diff -ru libqxt-old/src/gui/keymapper_x11.h libqxt/src/gui/keymapper_x11.h
--- libqxt-old/src/gui/keymapper_x11.h	2010-04-21 15:17:56.000000000 +0100
+++ libqxt/src/gui/keymapper_x11.h	2010-04-21 15:18:16.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+#ifndef KEYMAPPER_X11_H
+#define KEYMAPPER_X11_H
+// (davidsansome) Nicked from qkeymapper_x11.cpp
+#include <Qt>
+#define XK_LATIN1
+#define XK_KOREAN
+#define XK_XKB_KEYS
+#include <X11/keysymdef.h>
+// Keyboard event translation
+#ifndef XK_ISO_Left_Tab
+#define XK_ISO_Left_Tab         0xFE20
+#ifndef XK_dead_hook
+#define XK_dead_hook            0xFE61
+#ifndef XK_dead_horn
+#define XK_dead_horn            0xFE62
+#ifndef XK_Codeinput
+#define XK_Codeinput            0xFF37
+#ifndef XK_Kanji_Bangou
+#define XK_Kanji_Bangou         0xFF37 /* same as codeinput */
+// Fix old X libraries
+#ifndef XK_KP_Home
+#define XK_KP_Home              0xFF95
+#ifndef XK_KP_Left
+#define XK_KP_Left              0xFF96
+#ifndef XK_KP_Up
+#define XK_KP_Up                0xFF97
+#ifndef XK_KP_Right
+#define XK_KP_Right             0xFF98
+#ifndef XK_KP_Down
+#define XK_KP_Down              0xFF99
+#ifndef XK_KP_Prior
+#define XK_KP_Prior             0xFF9A
+#ifndef XK_KP_Next
+#define XK_KP_Next              0xFF9B
+#ifndef XK_KP_End
+#define XK_KP_End               0xFF9C
+#ifndef XK_KP_Insert
+#define XK_KP_Insert            0xFF9E
+#ifndef XK_KP_Delete
+#define XK_KP_Delete            0xFF9F
+// the next lines are taken from XFree > 4.0 (X11/XF86keysyms.h), defining some special
+// multimedia keys. They are included here as not every system has them.
+#define XF86XK_Standby          0x1008FF10
+#define XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume 0x1008FF11
+#define XF86XK_AudioMute        0x1008FF12
+#define XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume 0x1008FF13
+#define XF86XK_AudioPlay        0x1008FF14
+#define XF86XK_AudioStop        0x1008FF15
+#define XF86XK_AudioPrev        0x1008FF16
+#define XF86XK_AudioNext        0x1008FF17
+#define XF86XK_HomePage         0x1008FF18
+#define XF86XK_Calculator       0x1008FF1D
+#define XF86XK_Mail             0x1008FF19
+#define XF86XK_Start            0x1008FF1A
+#define XF86XK_Search           0x1008FF1B
+#define XF86XK_AudioRecord      0x1008FF1C
+#define XF86XK_Back             0x1008FF26
+#define XF86XK_Forward          0x1008FF27
+#define XF86XK_Stop             0x1008FF28
+#define XF86XK_Refresh          0x1008FF29
+#define XF86XK_Favorites        0x1008FF30
+#define XF86XK_AudioPause       0x1008FF31
+#define XF86XK_AudioMedia       0x1008FF32
+#define XF86XK_MyComputer       0x1008FF33
+#define XF86XK_OpenURL          0x1008FF38
+#define XF86XK_Launch0          0x1008FF40
+#define XF86XK_Launch1          0x1008FF41
+#define XF86XK_Launch2          0x1008FF42
+#define XF86XK_Launch3          0x1008FF43
+#define XF86XK_Launch4          0x1008FF44
+#define XF86XK_Launch5          0x1008FF45
+#define XF86XK_Launch6          0x1008FF46
+#define XF86XK_Launch7          0x1008FF47
+#define XF86XK_Launch8          0x1008FF48
+#define XF86XK_Launch9          0x1008FF49
+#define XF86XK_LaunchA          0x1008FF4A
+#define XF86XK_LaunchB          0x1008FF4B
+#define XF86XK_LaunchC          0x1008FF4C
+#define XF86XK_LaunchD          0x1008FF4D
+#define XF86XK_LaunchE          0x1008FF4E
+#define XF86XK_LaunchF          0x1008FF4F
+// end of XF86keysyms.h
+// Special keys used by Qtopia, mapped into the X11 private keypad range.
