Application Application is already running. Programa jau yra vykdoma. Output directory is not writable. Išvesties katalogas nėra įrašomas. Settings file not copied to output directory successfully. Database file not copied to output directory successfully. Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable. Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable. Cannot add feed Nepavyksta pridėti kanalo Feed cannot be added because standard RSS/ATOM account is not enabled. Kanalas negali būti pridėtas, nes nėra įjungta standartinė RSS/ATOM paskyra. DatabaseCleaner Shrinking database file... Database file shrinked... Removing read messages... Šalinamos skaitytos žinutės... Read messages purged... Skaitytos žinutės išvalytos... Recycle bin purged... Šiukšlinė išvalyta... Removing old messages... Šalinamos senos žinutės... Purging recycle bin... Išvaloma šiukšlinė... Old messages purged... Senos žinutės išvalytos... DatabaseFactory MySQL server works as expected. MySQL serveris veikia kaip tikimasi. No MySQL server is running in the target destination. Access denied. Invalid username or password used. Access to MySQL server was denied. Unknown error. Unknown MySQL error arised. Nežinoma klaida. MySQL/MariaDB (dedicated database) MySQL/MariaDB (paskirta duomenų bazė) SQLite (embedded database) SQLite (įtaisyta duomenų bazė) Selected database does not exist (yet). It will be created. It's okay. Pasirinktos duomenų bazės nėra (kol kas). Ji bus sukurta. Viskas gerai. MySQL database not available MySQL duomenų bazė neprieinama %1 cannot use MySQL storage, it is not available. %1 is now switching to SQLite database. Start your MySQL server and make adjustments in application settings. %1 negali naudoti MySQL kaupiklio, jis yra neprieinamas. %1 dabar persijungia į SQLite duomenų bazę. Paleiskite savo MySQL serverį ir suderinkite programos nustatymus. DownloadItem Ico Filename Failo pavadinimas Error opening output file: %1 Klaida, atveriant išvesties failą: %1 &Try again &Bandyti dar kartą &Stop &Stabdyti &Open file &Atverti failą Select destination for downloaded file Error: %1 Klaida: %1 Download directory couldn't be created Nepavyko sukurti atsiuntimo katalogo Error when saving file: %1 Klaida, įrašant failą: %1 %1 of %2 (%3 per second) - %4 %1 iš %2 (%3 per sekundę) - %4 %1 of %2 - download completed %1 iš %2 - atsiuntimas užbaigtas Open &directory Atverti &katalogą Cannot open file Nepavyksta atverti failo Cannot open output file. Open it manually. Nepavyksta atverti išvesties failo. Atverkite jį rankiniu būdu. Cannot open directory Nepavyksta atverti katalogo Cannot open output directory. Open it manually. Nepavyksta atverti išvesties katalogo. Atverkite jį rankiniu būdu. Download finished Atsiuntimas užbaigtas File '%1' is downloaded. Click here to open parent directory. URL: %1 URL: %1 Local file: %1 Selection of local file cancelled. DownloadManager Clean up %n minutes remaining Liko %n minutėLiko %n minutėsLiko %n minučių %n seconds remaining Liko %n sekundėLiko %n sekundėsLiko %n sekundžių bytes kB kB MB MB GB GB Downloading %n file(s)... Atsiunčiamas %n failas...Atsiunčiami %n failai...Atsiunčiama %n failų... FeedMessageViewer Toolbar for messages Toolbar for feeds Cannot cleanup database Cannot cleanup database, because another critical action is running. FeedsImportExportModel (category) (feed) Category Kategorija FeedsModel Title Title text in the feed list header. Antraštė Titles of feeds/categories. Kanalų/kategorijų antraštės. Root Name of root item of feed list which can be seen in feed add/edit dialog. Starting auto-update of some feeds I will auto-update %n feed(s). Aš automatiškai atnaujinsiu %n kanalą.Aš automatiškai atnaujinsiu %n kanalus.Aš automatiškai atnaujinsiu %n kanalų. Cannot update all items Nepavyksta atnaujinti visų elementų Feed update started Text display in status bar when feed update is started. Kanalo atnaujinimas pradėtas Updated feed '%1' Text display in status bar when particular feed is updated. Atnaujintas kanalas '%1' New messages downloaded Atsiųstos naujos žinutės You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported. Cannot perform drag & drop operation You cannot update all items because another critical operation is ongoing. Counts of unread/all mesages. FeedsToolBar Toolbar spacer FeedsView Cannot edit item Nepavyksta redaguoti elemento Cannot delete item Nepavyksta ištrinti elemento Context menu for empty space Selected item cannot be edited because another critical operation is ongoing. Pasirinktas elementas negali būti redaguojamas, nes yra vykdoma kita kritinė operacija. Selected item cannot be deleted because another critical operation is ongoing. Pasirinktas elementas negali būti ištrintas, nes yra vykdoma kita kritinė operacija. Context menu for categories Selected item cannot be edited, this is not (yet?) supported. Deleting "%1" Ištrinama "%1" You are about to completely delete item "%1". Jūs ruošiatės galutinai ištrinti