diff --git a/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 88960c87a..36fabaadf 100644
--- a/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -142,10 +142,3 @@ add_test_file(utilities_test.cpp false)
 #  add_test_file(mpris1_test.cpp true)
-  include_directories(${PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS})
-  include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdparty/pythonqt/generated_cpp)
-  include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/3rdparty/pythonqt/src)
-  add_test_file(python_test.cpp true)
diff --git a/tests/python_test.cpp b/tests/python_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a1c451a1..000000000
--- a/tests/python_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is part of Clementine.
-   Copyright 2010, David Sansome <me@davidsansome.com>
-   Clementine is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   Clementine is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with Clementine.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <Python.h>
-#include "core/utilities.h"
-#include "playlist/songplaylistitem.h"
-#include "scripting/script.h"
-#include "scripting/scriptmanager.h"
-#include "scripting/python/pythonengine.h"
-#include "gmock/gmock.h"
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "testobjectdecorators.h"
-#include "test_utils.h"
-#include <QSettings>
-#include <QtDebug>
-#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
-class TemporaryScript : boost::noncopyable {
-  TemporaryScript(const QString& code, const QString& directory_template = QString()) {
-    directory_ = Utilities::MakeTempDir(directory_template);
-    QSettings ini(directory_ + "/script.ini", QSettings::IniFormat);
-    ini.beginGroup("Script");
-    ini.setValue("language", "python");
-    ini.setValue("script_file", "script.py");
-    QFile script(directory_ + "/script.py");
-    script.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly);
-    script.write(code.toUtf8());
-  }
-  ~TemporaryScript() {
-    if (!directory_.isEmpty()) {
-      Utilities::RemoveRecursive(directory_);
-    }
-  }
-  QString directory_;
-class PythonTest : public ::testing::Test {
- protected:
-  static void SetUpTestCase() {
-    sManager = new ScriptManager;
-    sEngine = qobject_cast<PythonEngine*>(
-          sManager->EngineForLanguage(ScriptInfo::Language_Python));
-    sEngine->EnsureInitialised();
-    PythonQt::self()->addDecorators(new TestObjectDecorators());
-  }
-  static void TearDownTestCase() {
-    delete sManager;
-  }
-  static ScriptManager* sManager;
-  static PythonEngine* sEngine;
-ScriptManager* PythonTest::sManager = NULL;
-PythonEngine* PythonTest::sEngine = NULL;
-TEST_F(PythonTest, HasPythonEngine) {
-  ASSERT_TRUE(sEngine);
-TEST_F(PythonTest, InitFromDirectory) {
-  TemporaryScript script("pass");
-  ScriptInfo info;
-  info.InitFromDirectory(sManager, script.directory_);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(info.is_valid());
-  EXPECT_EQ(script.directory_, info.path());
-  EXPECT_EQ(ScriptInfo::Language_Python, info.language());
-  EXPECT_EQ(NULL, info.loaded());
-TEST_F(PythonTest, StdioIsRedirected) {
-  TemporaryScript script(
-        "import sys\n"
-        "print 'text on stdout'\n"
-        "print >>sys.stderr, 'text on stderr'\n");
-  ScriptInfo info;
-  info.InitFromDirectory(sManager, script.directory_);
-  sEngine->CreateScript(info);
-  QString log = sManager->log_lines_plain().join("\n");
-  ASSERT_TRUE(log.contains("text on stdout"));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(log.contains("text on stderr"));
-TEST_F(PythonTest, CleanupModuleDict) {
-  TemporaryScript script(
-        "class Foo:\n"
-        "  def __init__(self):\n"
-        "    print 'constructor'\n"
-        "  def __del__(self):\n"
-        "    print 'destructor'\n"
-        "f = Foo()\n");
