772 lines
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772 lines
25 KiB
// For license of this file, see <project-root-folder>/LICENSE.md.
#include "core/messagesmodel.h"
#include "core/messagesmodelcache.h"
#include "database/databasefactory.h"
#include "database/databasequeries.h"
#include "definitions/definitions.h"
#include "gui/messagesview.h"
#include "miscellaneous/application.h"
#include "miscellaneous/iconfactory.h"
#include "miscellaneous/skinfactory.h"
#include "miscellaneous/textfactory.h"
#include "services/abstract/recyclebin.h"
#include "services/abstract/serviceroot.h"
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPainterPath>
#include <QSqlError>
#include <QSqlField>
#include <cmath>
MessagesModel::MessagesModel(QObject* parent)
: QSqlQueryModel(parent), m_view(nullptr), m_cache(new MessagesModelCache(this)), m_messageHighlighter(MessageHighlighter::NoHighlighting),
m_customDateFormat(QString()), m_customTimeFormat(QString()), m_selectedItem(nullptr), m_displayFeedIcons(false),
m_multilineListItems(qApp->settings()->value(GROUP(Messages), SETTING(Messages::MultilineArticleList)).toBool()) {
MessagesModel::~MessagesModel() {
qDebugNN << LOGSEC_MESSAGEMODEL << "Destroying MessagesModel instance.";
void MessagesModel::setupIcons() {
m_favoriteIcon = qApp->icons()->fromTheme(QSL("mail-mark-important"));
m_readIcon = qApp->icons()->fromTheme(QSL("mail-mark-read"));
m_unreadIcon = qApp->icons()->fromTheme(QSL("mail-mark-unread"));
m_enclosuresIcon = qApp->icons()->fromTheme(QSL("mail-attachment"));
for (int i = int(MSG_SCORE_MIN); i <= int(MSG_SCORE_MAX); i += 10) {
QIcon MessagesModel::generateIconForScore(double score) {
QPixmap pix(64, 64);
QPainter paint(&pix);
int level = std::min(MSG_SCORE_MAX, std::max(MSG_SCORE_MIN, std::floor(score / 10.0)));
QPainterPath path;
path.addRoundedRect(QRectF(2, 2, 60, 60), 5, 5);
QPen pen(Qt::GlobalColor::black, 2);
paint.fillPath(path, Qt::GlobalColor::white);
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050D00 // Qt >= 5.13.0
path = QPainterPath();
int bar_height = 6 * level;
path.addRoundedRect(QRectF(2, 64 - bar_height - 2, 60, bar_height), 5, 5);
paint.fillPath(path, QColor::fromHsv(int(score), 200, 230));
return pix;
MessagesView* MessagesModel::view() const {
return m_view;
void MessagesModel::setView(MessagesView* newView) {
m_view = newView;
MessagesModelCache* MessagesModel::cache() const {
return m_cache;
void MessagesModel::repopulate() {
setQuery(selectStatement(), m_db);
if (lastError().isValid()) {
qCriticalNN << LOGSEC_MESSAGEMODEL << "Error when setting new msg view query: '" << lastError().text() << "'.";
qCriticalNN << LOGSEC_MESSAGEMODEL << "Used SQL select statement: '" << selectStatement() << "'.";
while (canFetchMore()) {
<< "Repopulated model, SQL statement is now:\n"
<< QUOTE_W_SPACE_DOT(selectStatement());
bool MessagesModel::setData(const QModelIndex& index, const QVariant& value, int role) {
m_cache->setData(index, value, record(index.row()));
return true;
void MessagesModel::setupFonts() {
QFont fon;
fon.fromString(qApp->settings()->value(GROUP(Messages), Messages::ListFont, Application::font("MessagesView").toString()).toString());
m_normalFont = fon;
m_boldFont = m_normalFont;
m_normalStrikedFont = m_normalFont;
m_boldStrikedFont = m_boldFont;
void MessagesModel::loadMessages(RootItem* item) {
m_selectedItem = item;
if (item == nullptr) {
else {
if (!item->getParentServiceRoot()->loadMessagesForItem(item, this)) {
<< "Loading of messages from item '"
<< item->title() << "' failed.";
