
446 lines
22 KiB

// For license of this file, see <project-root-folder>/
#include "core/messagefilter.h"
#include "definitions/typedefs.h"
#include "miscellaneous/application.h"
#include "miscellaneous/iconfactory.h"
#include "miscellaneous/textfactory.h"
#include "services/abstract/category.h"
#include "services/abstract/label.h"
#include "services/abstract/rootitem.h"
#include "services/abstract/search.h"
#include "services/abstract/serviceroot.h"
#include <QJsonDocument>
#include <QJsonObject>
#include <QMultiMap>
#include <QSqlError>
#include <QSqlQuery>
class RSSGUARD_DLLSPEC DatabaseQueries {
static QMap<int, QString> messageTableAttributes(bool only_msg_table, bool is_sqlite);
// Custom data serializers.
static QString serializeCustomData(const QVariantHash& data);
static QVariantHash deserializeCustomData(const QString& data);
// Label operators.
static bool isLabelAssignedToMessage(const QSqlDatabase& db, Label* label, const Message& msg);
static bool deassignLabelFromMessage(const QSqlDatabase& db, Label* label, const Message& msg);
static bool assignLabelToMessage(const QSqlDatabase& db, Label* label, const Message& msg);
static bool setLabelsForMessage(const QSqlDatabase& db, const QList<Label*>& labels, const Message& msg);
static QList<Label*> getLabelsForAccount(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id);
static QList<Label*> getLabelsForMessage(const QSqlDatabase& db,
const Message& msg,
const QList<Label*>& installed_labels);
static bool updateLabel(const QSqlDatabase& db, Label* label);
static bool deleteLabel(const QSqlDatabase& db, Label* label);
static bool createLabel(const QSqlDatabase& db, Label* label, int account_id);
// Probe operators.
static void createProbe(const QSqlDatabase& db, Search* probe, int account_id);
static QList<Search*> getProbesForAccount(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id);
static void deleteProbe(const QSqlDatabase& db, Search* probe);
static void updateProbe(const QSqlDatabase& db, Search* probe);
// Message operators.
static void markProbeReadUnread(const QSqlDatabase& db, Search* probe, RootItem::ReadStatus read);
static bool markLabelledMessagesReadUnread(const QSqlDatabase& db, Label* label, RootItem::ReadStatus read);
static bool markImportantMessagesReadUnread(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, RootItem::ReadStatus read);
static bool markUnreadMessagesRead(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id);
static bool markMessagesReadUnread(const QSqlDatabase& db, const QStringList& ids, RootItem::ReadStatus read);
static void markMessagesReadUnreadImportant(const QSqlDatabase& db,
int account_id,
const QStringList& custom_ids,
RootItem::ReadStatus read,
RootItem::Importance important);
static bool markMessageImportant(const QSqlDatabase& db, int id, RootItem::Importance importance);
static bool markFeedsReadUnread(const QSqlDatabase& db,
const QStringList& ids,
int account_id,
RootItem::ReadStatus read);
static bool markBinReadUnread(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, RootItem::ReadStatus read);
static bool markAccountReadUnread(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, RootItem::ReadStatus read);
static bool switchMessagesImportance(const QSqlDatabase& db, const QStringList& ids);
static bool permanentlyDeleteMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, const QStringList& ids);
static bool deleteOrRestoreMessagesToFromBin(const QSqlDatabase& db, const QStringList& ids, bool deleted);
static bool restoreBin(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id);
// Purge database.
static bool removeUnwantedArticlesFromFeed(const QSqlDatabase& db,
const Feed* feed,
const Feed::ArticleIgnoreLimit& feed_setup,
const Feed::ArticleIgnoreLimit& app_setup);
static bool purgeMessage(const QSqlDatabase& db, int message_id);
static bool purgeImportantMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db);
static bool purgeReadMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db);
static bool purgeOldMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, int older_than_days);
static bool purgeRecycleBin(const QSqlDatabase& db);
static bool purgeMessagesFromBin(const QSqlDatabase& db, bool clear_only_read, int account_id);
static bool purgeLeftoverMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id);
// Counts of unread/all messages.
