/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2009-2013, David Sansome Copyright 2010-2012, 2014, John Maguire Copyright 2011, Andrea Decorte Copyright 2012, Arnaud Bienner Copyright 2012, Kacper "mattrick" Banasik Copyright 2012, Harald Sitter Copyright 2014, Krzysztof Sobiecki Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ // StringBuilder is activated to speed-up QString concatenation. As explained // here: // http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/06/13/string-concatenation-with-qstringbuilder/ // this cause some compilation errors in some cases. As Lasfm library inlines // some functions in their includes files, which aren't compatible with // QStringBuilder, we undef it here #include #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 #if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800 #undef QT_USE_QSTRINGBUILDER #else #undef QT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION #undef QT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS #endif // QT_VERSION >= 0x040800 #endif // QT_VERSION >= 0x040600 #include "lastfmservice.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM1 #include #else #include #endif #include "lastfmcompat.h" #include "core/application.h" #include "core/closure.h" #include "core/logging.h" #include "core/network.h" #include "core/player.h" #include "core/song.h" #include "core/taskmanager.h" #include "internet/core/internetmodel.h" #include "internet/core/internetplaylistitem.h" #include "internet/core/localredirectserver.h" #include "covers/coverproviders.h" #include "covers/lastfmcoverprovider.h" #include "ui/iconloader.h" #include "ui/settingsdialog.h" using lastfm::XmlQuery; uint qHash(const lastfm::Track& track) { return qHash(track.title()) ^ qHash(track.artist().name()) ^ qHash(track.album().title()); } const char* LastFMService::kServiceName = "Last.fm"; const char* LastFMService::kSettingsGroup = "Last.fm"; const char* LastFMService::kAudioscrobblerClientId = "tng"; const char* LastFMService::kApiKey = "75d20fb472be99275392aefa2760ea09"; const char* LastFMService::kSecret = "d3072b60ae626be12be69448f5c46e70"; const char* LastFMService::kAuthLoginUrl = "https://www.last.fm/api/auth/?api_key=%1&token=%2"; LastFMService::LastFMService(Application* app, QObject* parent) : Scrobbler(parent), already_scrobbled_(false), scrobbling_enabled_(false), connection_problems_(false), app_(app), network_(new NetworkAccessManager) { #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM1 lastfm::ws::setScheme(lastfm::ws::Https); #endif ReloadSettings(); // we emit the signal the first time to be sure the buttons are in the right // state emit ScrobblingEnabledChanged(scrobbling_enabled_); } LastFMService::~LastFMService() {} void LastFMService::ReloadSettings() { bool scrobbling_enabled_old = scrobbling_enabled_; QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); lastfm::ws::Username = settings.value("Username").toString(); lastfm::ws::SessionKey = settings.value("Session").toString(); scrobbling_enabled_ = settings.value("ScrobblingEnabled", true).toBool(); buttons_visible_ = settings.value("ShowLoveBanButtons", true).toBool(); scrobble_button_visible_ = settings.value("ShowScrobbleButton", true).toBool(); prefer_albumartist_ = settings.value("PreferAlbumArtist", false).toBool(); // avoid emitting signal if it's not changed if (scrobbling_enabled_old != scrobbling_enabled_) emit ScrobblingEnabledChanged(scrobbling_enabled_); emit ButtonVisibilityChanged(buttons_visible_); emit ScrobbleButtonVisibilityChanged(scrobble_button_visible_); emit PreferAlbumArtistChanged(prefer_albumartist_); } void LastFMService::ShowConfig() { app_->OpenSettingsDialogAtPage(SettingsDialog::Page_Lastfm); } bool LastFMService::IsAuthenticated() const { return !lastfm::ws::SessionKey.isEmpty(); } bool LastFMService::IsSubscriber() const { QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); return settings.value("Subscriber", false).toBool(); } namespace { QByteArray SignApiRequest(QList> params) { qSort(params); QString to_sign; for (const auto& p : params) { to_sign += p.first; to_sign += p.second; } to_sign += LastFMService::kSecret; return QCryptographicHash::hash(to_sign.