AccountCheckModel (category) (kategori) (feed) (feed) AdBlockDialog AdBlock configuration AdBlock indstillinger Enable AdBlock Aktivér AdBlock Add your direct links to filter lists here (one URL per line) Custom filters Add your custom filters here (one filter per line) &Help &Hjælp &Test configuration Filter lists No test executed yet. Cannot enable AdBlock Kan ikke slå AdBlock til There is some error in AdBlock component and it cannot be enabled. Check error message below (or application debug log) for more information. You are good to go. OK! OK! There is error, check application log for more details and head to online documentation. Also make sure that Node.js is installed. Error: %1 ERROR! FEJL! AdBlockIcon AdBlock lets you block unwanted content on web pages AdBlock lader dig blokere for uønsket indhold på hjemmesider Show AdBlock &settings Vis AdBlock ind&stillinger AdBlockManager AdBlock needs to be configured AdBlock skal indstilles AdBlock component is not configured properly. AdBlok-komponent er ikke indstillet korrekt. failed to download filter list '%1' Application Application is already running. Programmet kører allerede Output directory is not writable. Målbiblioteket er ikke skrivbart Settings file not copied to output directory successfully. Indstillinger kunne ikke kopieres til uddatabibliotek. Database restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable. Gendannelse af database ikke påbegyndt. Sørg for at målbiblioteket er skrivbart. Settings restoration was not initiated. Make sure that output directory is writable. Gendannelse af indstillinger ikke påbegyndt. Sørg for at målbiblioteket er skrivbart. Cannot add feed Kan ikke tilføje feed Feed cannot be added because there is no active account which can add feeds. Unread articles fetched AuthenticationDetails Form Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. Nogle feeds kræver godkendelse, inklusiv GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 og DIGEST-MD5 godkendelsesmetoder er understøttet. Requires HTTP authentication Kræver HTTP-godkendelse Username Brugernavn Password Adgangskode Set username to access the feed. Indstil brugernavn for at få adgang til feedet. Set password to access the feed. Indstil adgangskode for at få adgang til feedet. Username is ok or it is not needed. Brugernavn er OK eller ikke nødvendigt. Username is empty. Brugernavn ikke angivet. Password is ok or it is not needed. Kodeord er OK eller ikke nødvendigt. Password is empty. Kodeordet er tomt. BaseLineEdit Show/hide the password ColorToolButton Click me to change color! Klik på mig for at ændre farve! Select new color Vælg ny farve DatabaseCleaner Shrinking database file... Krymper databasefil... Database file shrinked... Databasefil krympet... Recycle bin purged... Skraldespanden er tømt... Purging recycle bin... Tømmer skraldespand... Removing read articles... Fjerner læste artikler... Read articles purged... Removing old articles... Fjerner gamle artikler... Old articles purged... Removing starred articles... Starred articles purged... DatabaseFactory Cannot connect to database Kan ikke forbinde til database Connection to your database was not established with error: '%1'. Falling back to SQLite. Forbindelsen til din database blev ikke etableret med fejlmeldingen: '%1'. Bruger SQLite i stedet. DiscoverFeedsButton Not supported Uunderstøttet Given account does not support adding feeds. Den givne konto understøtter ikke tilføjelse af nye feeds. Feeds were detected, but no suitable accounts are configured. This website does not contain any feeds Denne hjemmeside indeholder ingen feeds Add one of %n feed(s) DownloadItem Filename Filnavn Error opening output file: %1 Fejl ved åbning af uddatafil: %1 &Try again &Forsøg igen &Stop &Stop &Open file &Åben fil Select destination for downloaded file Vælg destination for hentet fil Error: %1 Fejl: %1 Download directory couldn't be created Error when saving file: %1 Fejl ved skrivning til fil: %1 %1 of %2 (%3 per second) - %4 %1af %2 (%3 i sekundet) - %4 %1 of %2 - download completed %1 af %2 - hentet Open &directory Åben &bibliotek Cannot open file Kan ikke åbne fil Cannot open output file. Open it manually. Kan ikke åbne uddatafil. Åben den manuelt. Cannot open directory Kan ikke åbne bibliotek Cannot open output directory. Open it manually. Kan ikke åbne uddatabibliotek. Åben det manuelt. Download finished Fil hentet File '%1' is downloaded. Click here to open parent directory. Filen '%1' er hentet. Klik her for at åbne forældrebibliotek. URL: %1 URL: %1 Local file: %1 Lokal fil: %1 Selection of local file cancelled. Valg af lokal fil annulleret DownloadManager Clean up Ryd op %n