qApp->showGuiMessage(Notification::Event::GeneralEvent, {
tr("Loading of articles from item '%1' failed").arg(item->title()),
tr("Loading of articles failed, maybe messages could not be downloaded."),
QSystemTrayIcon::MessageIcon::Critical });
bool MessagesModel::setMessageImportantById(int id, RootItem::Importance important) {
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount(); i++) {
int found_id = data(i, MSG_DB_ID_INDEX, Qt::EditRole).toInt();
if (found_id == id) {
bool set = setData(index(i, MSG_DB_IMPORTANT_INDEX), int(important));
if (set) {
emit dataChanged(index(i, 0), index(i, MSG_DB_CUSTOM_HASH_INDEX));
return set;
return false;
void MessagesModel::highlightMessages(MessagesModel::MessageHighlighter highlight) {
m_messageHighlighter = highlight;
emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
emit layoutChanged();
int MessagesModel::messageId(int row_index) const {
return data(row_index, MSG_DB_ID_INDEX, Qt::EditRole).toInt();
RootItem::Importance MessagesModel::messageImportance(int row_index) const {
return RootItem::Importance(data(row_index, MSG_DB_IMPORTANT_INDEX, Qt::EditRole).toInt());
RootItem* MessagesModel::loadedItem() const {
return m_selectedItem;
void MessagesModel::updateDateFormat() {
if (qApp->settings()->value(GROUP(Messages), SETTING(Messages::UseCustomDate)).toBool()) {
m_customDateFormat = qApp->settings()->value(GROUP(Messages), SETTING(Messages::CustomDateFormat)).toString();
else {
m_customDateFormat = QString();
if (qApp->settings()->value(GROUP(Messages), SETTING(Messages::UseCustomTime)).toBool()) {
m_customTimeFormat = qApp->settings()->value(GROUP(Messages), SETTING(Messages::CustomTimeFormat)).toString();
else {
m_customTimeFormat = QString();
void MessagesModel::updateFeedIconsDisplay() {
m_displayFeedIcons = qApp->settings()->value(GROUP(Messages), SETTING(Messages::DisplayFeedIconsInList)).toBool();
void MessagesModel::reloadWholeLayout() {
emit layoutAboutToBeChanged();
emit layoutChanged();
Message MessagesModel::messageAt(int row_index) const {
return Message::fromSqlRecord(m_cache->containsData(row_index) ? m_cache->record(row_index) : record(row_index));
void MessagesModel::setupHeaderData() {
m_headerData <<
/*: Tooltip for ID of message.*/ tr("Id") <<
/*: Tooltip for "read" column in msg list.*/ tr("Read") <<
/*: Tooltip for "important" column in msg list.*/ tr("Important") <<
/*: Tooltip for "deleted" column in msg list.*/ tr("Deleted") <<
/*: Tooltip for "pdeleted" column in msg list.*/ tr("Permanently deleted") <<
/*: Tooltip for custom ID of feed of message.*/ tr("Feed ID") <<
/*: Tooltip for title of message.*/ tr("Title") <<
/*: Tooltip for url of message.*/ tr("Url") <<
/*: Tooltip for author of message.*/ tr("Author") <<
/*: Tooltip for creation date of message.*/ tr("Date") <<
/*: Tooltip for contents of message.*/ tr("Contents") <<
/*: Tooltip for attachments of message.*/ tr("Attachments") <<
/*: Tooltip for score of message.*/ tr("Score") <<
/*: Tooltip for account ID of message.*/ tr("Account ID") <<
/*: Tooltip for custom ID of message.*/ tr("Custom ID") <<
/*: Tooltip for custom hash string of message.*/ tr("Custom hash") <<
/*: Tooltip for name of feed for message.*/ tr("Feed") <<
/*: Tooltip for indication of presence of enclosures.*/ tr("Has enclosures");
<< tr("ID of the article.")
<< tr("Is article read?")
<< tr("Is article important?")
<< tr("Is article deleted?")
<< tr("Is article permanently deleted from recycle bin?")
<< tr("ID of feed which this article belongs to.")