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex(); } } // namespace void LastFMService::Authenticate() { QUrl url("https://www.last.fm/api/auth/"); url.addQueryItem("api_key", kApiKey); LocalRedirectServer* server = new LocalRedirectServer(this); server->Listen(); url.addQueryItem("cb", server->url().toString()); NewClosure(server, SIGNAL(Finished()), [this, server]() { server->deleteLater(); const QUrl& url = server->request_url(); QString token = url.queryItemValue("token"); QUrl session_url("https://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/"); session_url.addQueryItem("api_key", kApiKey); session_url.addQueryItem("method", "auth.getSession"); session_url.addQueryItem("token", token); session_url.addQueryItem("api_sig", SignApiRequest(session_url.queryItems())); QNetworkReply* reply = network_->get(QNetworkRequest(session_url)); NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(AuthenticateReplyFinished(QNetworkReply*)), reply); }); if (!QDesktopServices::openUrl(url)) { QMessageBox box(QMessageBox::NoIcon, tr("Last.fm Authentication"), tr("Please open this URL in your browser: %1").arg(url.toString()), QMessageBox::Ok); box.setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); qLog(Debug) << "Last.fm authentication URL: " << url.toString(); box.exec(); } } void LastFMService::AuthenticateReplyFinished(QNetworkReply* reply) { reply->deleteLater(); // Parse the reply lastfm::XmlQuery lfm(lastfm::compat::EmptyXmlQuery()); if (lastfm::compat::ParseQuery(reply->readAll(), &lfm)) { lastfm::ws::Username = lfm["session"]["name"].text(); lastfm::ws::SessionKey = lfm["session"]["key"].text(); QString subscribed = lfm["session"]["subscriber"].text(); const bool is_subscriber = (subscribed.toInt() == 1); // Save the session key QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); settings.setValue("Username", lastfm::ws::Username); settings.setValue("Session", lastfm::ws::SessionKey); settings.setValue("Subscriber", is_subscriber); } else { emit AuthenticationComplete(false); return; } // Invalidate the scrobbler - it will get recreated later scrobbler_.reset(nullptr); emit AuthenticationComplete(true); } void LastFMService::SignOut() { lastfm::ws::Username.clear(); lastfm::ws::SessionKey.clear(); QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); settings.setValue("Username", QString()); settings.setValue("Session", QString()); } void LastFMService::UpdateSubscriberStatus() { QMap params; params["method"] = "user.getInfo"; params["user"] = lastfm::ws::Username; QNetworkReply* reply = lastfm::ws::post(params); NewClosure(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(UpdateSubscriberStatusFinished(QNetworkReply*)), reply); } void LastFMService::UpdateSubscriberStatusFinished(QNetworkReply* reply) { reply->deleteLater(); bool is_subscriber = false; lastfm::XmlQuery lfm(lastfm::compat::EmptyXmlQuery()); if (lastfm::compat::ParseQuery(reply->readAll(), &lfm, &connection_problems_)) { QString subscriber = lfm["user"]["subscriber"].text(); is_subscriber = (subscriber.toInt() == 1); QSettings settings; settings.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); settings.setValue("Subscriber", is_subscriber); qLog(Info) << lastfm::ws::Username << "Subscriber status:" << is_subscriber; } emit UpdatedSubscriberStatus(is_subscriber); } QUrl LastFMService::FixupUrl(const QUrl& url) { QUrl ret; ret.setEncodedUrl(url.toEncoded().replace( "USERNAME", QUrl::toPercentEncoding(lastfm::ws::Username))); return ret; } QString LastFMService::ErrorString(lastfm::ws::Error error) const { switch (error) { case lastfm::ws::InvalidService: return tr("Invalid service"); case lastfm::ws::InvalidMethod: return tr("Invalid method"); case lastfm::ws::AuthenticationFailed: return tr("Authentication failed"); case lastfm::ws::InvalidFormat: return tr("Invalid format"); case lastfm::ws::InvalidParameters: return tr("Invalid parameters"); case lastfm::ws::InvalidResourceSpecified: return tr("Invalid resource specified"); case lastfm::ws::OperationFailed: return tr("Operation failed"); case lastfm::ws::InvalidSessionKey: return tr("Invalid session key"); case lastfm::ws::InvalidApiKey: return tr("Invalid API key"); case lastfm::ws::ServiceOffline: return tr("Service offline"); case