elementą "%1". Are you sure? Ar tikrai? Cannot delete "%1" Nepavyksta ištrinti "%1" This item cannot be deleted because something critically failed. Submit bug report. This item cannot be deleted, because it does not support it or this functionality is not implemented yet. Context menu for other items Not supported Selected account does not support adding of new feeds. Pasirinkta paskyra nepalaiko naujų kanalų pridėjimo. Selected account does not support adding of new categories. FormAbout Information Informacija Licenses Licencijos GNU GPL License (applies to RSS Guard source code) GNU GPL licencija (pritaikoma RSS Guard pirminiam kodui) GNU GPL License GNU GPL licencija BSD License (applies to QtSingleApplication source code) BSD licencija (pritaikoma QtSingleApplication pirminiam kodui) Licenses page is available only in English language. Licencijų puslapis yra prieinamas tik anglų kalba. Changelog Keitimų žurnalas Changelog page is available only in English language. Keitimų žurnalo puslapis yra prieinamas tik anglų kalba. License not found. Licencija nerasta. Changelog not found. Keitimų žurnalas nerastas. <b>%8</b><br><b>Version:</b> %1 (build on %2 with CMake %3)<br><b>Revision:</b> %4<br><b>Build date:</b> %5<br><b>Qt:</b> %6 (compiled against %7)<br> <b>%8</b><br><b>Versija:</b> %1 (sukurta sistemoje %2 su CMake %3)<br><b>Poversijis:</b> %4<br><b>Kūrimo data:</b> %5<br><b>Qt:</b> %6 (sukompiliuota remiantis %7)<br> About %1 About RSS Guard dialog title. Apie %1 Settings type Nustatymų tipas Settings file Nustatymų failas Database root path Duomenų bazės šakninis kelias FULLY portable PILNAI perkeliami PARTIALLY portable DALINAI perkeliami Resources Ištekliai <body>%5 is a (very) tiny feed reader.<br><br>This software is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License, version 3.<br><br>Contacts:<ul><li><a href="mailto://%1">%1</a> ~e-mail</li><li><a href="%2">%2</a> ~website</li></ul>You can obtain source code for %5 from its website.<br><br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-%3 %4</body> <body>%5 yra (labai) mažytė sklaidos kanalų skaitytuvė.<br><br>Ši programinė įranga yra platinama pagal GNU Bendrosios Viešosios Licencijos, versija 3, nuostatas.<br><br>Kontaktai:<ul><li><a href="mailto://%1">%1</a> ~el. paštas</li><li><a href="%2">%2</a> ~tinklalapis</li></ul>Jūs galite gauti %5 pirminį kodą iš programos tinklalapio.<br><br><br>Autorių Teisės (C) 2011-%3 %4</body> FormAddAccount Add new account Pridėti naują paskyrą Details Išsamesnė informacija Name Pavadinimas Version Versija Author Autorius Description Aprašas This account can be added only once. Ši paskyra gali būti pridėta tik vieną kartą. FormBackupDatabaseSettings Backup database/settings Backup properties Items to backup Database Settings Nustatymai Backup name Operation results Common name for backup files No operation executed yet. Backup was created successfully. Backup name cannot be empty. Backup name looks okay. Backup failed. Output directory Išvesties katalogas &Select directory &Pasirinkti katalogą Backup was created successfully and stored in target directory. Select destination directory Good destination directory is specified. FormDatabaseCleanup Cleanup database Išvalyti duomenų bazę Remove all messages older than Šalinti visas žinutes, kurios senesnės nei day(s) diena dienos dienų Shrink database file Database information Duomenų bazės informacija Database file size Duomenų bazės failo dydis Database type Duomenų bazės tipas Progress Eiga I am ready. Pasiruošę. Database cleanup is running. Yra vykdomas duomenų bazės išvalymas. Database cleanup is completed. Duomenų bazės išvalymas užbaigtas. Database cleanup failed. Duomenų bazės išvalymas nepavyko. Cleanup settings (all checked items are completely erased from database) Remove all read messages (not those from recycle bin) Šalinti visas skaitytas žinutes (ne tas, kurios šiukšlinėje) Remove all messages from recycle bin Šalinti visas žinutes iš šiukšlinės Remove all starred messages (including those from recycle bin) unknown nežinoma file: %1, data: %2 failas: %1, duomenys: %2 FormEditAccount Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. Authentication Username Naudotojo vardas Password Slaptažodis Show password Rodyti slaptažodį Requires HTTP authentication URL URL &Test setup HTTP authentication username HTTP authentication password Password for your TT-RSS account Username for your TT-RSS account FULL URL of your TT-RSS instance WITH trailing "/api/" string No test done yet. Here, results of connection test are shown. Add new Tiny Tiny RSS account Edit existing Tiny Tiny RSS account API access on selected server is not enabled. API prieiga pasirinktame serveryje nėra įjungta. Entered credentials are incorrect. Other error occurred, contact developers. Įvyko kitokia klaida, susisiekite su kūrėjais. Selected Tiny Tiny RSS server is running unsupported version of API (%1). At least API level %2 is required. Selected