/* This file is part of the XMPP Remote Media Extension. Copyright 2010, David Sansome This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "common.h" #include "connection.h" #include "mediaplayerhandler.h" #include "remotecontrolhandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace xrme { struct Connection::Private : public gloox::ConnectionListener, public gloox::LogHandler, public gloox::RosterListener, public gloox::DiscoHandler { Private(Connection* parent) : parent_(parent), server_(kDefaultServer), jid_resource_(kDefaultJIDResource), jid_host_(kDefaultJIDHost), verbose_(false), media_player_(NULL), remote_control_(NULL), spontaneous_disconnect_(true) {} static const char* kDefaultServer; static const char* kDefaultJIDResource; static const char* kDefaultJIDHost; Connection* parent_; // Stuff the user sets before Connect() QString username_; QString password_; QString agent_name_; QString server_; QString jid_resource_; QString jid_host_; bool verbose_; // Interfaces MediaPlayerInterface* media_player_; RemoteControlInterface* remote_control_; QList handlers_; // Stuff that is valid when we're connected. QScopedPointer client_; QScopedPointer socket_notifier_; // After discovering a peer we query it to find its capabilities. Only after // it replies to the query do we put it in peers_ and emit PeerFound(). QList peers_; QList querying_peers_; bool has_peer(const QString& jid_resource) const; // We can't destroy the client_ in the onDisconnect() handler, so we have to // do it with a QTimer if we get a spontaneous disconnect. bool spontaneous_disconnect_; // gloox::MessageHandler void handleMessage(gloox::Stanza* stanza, gloox::MessageSession* session = 0); // gloox::ConnectionListener void onConnect(); void onDisconnect(gloox::ConnectionError e); bool onTLSConnect(const gloox::CertInfo& info); // gloox::LogHandler void handleLog(gloox::LogLevel level, gloox::LogArea area, const std::string& message); // gloox::IqHandler bool handleIq(const gloox::IQ& stanza); void handleIqID(const gloox::IQ& stanza, int context); // gloox::RosterListener void handleItemAdded(const gloox::JID&) {} void handleItemSubscribed(const gloox::JID&) {} void handleItemRemoved(const gloox::JID&) {} void handleItemUpdated(const gloox::JID&) {} void handleItemUnsubscribed(const gloox::JID&) {} void handleRoster(const gloox::Roster&) {} void handleRosterPresence(const gloox::RosterItem& item, const std::string& resource, gloox::Presence::PresenceType presence, const std::string& msg); void handleSelfPresence(const gloox::RosterItem&, const std::string&, gloox::Presence::PresenceType, const std::string&); bool handleSubscriptionRequest(const gloox::JID&, const std::string&) { return false; } bool handleUnsubscriptionRequest(const gloox::JID&, const std::string&) { return false; } void handleNonrosterPresence(const gloox::Presence&) {} void handleRosterError(const gloox::IQ&) {} // gloox::DiscoHandler void handleDiscoInfo(const gloox::JID&, const gloox::Disco::Info&, int); void handleDiscoItems(const gloox::JID&, const gloox::Disco::Items&, int); void handleDiscoError(const gloox::JID&, const gloox::Error*, int); }; const char* Connection::Private::kDefaultServer = "talk.google.com"; const char* Connection::Private::kDefaultJIDResource = "xrmeagent"; const char* Connection::Private::kDefaultJIDHost = "gmail.com"; Connection::Connection(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), d(new Private(this)) { } Connection::~Connection() { qDeleteAll(d->handlers_); } void Connection::set_username(const QString& username) { d->username_ = username; } void Connection::set_password(const QString& password) { d->password_ = password; } void Connection::set_agent_name(const QString& agent_name) { d->agent_name_ = agent_name; } void Connection::set_server(const QString& server) { d->server_ = server; } void Connection::set_jid_resource(const QString& resource) { d->jid_resource_ = resource; } void Connection::set_jid_host(const QString& host) { d->jid_host_ = host; } void Connection::set_verbose(bool verbose) { d->verbose_ = verbose; } QString Connection::username() const { return d->username_; } QString Connection::password() const { return d->password_; } QString Connection::agent_name() const { return d->agent_name_; } QString Connection::server() const { return d->server_; } QString Connection::jid_resource() const { return d->jid_resource_; } QString Connection::jid_host() const { return d->jid_host_; } bool Connection::is_verbose() const { return d->verbose_; } void Connection::SetMediaPlayer(MediaPlayerInterface* interface) { if (d->media_player_) { qWarning() << "Connection::SetMediaPlayer: this connection already has a" " MediaPlayerInterface set"; return; } if (!interface) { qWarning() << "Connection::SetMediaPlayer called with NULL interface"; return; } d->media_player_ = interface; d->handlers_ << new MediaPlayerHandler(interface); } void Connection::SetRemoteControl(RemoteControlInterface* interface) { if (d->media_player_) { qWarning() << "Connection::RemoteControlInterface: this connection already" " has a RemoteControlInterface set"; return; } if (!interface) { qWarning() << "Connection::SetRemoteControl called with NULL interface"; return; } d->remote_control_ = interface; d->handlers_ << new RemoteControlHandler(interface); } bool Connection::is_connected() const { return (d->client_ && d->client_->state() == gloox::StateConnected); } QString Connection::jid() const { if (is_connected()) { return QString::fromUtf8(d->client_->jid().full().c_str()); } return QString(); } Connection::PeerList Connection::peers() const { if (is_connected()) { return d->peers_; } return PeerList(); } Connection::PeerList Connection::peers(Peer::Capability cap) const { PeerList ret; foreach (const Peer& peer, peers()) { if (peer.caps_ & cap) { ret << peer; } } return ret; } bool Connection::Connect() { if (d->username_.isEmpty() || d->password_.isEmpty() || d->agent_name_.isEmpty()) { qWarning() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": A required field (username/password/agent_name) was empty"; return false; } // Construct the JID - append the default host if the user didn't provide one QString jid = d->username_; if (!jid.contains('@')) { jid.append("@" + d->jid_host_); } jid.append("/" + d->jid_resource_); // Create a new connection d->client_.reset(new gloox::Client(gloox::JID(jid.toUtf8().constData()), d->password_.toUtf8().constData())); gloox::ConnectionTCPClient* connection = new gloox::ConnectionTCPClient( d->client_.data(), d->client_->logInstance(), d->server_.toUtf8().constData()); d->client_->setConnectionImpl(connection); // Add listeners d->client_->registerConnectionListener(d.data()); d->client_->rosterManager()->registerRosterListener(d.data()); d->client_->logInstance().registerLogHandler( gloox::LogLevelDebug, gloox::LogAreaAll, d.data()); // Setup disco d->client_->disco()->setIdentity("client", "bot"); d->client_->disco()->setVersion(d->agent_name_.toUtf8().constData(), std::string()); d->client_->disco()->addFeature(kXmlnsXrme); // Initialise the handlers foreach (Handler* handler, d->handlers_) { handler->Init(this, d->client_.data()); } // Set presence d->client_->setPresence(gloox::Presence::Available, -128); // Connect if (!d->client_->connect(false)) { d->client_.reset(); foreach (Handler* handler, d->handlers_) { handler->Reset(); } return false; } // Listen on the connection's socket d->socket_notifier_.reset(new QSocketNotifier( connection->socket(), QSocketNotifier::Read)); connect(d->socket_notifier_.data(), SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(SocketReadyReceive())); return true; } void Connection::Disconnect() { if (is_connected()) { d->spontaneous_disconnect_ = false; d->client_->disconnect(); d->client_.reset(); d->spontaneous_disconnect_ = true; } } void Connection::SocketReadyReceive() { d->client_->recv(); } void Connection::Private::onConnect() { parent_->RefreshPeers(); emit parent_->Connected(); } void Connection::Private::onDisconnect(gloox::ConnectionError e) { QString error_text; switch (e) { case gloox::ConnNoError: case gloox::ConnUserDisconnected: break; case gloox::ConnStreamError: error_text = QString::fromUtf8(client_->streamErrorText().c_str()); break; case