).trimmed(); } else { bundle_copy.artist = bundle_copy.title.left(dash_pos).trimmed(); bundle_copy.title = bundle_copy.title.mid(dash_pos + 1).trimmed(); } } Song song = item->Metadata(); song.MergeFromSimpleMetaBundle(bundle_copy); // Ignore useless metadata if (song.title().isEmpty() && song.artist().isEmpty()) return; app_->playlist_manager()->active()->SetStreamMetadata(item->Url(), song); } PlaylistItemPtr Player::GetItemAt(int pos) const { if (pos < 0 || pos >= app_->playlist_manager()->active()->rowCount()) return PlaylistItemPtr(); return app_->playlist_manager()->active()->item_at(pos); } void Player::Mute() { const int current_volume = engine_->volume(); if (current_volume == 0) { SetVolume(volume_before_mute_); } else { volume_before_mute_ = current_volume; SetVolume(0); } } void Player::Pause() { engine_->Pause(); } void Player::Play() { switch (GetState()) { case Engine::Playing: SeekTo(0); break; case Engine::Paused: engine_->Unpause(); break; default: PlayPause(); break; } } void Player::ShowOSD() { if (current_item_) emit ForceShowOSD(current_item_->Metadata(), false); } void Player::TogglePrettyOSD() { if (current_item_) emit ForceShowOSD(current_item_->Metadata(), true); } void Player::TrackAboutToEnd() { // If the current track was from a URL handler then it might have special // behaviour to queue up a subsequent track. We don't want to preload (and // scrobble) the next item in the playlist if it's just going to be stopped // again immediately after. if (app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item()) { const QUrl url = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->current_item()->Url(); if (url_handlers_.contains(url.scheme())) { url_handlers_[url.scheme()]->TrackAboutToEnd(); return; } } const bool has_next_row = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->next_row() != -1; PlaylistItemPtr next_item; if (has_next_row) { next_item = app_->playlist_manager()->active()->item_at( app_->playlist_manager()->active()->next_row()); } if (engine_->is_autocrossfade_enabled()) { // Crossfade is on, so just start playing the next track. The current one // will fade out, and the new one will fade in // But, if there's no next track and we don't want to fade out, then do // nothing and just let the track finish to completion. if (!engine_->is_fadeout_enabled() && !has_next_row) return; // If the next track is on the same album (or same cue file), and the // user doesn't want to crossfade between tracks on the same album, then // don't do this automatic crossfading. if (engine_->crossfade_same_album() || !has_next_row || !next_item || !current_item_->Metadata().IsOnSameAlbum(next_item->Metadata())) { TrackEnded(); return; } } // Crossfade is off, so start preloading the next track so we don't get a // gap between songs. if (!has_next_row || !next_item) return; QUrl url = next_item->Url(); // Get the actual track URL rather than the stream URL. if (url_handlers_.contains(url.scheme())) { UrlHandler::LoadResult result = url_handlers_[url.scheme()]->LoadNext(url); switch (result.type_) { case UrlHandler::LoadResult::NoMoreTracks: return; case UrlHandler::LoadResult::WillLoadAsynchronously: loading_async_ = url; return; case UrlHandler::LoadResult::TrackAvailable: url = result.media_url_; break; } } MediaPlaybackRequest req(url); engine_->StartPreloading(req, next_item->Metadata().has_cue(), next_item->Metadata().beginning_nanosec(), next_item->Metadata().end_nanosec()); } void Player::IntroPointReached() { NextInternal(Engine::Intro); } void Player::ValidSongRequested(const QUrl& url) { emit SongChangeRequestProcessed(url, true); } void Player::InvalidSongRequested(const QUrl& url) { // first send the notification to others... emit SongChangeRequestProcessed(url, false); // ... and now when our listeners have completed their processing of the // current item we can change the current item by skipping to the next song QSettings s; s.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); bool stop_playback = s.value("stop_play_if_fail", 0).toBool(); s.endGroup(); if (stop_playback) { Stop(); } else { NextItem(Engine::Auto); } } void Player::RegisterUrlHandler(UrlHandler* handler) { const QString scheme = handler->scheme(); if (url_handlers_.contains(scheme)) { qLog(Warning) << "Tried to register a URL handler for" << scheme << "but one was already registered"; return; } qLog(Info) << "Registered URL handler for" << scheme; url_handlers_.insert(scheme, handler); connect(handler, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), SLOT(UrlHandlerDestroyed(QObject*))); connect(handler, SIGNAL(AsyncLoadComplete(UrlHandler::LoadResult)), SLOT(HandleLoadResult(UrlHandler::LoadResult))); } void Player::UnregisterUrlHandler(UrlHandler* handler) { const QString scheme = url_handlers_.key(handler); if (scheme.isEmpty()) { qLog(Warning) << "Tried to unregister a URL handler for" << handler->scheme() << "that wasn't registered"; return; } qLog(Info) << "Unregistered URL handler for" << scheme; url_handlers_.remove(scheme); disconnect(handler, SIGNAL(destroyed(QObject*)), this, SLOT(UrlHandlerDestroyed(QObject*))); disconnect(handler, SIGNAL(AsyncLoadComplete(UrlHandler::LoadResult)), this, SLOT(HandleLoadResult(UrlHandler::LoadResult))); } const UrlHandler* Player::HandlerForUrl(const QUrl& url) const { QMap::const_iterator it = url_handlers_.constFind(url.scheme()); if (it == url_handlers_.constEnd()) { return nullptr; } return *it; } void Player::UrlHandlerDestroyed(QObject* object) { UrlHandler* handler = static_cast(object); const QString scheme = url_handlers_.key(handler); if (!scheme.isEmpty()) { url_handlers_.remove(scheme); } }