Tiny Tiny RSS server is running unsupported version of API. Tiny Tiny RSS server is okay, running with API level %1, while at least API level %2 is required. Tiny Tiny RSS server is okay. Network error: '%1'. Tinklo klaida: '%1'. Network error, have you entered correct Tiny Tiny RSS API endpoint and password? Username cannot be empty. Naudotojo vardas negali būti tuščias. Username is okay. Password cannot be empty. Slaptažodis negali būti tuščias. Password is okay. Username is ok or it is not needed. Username is empty. Naudotojo vardas tuščias. Password is ok or it is not needed. Password is empty. Slaptažodis tuščias. URL cannot be empty. URL negali būti tuščias. URL is okay. Note that at least API level %1 is required. URL should end with "/api/". Unspecified error, did you enter correct URL? Neapibrėžta klaida, ar įrašėte teisingą URL? Force execution of server-side update when updating feeds from RSS Guard Leaving this option on causes that updates of feeds will be probably much slower and may time-out often. FormEditFeed Edit feed Parent category Select parent item for your feed. URL URL Auto-update Select the auto-update strategy for this feed. Default auto-update strategy means that the feed will be update in time intervals set in application settings. Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. Requires authentication Username Naudotojo vardas Password Slaptažodis Username is ok or it is not needed. Username is empty. Naudotojo vardas tuščias. Password is ok or it is not needed. Password is empty. Slaptažodis tuščias. Auto-update using global interval Auto-update every Do not auto-update at all Full feed url including scheme Edit existing feed Redaguoti esamą kanalą Add new feed Pridėti naują kanalą Feed added Kanalas pridėtas Feed was added, triggering sync in now. Cannot add feed Nepavyksta pridėti kanalo Feed was not added due to error. Kanalas nebuvo pridėtas dėl klaidos. The URL is ok. The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. The URL is empty. FormEditOwnCloudAccount URL URL Force execution of server-side update when updating feeds from RSS Guard Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. Authentication Username Naudotojo vardas Password Slaptažodis Show password Rodyti slaptažodį &Test setup Leaving this option on causes that updates of feeds will be probably much slower and may time-out often. Note that at least version %1 is required. URL of your ownCloud server, without any API path No test done yet. Here, results of connection test are shown. Add new ownCloud News account Edit existing ownCloud News account Selected ownCloud News server is running unsupported version (%1). At least version %2 is required. Selected ownCloud News server is running unsupported version. Network error: '%1'. Tinklo klaida: '%1'. Network error, have you entered correct ownCloud endpoint and password? Unspecified error, did you enter correct URL? Neapibrėžta klaida, ar įrašėte teisingą URL? Username cannot be empty. Naudotojo vardas negali būti tuščias. Username is okay. Password cannot be empty. Slaptažodis negali būti tuščias. Password is okay. URL cannot be empty. URL negali būti tuščias. URL is okay. Password for your ownCloud account Username for your ownCloud account ownCloud News server is okay, running with version %1, while at least version %2 is required. ownCloud News server is okay. FormEditOwnCloudFeed Edit feed Parent category Select parent item for your feed. URL URL Auto-update Select the auto-update strategy for this feed. Default auto-update strategy means that the feed will be update in time intervals set in application settings. Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. Requires authentication Username Naudotojo vardas Password Slaptažodis The URL is ok. The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. The URL is empty. Username is ok or it is not needed. Username is empty. Naudotojo vardas tuščias. Password is ok or it is not needed. Password is empty. Slaptažodis tuščias. Auto-update using global interval Auto-update every Do not auto-update at all Full feed url including scheme Edit existing feed Redaguoti esamą kanalą Add new feed Pridėti naują kanalą FormMain &File &Failas &Help Pa&galba &View &Rodinys &Tools Įra&nkiai &Quit &Išeiti &Settings Nu&statymai &Messages Ž&inutės Switch &importance of selected messages Perjungti pasirinktos žinutės &svarbą Quit the application. Išeiti iš programos. Display settings of the application. Rodyti programos nustatymus. Switch fullscreen mode. Perjungti viso ekrano veikseną. No actions available No actions are available right now. Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden. Slepia pagrindinį langą, jeigu jis yra matomas ir rodo jį, jeigu jis yra paslėptas. Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories. Slepia arba rodo kanalų/kategorijų sąrašą. Check if new update for the application is available for download. &About application &Apie programą Displays extra info about this application. Rodo papildomą informaciją apie šią programą. &Delete selected messages &Ištrinti pasirinktas žinutes Hides or displays the main menu. Slepia arba rodo pagrindinį meniu. Mark &selected messages as &read Žymėti &pasirinktas žinutes kaip &skaitytas Mark &selected messages as &unread Žymėti &pasirinktas žinutes kaip &neskaitytas Open selected source articles in &external browser Atverti pasirinkto šaltinio straipsnius iš&orinėje naršyklėje Open selected messages in &internal browser Atverti pasirinktas žinutes v&idinėje naršyklėje Select &next message Pasirinkti &kitą žinutę Select &previous message Pasirinkti &ankstesnę žinutę Check for &updates Tikrinti ar yra &atnaujinimų Show/hide Rodyti/slėpti &Fullscreen &Visas ekranas &Feed list &Kanalų sąrašas &Main menu &Pagrindinis meniu Switch visibility of main &window Perjungti pagrindinio &lango matomumą Cannot open external browser Nepavyksta atverti išorinės naršyklės Cannot open external browser. Navigate to application website manually. Nepavyksta atverti išorinės naršyklės. Pereikite į programos tinklalapį rankiniu būdu. &Toolbars Į&rankių juostos Switch visibility of main toolbars. Perjungti pagrindinių įrankių juostų matomumą. &Feed/message list headers Ka&nalų/žinučių sąrašo antraštės Report a &bug (GitHub)... Pranešti apie &klaidą (GitHub)... Report a bug (BitBucket)... Pranešti apie klaidą (BitBucket)... &Donate via PayPal &Paaukoti per PayPal Display &wiki Rodyti &wiki &Restart P&aleisti iš naujo &Restore database/settings Atku&rti duomenų bazę/nustatymus &Backup database/settings &Daryti atsarginę duomenų bazės/nustatymų kopiją Switch message list layout orientation Perjungti žinučių sąrašo išdėstymo orientaciją &Downloads &Atsiuntimai Send selected message via e-mail Siųsti pasirinktą žinutę el. paštu &Cleanup database &Išvalyti duomenų bazę Add &new item Pridėti &naują elementą Update &all items Atnaujinti &visus elementus Update &selected items Atnaujinti &pasirinktus elementus &Edit selected item R&edaguoti pasirinktą elementą &Delete selected item &Ištrinti pasirinktą elementą &Mark selected items as read Ž&ymėti pasirinktus elementus kaip skaitytus Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read. &Mark selected items as unread Ž&ymėti pasirinktus elementus kaip neskaitytus Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread. &Clean selected items Iš&valyti pasirinktus elementus Deletes all messages from selected items. Ištrina visas žinutes iš pasirinktų elementų. &Mark all items as &read Žymėti visus elementus kaip &skaitytus Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account. View selected items in &newspaper mode Rodyti pasirinktus elementus &laikraščio veiksenoje Displays all messages from selected item in a new "newspaper mode" tab. Note that messages are not set as read automatically. Rodo visas pasirinkto elemento žinutes naujoje "laikraščio veiksenos" kortelėje. Turėkite omenyje, kad žinutės nėra automatiškai nustatomos kaip skaitytos. &Clean all items Iš&valyti visus elementus Deletes all messages from all items. Ištrina visas žinutes iš visų elementų. Select &next item Pasiri&nkti kitą elementą Select &previous item &Pasirinkti ankstesnį elementą Show only unread items Rodyti tik neskaitytus elementus &Expand/collapse selected item Išskl&eisti/suskleisti pasirinktą elementą &Restore selected messages Atku&rti pasirinktas žinutes No possible actions &Recycle bin(s) Ši&ukšlinė(-s) &Restore all recycle bins Atku&rti visas šiukšlines &Empty all recycle bins Iš&tuštinti visas šiukšlines Select next &unread message Pasirinkti kitą n&eskaitytą žinutę No recycle bin Feeds && categories Kanalai ir kategorijos &Accounts &Paskyros &Add new account &Pridėti naują paskyrą Status bar Būsenos juosta &Edit selected account R&edaguoti pasirinktą paskyrą &Delete selected account &Ištrinti pasirinktą paskyrą Add new feed into selected account Pridėti naują kanalą į pasirinktą paskyrą Add new category into selected account Pridėti naują kategoriją į pasirinktą paskyrą Add new category Pridėti naują kategoriją Add new feed Pridėti naują kanalą Stop running update Stabdyti atnaujinimo vykdymą No actions possible FormRestoreDatabaseSettings Restore database/settings Atkurti duomenų bazę/nustatymus Operation results Restore database Atkurti duomenų bazę Restore settings Atkurti nustatymus Restart Paleisti iš naujo No operation executed yet. Restoration was initiated. Restart to proceed. Buvo inicijuotas atkūrimas. Paleiskite iš naujo, norėdami tęsti. You need to restart application for restoration process to finish. Tam, kad atkūrimo procesas būtų baigtas, turite iš naujo paleisti programą. Source directory Šaltinio katalogas &Select directory &Pasirinkti katalogą Database and/or settings were not copied to restoration directory successully. Select source directory Good source directory is specified. FormSettings General General settings section. Bendra User interface