/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2016, John Maguire Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "artistbiography.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "core/closure.h" #include "core/latch.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/network.h" #include "songinfo/songinfotextview.h" #include "ui/iconloader.h" namespace { const char* kArtistBioUrl = "https://data.clementine-player.org/fetchbio"; const char* kWikipediaImageListUrl = "https://%1.wikipedia.org/w/" "api.php?action=query&prop=images&format=json&imlimit=25"; const char* kWikipediaImageInfoUrl = "https://%1.wikipedia.org/w/" "api.php?action=query&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=url|size&format=json"; const char* kWikipediaExtractUrl = "https://%1.wikipedia.org/w/" "api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=extracts"; const int kMinimumImageSize = 400; QString GetLocale() { QLocale locale; return locale.name().split('_')[0]; } } // namespace ArtistBiography::ArtistBiography() : network_(new NetworkAccessManager) {} ArtistBiography::~ArtistBiography() {} void ArtistBiography::FetchInfo(int id, const Song& metadata) { if (metadata.artist().isEmpty()) { emit Finished(id); return; } QUrl url(kArtistBioUrl); QUrlQuery url_query(url); url_query.addQueryItem("artist", metadata.artist()); url_query.addQueryItem("lang", GetLocale()); url.setQuery(url_query); qLog(Debug) << "Biography url: " << url; QNetworkRequest request(url); QNetworkReply* reply = network_->get(request); NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), [this, reply, id]() { reply->deleteLater(); QJsonDocument json_document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll()); QJsonObject response = json_document.object(); QString body = response["articleBody"].toString(); QString url = response["url"].toString(); CountdownLatch* latch = new CountdownLatch; if (url.contains("wikipedia.org")) { FetchWikipediaImages(id, url, latch); FetchWikipediaArticle(id, url, latch); } else { latch->Wait(); // Use the simple article body from KG. if (!body.isEmpty()) { CollapsibleInfoPane::Data data; data.id_ = url; data.title_ = tr("Biography"); data.type_ = CollapsibleInfoPane::Data::Type_Biography; QString text; text += "

" + tr("Open in your browser") + "

"; text += body; SongInfoTextView* editor = new SongInfoTextView; editor->SetHtml(text); data.contents_ = editor; emit InfoReady(id, data); } latch->CountDown(); } NewClosure(latch, SIGNAL(Done()), [this, id, latch]() { latch->deleteLater(); emit Finished(id); }); }); } namespace { QStringList ExtractImageTitles(const QJsonObject& json) { QStringList ret; for (auto it = json.constBegin(); it != json.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it.value().type() == QJsonValue::Object) { ret.append(ExtractImageTitles(it.value().toObject())); } else if (it.key() == "images" && it.value().type() == QJsonValue::Array) { QJsonArray images = it.value().toArray(); for (const QJsonValue& i : images) { QJsonObject image = i.toObject(); QString image_title = image["title"].toString(); if (!image_title.isEmpty() && ( // SVGs tend to be irrelevant icons. image_title.endsWith(".jpg", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || image_title.endsWith(".png", Qt::CaseInsensitive))) { ret.append(image_title); } } } } return ret; } QUrl ExtractImageUrl(const QJsonObject& json) { for (auto it = json.constBegin(); it != json.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it.value().type() == QJsonValue::Object) { QUrl r = ExtractImageUrl(it.value().toObject()); if (!r.isEmpty()) { return r; } } else if (it.key() == "imageinfo") { QJsonArray imageinfos = it.value().toArray(); QJsonObject imageinfo = imageinfos.first().toObject(); int width = imageinfo["width"].toInt(); int height = imageinfo["height"].toInt(); if (width < kMinimumImageSize || height < kMinimumImageSize) { return QUrl(); } return QUrl::fromEncoded(imageinfo["url"].toVariant().toByteArray()); } } return QUrl(); } QString ExtractExtract(const QJsonObject& json) { for (auto it = json.constBegin(); it != json.constEnd(); ++it) { if (it.value().type() == QJsonValue::Object) { QString extract = ExtractExtract(it.value().toObject()); if (!extract.isEmpty()) { return extract; } } else if (it.key() == "extract") { return it.value().toString(); } } return QString(); } } // namespace void ArtistBiography::FetchWikipediaImages(int id, const QString& wikipedia_url, CountdownLatch* latch) { latch->Wait(); qLog(Debug) << wikipedia_url; QRegExp regex("([a-z]+)\\.wikipedia\\.org/wiki/(.*)"); if (regex.indexIn(wikipedia_url) == -1) { emit Finished(id); return; } QString wiki_title = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(regex.cap(2).toUtf8()); QString language = regex.cap(1); QUrl url(QString(kWikipediaImageListUrl).arg(language)); QUrlQuery url_query(url); url_query.addQueryItem("titles", wiki_title); url.setQuery(url_query); qLog(Debug) << "Wikipedia images:" << url; QNetworkRequest request(url); QNetworkReply* reply = network_->get(request); NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), [this, id, reply, language, latch]() { reply->deleteLater(); QJsonDocument json_document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll()); QJsonObject response = json_document.object(); QStringList image_titles = ExtractImageTitles(response); for (const QString& image_title : image_titles) { latch->Wait(); QUrl url(QString(kWikipediaImageInfoUrl).arg(language)); QUrlQuery url_query(url); url_query.addQueryItem("titles", image_title); url.setQuery(url_query); qLog(Debug) << "Image info:" << url; QNetworkRequest request(url); QNetworkReply* reply = network_->get(request); NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), [this, id, reply, latch]() { reply->deleteLater(); QJsonDocument json_document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll()); QJsonObject json = json_document.object(); QUrl url = ExtractImageUrl(json); qLog(Debug) << "Found wikipedia image url:" << url; if (!url.isEmpty()) { emit ImageReady(id, url); } latch->CountDown(); }); } latch->CountDown(); }); } void ArtistBiography::FetchWikipediaArticle(int id, const QString& wikipedia_url, CountdownLatch* latch) { latch->Wait(); QRegExp regex("([a-z]+)\\.wikipedia\\.org/wiki/(.*)"); if (regex.indexIn(wikipedia_url) == -1) { emit Finished(id); return; } QString wiki_title = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(regex.cap(2).toUtf8()); QString language = regex.cap(1); QUrl url(QString(kWikipediaExtractUrl).arg(language)); QUrlQuery url_query(url); url_query.addQueryItem("titles", wiki_title); url.setQuery(url_query); QNetworkRequest request(url); QNetworkReply* reply = network_->get(request); qLog(Debug) << "Article url:" << url; NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), [this, id, reply, wikipedia_url, wiki_title, latch]() { reply->deleteLater(); QJsonDocument json_document = QJsonDocument::fromJson(reply->readAll()); QJsonObject json = json_document.object(); QString html = ExtractExtract(json); CollapsibleInfoPane::Data data; data.id_ = wikipedia_url; data.title_ = tr("Biography"); data.type_ = CollapsibleInfoPane::Data::Type_Biography; data.icon_ = IconLoader::Load("wikipedia", IconLoader::Provider); QString text; text += "

" + tr("Open in your browser") + "

"; text += html; text += tr("

This article uses material from the Wikipedia article " "%2, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike " "License 3.0.

") .arg(wikipedia_url) .arg(wiki_title); SongInfoTextView* editor = new SongInfoTextView; editor->SetHtml(text); data.contents_ = editor; emit InfoReady(id, data); latch->CountDown(); }); }