static QMap<QString, ArticleCounts> getMessageCountsForCategory(const QSqlDatabase& db,
const QString& custom_id,
int account_id,
bool include_total_counts,
bool* ok = nullptr);
static QMap<QString, ArticleCounts> getMessageCountsForAccount(const QSqlDatabase& db,
int account_id,
bool include_total_counts,
bool* ok = nullptr);
static ArticleCounts getMessageCountsForFeed(const QSqlDatabase& db,
const QString& feed_custom_id,
int account_id,
bool* ok = nullptr);
static ArticleCounts getMessageCountsForLabel(const QSqlDatabase& db,
Label* label,
int account_id,
bool* ok = nullptr);
static ArticleCounts getMessageCountsForProbe(const QSqlDatabase& db, Search* probe, int account_id);
static QMap<QString, ArticleCounts> getMessageCountsForAllLabels(const QSqlDatabase& db,
int account_id,
bool* ok = nullptr);
static QMap<QString, ArticleCounts> getCountOfAssignedLabelsToMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db,
const QList<Message>& messages,
int account_id,
bool* ok = nullptr);
static ArticleCounts getImportantMessageCounts(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, bool* ok = nullptr);
static int getUnreadMessageCounts(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, bool* ok = nullptr);
static ArticleCounts getMessageCountsForBin(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, bool* ok = nullptr);
// Get messages (for newspaper view for example).
static QList<Message> getUndeletedMessagesForProbe(const QSqlDatabase& db, const Search* probe);
static QList<Message> getUndeletedMessagesWithLabel(const QSqlDatabase& db, const Label* label, bool* ok = nullptr);
static QList<Message> getUndeletedLabelledMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, bool* ok = nullptr);
static QList<Message> getUndeletedImportantMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, bool* ok = nullptr);
static QList<Message> getUndeletedUnreadMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, bool* ok = nullptr);
static QList<Message> getUndeletedMessagesForFeed(const QSqlDatabase& db,
const QString& feed_custom_id,
int account_id,
bool* ok = nullptr);
static QList<Message> getUndeletedMessagesForBin(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, bool* ok = nullptr);
static QList<Message> getUndeletedMessagesForAccount(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, bool* ok = nullptr);
static QList<Message> getArticlesSlice(const QSqlDatabase& db,
const QString& feed_custom_id,
int account_id,
bool newest_first,
bool unread_only,
bool starred_only,
qint64 start_after_article_date,
int row_offset,
int row_limit);
// Custom ID accumulators.
static QStringList bagOfMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, ServiceRoot::BagOfMessages bag, const Feed* feed);
static QHash<QString, QStringList> bagsOfMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, const QList<Label*>& labels);
static QStringList customIdsOfMessagesFromLabel(const QSqlDatabase& db,
Label* label,
RootItem::ReadStatus target_read,
bool* ok = nullptr);
static QStringList customIdsOfMessagesFromProbe(const QSqlDatabase& db,
Search* probe,
RootItem::ReadStatus target_read);
static QStringList customIdsOfImportantMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db,
RootItem::ReadStatus target_read,
int account_id,
bool* ok = nullptr);
static QStringList customIdsOfUnreadMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, bool* ok = nullptr);
static QStringList customIdsOfMessagesFromAccount(const QSqlDatabase& db,
RootItem::ReadStatus target_read,
int account_id,
bool* ok = nullptr);
static QStringList customIdsOfMessagesFromBin(const QSqlDatabase& db,
RootItem::ReadStatus target_read,
int account_id,
bool* ok = nullptr);
static QStringList customIdsOfMessagesFromFeed(const QSqlDatabase& db,
const QString& feed_custom_id,
RootItem::ReadStatus target_read,
int account_id,
bool* ok = nullptr);
// Common account methods.