Naudotojo sąsaja Icon theme Piktogramų tema Settings Nustatymai Keyboard shortcuts Spartieji klavišai Language Language settings section. Kalba Proxy Įgaliotasis serveris Icons && skins Piktogramos ir apipavidalinimai Tray icon Dėklo piktograma Start application hidden Paleisti programą paslėptą Type Proxy server type. Tipas Host Serveris Hostname or IP of your proxy server Jūsų įgaliotojo serverio IP ar kompiuterio vardas Port Prievadas Username Naudotojo vardas Your username for proxy server authentication Password Slaptažodis Your password for proxy server authentication Display password Rodyti slaptažodį Code Version Versija Author Autorius Socks5 Socks5 Http Http (not supported on this platform) Tray area && notifications Dėklo sritis ir pranešimai Tabs Kortelės Close tabs with Užverti korteles... Middle mouse button single-click Vienu vidurinio pelės mygtuko spustelėjimu Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar Atverti naujas korteles, du kartus spustelėjus kairiuoju pelės mygtuku ant kortelių juostos. no icon theme Label for disabling icon theme. jokios piktogramų temos Cannot save settings Nepavyksta įrašyti nustatymų Name Pavadinimas Icons Piktogramos Skins Apipavidalinimai Active skin: Aktyvus apipavidalinimas: Selected skin: Pasirinktas apipavidalinimas: Hide tab bar if just one tab is visible Slėpti kortelių juostą, jeigu yra matoma tik viena kortelė. Critical settings were changed Feeds & messages Kanalai ir žinutės Some critical settings are not set. You must fix these settings in order confirm new settings. Messages Žinutės Web browser executable Executable parameters Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message. Select web browser executable Executables (*.*) Opera 12 or older Executable file of web browser Parameters to executable some keyboard shortcuts are not unique List of errors: %1. Klaidų sąrašas: %1. List of changes: %1. Pakeitimų sąrašas: %1. language changed icon theme changed skin changed Use sample arguments for Use in-memory database as the working database Usage of in-memory working database has several advantages and pitfalls. Make sure that you are familiar with these before you turn this feature on. Advantages: <ul> <li>higher speed for feed/message manipulations (especially with thousands of messages displayed),</li> <li>whole database stored in RAM, thus your hard drive can rest more.</li> </ul> Disadvantages: <ul> <li>if application crashes, your changes from last session are lost,</li> <li>application startup and shutdown can take little longer (max. 2 seconds).</li> </ul> Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data. in-memory database switched External web browser Išorinė naršyklė WARNING: Note that switching to another data storage type will NOT copy existing your data from currently active data storage to newly selected one. Database driver Hostname Test setup Right mouse button double-click Dvikarčiu dešiniojo pelės mygtuko nuspaudimu Auto-update all feeds every Automatiškai atnaujinti visus kanalus kas Feed connection timeout Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted. ms ms Update all feed on application startup Atnaujinti visus kanalus, paleidus programą Data storage Hostname of your MySQL server Username to login with Password for your username data storage backend changed Hostname is empty. Hostname looks ok. Username is empty. Naudotojo vardas tuščias. Username looks ok. Password is empty. Slaptažodis tuščias. Password looks ok. Toolbar button style Įrankių juostos mygtukų stilius Hide main window when it is minimized No connection test triggered so far. Note that these settings are applied only on newly established connections. Turėkite omenyje, kad šie nustatymai pritaikomi tik naujai užmegztiems ryšiams. Select browser No proxy System proxy Icon only Tik piktogramos Text only Tik tekstas Text beside icon Tekstas šalia piktogramų Text under icon Tekstas po piktogramomis Follow OS style Sekti OS stiliumi Keep message selection in the middle of the message list viewport You did not executed any connection test yet. Launch %1 on operating system startup <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html> Feeds && categories Kanalai ir kategorijos Message count format in feed list Žinučių skaičiaus formatas kanalų sąraše Enter format for count of messages displayed next to each feed/category in feed list. Use "%all" and "%unread" strings which are placeholders for the actual count of all (or unread) messages. custom external browser is not set correctly Toolbars Įrankių juostos Toolbar for feeds list Toolbar for messages list Select toolbar to edit Some critical settings were changed and will be applied after the application gets restarted. You have to restart manually. Buvo pakeisti kai kurie kritiniai nustatymai, jie bus pritaikyti po programos paleidimo iš naujo. Jūs turite paleisti iš naujo rankiniu būdu. Do you want to restart now? Ar norite paleisti iš naujo dabar? Check for