رشيد a8a0f789e9 New Feature: Right-to-Left Layout for Feed Articles in RTL Languages
I added a feature that lets change the feed's articles from right to left for languages such as Arabic, Urdu, Hebrew, Farsi...
To enable it :  **The desired feed -> Edit selected item -> Articles -> Right-to-left layout**.

2023-07-22 16:21:23 +01:00

34 lines
2.0 KiB

ALTER TABLE Feeds RENAME TO backup_Feeds;
-- !
id $$,
ordr INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK (ordr >= 0),
title TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (title != ''),
description TEXT,
date_created BIGINT,
icon ^^,
category INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK (category >= -1), /* Physical category ID, also root feeds contain -1 here. */
source TEXT,
update_type INTEGER NOT NULL CHECK (update_type >= 0),
update_interval INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 900 CHECK (update_interval >= 1),
is_off INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK (is_off >= 0 AND is_off <= 1),
is_quiet INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK (is_quiet >= 0 AND is_quiet <= 1),
is_rtl INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK (is_rtl >= 0 AND is_rtl <= 1),
add_any_datetime_articles INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK(add_any_datetime_articles >= 0 AND add_any_datetime_articles <= 1),
avoid_old_articles INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK(avoid_old_articles >= 0 AND avoid_old_articles <= 1),
datetime_to_avoid BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK (datetime_to_avoid >= 0),
open_articles INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK (open_articles >= 0 AND open_articles <= 1),
account_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
custom_id TEXT NOT NULL CHECK (custom_id != ''), /* Custom ID cannot be empty, it must contain either service-specific ID, or Feeds/id. */
/* Custom column for (serialized) custom account-specific data. */
custom_data TEXT,
-- !
INSERT INTO Feeds (id, ordr, title, description, date_created, icon, category, source, update_type, update_interval, is_off, open_articles, account_id, custom_id, custom_data)
SELECT id, ordr, title, description, date_created, icon, category, source, update_type, update_interval, is_off, open_articles, account_id, custom_id, custom_data
FROM backup_Feeds;
-- !
DROP TABLE backup_Feeds;