/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2011-2012, David Sansome Copyright 2014, Krzysztof Sobiecki Copyright 2014, John Maguire Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "spotifyblobdownloader.h" #include "config.h" #include "spotifyservice.h" #include "core/arraysize.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/network.h" #include "core/utilities.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_CRYPTOPP #include #include // Compatibility with cryptocpp >= 6.0.0 namespace CryptoPP { typedef unsigned char byte; } #endif // HAVE_CRYPTOPP const char* SpotifyBlobDownloader::kSignatureSuffix = ".sha512"; SpotifyBlobDownloader::SpotifyBlobDownloader(const QString& version, const QString& path, QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), version_(version), path_(path), network_(new NetworkAccessManager(this)), progress_(new QProgressDialog(tr("Downloading Spotify plugin"), tr("Cancel"), 0, 0)) { progress_->setWindowTitle(QCoreApplication::applicationName()); connect(progress_, SIGNAL(canceled()), SLOT(Cancel())); } SpotifyBlobDownloader::~SpotifyBlobDownloader() { qDeleteAll(replies_); replies_.clear(); delete progress_; } bool SpotifyBlobDownloader::Prompt() { QMessageBox::StandardButton ret = QMessageBox::question( nullptr, tr("Spotify plugin not installed"), tr("An additional plugin is required to use Spotify in Clementine. " "Would you like to download and install it now?"), QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes); return ret == QMessageBox::Yes; } void SpotifyBlobDownloader::Start() { qDeleteAll(replies_); replies_.clear(); const QStringList filenames = QStringList() << "blob" << "blob" + QString(kSignatureSuffix) << "libspotify.so.12.1.51" << "libspotify.so.12.1.51" + QString(kSignatureSuffix); for (const QString& filename : filenames) { const QUrl url(SpotifyService::kBlobDownloadUrl + version_ + "/" + filename); qLog(Info) << "Downloading" << url; QNetworkReply* reply = network_->get(QNetworkRequest(url)); connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(ReplyFinished())); connect(reply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), SLOT(ReplyProgress())); replies_ << reply; } progress_->show(); } void SpotifyBlobDownloader::ReplyFinished() { QNetworkReply* reply = qobject_cast(sender()); if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { // Handle network errors ShowError(reply->errorString()); return; } // Is everything finished? for (QNetworkReply* reply : replies_) { if (!reply->isFinished()) { return; } } // Read files into memory first. QMap file_data; QStringList signature_filenames; for (QNetworkReply* reply : replies_) { const QString filename = reply->url().path().section('/', -1, -1); if (filename.endsWith(kSignatureSuffix)) { signature_filenames << filename; } file_data[filename] = reply->readAll(); } if (!CheckSignature(file_data, signature_filenames)) { qLog(Warning) << "Signature checks failed"; return; } // Make the destination directory and write the files into it QDir().mkpath(path_); for (const QString& filename : file_data.keys()) { const QString dest_path = path_ + "/" + filename; if (filename.endsWith(kSignatureSuffix)) continue; qLog(Info) << "Writing" << dest_path; QFile file(dest_path); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { ShowError("Failed to open " + dest_path + " for writing"); return; } file.write(file_data[filename]); file.close(); file.setPermissions(QFile::Permissions(0x7755)); #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX const int so_pos = filename.lastIndexOf(".so."); if (so_pos != -1) { QString link_path = path_ + "/" + filename.left(so_pos + 3); QStringList version_parts = filename.mid(so_pos + 4).split('.'); while (!version_parts.isEmpty()) { qLog(Debug) << "Linking" << dest_path << "to" << link_path; int ret = symlink(dest_path.toLocal8Bit().constData(), link_path.toLocal8Bit().constData()); if (ret != 0) { qLog(Warning) << "Creating symlink failed with return code" << ret; } link_path += "." + version_parts.takeFirst(); } } #endif // Q_OS_UNIX } EmitFinished(); } bool SpotifyBlobDownloader::CheckSignature( const QMap& file_data, const QStringList& signature_filenames) { #ifdef HAVE_CRYPTOPP QFile public_key_file(":/clementine-spotify-public.pem"); public_key_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); const QByteArray public_key_data = ConvertPEMToDER(public_key_file.readAll()); try { CryptoPP::ByteQueue bytes; bytes.Put(reinterpret_cast(public_key_data.constData()), public_key_data.size()); bytes.MessageEnd(); CryptoPP::RSA::PublicKey public_key; public_key.Load(bytes); CryptoPP::RSASS::Verifier verifier( public_key); for (const QString& signature_filename : signature_filenames) { QString actual_filename = signature_filename; actual_filename.remove(kSignatureSuffix); const bool result = verifier.VerifyMessage( reinterpret_cast(file_data[actual_filename].constData()), file_data[actual_filename].size(), reinterpret_cast( file_data[signature_filename].constData()), file_data[signature_filename].size()); qLog(Debug) << "Verifying" << actual_filename << "against" << signature_filename << result; if (!result) { ShowError("Invalid signature: " + actual_filename); return false; } } } catch (std::exception& e) { // This should only happen if we fail to parse our own key. qLog(Debug) << "Verifying spotify blob signature failed:" << e.what(); return false; } return true; #else return false; #endif // HAVE_CRYPTOPP } QByteArray SpotifyBlobDownloader::ConvertPEMToDER(const QByteArray& pem) { QSslKey key(pem, QSsl::Rsa, QSsl::Pem, QSsl::PublicKey); Q_ASSERT(!key.isNull()); return key.toDer(); } void SpotifyBlobDownloader::ReplyProgress() { int progress = 0; int total = 0; for (QNetworkReply* reply : replies_) { progress += reply->bytesAvailable(); total += reply->rawHeader("Content-Length").toInt(); } progress_->setMaximum(total); progress_->setValue(progress); } void SpotifyBlobDownloader::Cancel() { deleteLater(); } void SpotifyBlobDownloader::ShowError(const QString& message) { // Stop any remaining replies before showing the dialog so they don't // carry on in the background for (QNetworkReply* reply : replies_) { disconnect(reply, 0, this, 0); reply->abort(); } qLog(Warning) << message; QMessageBox::warning(nullptr, tr("Error downloading Spotify plugin"), message, QMessageBox::Close); deleteLater(); } void SpotifyBlobDownloader::EmitFinished() { emit Finished(); deleteLater(); }