<< tr("Title of the article.")
<< tr("Url of the article.")
<< tr("Author of the article.")
<< tr("Creation date of the article.")
<< tr("Contents of the article.")
<< tr("List of attachments.")
<< tr("Score of the article.")
<< tr("Account ID of the article.")
<< tr("Custom ID of the article")
<< tr("Custom hash of the article.")
<< tr("Custom ID of feed of the article.")
<< tr("Indication of enclosures presence within the article.");
Qt::ItemFlags MessagesModel::flags(const QModelIndex& index) const {
return Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren;
QList<Message> MessagesModel::messagesAt(const QList<int>& row_indices) const {
QList<Message> msgs; msgs.reserve(row_indices.size());
for (int idx : row_indices) {
msgs << messageAt(idx);
return msgs;
QVariant MessagesModel::data(int row, int column, int role) const {
return data(index(row, column), role);
QVariant MessagesModel::data(const QModelIndex& idx, int role) const {
// This message is not in cache, return real data from live query.
switch (role) {
// Human readable data for viewing.
case Qt::ItemDataRole::DisplayRole: {
int index_column = idx.column();
if (index_column == MSG_DB_DCREATED_INDEX) {
QDateTime dt = TextFactory::parseDateTime(QSqlQueryModel::data(idx, role).value<qint64>()).toLocalTime();
if (dt.date() == QDate::currentDate() && !m_customTimeFormat.isEmpty()) {
return dt.toString(m_customTimeFormat);
else if (m_customDateFormat.isEmpty()) {
return QLocale().toString(dt, QLocale::FormatType::ShortFormat);
else {
return dt.toString(m_customDateFormat);
else if (index_column == MSG_DB_FEED_TITLE_INDEX) {
// Trim feed title.
return data(idx, Qt::ItemDataRole::EditRole).toString().simplified();
else if (index_column == MSG_DB_CONTENTS_INDEX) {
// Do not display full contents here.
QString contents = data(idx, Qt::ItemDataRole::EditRole).toString().mid(0, 64).simplified() + QL1S("...");
return contents;
else if (index_column == MSG_DB_AUTHOR_INDEX) {
const QString author_name = QSqlQueryModel::data(idx, role).toString();
return author_name.isEmpty() ? QSL("-") : author_name;
else if (index_column != MSG_DB_IMPORTANT_INDEX &&
index_column != MSG_DB_READ_INDEX &&
index_column != MSG_DB_HAS_ENCLOSURES &&
index_column != MSG_DB_SCORE_INDEX) {
return QSqlQueryModel::data(idx, role);
else {
return QVariant();
return m_cache->containsData(idx.row())
? m_cache->data(idx).toString().toLower()
: QSqlQueryModel::data(idx, Qt::ItemDataRole::EditRole).toString().toLower();
case Qt::ItemDataRole::EditRole:
return m_cache->containsData(idx.row())
? m_cache->data(idx)
: QSqlQueryModel::data(idx, role);
case Qt::ItemDataRole::ToolTipRole: {
if (!qApp->settings()->value(GROUP(Feeds), SETTING(Feeds::EnableTooltipsFeedsMessages)).toBool()) {
return QVariant();
else {
if (idx.column() == MSG_DB_SCORE_INDEX) {
return data(idx, Qt::ItemDataRole::EditRole);
else if (idx.column() == MSG_DB_URL_INDEX) {
return TextFactory::shorten(data(idx, Qt::ItemDataRole::DisplayRole).toString(),
else {
return data(idx, Qt::ItemDataRole::DisplayRole);
case Qt::ItemDataRole::FontRole: {
QModelIndex idx_read = index(idx.row(), MSG_DB_READ_INDEX);
QVariant data_read = data(idx_read, Qt::ItemDataRole::EditRole);
const bool is_bin = qobject_cast<RecycleBin*>(loadedItem()) != nullptr;
bool is_deleted;
if (is_bin) {
QModelIndex idx_del = index(idx.row(), MSG_DB_PDELETED_INDEX);
is_deleted = data(idx_del, Qt::ItemDataRole::EditRole).toBool();
else {
QModelIndex idx_del = index(idx.row(), MSG_DB_DELETED_INDEX);
is_deleted = data(idx_del, Qt::ItemDataRole::EditRole).toBool();
