/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2012, 2014, David Sansome Copyright 2014, John Maguire Copyright 2014, Krzysztof Sobiecki Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "podcastparser.h" #include #include #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/utilities.h" #include "opmlcontainer.h" // Namespace constants must be lower case. const char* PodcastParser::kAtomNamespace = "http://www.w3.org/2005/atom"; const char* PodcastParser::kItunesNamespace = "http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd"; PodcastParser::PodcastParser() { supported_mime_types_ << "application/rss+xml" << "application/xml" << "text/x-opml" << "text/xml"; } bool PodcastParser::SupportsContentType(const QString& content_type) const { if (content_type.isEmpty()) { // Why not have a go. return true; } for (const QString& mime_type : supported_mime_types()) { if (content_type.contains(mime_type)) { return true; } } return false; } bool PodcastParser::TryMagic(const QByteArray& data) const { QString str(QString::fromUtf8(data)); return str.contains(QRegExp("atEnd()) { QXmlStreamReader::TokenType type = reader->readNext(); switch (type) { case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: { const QStringRef name = reader->name(); const QString lower_namespace = reader->namespaceUri().toString().toLower(); if (name == "title") { ret->set_title(reader->readElementText()); } else if (name == "link" && lower_namespace.isEmpty()) { ret->set_link(QUrl::fromEncoded(reader->readElementText().toLatin1())); } else if (name == "description") { ret->set_description(reader->readElementText()); } else if (name == "owner" && lower_namespace == kItunesNamespace) { ParseItunesOwner(reader, ret); } else if (name == "image") { ParseImage(reader, ret); } else if (name == "copyright") { ret->set_copyright(reader->readElementText()); } else if (name == "link" && lower_namespace == kAtomNamespace && ret->url().isEmpty() && reader->attributes().value("rel") == "self") { ret->set_url(QUrl::fromEncoded(reader->readElementText().toLatin1())); } else if (name == "item") { ParseItem(reader, ret); } else { Utilities::ConsumeCurrentElement(reader); } break; } case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement: return; default: break; } } } void PodcastParser::ParseImage(QXmlStreamReader* reader, Podcast* ret) const { while (!reader->atEnd()) { QXmlStreamReader::TokenType type = reader->readNext(); switch (type) { case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: { const QStringRef name = reader->name(); if (name == "url") { ret->set_image_url_large( QUrl::fromEncoded(reader->readElementText().toLatin1())); } else { Utilities::ConsumeCurrentElement(reader); } break; } case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement: return; default: break; } } } void PodcastParser::ParseItunesOwner(QXmlStreamReader* reader, Podcast* ret) const { while (!reader->atEnd()) { QXmlStreamReader::TokenType type = reader->readNext(); switch (type) { case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: { const QStringRef name = reader->name(); if (name == "name") { ret->set_owner_name(reader->readElementText()); } else if (name == "email") { ret->set_owner_email(reader->readElementText()); } else { Utilities::ConsumeCurrentElement(reader); } break; } case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement: return; default: break; } } } void PodcastParser::ParseItem(QXmlStreamReader* reader, Podcast* ret) const { PodcastEpisode episode; while (!reader->atEnd()) { QXmlStreamReader::TokenType type = reader->readNext(); switch (type) { case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: { const QStringRef name = reader->name(); const QString lower_namespace = reader->namespaceUri().toString().toLower(); if (name == "title") { episode.set_title(reader->readElementText()); } else if (name == "description") { episode.set_description(reader->readElementText()); } else if (name == "pubDate") { QString date = reader->readElementText(); episode.set_publication_date(Utilities::ParseRFC822DateTime(date)); if (!episode.publication_date().isValid()) { qLog(Error) << "Unable to parse date:" << date << "Please submit it to " << "https://github.com/clementine-player/Clementine/issues/new?title=" + QUrl::toPercentEncoding(QString("[podcast] Unable to parse date: %1").arg(date)); } } else if (name == "duration" && lower_namespace == kItunesNamespace) { // http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html QStringList parts = reader->readElementText().split(':'); if (parts.count() == 2) { episode.set_duration_secs(parts[0].toInt() * 60 + parts[1].toInt()); } else if (parts.count() >= 3) { episode.set_duration_secs(parts[0].toInt() * 60 * 60 + parts[1].toInt() * 60 + parts[2].toInt()); } } else if (name == "enclosure") { const QString type = reader->attributes().value("type").toString(); const QUrl url = QUrl::fromEncoded(reader->attributes().value("url").toString().toLatin1()); if (type.startsWith("audio/") || type.startsWith("x-audio/")) { episode.set_url(url); } // If the URL doesn't have a type, see if it's one of the obvious types else if (type.isEmpty() && ( url.path().endsWith(".mp3", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || url.path().endsWith(".m4a", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || url.path().endsWith(".wav", Qt::CaseInsensitive))) { episode.set_url(url); } Utilities::ConsumeCurrentElement(reader); } else if (name == "author" && lower_namespace == kItunesNamespace) { episode.set_author(reader->readElementText()); } else { Utilities::ConsumeCurrentElement(reader); } break; } case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement: if (!episode.publication_date().isValid()) { episode.set_publication_date(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); } if (!episode.url().isEmpty()) { ret->add_episode(episode); } return; default: break; } } } bool PodcastParser::ParseOpml(QXmlStreamReader* reader, OpmlContainer* ret) const { if (!Utilities::ParseUntilElement(reader, "body")) { return false; } ParseOutline(reader, ret); // OPML files sometimes consist of a single top level container. while (ret->feeds.count() == 0 && ret->containers.count() == 1) { *ret = ret->containers[0]; } return true; } void PodcastParser::ParseOutline(QXmlStreamReader* reader, OpmlContainer* ret) const { while (!reader->atEnd()) { QXmlStreamReader::TokenType type = reader->readNext(); switch (type) { case QXmlStreamReader::StartElement: { const QStringRef name = reader->name(); if (name != "outline") { Utilities::ConsumeCurrentElement(reader); continue; } QXmlStreamAttributes attributes = reader->attributes(); if (attributes.value("type").toString() == "rss") { // Parse the feed and add it to this container Podcast podcast; podcast.set_description(attributes.value("description").toString()); QString title = attributes.value("title").toString(); if (title.isEmpty()) { title = attributes.value("text").toString(); } podcast.set_title(title); podcast.set_image_url_large(QUrl::fromEncoded( attributes.value("imageHref").toString().toLatin1())); podcast.set_url(QUrl::fromEncoded( attributes.value("xmlUrl").toString().toLatin1())); ret->feeds.append(podcast); // Consume any children and the EndElement. Utilities::ConsumeCurrentElement(reader); } else { // Create a new child container OpmlContainer child; // Take the name from the fullname attribute first if it exists. child.name = attributes.value("fullname").toString(); if (child.name.isEmpty()) { child.name = attributes.value("text").toString(); } // Parse its contents and add it to this container ParseOutline(reader, &child); ret->containers.append(child); } break; } case QXmlStreamReader::EndElement: return; default: break; } } }