minutes remaining %n minut tilbage%n minutter tilbage %n seconds remaining %n sekund tilbage%n sekunder tilbage bytes bytes kB kB MB MB GB GB Downloading %n file(s)... Henter %n filHenter %n fil(er) EmailRecipientControl To Til Cc Kopi-Til Bcc Blindkopi Reply-to Svar-til E-mail address E-postadresse Feed no errors ingen fejl authentication error godkendelsesfejl network error netværksfejl Auto-update status: %1 Active message filters: %2 Status: %3 does not use auto-fetching of articles Describes feed auto-update status. uses global settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-fetch of articles) Describes feed auto-update status. uses global settings (global auto-fetching of articles is disabled) uses specific settings (%n minute(s) to next auto-fetching of new articles) Describes feed auto-update status. has new articles parsing error error FeedMessageViewer Toolbar for feeds Værktøjslinie for feeds Toolbar for articles FeedReader Starting auto-download of some feeds' articles I will auto-download new articles for %n feed(s). Cannot fetch articles at this point You cannot fetch new articles now because another critical operation is ongoing. FeedlyAccountDetails Username Brugernavn Developer access token Symbol til udvikleradgang Get token Hent symbol &Login &Log på Username for your account Brugernavn på din konto No test done yet. Endnu ikke testet. Here, results of connection test are shown. Your %1 build has official Feedly support. You do not have to use "developer acess token". You can therefore leave corresponding field empty. Your %1 does not offer official Feedly support, thus you must authorize via special authorization code called "developer access token". These tokens are usually valid only for 1 month and allow only 250 API calls each day. You did not grant access. Du har ikke givet adgang. There was error during testing. Der opstod en fejl under test. There is error. %1 Dette er fejl. %1 Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more. Testet med succes. Du bliver muligvis bedt om at logge ind igen. Your access was approved. Du har fået adgang. Access granted. Adgang givet. Login was successful. Some problems. Problemer. Username cannot be empty. Brugernavn skal udfyldes. Username is okay. Brugernavn er okay. Access token is empty. Adgangsymbol er tomt Access token is okay. Adgangsymbol er okay. Error: '%1' Only download newest X articles per feed Download unread articles only Beware of downloading too many articles, because Feedly permanently caches ALL articles of the feed, so you might end up with thousands of articles which you will never read anyway. FeedlyNetwork Feedly: authentication error Click this to login again. Error is: '%1' Feedly: authorization denied Click this to login again. FeedsImportExportModel Category Kategori FeedsModel Title Titel Titles of feeds/categories. Titel på feeds/kategorier. Root Administrator You can't transfer dragged item into different account, this is not supported. Cannot perform drag & drop operation Kan ikke udføre træk&slip operation Counts of unread/all mesages. Antal ulæste/alle meddelelser. FeedsToolBar Toolbar spacer Værktøjslinie afstandsstykke Search feeds Feeds search box FeedsView Cannot edit item Kan ikke redigere emne Cannot delete item Kan ikke fjerne emne Context menu for empty space Genvejsmenu for fri plads Selected item cannot be edited because another critical operation is ongoing. Valgte element kan ikke redigeres, da en anden kritisk operation er igangsat. Selected item cannot be deleted because another critical operation is ongoing. Valgte element kan ikke redigeres, da en anden kritisk operation er igangsat. Context menu for categories Genvejsmenu for kategorier Selected item cannot be edited, this is not (yet?) supported. Valgte element kan ikke redigeres, dette er (endnu?) ikke understøttet. Deleting "%1" Sletter "%1" You are about to completely delete item "%1". Are you sure? Er du sikker? Cannot delete "%1" Kan ikke slette "%1" This item cannot be deleted because something critically failed. Submit bug report. Dette element kan ikke slettes grundet en kritisk fejl. Indsend en fejlrappory. This item cannot be deleted, because it does not support it or this functionality is not implemented yet. Dette element kan ikke slettes, fordi dette ikke er understøttet eller fordi at funktionaliteten endnu ikke er implementeret. Context menu for other items Genvejsmenu for andre elementer Not supported Ikke understøttet Selected account does not support adding of new feeds. Valgte konto understøtter ikke tilføjelse af nye feeds. Selected account does not support adding of new categories. Valgte konto understøtter