updates on application startup Tikrinti ar yra atnaujinimų, paleidus programą Use custom date/time format (overrides format loaded from active localization) Executables (*) File filter for external browser selection dialog. ---------- File filter for external e-mail selection dialog. Remove all read messages from all feeds on application exit Downloads Atsiuntimai Target directory for downloaded files Ask for each individual downloaded file Target directory where all downloaded files are saved &Browse &Naršyti Select downloads target directory &Show password Rodyti &slaptažodį Web browser & e-mail & proxy Remove junk Trolltech registry key (HKCU\Software\Trolltech) when application quits (Use at your own risk!) Working database Use custom external web browser External e-mail client Use custom external e-mail client E-mail client executable Executable file of e-mail client Select client Placeholders: • %1 - title of selected message, • %2 - body of selected message. Save all downloaded files to Įrašyti visus atsisiųstus failus į Select e-mail executable Mozilla Thunderbird Mozilla Thunderbird Working database which you have full access to. Veikianti duomenų bazė prie kurios turite pilną prieigą. Working database is empty. Working database is ok. (Tray icon is not available.) (Dėklo piktograma neprieinama.) Internal message browser fonts Note that speed of used MySQL server and latency of used connection medium HEAVILY influences the final performance of this application. Using slow database connections leads to bad performance when browsing feeds or messages. E-mail Enable notifications Įjungti pranešimus Open download manager when new download is started Atverti atsiuntimų tvarkytuvę, kai pradedamas naujas atsiuntimas Statusbar Enable D-Bus notifications Įjungti D-Bus pranešimus &Change font Font preview Šrifto peržiūra Select new font for message viewer (not available) FormStandardCategoryDetails Parent category Select parent item for your category. Title Antraštė Description Aprašas Icon Piktograma Select icon for your category. Add new category Pridėti naują kategoriją Edit existing category Cannot add category Nepavyksta pridėti kategorijos Category was not added due to error. Kategorija nebuvo pridėta dėl klaidos. Cannot edit category Nepavyksta redaguoti kategorijos Category was not edited due to error. Kategorija nebuvo redaguota dėl klaidos. Category name is ok. Category name is too short. Description is empty. Aprašas tuščias. The description is ok. Select icon file for the category Images (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) Paveikslai (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) Select icon Cancel Look in: Label to describe the folder for icon file selection dialog. Icon name: Icon type: Category title Set title for your category. Category description Kategorijos aprašas Set description for your category. Nustatykite savo kategorijai aprašą. Icon selection Load icon from file... Įkelti piktogramą iš failo... Do not use icon Nenaudoti piktogramos Use default icon Naudoti numatytąją piktogramą FormStandardFeedDetails Parent category Select parent item for your feed. Type Tipas Select type of the standard feed. Encoding Select encoding of the standard feed. If you are unsure about the encoding, then select "UTF-8" encoding. Auto-update Select the auto-update strategy for this feed. Default auto-update strategy means that the feed will be update in time intervals set in application settings. Title Antraštė Description Aprašas URL URL Fetch it now Icon Piktograma Select icon for your feed. Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. Username Naudotojo vardas Password Slaptažodis Fetch metadata Gauti metaduomenis Add new feed Pridėti naują kanalą Edit existing feed Redaguoti esamą kanalą Feed name is ok. Feed name is too short. Description is empty. Aprašas tuščias. The description is ok. Username is ok or it is not needed. Username is empty. Naudotojo vardas tuščias. Password is ok or it is not needed. Password is empty. Slaptažodis tuščias. Select icon file for the feed Images (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) Paveikslai (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) Select icon Cancel Look in: Label for field with icon file name textbox for selection dialog. Icon name: Icon type: Cannot add feed Nepavyksta pridėti kanalo Feed was not added due to error. Kanalas nebuvo pridėtas dėl klaidos. Cannot edit feed Nepavyksta redaguoti kanalo Feed was not edited due to error. Kanalas negalėjo būti redaguotas dėl klaidos All metadata fetched successfully. Visi metaduomenys sėkmingai gauti. Feed and icon metadata fetched. Result: %1. Error: %1. Klaida: %1. No metadata fetched. Negauta jokių metaduomenų. Icon fetched successfully. Icon metadata fetched. No icon fetched. Feed title Kanalo antraštė Set title for your feed. Feed description Kanalo aprašas Set description for your feed. Full feed url including scheme Set url