/* This file is part of Clementine. Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #include "albumcoverloader.h" #include "networkaccessmanager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include const char* AlbumCoverLoader::kManuallyUnsetCover = "(unset)"; const char* AlbumCoverLoader::kEmbeddedCover = "(embedded)"; AlbumCoverLoader::AlbumCoverLoader(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent), stop_requested_(false), height_(120), padding_(true), next_id_(0), network_(NULL) { } QString AlbumCoverLoader::ImageCacheDir() { return QString("%1/.config/%2/albumcovers/") .arg(QDir::homePath(), QCoreApplication::organizationName()); } void AlbumCoverLoader::Clear() { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); tasks_.clear(); } quint64 AlbumCoverLoader::LoadImageAsync(const QString& art_automatic, const QString& art_manual, const QString& song_filename, const QImage& embedded_image) { Task task; task.art_automatic = art_automatic; task.art_manual = art_manual; task.song_filename = song_filename; task.embedded_image = embedded_image; task.state = State_TryingManual; { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); task.id = next_id_ ++; tasks_.enqueue(task); } metaObject()->invokeMethod(this, "ProcessTasks", Qt::QueuedConnection); return task.id; } void AlbumCoverLoader::ProcessTasks() { while (!stop_requested_) { // Get the next task Task task; { QMutexLocker l(&mutex_); if (tasks_.isEmpty()) return; task = tasks_.dequeue(); } ProcessTask(&task); } } void AlbumCoverLoader::ProcessTask(Task *task) { TryLoadResult result = TryLoadImage(*task); if (result.started_async) { // The image is being loaded from a remote URL, we'll carry on later // when it's done return; } if (result.loaded_success) { emit ImageLoaded(task->id, ScaleAndPad(result.image)); return; } NextState(task); } void AlbumCoverLoader::NextState(Task* task) { if (task->state == State_TryingManual) { // Try the automatic one next task->state = State_TryingAuto; ProcessTask(task); } else { // Give up emit ImageLoaded(task->id, default_); } } AlbumCoverLoader::TryLoadResult AlbumCoverLoader::TryLoadImage( const Task& task) { // An image embedded in the song itself takes priority if (!task.embedded_image.isNull()) return TryLoadResult(false, true, ScaleAndPad(task.embedded_image)); QString filename; switch (task.state) { case State_TryingAuto: filename = task.art_automatic; break; case State_TryingManual: filename = task.art_manual; break; } if (filename == kManuallyUnsetCover) return TryLoadResult(false, true, default_); if (filename == kEmbeddedCover && !task.song_filename.isEmpty()) { QImage taglib_image = LoadFromTaglib(task.song_filename); if (!taglib_image.isNull()) return TryLoadResult(false, true, ScaleAndPad(taglib_image)); } if (filename.toLower().startsWith("http://")) { network_->Get(QUrl(filename), this, "RemoteFetchFinished", task.id, true); remote_tasks_.insert(task.id, task); return TryLoadResult(true, false, QImage()); } QImage image(filename); return TryLoadResult(false, !image.isNull(), image.isNull() ? default_ : image); } QImage AlbumCoverLoader::LoadFromTaglib(const QString& filename) const { QImage ret; if (filename.isEmpty()) return ret; TagLib::FileRef ref(QFile::encodeName(filename).constData()); if (ref.isNull()) return ret; TagLib::MPEG::File* file = dynamic_cast(ref.file()); if (!file || !file->ID3v2Tag()) return ret; TagLib::ID3v2::FrameList apic_frames = file->ID3v2Tag()->frameListMap()["APIC"]; if (apic_frames.isEmpty()) return ret; TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame* pic = static_cast(apic_frames.front()); ret.loadFromData((const uchar*) pic->picture().data(), pic->picture().size()); return ret; } void AlbumCoverLoader::RemoteFetchFinished(quint64 id, QNetworkReply* reply) { Task task = remote_tasks_.take(id); if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) { // Try to load the image QImage image; if (image.load(reply, 0)) { emit ImageLoaded(task.id, ScaleAndPad(image)); reply->deleteLater(); return; } } reply->deleteLater(); NextState(&task); } QImage AlbumCoverLoader::ScaleAndPad(const QImage &image) const { if (image.isNull()) return image; // Scale the image down QImage copy = image.scaled(QSize(height_, height_), Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); if (!padding_) return copy; // Pad the image to height_ x height_ QImage padded_image(height_, height_, QImage::Format_ARGB32); padded_image.fill(0); QPainter p(&padded_image); p.drawImage((height_ - copy.width()) / 2, (height_ - copy.height()) / 2, copy); p.end(); return padded_image; } QPixmap AlbumCoverLoader::TryLoadPixmap(const QString &automatic, const QString &manual) { QPixmap ret; if (manual == kManuallyUnsetCover) return ret; if (!manual.isEmpty()) ret.load(manual); if (!automatic.isEmpty() && ret.isNull()) ret.load(automatic); return ret; } void AlbumCoverLoader::SetDefaultOutputImage(const QImage &image) { default_ = ScaleAndPad(image); } quint64 AlbumCoverLoader::LoadImageAsync(const Song &song) { return LoadImageAsync(song.art_automatic(), song.art_manual(), song.filename(), song.image()); }