ikke tilføjelse af nye kategorier. Context menu for recycle bins Genvejsmenu for skraldespande Context menu for accounts Genvejsmenu for konti Context menu for label Genvejsmenu for etiketter Context menu for important articles FormAbout Information Information Licenses Licenser GNU GPL License GNU GPL Licens BSD License (applies to QtSingleApplication source code) BSD Licens (for QtSingleApplication kildekode) Licenses page is available only in English language. Siden med licensbeskrivelser er kun tilgængelig på engelsk. Changelog Ændringslog Changelog page is available only in English language. License not found. Licens ikke fundet. Changelog not found. Ændringslog ikke fundet. About %1 Om %1 Settings type Indstillingtype Settings file Indstillingsfil Database root path Database rodsti FULLY portable FULDT portabel Resources Resurser <body>%5 is a (very) tiny feed reader.<br><br>This software is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License, version 3.<br><br>Contacts:<ul><li><a href="mailto://%1">%1</a> ~e-mail</li><li><a href="%2">%2</a> ~website</li></ul>You can obtain source code for %5 from its website.<br><br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-%3 %4</body> <body>%5 er en (meget) lille feedlæser.<br><br>Dette programmel bliver distribueret under GNU General Public License, version 3.<br><br>Kontakter:<ul><li><a href="mailto://%1">%1</a> ~e-post</li><li><a href="%2">%2</a> ~hjemmeside</li></ul>Du kan hente %5s kildekode fra hjemmesiden.<br><br><br>Copyright (C) 2011-%3 %4</body> <b>%8</b><br><b>Version:</b> %1 (built on %2/%3)<br><b>Revision:</b> %4<br><b>Build date:</b> %5<br><b>Qt:</b> %6 (compiled against %7)<br> <b>%8</b><br><b>Version:</b> %1 (bygget på %2/%3)<br><b>Revision:</b> %4<br><b>Byggedato:</b> %5<br><b>Qt:</b> %6 (oversat mod %7)<br> User skins root path NOT portable IKKE portabel MIT License (applies to boolinq source code) GNU GPL License (applies to RSS Guard; mimesis; Numix source codes) CUSTOM FormAccountDetails Edit account '%1' Rediger konto '%1' Network proxy Add new account Tilføj ny konto FormAddAccount Add new account Tilføj ny konto FormAddEditEmail Write e-mail message Skriv e-post Contents of your e-mail message Indhold af din e-postmeddelelse ... ... Add new recipient. Tilføj ny modtager. Subject Emne Title of your message Titel på din meddelelse E-mail NOT sent E-brevet blev IKKE sendt Your e-mail message wasn't sent. Dit e-brev blev ikke sendt. FormAddEditLabel ... ... Name for your label Navn til mærkat Label's name cannot be empty. Mærkatnavn kan ikke være tomt. Perfect! Perfekt! Hot stuff Create new label Opret ny mærkat Edit label '%1' Rediger mærkat '%1' FormBackupDatabaseSettings Backup database/settings Sikkerhedskopi database/indstillinger Backup properties Indstillinger for sikkerhedskopiering Items to backup Emner der skal sikkerhedskopieres Database Database Settings Indstillinger Backup name Backupnavn Operation results Common name for backup files Fællesnavn for sikkerhedskopifiler No operation executed yet. Backup was created successfully. Sikkerhedskopi succesfuldt oprettet. Backup name cannot be empty. Navn på sikkerhedskopi kan ikke være tomt. Backup name looks okay. Navn på Sikkerhedskopi ser okay ud. Backup failed. Aikkerhedskopi fejlet. Output directory Målbibliotek &Select directory &Vælg bibliotek Backup was created successfully and stored in target directory. En sikkerhedskopi blev oprettet og gemt i målbiblioteket. Select destination directory Vælg målbibliotek Good destination directory is specified. Godt målbibliotek er specificeret. FormCategoryDetails Select parent item for your category. Title Titel Description Beskrivelse Icon Ikon Select icon for your category. Vælg ikon til denne kategori. Add new category Tilføj ny kategori Category name is ok. Kategorinavn er ok. Category name is too short. Kategorinavn er for kort. Description is empty. Ingen beskrivelse. The description is ok. Beskrivelsen er OK. Select icon file for the category Vælg ikon-fil for kategorien Images (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) Billeder (*. Bmp *. Jpg *. Jpeg *. Png *. SVG *. TGA) Select icon Vælg ikon Cancel Annuller Look in: Label to describe the folder for icon file selection dialog. Kig i: Icon name: Ikonnavn: Icon type: Ikontype: Category title Kategorinavn Set title for your category. Sæt titel for din kategori. Category description Kategoribeskrivelse Set description for your category. Icon selection Load icon from file... Indlæs et ikon fra en fil... Use default icon from icon theme Brug standardikonet fra ikontemaet Parent folder Edit "%1" FormDatabaseCleanup Cleanup database Rens database