Updated Home (markdown)

martinrotter 2016-08-16 09:25:43 +02:00
parent 30ddf1089b
commit bbc328d1bb

@ -75,9 +75,10 @@ On the server:
5. Setup RSS Guard to periodically check for feeds/messages updates and load desired feeds.
6. Now, start RSS Guard in non-gui minimal mode with `rssguard -c` command. You can start this command after your server boots.
Now your RSS Guard server instance is ready and running. It will check for new messages periodically and store them to MariaDB SQL server. Now, you need to setup your client.
Now your RSS Guard server instance is ready and running. It will check for new messages periodically and store them to MariaDB SQL server. This RSS Guard instance does not use any GUI elements, it should not display any windows, dialogs, whatever. You can quit this RSS Guard non-gui instance by simply killing it or (if you want to close it peacefully) by running RSS Guard again with `-q` switch.
On the client machine:
Now, you need to setup your client. On the client machine:
1. Install and launch RSS Guard.
2. Set MariaDB SQL server as RSS Guard data storage and restart RSS Guard.