const bool striked = is_deleted;
if (data_read.toBool()) {
return striked ? m_normalStrikedFont : m_normalFont;
else {
return striked ? m_boldStrikedFont : m_boldFont;
case Qt::ItemDataRole::ForegroundRole:
switch (m_messageHighlighter) {
case MessageHighlighter::HighlightImportant: {
QModelIndex idx_important = index(idx.row(), MSG_DB_IMPORTANT_INDEX);
QVariant dta = m_cache->containsData(idx_important.row()) ? m_cache->data(idx_important) : QSqlQueryModel::data(idx_important);
return dta.toInt() == 1
? qApp->skins()->currentSkin().colorForModel(role == Qt::ItemDataRole::ForegroundRole
? SkinEnums::PaletteColors::FgInteresting
: SkinEnums::PaletteColors::FgSelectedInteresting)
: QVariant();
case MessageHighlighter::HighlightUnread: {
QModelIndex idx_read = index(idx.row(), MSG_DB_READ_INDEX);
QVariant dta = m_cache->containsData(idx_read.row()) ? m_cache->data(idx_read) : QSqlQueryModel::data(idx_read);
return dta.toInt() == 0
? qApp->skins()->currentSkin().colorForModel(role == Qt::ItemDataRole::ForegroundRole
? SkinEnums::PaletteColors::FgInteresting
: SkinEnums::PaletteColors::FgSelectedInteresting)
: QVariant();
case MessageHighlighter::NoHighlighting:
return QVariant();
case Qt::ItemDataRole::SizeHintRole: {
if (!m_multilineListItems || m_view == nullptr || m_view->isColumnHidden(idx.column())) {
return {};
else {
auto wd = m_view->columnWidth(idx.column());
QString str = data(idx, Qt::ItemDataRole::DisplayRole).toString();
if (str.simplified().isEmpty()) {
return {};
QFontMetrics fm(data(idx, Qt::ItemDataRole::FontRole).value<QFont>());
auto rct = fm.boundingRect(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), QPoint(wd - 5, 100000)),
Qt::TextFlag::TextWordWrap |
Qt::AlignmentFlag::AlignLeft |
return rct;
case Qt::ItemDataRole::DecorationRole: {
const int index_column = idx.column();
if (index_column == MSG_DB_READ_INDEX) {
if (m_displayFeedIcons && m_selectedItem != nullptr) {
QModelIndex idx_feedid = index(idx.row(), MSG_DB_FEED_CUSTOM_ID_INDEX);
QVariant dta = m_cache->containsData(idx_feedid.row())
? m_cache->data(idx_feedid)
: QSqlQueryModel::data(idx_feedid);
QString feed_custom_id = dta.toString();
auto acc = m_selectedItem->getParentServiceRoot()->feedIconForMessage(feed_custom_id);
if (acc.isNull()) {
return qApp->icons()->fromTheme(QSL("application-rss+xml"));
else {
return acc;
else {
QModelIndex idx_read = index(idx.row(), MSG_DB_READ_INDEX);
QVariant dta = m_cache->containsData(idx_read.row()) ? m_cache->data(idx_read) : QSqlQueryModel::data(idx_read);
return dta.toInt() == 1 ? m_readIcon : m_unreadIcon;
else if (index_column == MSG_DB_IMPORTANT_INDEX) {
QModelIndex idx_important = index(idx.row(), MSG_DB_IMPORTANT_INDEX);
QVariant dta = m_cache->containsData(idx_important.row()) ? m_cache->data(idx_important) : QSqlQueryModel::data(idx_important);
return dta.toInt() == 1 ? m_favoriteIcon : QVariant();
else if (index_column == MSG_DB_HAS_ENCLOSURES) {
QModelIndex idx_important = index(idx.row(), MSG_DB_HAS_ENCLOSURES);
QVariant dta = QSqlQueryModel::data(idx_important);
return dta.toBool() ? m_enclosuresIcon : QVariant();
else if (index_column == MSG_DB_SCORE_INDEX) {
QVariant dta = QSqlQueryModel::data(idx);
int level = std::min(MSG_SCORE_MAX, std::max(MSG_SCORE_MIN, std::floor(dta.toDouble() / 10.0)));
return m_scoreIcons.at(level);
else {
return QVariant();
return QVariant();
bool MessagesModel::setMessageRead(int row_index, RootItem::ReadStatus read) {
if (data(row_index, MSG_DB_READ_INDEX, Qt::EditRole).toInt() == int(read)) {
// Read status is the same is the one currently set.