-  ScriptInfo info;
-  info.InitFromDirectory(sManager, script.directory_);
-  Script* s = sEngine->CreateScript(info);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(sManager->log_lines_plain().last().endsWith("constructor"));
-  sEngine->DestroyScript(s);
-  ASSERT_TRUE(sManager->log_lines_plain().last().endsWith("destructor"));
-TEST_F(PythonTest, CleanupSignalConnections) {
-  TemporaryScript script(
-        "from PythonQt.QtCore import QCoreApplication\n"
-        "class Foo:\n"
-        "  def __init__(self):\n"
-        "    QCoreApplication.instance().connect('aboutToQuit()', self.aslot)\n"
-        "  def __del__(self):\n"
-        "    print 'destructor'\n"
-        "  def aslot(self):\n"
-        "    pass\n"
-        "f = Foo()\n");
-  ScriptInfo info;
-  info.InitFromDirectory(sManager, script.directory_);
-  sEngine->DestroyScript(sEngine->CreateScript(info));
-  ASSERT_TRUE(sManager->log_lines_plain().last().endsWith("destructor"));
-TEST_F(PythonTest, ModuleConstants) {
-  TemporaryScript script(
-        "print type(__builtins__)\n"
-        "print __file__\n"
-        "print __name__\n"
-        "print __package__\n"
-        "print __path__\n"
-        "print __script__\n");
-  ScriptInfo info;
-  info.InitFromDirectory(sManager, script.directory_);
-  sEngine->CreateScript(info);
-  const QStringList log = sManager->log_lines_plain();
-  const int n = log.count();
-  ASSERT_GE(n, 6);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(log.at(n-6).endsWith("<type 'dict'>"));                  // __builtins__
-  EXPECT_TRUE(log.at(n-5).endsWith(script.directory_ + "/script.py")); // __file__
-  EXPECT_TRUE(log.at(n-4).endsWith("clementinescripts." + info.id())); // __name__
-  EXPECT_TRUE(log.at(n-3).endsWith("None"));                           // __package__
-  EXPECT_TRUE(log.at(n-2).endsWith("['" + script.directory_ + "']"));  // __path__
-  EXPECT_TRUE(log.at(n-1).contains("ScriptInterface (QObject "));      // __script__
-TEST_F(PythonTest, PythonQtAttrSetWrappedCPP) {
-  // Tests 3rdparty/pythonqt/patches/call-slot-returnvalue.patch
-  TemporaryScript script(
-        "import PythonQt.QtGui\n"
-        "PythonQt.QtGui.QStyleOption().version = 123\n"
-        "PythonQt.QtGui.QStyleOption().version = 123\n"
-        "PythonQt.QtGui.QStyleOption().version = 123\n");
-  ScriptInfo info;
-  info.InitFromDirectory(sManager, script.directory_);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(sEngine->CreateScript(info));
-TEST_F(PythonTest, PythonQtArgumentReferenceCount) {
-  // Tests 3rdparty/pythonqt/patches/argument-reference-count.patch
-  TemporaryScript script(
-        "from PythonQt.QtCore import QFile, QObject\n"
-        "class Foo(QFile):\n"
-        "  def Init(self, parent):\n"
-        "    QFile.__init__(self, parent)\n"
-        "parent = QObject()\n"
-        "Foo().Init(parent)\n"
-        "assert parent\n");
-  ScriptInfo info;
-  info.InitFromDirectory(sManager, script.directory_);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(sEngine->CreateScript(info));
-TEST_F(PythonTest, PythonQtConversionStack) {
-  // Tests 3rdparty/pythonqt/patches/conversion-stack.patch
-  // This crash is triggered when a C++ thing calls a virtual method on a
-  // python wrapper and that wrapper returns a QString, QByteArray or
-  // QStringList.  In this instance, initStyleOption() calls text() in Foo.
-  TemporaryScript script(
-        "from PythonQt.QtGui import QProgressBar, QStyleOptionProgressBar\n"
-        "class Foo(QProgressBar):\n"
-        "  def text(self):\n"
-        "    return 'something'\n"
-        "for _ in xrange(1000):\n"
-        "  Foo().initStyleOption(QStyleOptionProgressBar())\n");
-  ScriptInfo info;
-  info.InitFromDirectory(sManager, script.directory_);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(sEngine->CreateScript(info));