day(s) dagdage Database information Databaseinformation Database type Databasetype Progress Status I am ready. Jeg er klar. Database cleanup is running. Renser database. Database cleanup is completed. Databasen er renset. Database cleanup failed. Oprydning af database fejlet. unknown ukendt Total data size Cleanup settings Optimize database file Remove all read articles Remove all articles from recycle bin Remove all articles older than Remove all starred articles FormDownloadAttachment Downloading attachment... Henter vedhæftning... Downloaded: %1 kB Hentede: %1 kB FormEditFeedlyAccount Service setup FormEditGmailAccount Server setup Serverindstillinger FormEditGreaderAccount Server setup Serverindstillinger FormEditOwnCloudAccount Server setup Serverindstillinger FormEditTtRssAccount Server setup Serverindstillinger FormFeedDetails Select the auto-download strategy for messages of this feed. Default auto-download strategy means that new messges of this feed will be downloaded in time intervals set in application settings. Add new feed Tilføj nyt feed Error Fejl Cannot save changes: %1 Auto-downloading of articles Edit "%1" Fetch articles using global interval Fetch articles every Disable auto-fetching of articles FormMain &File &Filer &Help &Hjælp &View &Vis &Tools Værk&tøj &Quit &Afslut &Settings Ind&stillinger Quit the application. Afslut programmet. Display settings of the application. Vis programindstillinger. Switch fullscreen mode. Skift til fuldskærmstilstand. No actions available Ingen tilgængelige handlinger No actions are available right now. succesfuldt Hides main window if it is visible and shows it if it is hidden. Hides or shows the list of feeds/categories. Gemmer eller viser listen af feeds/kategorier. Check if new update for the application is available for download. Kontroller, om en ny opdatering af programmet kan hentes. &About application Om &Applikationen Displays extra info about this application. Viser ekstra information om dette program. Hides or displays the main menu. Skjuler eller viser hovedmenuen. Check for &updates Tjek for Show/hide Vis/skjul &Feed list &Feedliste &Main menu &Hovedmenu &Toolbars Værk&tøjslinie Switch visibility of main toolbars. &Downloads &Hentet &Cleanup database &Rens databasen &Edit selected item R&ediger valgte emner &Delete selected item &Slet valgte emne Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as read. Markér alle meddelelser (uden meddelelsesfiltre) fra valgte elementer som læste. Mark all messages (without message filters) from selected items as unread. Markér alle meddelelser (uden meddelelsesfiltre) fra valgte elementer som ulæste. Deletes all messages from selected items. Slet alle meddelelser fra valgte emner. Marks all messages in all items read. This does not take message filters into account. Markerer alle meddelelser i alle læste emner. Dette tager ikke meddelelsesfiltre i betragtning. Displays all messages from selected item in a new "newspaper mode" tab. Note that messages are not set as read automatically. Deletes all messages from all items. Sletter alle meddelelser fra alle emner. Select &next item Vælg &næste emne Select &previous item &Expand/collapse selected item No possible actions Ingen mulige handlinger &Recycle bin(s) Sk&raldespand(e) &Restore all recycle bins &Empty all recycle bins No recycle bin Ingen skraldespand &Accounts Status bar Statuslinie &Edit selected account R&ediger valgte konto &Delete selected account Add new category Tilføj ny kategori Add new feed Tilføj nyt feed No actions possible Ingen mulige handlinger Report a &bug... Indrapporter en &fejl... Close all tabs Luk alle faneblade Close all tabs except current Cannot cleanup database Kan ikke rense database Cannot cleanup database, because another critical action is running. &Restart Gensta&rt Go to &next tab Go to &previous tab &Donate... &Donér... Message &filters Meddelelses&filtre Alternate row colors in lists Display &documentation Vis &dokumentation Message viewer toolbars Expand/collapse selected item &recursively &Add item &Fullscreen &Fuldskærm &Fetch all Fetch all feeds Fetch &selected Fetch selected feeds Mark articles &read Mark selected articles read Mark articles &unread Mark selected articles unread Switch &importance Switch importance of selected articles &Mark selected item read &Mark selected item unread &Delete articles &Clean selected item Open in &external browser Open selected articles in external browser Open in &internal browser Open selected articles in internal browser &Mark all read View selected item in &newspaper mode Switch main &window visibility &Clean all &Next article &Previous article &List headers &Restore