// In that case, no extra work is needed.
return true;
Message message = messageAt(row_index);
if (!m_selectedItem->getParentServiceRoot()->onBeforeSetMessagesRead(m_selectedItem, QList<Message>() << message, read)) {
// Cannot change read status of the item. Abort.
return false;
// Rewrite "visible" data in the model.
bool working_change = setData(index(row_index, MSG_DB_READ_INDEX), int(read));
if (!working_change) {
// If rewriting in the model failed, then cancel all actions.
qDebug("Setting of new data to the model failed for message read change.");
return false;
if (DatabaseQueries::markMessagesReadUnread(m_db, QStringList() << QString::number(message.m_id), read)) {
return m_selectedItem->getParentServiceRoot()->onAfterSetMessagesRead(m_selectedItem, QList<Message>() << message, read);
else {
return false;
bool MessagesModel::setMessageReadById(int id, RootItem::ReadStatus read) {
for (int i = 0; i < rowCount(); i++) {
int found_id = data(i, MSG_DB_ID_INDEX, Qt::EditRole).toInt();
if (found_id == id) {
bool set = setData(index(i, MSG_DB_READ_INDEX), int(read));
if (set) {
emit dataChanged(index(i, 0), index(i, MSG_DB_CUSTOM_HASH_INDEX));
return set;
return false;
bool MessagesModel::switchMessageImportance(int row_index) {
const QModelIndex target_index = index(row_index, MSG_DB_IMPORTANT_INDEX);
const RootItem::Importance current_importance = (RootItem::Importance) data(target_index, Qt::EditRole).toInt();
const RootItem::Importance next_importance = current_importance == RootItem::Importance::Important
? RootItem::Importance::NotImportant
: RootItem::Importance::Important;
const Message message = messageAt(row_index);
const QPair<Message, RootItem::Importance> pair(message, next_importance);
if (!m_selectedItem->getParentServiceRoot()->onBeforeSwitchMessageImportance(m_selectedItem,
QList<QPair<Message, RootItem::Importance>>() << pair)) {
return false;
// Rewrite "visible" data in the model.
const bool working_change = setData(target_index, int(next_importance));
if (!working_change) {
// If rewriting in the model failed, then cancel all actions.
qDebugNN << LOGSEC_MESSAGEMODEL << "Setting of new data to the model failed for message importance change.";
return false;
// Commit changes.
if (DatabaseQueries::markMessageImportant(m_db, message.m_id, next_importance)) {
emit dataChanged(index(row_index, 0), index(row_index, MSG_DB_FEED_CUSTOM_ID_INDEX), QVector<int>() << Qt::FontRole);
return m_selectedItem->getParentServiceRoot()->onAfterSwitchMessageImportance(m_selectedItem,
QList<QPair<Message, RootItem::Importance>>() << pair);
else {
return false;
bool MessagesModel::switchBatchMessageImportance(const QModelIndexList& messages) {
QStringList message_ids; message_ids.reserve(messages.size());
QList<QPair<Message, RootItem::Importance>> message_states; message_states.reserve(messages.size());
// Obtain IDs of all desired messages.