lastfm::ws::SubscribersOnly: return tr("This stream is for paid subscribers only"); case lastfm::ws::TryAgainLater: return tr("Last.fm is currently busy, please try again in a few minutes"); case lastfm::ws::NotEnoughContent: return tr("Not enough content"); case lastfm::ws::NotEnoughMembers: return tr("Not enough members"); case lastfm::ws::NotEnoughFans: return tr("Not enough fans"); case lastfm::ws::NotEnoughNeighbours: return tr("Not enough neighbors"); case lastfm::ws::MalformedResponse: return tr("Malformed response"); case lastfm::ws::UnknownError: default: return tr("Unknown error"); } } bool LastFMService::InitScrobbler() { if (!IsAuthenticated() || !IsScrobblingEnabled()) return false; if (!scrobbler_) scrobbler_.reset(new lastfm::Audioscrobbler(kAudioscrobblerClientId)); // reemit the signal since the sender is private #ifdef HAVE_LIBLASTFM1 connect(scrobbler_.get(), SIGNAL(scrobblesSubmitted(QList)), SIGNAL(ScrobbleSubmitted())); connect(scrobbler_.get(), SIGNAL(nowPlayingError(int, QString)), SIGNAL(ScrobbleError(int))); #else connect(scrobbler_.get(), SIGNAL(status(int)), SLOT(ScrobblerStatus(int))); #endif return true; } void LastFMService::ScrobblerStatus(int value) { switch (value) { case 2: case 3: emit ScrobbleSubmitted(); break; default: emit ScrobbleError(value); break; } } lastfm::Track LastFMService::TrackFromSong(const Song& song) const { if (song.title() == last_track_.title() && song.artist() == last_track_.artist() && song.album() == last_track_.album()) return last_track_; lastfm::Track ret; song.ToLastFM(&ret, PreferAlbumArtist()); return ret; } void LastFMService::NowPlaying(const Song& song) { if (!InitScrobbler()) return; // Scrobbling streams is difficult if we don't have length of each individual // part. In Song::ToLastFm we set the Track's source to // NonPersonalisedBroadcast if it's such a stream, so we have to scrobble it // when we change to a different track, but only if enough time has elapsed // since it started playing. if (!last_track_.isNull() && last_track_.source() == lastfm::Track::NonPersonalisedBroadcast) { const int duration_secs = last_track_.timestamp().secsTo(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); if (duration_secs >= lastfm::compat::ScrobbleTimeMin()) { lastfm::MutableTrack mtrack(last_track_); mtrack.setDuration(duration_secs); qLog(Info) << "Scrobbling stream track" << mtrack.title() << "length" << duration_secs; scrobbler_->cache(mtrack); scrobbler_->submit(); emit ScrobbledRadioStream(); } } lastfm::MutableTrack mtrack(TrackFromSong(song)); mtrack.stamp(); already_scrobbled_ = false; last_track_ = mtrack; #ifndef HAVE_LIBLASTFM1 // Check immediately if the song is valid Scrobble::Invalidity invalidity; if (!lastfm::Scrobble(last_track_).isValid(&invalidity)) { // for now just notify this, we can also see the cause emit ScrobbleError(-1); return; } #else // TODO(John Maguire): validity was removed from liblastfm1 but might reappear, // it should have // no impact as we get a different error when actually trying to scrobble. #endif scrobbler_->nowPlaying(mtrack); } void LastFMService::Scrobble() { if (!InitScrobbler()) return; lastfm::compat::ScrobbleCache cache(lastfm::ws::Username); qLog(Debug) << "There are" << cache.tracks().count() << "tracks in the last.fm cache."; scrobbler_->cache(last_track_); // Let's mark a track as cached, useful when the connection is down emit ScrobbleError(30); scrobbler_->submit(); already_scrobbled_ = true; } void LastFMService::Love() { if (!IsAuthenticated()) ShowConfig(); lastfm::MutableTrack mtrack(last_track_); mtrack.love(); last_track_ = mtrack; if (already_scrobbled_) { // The love only takes effect when the song is scrobbled, but we've already // scrobbled this one so we have to do it again. Scrobble(); } } void LastFMService::Ban() { if (!IsAuthenticated()) ShowConfig(); lastfm::MutableTrack mtrack(last_track_); mtrack.ban(); last_track_ = mtrack; Scrobble(); app_->player()->Next(); } void LastFMService::ToggleScrobbling() { // toggle status scrobbling_enabled_ = !scrobbling_enabled_; // save to the settings QSettings s; s.beginGroup(kSettingsGroup); s.setValue("ScrobblingEnabled", scrobbling_enabled_); s.endGroup(); emit ScrobblingEnabledChanged(scrobbling_enabled_); }