template <typename T>
static QList<ServiceRoot*> getAccounts(const QSqlDatabase& db, const QString& code, bool* ok = nullptr);
template <typename Categ, typename Fee>
static void loadRootFromDatabase(ServiceRoot* root);
static bool storeNewOauthTokens(const QSqlDatabase& db, const QString& refresh_token, int account_id);
static void createOverwriteAccount(const QSqlDatabase& db, ServiceRoot* account);
// Returns counts of updated messages <unread, all>.
static UpdatedArticles updateMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db,
QList<Message>& messages,
Feed* feed,
bool force_update,
QMutex* db_mutex,
bool* ok = nullptr);
static bool deleteAccount(const QSqlDatabase& db, ServiceRoot* account);
static bool deleteAccountData(const QSqlDatabase& db,
int account_id,
bool delete_messages_too,
bool delete_labels_too);
static bool cleanLabelledMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, bool clean_read_only, Label* label);
static void cleanProbedMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, bool clean_read_only, Search* probe);
static bool cleanImportantMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, bool clean_read_only, int account_id);
static bool cleanUnreadMessages(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id);
static bool cleanFeeds(const QSqlDatabase& db, const QStringList& ids, bool clean_read_only, int account_id);
static void storeAccountTree(const QSqlDatabase& db, RootItem* tree_root, int account_id);
static void createOverwriteFeed(const QSqlDatabase& db, Feed* feed, int account_id, int new_parent_id);
static void createOverwriteCategory(const QSqlDatabase& db, Category* category, int account_id, int new_parent_id);
static bool deleteFeed(const QSqlDatabase& db, Feed* feed, int account_id);
static bool deleteCategory(const QSqlDatabase& db, Category* category);
template <typename T>
static Assignment getCategories(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, bool* ok = nullptr);
template <typename T>
static Assignment getFeeds(const QSqlDatabase& db,
const QList<MessageFilter*>& global_filters,
int account_id,
bool* ok = nullptr);
// Item order methods.
static void moveItem(RootItem* item, bool move_top, bool move_bottom, int move_index, const QSqlDatabase& db);
// Message filters operators.
static bool purgeLeftoverMessageFilterAssignments(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id);
static MessageFilter* addMessageFilter(const QSqlDatabase& db, const QString& title, const QString& script);
static void removeMessageFilter(const QSqlDatabase& db, int filter_id, bool* ok = nullptr);
static void removeMessageFilterAssignments(const QSqlDatabase& db, int filter_id, bool* ok = nullptr);
static QList<MessageFilter*> getMessageFilters(const QSqlDatabase& db, bool* ok = nullptr);
static QMultiMap<QString, int> messageFiltersInFeeds(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, bool* ok = nullptr);
static void assignMessageFilterToFeed(const QSqlDatabase& db,
const QString& feed_custom_id,
int filter_id,
int account_id,
bool* ok = nullptr);
static void updateMessageFilter(const QSqlDatabase& db, MessageFilter* filter, bool* ok = nullptr);
static void removeMessageFilterFromFeed(const QSqlDatabase& db,
const QString& feed_custom_id,
int filter_id,
int account_id,
bool* ok = nullptr);
// Gmail account.
static QStringList getAllGmailRecipients(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id);
static QString unnulifyString(const QString& str);
explicit DatabaseQueries() = default;
template <typename T>
QList<ServiceRoot*> DatabaseQueries::getAccounts(const QSqlDatabase& db, const QString& code, bool* ok) {
QSqlQuery query(db);
QList<ServiceRoot*> roots;
if (query.exec(QSL("SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE type = '%1';").arg(code))) {
while ( {
ServiceRoot* root = new T();
// Load common data.
QNetworkProxy proxy(QNetworkProxy::ProxyType(query.value(QSL("proxy_type")).toInt()),
if (ok != nullptr) {
*ok = true;
else {
qWarningNN << LOGSEC_DB << "Loading of accounts with code" << QUOTE_W_SPACE(code)
<< "failed with error:" << QUOTE_W_SPACE_DOT(query.lastError().text());
if (ok != nullptr) {
*ok = false;
return roots;
template <typename T>
Assignment DatabaseQueries::getCategories(const QSqlDatabase& db, int account_id, bool* ok) {
Assignment categories;
// Obtain data for categories from the database.