for your feed. Set username to access the feed. Set password to access the feed. Icon selection Load icon from file... Įkelti piktogramą iš failo... Do not use icon Nenaudoti piktogramos Use default icon Naudoti numatytąją piktogramą Fetch icon from feed Gauti piktogramą iš kanalo No metadata fetched so far. Kol kas negauta jokių metaduomenų. Auto-update using global interval Auto-update every Do not auto-update at all Requires HTTP authentication The URL is ok. The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. The URL is empty. Feed or icon metadata not fetched. Icon metadata not fetched. FormStandardImportExport &Select file &Pasirinkti failą &Check all items &Pažymėti visus elementus &Uncheck all items N&uimti žymėjimą nuo visų elementų Operation results No file is selected. Failas nepasirinktas. No operation executed yet. Destination file Source feeds && categories Export feeds Eksportuoti kanalus Source file Target feeds && categories Import feeds Importuoti kanalus OPML 2.0 files (*.opml) OPML 2.0 failai (*.opml) Select file for feeds export File is selected. Select file for feeds import Cannot open source file. Nepavyksta atverti šaltinio failo. Feeds were loaded. Error, file is not well-formed. Select another file. Error occurred. File is not well-formed. Select another file. Feeds were exported successfully. Kanalai buvo sėkmingai eksportuoti. Critical error occurred. Įvyko kritinė klaida. Parsing data... Cannot write into destination file: '%1'. Root node Select parent item for your feed. TXT files [one URL per line] (*.txt) Get online metadata Metadata for your feeds can be fetched online. Note that the action could take several minutes, depending on number of feeds. Do you want to fetch feed metadata online? FormUpdate Current release Available release Changes Status unknown Unknown release. nežinoma List with updates was not downloaded successfully. New release available. This is new version which can be downloaded and installed. Error: '%1'. Klaida: '%1'. No new release available. This release is not newer than currently installed one. Check for updates Update Download new installation files. Checking for updates failed. Download installation file for your OS. Installation file is not available directly. Go to application website to obtain it manually. No new update available. Cannot update application Cannot navigate to installation file. Check new installation downloads manually on project website. Download update Downloaded %1% (update size is %2 kB). Downloading update... Atsiunčiamas atnaujinimas... Downloaded successfully Sėkmingai atsisiųsta Package was downloaded successfully. Paketas buvo sėkmingai atsisiųstas. Install update Įdiegti atnaujinimą Error occured Įvyko klaida Error occured during downloading of the package. Atsiunčiant paketą, įvyko klaida. Cannot launch external updater. Update application manually. Go to application website Eiti į programos tinklalapį IOFactory Cannot open file '%1' for reading. Nepavyksta skaitymui atverti failo '%1'. Cannot open file '%1' for writting. Nepavyksta įrašymui atverti failo '%1'. MessagePreviewer What action do you want to take? Open in external browser Atverti išorinėje naršyklėje Download Mark message as read Žymėti žinutę kaip skaitytą Mark message as unread Žymėti žinutę kaip neskaitytą Switch message importance Perjungti žinutės svarbą You clicked some link. You can download the link contents or open it in external web browser. Click this link to download it or open it with external browser. Incorrect link Selected hyperlink is invalid. image MessagesModel Id Read Deleted Important Feed Title Antraštė Url Url Author Autorius Created on Contents Id of the message. Is message read? Is message deleted? Is message important? Id of feed which this message belongs to. Title of the message. Žinutės antraštė. Url of the message. Žinutės Url. Author of the message. Žinutės autorius. Creation date of the message. Žinutės kūrimo data. Contents of the message. Žinutės turinys. Permanently deleted Is message permanently deleted from recycle bin? Attachments List of attachments. Loading of messages failed, maybe messages could not be downloaded. Loading of messages from item '%1' failed. Account ID Paskyros ID Custom ID Account ID of the message. Custom ID of the message Custom hash Custom hash of the message. MessagesToolBar Search messages Paieška žinutėse Message search box Menu for highlighting messages No extra highlighting Highlight unread messages Highlight important messages Display all messages Rodyti visas žinutes Message highlighter Toolbar spacer MessagesView Context menu for messages Problem with starting external web browser External web browser could not be started. Problem with starting external e-mail client External e-mail client could not be started. Newspaper view Laikraščio veiksena NetworkFactory protocol error Network status. protokolo klaida host not found Network status. serveris nerastas