/* This file is part of Clementine. Copyright 2011-2013, Alan Briolat Copyright 2013, Ross Wolfson Copyright 2013, David Sansome Copyright 2013-2014, John Maguire Copyright 2014, Krzysztof Sobiecki Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Clementine. If not, see . */ #ifndef INTERNET_SUBSONIC_SUBSONICSERVICE_H_ #define INTERNET_SUBSONIC_SUBSONICSERVICE_H_ #include #include #include "internet/core/internetmodel.h" #include "internet/core/internetservice.h" #include "internet/subsonic/subsonicdynamicplaylist.h" class QNetworkAccessManager; class QNetworkReply; class QSortFilterProxyModel; class QXmlStreamReader; class SubsonicUrlHandler; class SubsonicLibraryScanner; class SubsonicService : public InternetService { Q_OBJECT public: SubsonicService(Application* app, InternetModel* parent); ~SubsonicService() override; enum LoginState { LoginState_Loggedin, LoginState_BadServer, LoginState_OutdatedClient, LoginState_OutdatedServer, LoginState_BadCredentials, LoginState_Unlicensed, LoginState_OtherError, LoginState_Unknown, LoginState_ConnectionRefused, LoginState_HostNotFound, LoginState_Timeout, LoginState_SslError, LoginState_IncompleteCredentials, LoginState_RedirectLimitExceeded, LoginState_RedirectNoUrl, }; Q_ENUM(LoginState) enum ApiError { ApiError_Generic = 0, ApiError_ParameterMissing = 10, ApiError_OutdatedClient = 20, ApiError_OutdatedServer = 30, ApiError_BadCredentials = 40, ApiError_Unauthorized = 50, ApiError_Unlicensed = 60, ApiError_NotFound = 70, }; Q_ENUM(ApiError) enum Type { Type_Artist = InternetModel::TypeCount, Type_Album, Type_Track, }; enum Role { Role_Id = InternetModel::RoleCount, }; typedef QMap RequestOptions; bool IsConfigured() const; bool IsAmpache() const; QStandardItem* CreateRootItem() override; void LazyPopulate(QStandardItem* item) override; void ShowContextMenu(const QPoint& global_pos) override; QWidget* HeaderWidget() const override; void ReloadSettings() override; void Login(); void Login(const QString& server, const QString& username, const QString& password, const bool& usesslv3, const bool& verifycert); LoginState login_state() const { return login_state_; } bool ConfigRequired() override { return login_state() != LoginState_Loggedin; } // Subsonic API methods void Ping(); QUrl BuildRequestUrl(const QString& view) const; // Scrubs the part of the path that we re-add in BuildRequestUrl(). static QUrl ScrubUrl(const QUrl& url); // Convenience function to reduce QNetworkRequest/QSslConfiguration // boilerplate. QNetworkReply* Send(const QUrl& url); Song ReadSong(QXmlStreamReader& reader); friend PlaylistItemList SubsonicDynamicPlaylist::GenerateMoreAlbums(int); friend PlaylistItemList SubsonicDynamicPlaylist::GenerateMoreSongs(int); static const char* kServiceName; static const char* kSettingsGroup; static const char* kApiVersion; static const char* kApiClientName; static const char* kSongsTable; static const char* kFtsTable; static const int kMaxRedirects; static const int kCoverArtSize; signals: void LoginStateChanged(SubsonicService::LoginState newstate); private: void EnsureMenuCreated(); // Update configured and working server state void UpdateServer(const QString& server); QNetworkAccessManager* network_; SubsonicUrlHandler* url_handler_; SubsonicLibraryScanner* scanner_; int load_database_task_id_; QStandardItem* root_; std::shared_ptr library_backend_; LibraryModel* library_model_; LibraryFilterWidget* library_filter_; QSortFilterProxyModel* library_sort_model_; int total_song_count_; // Configuration // The server that shows up in the GUI (use UpdateServer() to update) QString configured_server_; QString username_; QString password_; bool usesslv3_; bool verifycert_; LoginState login_state_; QString working_server_; // The actual server, possibly post-redirect int redirect_count_; bool is_ampache_; private slots: void UpdateTotalSongCount(int count); void ReloadDatabase(); void ReloadDatabaseFinished(); void OnLoginStateChanged(SubsonicService::LoginState newstate); void OnPingFinished(QNetworkReply* reply); void ShowConfig() override; }; class SubsonicLibraryScanner : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: explicit SubsonicLibraryScanner(SubsonicService* service, QObject* parent = nullptr); ~SubsonicLibraryScanner() override; void Scan(); const SongList& GetSongs() const { return songs_; } static const int kAlbumChunkSize; static const int kConcurrentRequests; static const int kCoverArtSize; signals: void ScanFinished(); private slots: // Step 1: use getAlbumList2 type=alphabeticalByName to list all albums void OnGetAlbumListFinished(QNetworkReply* reply, int offset); // Step 2: use getAlbum id=? to list all songs for each album void OnGetAlbumFinished(QNetworkReply* reply); private: void GetAlbumList(int offset); void GetAlbum(const QString& id); void ParsingError(const QString& message); SubsonicService* service_; bool scanning_; QQueue album_queue_; QSet pending_requests_; SongList songs_; }; #endif // INTERNET_SUBSONIC_SUBSONICSERVICE_H_