QSqlQuery query_categories(db);
query_categories.prepare(QSL("SELECT * FROM Categories WHERE account_id = :account_id;"));
query_categories.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
if (!query_categories.exec()) {
qFatal("Query for obtaining categories failed. Error message: '%s'.",
if (ok != nullptr) {
*ok = false;
else {
if (ok != nullptr) {
*ok = true;
while ( {
AssignmentItem pair;
pair.first = query_categories.value(CAT_DB_PARENT_ID_INDEX).toInt();
pair.second = new T();
auto* cat = static_cast<Category*>(pair.second);
if (cat->customId().isEmpty()) {
categories << pair;
return categories;
template <typename T>
Assignment DatabaseQueries::getFeeds(const QSqlDatabase& db,
const QList<MessageFilter*>& global_filters,
int account_id,
bool* ok) {
Assignment feeds;
// All categories are now loaded.
QSqlQuery query(db);
auto filters_in_feeds = messageFiltersInFeeds(db, account_id);
query.prepare(QSL("SELECT * FROM Feeds WHERE account_id = :account_id;"));
query.bindValue(QSL(":account_id"), account_id);
if (!query.exec()) {
qFatal("Query for obtaining feeds failed. Error message: '%s'.", qPrintable(query.lastError().text()));
if (ok != nullptr) {
*ok = false;
else {
if (ok != nullptr) {
*ok = true;
while ( {
AssignmentItem pair;
pair.first = query.value(FDS_DB_CATEGORY_INDEX).toInt();
Feed* feed = new T();
// Load common data.
if (feed->customId().isEmpty()) {
Feed::ArticleIgnoreLimit art;
art.m_addAnyArticlesToDb = query.value(FDS_DB_ADD_ANY_DATETIME_ARTICLES_INDEX).toBool();
qint64 time_to_avoid = query.value(FDS_DB_DATETIME_TO_AVOID_INDEX).value<qint64>();
if (time_to_avoid > 10000) {
art.m_dtToAvoid = TextFactory::parseDateTime(time_to_avoid);
else {
art.m_hoursToAvoid = time_to_avoid;
art.m_customizeLimitting = query.value(FDS_DB_KEEP_CUSTOMIZE).toBool();
art.m_keepCountOfArticles = query.value(FDS_DB_KEEP_ARTICLES_COUNT).toInt();
art.m_doNotRemoveUnread = query.value(FDS_DB_KEEP_UNREAD_ARTICLES).toBool();
art.m_doNotRemoveStarred = query.value(FDS_DB_KEEP_STARRED_ARTICLES).toBool();
art.m_moveToBinDontPurge = query.value(RECYCLE_ARTICLE_DONT_PURGE).toBool();
qDebugNN << LOGSEC_CORE << "Custom ID of feed when loading from DB is" << QUOTE_W_SPACE_DOT(feed->customId());
// Load custom data.
if (filters_in_feeds.contains(feed->customId())) {
auto all_filters_for_this_feed = filters_in_feeds.values(feed->customId());
for (MessageFilter* fltr : global_filters) {
if (all_filters_for_this_feed.contains(fltr->id())) {
pair.second = feed;
feeds << pair;
return feeds;
template <typename Categ, typename Fee>
void DatabaseQueries::loadRootFromDatabase(ServiceRoot* root) {
QSqlDatabase database = qApp->database()->driver()->connection(root->metaObject()->className());
Assignment categories = DatabaseQueries::getCategories<Categ>(database, root->accountId());
Assignment feeds = DatabaseQueries::getFeeds<Fee>(database, qApp->feedReader()->messageFilters(), root->accountId());
auto labels = DatabaseQueries::getLabelsForAccount(database, root->accountId());
auto probes = DatabaseQueries::getProbesForAccount(database, root->accountId());
root->performInitialAssembly(categories, feeds, labels, probes);