+#define QTOPIAXK_Select         0x11000601
+#define QTOPIAXK_Yes            0x11000602
+#define QTOPIAXK_No             0x11000603
+#define QTOPIAXK_Cancel         0x11000604
+#define QTOPIAXK_Printer        0x11000605
+#define QTOPIAXK_Execute        0x11000606
+#define QTOPIAXK_Sleep          0x11000607
+#define QTOPIAXK_Play           0x11000608
+#define QTOPIAXK_Zoom           0x11000609
+#define QTOPIAXK_Context1       0x1100060A
+#define QTOPIAXK_Context2       0x1100060B
+#define QTOPIAXK_Context3       0x1100060C
+#define QTOPIAXK_Context4       0x1100060D
+#define QTOPIAXK_Call           0x1100060E
+#define QTOPIAXK_Hangup         0x1100060F
+#define QTOPIAXK_Flip           0x11000610
+// keyboard mapping table
+static const unsigned int KeyTbl[] = {
+    // misc keys
+    XK_Escape,                  Qt::Key_Escape,
+    XK_Tab,                     Qt::Key_Tab,
+    XK_ISO_Left_Tab,            Qt::Key_Backtab,
+    XK_BackSpace,               Qt::Key_Backspace,
+    XK_Return,                  Qt::Key_Return,
+    XK_Insert,                  Qt::Key_Insert,
+    XK_Delete,                  Qt::Key_Delete,
+    XK_Clear,                   Qt::Key_Delete,
+    XK_Pause,                   Qt::Key_Pause,
+    XK_Print,                   Qt::Key_Print,
+    0x1005FF60,                 Qt::Key_SysReq,         // hardcoded Sun SysReq
+    0x1007ff00,                 Qt::Key_SysReq,         // hardcoded X386 SysReq
+    // cursor movement
+    XK_Home,                    Qt::Key_Home,
+    XK_End,                     Qt::Key_End,
+    XK_Left,                    Qt::Key_Left,
+    XK_Up,                      Qt::Key_Up,
+    XK_Right,                   Qt::Key_Right,
+    XK_Down,                    Qt::Key_Down,
+    XK_Prior,                   Qt::Key_PageUp,
+    XK_Next,                    Qt::Key_PageDown,
+    // modifiers
+    XK_Shift_L,                 Qt::Key_Shift,
+    XK_Shift_R,                 Qt::Key_Shift,
+    XK_Shift_Lock,              Qt::Key_Shift,
+    XK_Control_L,               Qt::Key_Control,
+    XK_Control_R,               Qt::Key_Control,
+    XK_Meta_L,                  Qt::Key_Meta,
+    XK_Meta_R,                  Qt::Key_Meta,
+    XK_Alt_L,                   Qt::Key_Alt,
+    XK_Alt_R,                   Qt::Key_Alt,
+    XK_Caps_Lock,               Qt::Key_CapsLock,
+    XK_Num_Lock,                Qt::Key_NumLock,
+    XK_Scroll_Lock,             Qt::Key_ScrollLock,
+    XK_Super_L,                 Qt::Key_Super_L,
+    XK_Super_R,                 Qt::Key_Super_R,
+    XK_Menu,                    Qt::Key_Menu,
+    XK_Hyper_L,                 Qt::Key_Hyper_L,
+    XK_Hyper_R,                 Qt::Key_Hyper_R,
+    XK_Help,                    Qt::Key_Help,
+    0x1000FF74,                 Qt::Key_Backtab,        // hardcoded HP backtab
+    0x1005FF10,                 Qt::Key_F11,            // hardcoded Sun F36 (labeled F11)
+    0x1005FF11,                 Qt::Key_F12,            // hardcoded Sun F37 (labeled F12)
+    // numeric and function keypad keys
+    XK_KP_Space,                Qt::Key_Space,
+    XK_KP_Tab,                  Qt::Key_Tab,
+    XK_KP_Enter,                Qt::Key_Enter,
+    //XK_KP_F1,                 Qt::Key_F1,
+    //XK_KP_F2,                 Qt::Key_F2,