connection refused Network status. ryšys atmestas connection timed out Network status. baigėsi ryšiui skirtas laikas SSL handshake failed Network status. proxy server connection refused Network status. temporary failure Network status. authentication failed Network status. proxy authentication required Network status. proxy server not found Network status. content not found Network status. unknown error Network status. nežinoma klaida no errors Network status. access to content was denied connection timed out or was cancelled unknown content Network status. nežinomas turinys NewspaperPreviewer Form Show more messages (%n remaining) Cannot show more messages Nepavyksta rodyti daugiau žinučių Cannot show more messages because parent feed was removed. OwnCloudServiceRoot Sync in QObject LANG_ABBREV Abbreviation of language, e.g. en. Use ISO 639-1 code here combined with ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2) code. Examples: "cs_CZ", "en_GB", "en_US". lt_LT LANG_VERSION Version of your translation, e.g. 1.0. 0.01 LANG_AUTHOR Name of translator - optional. Moo LANG_EMAIL LANG_NAME Name of language, e.g. English. Lietuvių + %n other feeds. + %n kita žinutė. + %n kitos žinutės. + %n kitų žinučių. Welcome to %1. Please, check NEW stuff included in this version by clicking this popup notification. Welcome to %1. Sveiki atvykę į %1. Load initial set of feeds Įkelti pradinį kanalų rinkinį This service offers integration with Tiny Tiny RSS. Tiny Tiny RSS is an open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible. At least API level %1 is required. The News app is an RSS/Atom feed aggregator. It is part of ownCloud suite. This plugin implements %1 API. RecycleBin Recycle bin Recycle bin contains all deleted messages from all feeds. %n deleted message(s). Recycle bin %1 Restore recycle bin Atkurti šiukšlinę Empty recycle bin Ištuštinti šiukšlinę RootItem %n unread message(s). Tooltip for "unread" column of feed list. ShortcutCatcher Reset to original shortcut. Clear current shortcut. Click and hit new shortcut. StandardCategory %1 (category)%2%3 Tooltip for standard feed. This category does not contain any nested items. StandardFeed Metadata not fetched Metadata was not fetched because: %1. does not use auto-update Describes feed auto-update status. uses global settings Describes feed auto-update status. uses specific settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-update) Describes feed auto-update status. %1 (%2)%3 Network status: %6 Encoding: %4 Auto-update status: %5 Tooltip for feed. StandardServiceRoot This is obligatory service account for standard RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds. Do you want to load initial set of feeds? Error when loading initial feeds Fetch metadata Gauti metaduomenis Import successfull, but some feeds/categories were not imported due to error. Import was completely successfull. Export feeds Eksportuoti kanalus Import feeds Importuoti kanalus This is service account for standard RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds. Account ID: %1 This new account does not include any feeds. You can now add default set of feeds. Cannot add item Nepavyksta pridėti elemento Cannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing. Nepavyksta pridėti kanalo, nes yra vykdoma kita kritinė operacija. Cannot add category Nepavyksta pridėti kategorijos Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing. Nepavyksta pridėti kategorijos, nes yra vykdoma kita kritinė operacija. StatusBar Feed update progress bar Feed update label File download progress bar File download label Toolbar spacer SystemFactory New version available Click the bubble for more information. anonymous SystemTrayIcon %1 Unread news: %2 %1 Neskaitytų naujienų: %2 TabBar Close this tab. Close tab TabWidget Feeds Kanalai Browse your feeds and messages Displays main menu. Rodo pagrindinį meniu. Main menu Pagrindinis meniu Downloads Atsiuntimai TimeSpinBox %n hour(s) %n minute(s) and ir ToolBarEditor Activated actions Available actions Insert separator Insert spacer Separator Toolbar spacer Move action up Move action down Add selected action Delete selected action Ištrinti pasirinktą veiksmą Delete all actions Ištrinti visus veiksmus TrayIconMenu Close opened modal dialogs first. TtRssFeed does not use auto-update Describes feed auto-update status. uses global settings Describes feed auto-update status. uses specific settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-update) Describes feed auto-update status. %1%2 Auto-update status: %3 Tooltip for feed. TtRssServiceRoot Tiny Tiny RSS Account ID: %3 Username: %1 Server: %2 Last error: %4 Last login on: %5 Tiny Tiny RSS Paskyros ID: %3 Naudotojo vardas: %1 Serveris: %2 Paskutinė klaida: %4 Paskutinis prisijungimas: %5 Sync in Cannot add item Nepavyksta pridėti elemento Cannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing. Nepavyksta pridėti kanalo, nes yra vykdoma kita kritinė operacija.