for (const QModelIndex& message : messages) {
const Message msg = messageAt(message.row());
RootItem::Importance message_importance = messageImportance((message.row()));
message_states.append(QPair<Message, RootItem::Importance>(msg, message_importance == RootItem::Importance::Important
? RootItem::Importance::NotImportant
: RootItem::Importance::Important));
QModelIndex idx_msg_imp = index(message.row(), MSG_DB_IMPORTANT_INDEX);
setData(idx_msg_imp, message_importance == RootItem::Importance::Important
? int(RootItem::Importance::NotImportant)
: int(RootItem::Importance::Important));
if (!m_selectedItem->getParentServiceRoot()->onBeforeSwitchMessageImportance(m_selectedItem, message_states)) {
return false;
if (DatabaseQueries::switchMessagesImportance(m_db, message_ids)) {
return m_selectedItem->getParentServiceRoot()->onAfterSwitchMessageImportance(m_selectedItem, message_states);
else {
return false;
bool MessagesModel::setBatchMessagesDeleted(const QModelIndexList& messages) {
QStringList message_ids; message_ids.reserve(messages.size());
QList<Message> msgs; msgs.reserve(messages.size());
// Obtain IDs of all desired messages.
for (const QModelIndex& message : messages) {
const Message msg = messageAt(message.row());
if (qobject_cast<RecycleBin*>(m_selectedItem) != nullptr) {
setData(index(message.row(), MSG_DB_PDELETED_INDEX), 1);
else {
setData(index(message.row(), MSG_DB_DELETED_INDEX), 1);
if (!m_selectedItem->getParentServiceRoot()->onBeforeMessagesDelete(m_selectedItem, msgs)) {
return false;
bool deleted;
if (m_selectedItem->kind() != RootItem::Kind::Bin) {
deleted = DatabaseQueries::deleteOrRestoreMessagesToFromBin(m_db, message_ids, true);
else {
deleted = DatabaseQueries::permanentlyDeleteMessages(m_db, message_ids);
if (deleted) {
return m_selectedItem->getParentServiceRoot()->onAfterMessagesDelete(m_selectedItem, msgs);
else {
return false;
bool MessagesModel::setBatchMessagesRead(const QModelIndexList& messages, RootItem::ReadStatus read) {
QStringList message_ids; message_ids.reserve(messages.size());
QList<Message> msgs; msgs.reserve(messages.size());
// Obtain IDs of all desired messages.
for (const QModelIndex& message : messages) {
Message msg = messageAt(message.row());
setData(index(message.row(), MSG_DB_READ_INDEX), int(read));
if (!m_selectedItem->getParentServiceRoot()->onBeforeSetMessagesRead(m_selectedItem, msgs, read)) {
return false;
if (DatabaseQueries::markMessagesReadUnread(m_db, message_ids, read)) {
return m_selectedItem->getParentServiceRoot()->onAfterSetMessagesRead(m_selectedItem, msgs, read);
else {
return false;
bool MessagesModel::setBatchMessagesRestored(const QModelIndexList& messages) {
QStringList message_ids; message_ids.reserve(messages.size());
QList<Message> msgs; msgs.reserve(messages.size());
// Obtain IDs of all desired messages.
for (const QModelIndex& message : messages) {
const Message msg = messageAt(message.row());
setData(index(message.row(), MSG_DB_PDELETED_INDEX), 0);
setData(index(message.row(), MSG_DB_DELETED_INDEX), 0);
if (!m_selectedItem->getParentServiceRoot()->onBeforeMessagesRestoredFromBin(m_selectedItem, msgs)) {
return false;
if (DatabaseQueries::deleteOrRestoreMessagesToFromBin(m_db, message_ids, false)) {
return m_selectedItem->getParentServiceRoot()->onAfterMessagesRestoredFromBin(m_selectedItem, msgs);
else {
return false;
QVariant MessagesModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const {
switch (role) {
case Qt::DisplayRole:
// Display textual headers for all columns except "read" and
// "important" and "has enclosures" columns.
if (section != MSG_DB_READ_INDEX &&
section != MSG_DB_SCORE_INDEX &&
return m_headerData.at(section);
else {
return QVariant();
case Qt::ToolTipRole:
return m_tooltipData.at(section);
case Qt::EditRole:
return m_headerData.at(section);
// Display icons for "read" and "important" columns.
case Qt::DecorationRole: {
switch (section) {
return m_enclosuresIcon;
return m_readIcon;
return m_favoriteIcon;
return m_scoreIcons.at(5);
return QVariant();
return QVariant();