+    //XK_KP_F3,                 Qt::Key_F3,
+    //XK_KP_F4,                 Qt::Key_F4,
+    XK_KP_Home,                 Qt::Key_Home,
+    XK_KP_Left,                 Qt::Key_Left,
+    XK_KP_Up,                   Qt::Key_Up,
+    XK_KP_Right,                Qt::Key_Right,
+    XK_KP_Down,                 Qt::Key_Down,
+    XK_KP_Prior,                Qt::Key_PageUp,
+    XK_KP_Next,                 Qt::Key_PageDown,
+    XK_KP_End,                  Qt::Key_End,
+    XK_KP_Begin,                Qt::Key_Clear,
+    XK_KP_Insert,               Qt::Key_Insert,
+    XK_KP_Delete,               Qt::Key_Delete,
+    XK_KP_Equal,                Qt::Key_Equal,
+    XK_KP_Multiply,             Qt::Key_Asterisk,
+    XK_KP_Add,                  Qt::Key_Plus,
+    XK_KP_Separator,            Qt::Key_Comma,
+    XK_KP_Subtract,             Qt::Key_Minus,
+    XK_KP_Decimal,              Qt::Key_Period,
+    XK_KP_Divide,               Qt::Key_Slash,
+    // International input method support keys
+    // International & multi-key character composition
+    XK_ISO_Level3_Shift,        Qt::Key_AltGr,
+    XK_Multi_key,		Qt::Key_Multi_key,
+    XK_Codeinput,		Qt::Key_Codeinput,
+    XK_SingleCandidate,		Qt::Key_SingleCandidate,
+    XK_MultipleCandidate,	Qt::Key_MultipleCandidate,
+    XK_PreviousCandidate,	Qt::Key_PreviousCandidate,
+    // Misc Functions
+    XK_Mode_switch,		Qt::Key_Mode_switch,
+    XK_script_switch,		Qt::Key_Mode_switch,
+    // Japanese keyboard support
+    XK_Kanji,			Qt::Key_Kanji,
+    XK_Muhenkan,		Qt::Key_Muhenkan,
+    //XK_Henkan_Mode,		Qt::Key_Henkan_Mode,
+    XK_Henkan_Mode,		Qt::Key_Henkan,
+    XK_Henkan,			Qt::Key_Henkan,
+    XK_Romaji,			Qt::Key_Romaji,
+    XK_Hiragana,		Qt::Key_Hiragana,
+    XK_Katakana,		Qt::Key_Katakana,
+    XK_Hiragana_Katakana,	Qt::Key_Hiragana_Katakana,
+    XK_Zenkaku,			Qt::Key_Zenkaku,
+    XK_Hankaku,			Qt::Key_Hankaku,
+    XK_Zenkaku_Hankaku,		Qt::Key_Zenkaku_Hankaku,
+    XK_Touroku,			Qt::Key_Touroku,
+    XK_Massyo,			Qt::Key_Massyo,
+    XK_Kana_Lock,		Qt::Key_Kana_Lock,
+    XK_Kana_Shift,		Qt::Key_Kana_Shift,
+    XK_Eisu_Shift,		Qt::Key_Eisu_Shift,
+    XK_Eisu_toggle,		Qt::Key_Eisu_toggle,
+    //XK_Kanji_Bangou,		Qt::Key_Kanji_Bangou,
+    //XK_Zen_Koho,		Qt::Key_Zen_Koho,
+    //XK_Mae_Koho,		Qt::Key_Mae_Koho,
+    XK_Kanji_Bangou,		Qt::Key_Codeinput,
+    XK_Zen_Koho,		Qt::Key_MultipleCandidate,
+    XK_Mae_Koho,		Qt::Key_PreviousCandidate,
+#ifdef XK_KOREAN
+    // Korean keyboard support
+    XK_Hangul,			Qt::Key_Hangul,
+    XK_Hangul_Start,		Qt::Key_Hangul_Start,
+    XK_Hangul_End,		Qt::Key_Hangul_End,
+    XK_Hangul_Hanja,		Qt::Key_Hangul_Hanja,
+    XK_Hangul_Jamo,		Qt::Key_Hangul_Jamo,
+    XK_Hangul_Romaja,		Qt::Key_Hangul_Romaja,
+    //XK_Hangul_Codeinput,	Qt::Key_Hangul_Codeinput,
+    XK_Hangul_Codeinput,	Qt::Key_Codeinput,
+    XK_Hangul_Jeonja,		Qt::Key_Hangul_Jeonja,
+    XK_Hangul_Banja,		Qt::Key_Hangul_Banja,
+    XK_Hangul_PreHanja,		Qt::Key_Hangul_PreHanja,
+    XK_Hangul_PostHanja,	Qt::Key_Hangul_PostHanja,
+    //XK_Hangul_SingleCandidate,Qt::Key_Hangul_SingleCandidate,
+    //XK_Hangul_MultipleCandidate,Qt::Key_Hangul_MultipleCandidate,
+    //XK_Hangul_PreviousCandidate,Qt::Key_Hangul_PreviousCandidate,
+    XK_Hangul_SingleCandidate,	Qt::Key_SingleCandidate,
