# Change this file when releasing a new version. # Version numbers. set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_MAJOR 1) set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_MINOR 0) set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PATCH 0) #set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PRERELEASE rc1) # This should be set to OFF in a release branch set(INCLUDE_GIT_REVISION ON) # Rules about version number comparison on different platforms: # Debian: # Two stages are repeated until there are no more characters to compare: # one block of consecutive digits (\d+) is compared numerically, then one # block of consecutive NON-digits (\D+) is compared lexigraphically, # with the exception that ~ sorts before everything else. # # The "upstream version" and "debian revision" are separated by the last # dash in the version number. # # Algorithm is in "man deb-version", test comparisons with # dpkg --compare-versions. # # These are in sorted order: # 1.0~rc1 # 1.0~rc2 # 1.0 # 1.0-1-g044287b # 1.0-506-g044287b # 1.0.1 # 1.0.2 # 1.0.a # # Rpm: # The string is split on non-alphanumeric characters. Numeric sections are # compared numerically and non-numeric sections are compared lexigraphically. # If one sections is numeric and the other sections is non-numeric, the # numeric sections is always NEWER. # # The "version" and "release" fields are compared with the same algorithm - # if the versions are equal the releases are compared to determine which # package is newer. # # Algorithm is described in: # http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:NamingGuidelines#Package_Versioning # Test comparisons with: # import rpm # rpm.labelCompare((epoch, version, release), (epoch, version, release)) # # These are in sorted order: # 1.0-0.rc1 # 1.0-0.rc2 # 1.0-1 # 1.0-2.506-g044287b # 1.0.1-1 # 1.0.2-1 # # Sparkle (mac) and QtSparkle (windows): # The strings are split into sections of characters that are all of the same # "type" - where a "type" is period, digit, or other. Sections are then # compared against each other - digits are compared numerically and other # are compared lexigraphically. When two sections are of different types, # the numeric section is always NEWER. # # If the common parts of both strings are equal, but one string has more # sections, the type of the first extra section is used to determine which # version is newer. # If the extra section is a string, the shorter result is NEWER, otherwise # the shorter section is OLDER. That means that 1.0 is NEWER than 1.0rc1, # but 1.0 is OLDER than 1.0.1. # # See compareversions.cpp in QtSparkle. # Version numbers in Clementine: # Deb: # With git: $tagname-$commitcount-g$sha1 # Without git: $major.$minor.$patch[~$prerelease] # # Rpm: Version Release # Prerelease: $major.$minor.$patch 0.$prerelease # Without git: $major.$minor.$patch 1 # With git: $tagname 2.$commitcount.g$sha1 # # QtSparkle (Windows): # With git: $tagname-$commitcount-g$sha1 # Without git: $major.$minor.$patch[$prerelease] # # Mac info.plist: CFBundleVersion # Prerelease: 4096.$major.$minor.$patch.0 # Without git: 4096.$major.$minor.$patch.1 # With git: 4096.$tagname.2.$commitcount # The 4096. prefix is because the previous versioning scheme used svn revision # numbers, which got up to 3000+. set(majorminorpatch "${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_MAJOR}.${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_MINOR}.${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PATCH}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_DISPLAY "${majorminorpatch}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_DEB "${majorminorpatch}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_RPM_V "${majorminorpatch}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_RPM_R "1") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_SPARKLE "${majorminorpatch}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PLIST "4096.${majorminorpatch}") if(${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PATCH} EQUAL "0") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_DISPLAY "${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_MAJOR}.${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_MINOR}") endif(${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PATCH} EQUAL "0") # Add prerelease if(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PRERELEASE) set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_DISPLAY "${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_DISPLAY} ${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PRERELEASE}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_DEB "${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_DEB}~${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PRERELEASE}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_RPM_R "0.${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PRERELEASE}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_SPARKLE "${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_SPARKLE}${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PRERELEASE}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PLIST "${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PLIST}.0") else(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PRERELEASE) set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PLIST "${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PLIST}.1") endif(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PRERELEASE) # Add git revision if(FORCE_GIT_REVISION) set(GIT_REVISION ${FORCE_GIT_REVISION}) else(FORCE_GIT_REVISION) find_program(GIT_EXECUTABLE git) if(NOT GIT_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND) execute_process(COMMAND ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} describe RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_INFO_RESULT OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_REV ERROR_QUIET OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if(${GIT_INFO_RESULT} EQUAL 0) string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.+)-([0-9]+)-(g[a-f0-9]+)$" "\\1;\\2;\\3" GIT_PARTS ${GIT_REV}) if(NOT GIT_PARTS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to parse git revision string '${GIT_REV}'") endif(NOT GIT_PARTS) list(LENGTH GIT_PARTS GIT_PARTS_LENGTH) if(GIT_PARTS_LENGTH EQUAL 3) list(GET GIT_PARTS 0 GIT_TAGNAME) list(GET GIT_PARTS 1 GIT_COMMITCOUNT) list(GET GIT_PARTS 2 GIT_SHA1) set(HAS_GET_REVISION ON) endif(GIT_PARTS_LENGTH EQUAL 3) endif(${GIT_INFO_RESULT} EQUAL 0) endif(NOT GIT_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND) endif(FORCE_GIT_REVISION) if(INCLUDE_GIT_REVISION AND HAS_GET_REVISION) set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_DISPLAY "${GIT_REV}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_DEB "${GIT_REV}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_RPM_V "${GIT_TAGNAME}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_RPM_R "2.${GIT_COMMITCOUNT}.${GIT_SHA1}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_SPARKLE "${GIT_REV}") set(CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PLIST "4096.${GIT_TAGNAME}.2.${GIT_COMMITCOUNT}") endif(INCLUDE_GIT_REVISION AND HAS_GET_REVISION) if(0) message(STATUS "Display: ${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_DISPLAY}") message(STATUS "Deb: ${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_DEB}") message(STATUS "Rpm: ${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_RPM_V}-${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_RPM_R}") message(STATUS "Sparkle: ${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_SPARKLE}") message(STATUS "Plist: ${CLEMENTINE_VERSION_PLIST}") endif(0)