gloox::ConnAuthenticationFailed: error_text = QString("Authentication error (%1)").arg(client_->authError()); break; default: error_text = QString("Unknown error (%1)").arg(e); break; } foreach (Handler* handler, handlers_) { handler->Reset(); } socket_notifier_->setEnabled(false); socket_notifier_.reset(); peers_.clear(); querying_peers_.clear(); emit parent_->Disconnected(error_text); if (spontaneous_disconnect_) { QTimer::singleShot(0, parent_, SLOT(CleanupClient())); } } void Connection::CleanupClient() { d->client_.reset(); } bool Connection::Private::onTLSConnect(const gloox::CertInfo& info) { return true; } void Connection::Private::handleLog(gloox::LogLevel level, gloox::LogArea area, const std::string& message) { if (!verbose_) { return; } QString prefix = "---"; if (area == gloox::LogAreaXmlIncoming) { prefix = "<<<"; } else if (area == gloox::LogAreaXmlOutgoing) { prefix = ">>>"; } qDebug() << "XMPP" << prefix.toAscii().constData() << message.c_str(); } void Connection::RefreshPeers() { // Clear the lists d->peers_.clear(); d->querying_peers_.clear(); // Query presence qDebug() << "Sending presence query"; gloox::Presence presence( gloox::Presence::Available, d->client_->jid().bareJID()); d->client_->send(presence); } Connection::Peer::Peer() : caps_(0) { } void Connection::Private::handleSelfPresence( const gloox::RosterItem& item, const std::string& res, gloox::Presence::PresenceType presence, const std::string&) { QString resource = QString::fromUtf8(res.c_str()); switch (presence) { case gloox::Presence::Error: case gloox::Presence::Invalid: case gloox::Presence::Unavailable: // The peer went offline - did we know about him? qDebug() << "Peer unavailable" << resource; for (int i=0 ; iPeerRemoved(peers_.takeAt(i)); break; } } break; default: // The peer came online if (!has_peer(resource)) { qDebug() << "Got presence from" << resource; // This is a peer on our own bare JID, and we haven't seen it before gloox::JID full_jid(item.jid()); full_jid.setResource(res); Peer peer; peer.jid_resource_ = resource; querying_peers_ << peer; client_->disco()->getDiscoInfo(full_jid, std::string(), this, 0); } } } void Connection::Private::handleRosterPresence( const gloox::RosterItem& item, const std::string& res, gloox::Presence::PresenceType presence, const std::string& message) { // Forward incorrect calls of this with our JID. if (item.jid() == client_->jid().bare()) { handleSelfPresence(item, res, presence, message); } // Ignore presence from anyone else } bool Connection::Private::has_peer(const QString& jid_resource) const { foreach (const Peer& peer, peers_) { if (peer.jid_resource_ == jid_resource) { return true; } } foreach (const Peer& peer, querying_peers_) { if (peer.jid_resource_ == jid_resource) { return true; } } } void Connection::Private::handleDiscoInfo( const gloox::JID& from, const gloox::Disco::Info& info, int context) { // Is this from our own bare JID? if (from.bareJID() != client_->jid().bareJID()) { return; } QString resource = QString::fromUtf8(from.resource().c_str()); qDebug() << "Got disco info from" << resource; // Are we currently querying this peer? int querying_peer_index = -1; for (int i=0 ; iname().c_str()); // Fill in the list of capabilities. for (gloox::StringList::const_iterator it = features.begin(); it != features.end(); ++it) { const std::string& feature_name = *it; if (feature_name == kXmlnsXrmeMediaPlayer) { peer.caps_ |= Peer::MediaPlayer; } if (feature_name == kXmlnsXrmeRemoteControl) { peer.caps_ |= Peer::RemoteControl; } } // No recognised capabilities? Discard the peer. if (peer.caps_ == Peer::None) { return; } peers_ << peer; emit parent_->PeerFound(peer); qDebug() << "Peer found:" << peer.agent_name_ << peer.jid_resource_ << peer.caps_; } void Connection::Private::handleDiscoItems( const gloox::JID&, const gloox::Disco::Items&, int) { } void Connection::Private::handleDiscoError( const gloox::JID& from, const gloox::Error* error, int context) { QString resource = QString::fromUtf8(from.resource().c_str()); // Remove this peer if we're currently querying it for (int i=0 ; i