+    XK_Hangul_MultipleCandidate,Qt::Key_MultipleCandidate,
+    XK_Hangul_PreviousCandidate,Qt::Key_PreviousCandidate,
+    XK_Hangul_Special,		Qt::Key_Hangul_Special,
+    //XK_Hangul_switch,		Qt::Key_Hangul_switch,
+    XK_Hangul_switch,		Qt::Key_Mode_switch,
+#endif  // XK_KOREAN
+    // dead keys
+    XK_dead_grave,              Qt::Key_Dead_Grave,
+    XK_dead_acute,              Qt::Key_Dead_Acute,
+    XK_dead_circumflex,         Qt::Key_Dead_Circumflex,
+    XK_dead_tilde,              Qt::Key_Dead_Tilde,
+    XK_dead_macron,             Qt::Key_Dead_Macron,
+    XK_dead_breve,              Qt::Key_Dead_Breve,
+    XK_dead_abovedot,           Qt::Key_Dead_Abovedot,
+    XK_dead_diaeresis,          Qt::Key_Dead_Diaeresis,
+    XK_dead_abovering,          Qt::Key_Dead_Abovering,
+    XK_dead_doubleacute,        Qt::Key_Dead_Doubleacute,
+    XK_dead_caron,              Qt::Key_Dead_Caron,
+    XK_dead_cedilla,            Qt::Key_Dead_Cedilla,
+    XK_dead_ogonek,             Qt::Key_Dead_Ogonek,
+    XK_dead_iota,               Qt::Key_Dead_Iota,
+    XK_dead_voiced_sound,       Qt::Key_Dead_Voiced_Sound,
+    XK_dead_semivoiced_sound,   Qt::Key_Dead_Semivoiced_Sound,
+    XK_dead_belowdot,           Qt::Key_Dead_Belowdot,
+    XK_dead_hook,               Qt::Key_Dead_Hook,
+    XK_dead_horn,               Qt::Key_Dead_Horn,
+    // Special multimedia keys
+    // currently only tested with MS internet keyboard
+    // browsing keys
+    XF86XK_Back,                Qt::Key_Back,
+    XF86XK_Forward,             Qt::Key_Forward,
+    XF86XK_Stop,                Qt::Key_Stop,
+    XF86XK_Refresh,             Qt::Key_Refresh,
+    XF86XK_Favorites,           Qt::Key_Favorites,
+    XF86XK_AudioMedia,          Qt::Key_LaunchMedia,
+    XF86XK_OpenURL,             Qt::Key_OpenUrl,
+    XF86XK_HomePage,            Qt::Key_HomePage,
+    XF86XK_Search,              Qt::Key_Search,
+    // media keys
+    XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume,    Qt::Key_VolumeDown,
+    XF86XK_AudioMute,           Qt::Key_VolumeMute,
+    XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume,    Qt::Key_VolumeUp,
+    XF86XK_AudioPlay,           Qt::Key_MediaPlay,
+    XF86XK_AudioStop,           Qt::Key_MediaStop,
+    XF86XK_AudioPrev,           Qt::Key_MediaPrevious,
+    XF86XK_AudioNext,           Qt::Key_MediaNext,
+    XF86XK_AudioRecord,         Qt::Key_MediaRecord,
+    // launch keys
+    XF86XK_Mail,                Qt::Key_LaunchMail,
+    XF86XK_MyComputer,          Qt::Key_Launch0,
+    XF86XK_Calculator,          Qt::Key_Launch1,
+    XF86XK_Standby,             Qt::Key_Standby,
+    XF86XK_Launch0,             Qt::Key_Launch2,
+    XF86XK_Launch1,             Qt::Key_Launch3,
+    XF86XK_Launch2,             Qt::Key_Launch4,
+    XF86XK_Launch3,             Qt::Key_Launch5,
+    XF86XK_Launch4,             Qt::Key_Launch6,
+    XF86XK_Launch5,             Qt::Key_Launch7,
+    XF86XK_Launch6,             Qt::Key_Launch8,
+    XF86XK_Launch7,             Qt::Key_Launch9,
+    XF86XK_Launch8,             Qt::Key_LaunchA,
+    XF86XK_Launch9,             Qt::Key_LaunchB,
+    XF86XK_LaunchA,             Qt::Key_LaunchC,
+    XF86XK_LaunchB,             Qt::Key_LaunchD,
+    XF86XK_LaunchC,             Qt::Key_LaunchE,
+    XF86XK_LaunchD,             Qt::Key_LaunchF,
+    // Qtopia keys
+    QTOPIAXK_Select,            Qt::Key_Select,
+    QTOPIAXK_Yes,               Qt::Key_Yes,
+    QTOPIAXK_No,                Qt::Key_No,
+    QTOPIAXK_Cancel,            Qt::Key_Cancel,
+    QTOPIAXK_Printer,           Qt::Key_Printer,
+    QTOPIAXK_Execute,           Qt::Key_Execute,
+    QTOPIAXK_Sleep,             Qt::Key_Sleep,
+    QTOPIAXK_Play,              Qt::Key_Play,
+    QTOPIAXK_Zoom,              Qt::Key_Zoom,
+    QTOPIAXK_Context1,          Qt::Key_Context1,
+    QTOPIAXK_Context2,          Qt::Key_Context2,
+    QTOPIAXK_Context3,          Qt::Key_Context3,
+    QTOPIAXK_Context4,          Qt::Key_Context4,
+    QTOPIAXK_Call,              Qt::Key_Call,
+    QTOPIAXK_Hangup,            Qt::Key_Hangup,
+    QTOPIAXK_Flip,              Qt::Key_Flip,
+    0,                          0
+#endif // KEYMAPPER_X11_H
diff -ru libqxt-old/src/gui/qxtglobalshortcut_win.cpp libqxt/src/gui/qxtglobalshortcut_win.cpp
--- libqxt-old/src/gui/qxtglobalshortcut_win.cpp	2010-04-21 15:17:56.000000000 +0100
+++ libqxt/src/gui/qxtglobalshortcut_win.cpp	2010-04-21 15:18:16.000000000 +0100
@@ -156,6 +156,21 @@
     case Qt::Key_Slash:
         return VK_DIVIDE;
+    case Qt::Key_MediaNext:
+        return VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK;
+    case Qt::Key_MediaPrevious:
+        return VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK;
+    case Qt::Key_MediaStop:
+        return VK_MEDIA_STOP;
+    case Qt::Key_MediaPlay:
+        return VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE;
+    case Qt::Key_VolumeDown:
+        return VK_VOLUME_DOWN;
+    case Qt::Key_VolumeUp:
+        return VK_VOLUME_UP;
+    case Qt::Key_VolumeMute:
+        return VK_VOLUME_MUTE;
         // numbers
     case Qt::Key_0:
     case Qt::Key_1:
diff -ru libqxt-old/src/gui/qxtglobalshortcut_x11.cpp libqxt/src/gui/qxtglobalshortcut_x11.cpp
--- libqxt-old/src/gui/qxtglobalshortcut_x11.cpp	2010-04-21 15:17:56.000000000 +0100
+++ libqxt/src/gui/qxtglobalshortcut_x11.cpp	2010-04-21 15:18:16.000000000 +0100
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
 #include <QX11Info>
 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
+#include "keymapper_x11.h"
 static int (*original_x_errhandler)(Display* display, XErrorEvent* event);
 static int qxt_x_errhandler(Display* display, XErrorEvent *event)
@@ -81,8 +83,25 @@
 quint32 QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::nativeKeycode(Qt::Key key)
+    // (davidsansome) Try the table from QKeyMapper first - this seems to be
+    // the only way to get Keysyms for the media keys.
+    unsigned int keysym = 0;
+    int i = 0;
+    while (KeyTbl[i]) {
+      if (KeyTbl[i+1] == static_cast<uint>(key)) {
+        keysym = KeyTbl[i];
+        break;
+      }
+      i += 2;
+    }
+    // If that didn't work then fall back on XStringToKeysym
+    if (!keysym) {
+      keysym = XStringToKeysym(QKeySequence(key).toString().toLatin1().data());
+    }
     Display* display = QX11Info::display();
-    return XKeysymToKeycode(display, XStringToKeysym(QKeySequence(key).toString().toLatin1().data()));
+    return XKeysymToKeycode(display, keysym);
 bool QxtGlobalShortcutPrivate::registerShortcut(quint32 nativeKey, quint32 nativeMods)