settings &Backup settings Switch layout Send via e-mail Send selected articles via e-mail Show unread items only &Add account &Restore articles Next &unread article Stop ongoing fetching New browser tab &Enable article preview &Copy URLs of selected item Show &unread articles only &Show tree expanders Fetch feeds with &custom auto-download policy Automatically &expand item when selected Close opened modal dialogs first. F&eeds Art&icles &Web browser && tabs Ta&bs Fetching common data Fetched '%1' Text display in status bar when particular feed is updated. FormMessageFiltersManager Remove selected Fjern valgte &Check all &Uncheck all Title Titel JavaScript code JavaScriptkode Read Læst Important Vigtigt URL Webadresse Author Udvikler Created on Oprettet den Contents Indhold Script output Detailed &help ACCEPTED ACCEPTERET REJECTED AFVIST yes ja no nej Cannot find 'clang-format' Script was not beautified, because 'clang-format' tool was not found. Error Fejl Script was not beautified, because 'clang-format' tool thrown error. Beautifier was running for too long time Script was not beautified, is 'clang-format' installed? &New filter &Nyt filter &Test &Test Process checked feeds &Beautify Cannot save new filter, error: '%1'. Context menu Genvejsmenu Existing articles Sample article Filter articles like this New article filter EXISTING articles filtering error: '%1'. Article will be %1. Output (modified) article is: Title = '%1' URL = '%2' Author = '%3' Is read/important = '%4/%5' Created on = '%6' Contents = '%7' RAW contents = '%8' SAMPLE article filtering error: '%1'. Article filters Article filter details Title of article filter Your JavaScript-based article filtering logic FormRestoreDatabaseSettings Restore database/settings Gendan database/indstillinger Operation results Restore database Gendan database Restore settings Gendan indstillinger No operation executed yet. Restoration was initiated. Restart to proceed. You need to restart application for restoration process to finish. Du skal genstarte programmet for at fuldføre gendannelsesprocessen. Source directory Kildebibliotek &Select directory &Vælg bibliotek Database and/or settings were not copied to restoration directory successully. Select source directory Vælg kildebibliotek Good source directory is specified. Restart Genstart FormSettings Settings Indstillinger Critical settings were changed Kritiske indstillinger blev ændret Changed categories of settings: %1. Some settings are changed and will be lost Some settings were changed and by cancelling this dialog, you would lose these changes. Do you really want to close this dialog without saving any settings? Vil du virkelig lukke denne dialog uden at gemme nogen indstillinger? Some critical settings were changed and will be applied after the application gets restarted. You have to restart manually. Nogle kritiske indstillinger er blevet ændret og vil først blive anvendt, når programmet er genstartet. Du skal genstarte programmet manuelt. Do you want to restart now? Vil du genstarte nu? FormStandardFeedDetails General Generelt Network Netværk FormStandardImportExport &Select file &Vælg fil No file is selected. Ingen fil er udvalgt. No operation executed yet. Destination file Målfil Source feeds && categories Export feeds Eksportér feeds Source file Kildefil Target feeds && categories Import feeds Importér feeds OPML 2.0 files (*.opml) OPML 2.0 filer (*.opml) Select file for feeds export File is selected. Fil et valgt. Select file for feeds import Cannot open source file. Kan ikke åbne kildefil. Feeds were loaded. Feeds blev hentet Error, file is not well-formed. Select another file. Error occurred. File is not well-formed. Select another file. Feeds were exported successfully. Feeds blev eksporteret succesfuldt. Critical error occurred. Kritisk fejl opstod. Parsing data... Parser data... Cannot write into destination file: '%1'. Root node Select parent item for your feed. TXT files [one URL per line] (*.txt) Get online metadata Hent online metadata. Metadata for your feeds can be fetched online. Note that the action could take several minutes, depending on number of feeds. Do you want to fetch feed metadata online? Vil du hente feed metadata fra nettet? &Export to file &Eksportér til fil &Import from file &Importér fra fil &Check all feeds &Uncheck all feeds Operation result FormTtRssFeedDetails Feed added Feed tilføjet General Generelt Network Netværk Feed was added, obtaining new tree of feeds now. API returned error code %1 FormUpdate Current release Aktuelle udgivelse Available release Tilgængelig udgivelse Status Status unknown Unknown release. ukendt List with updates was not downloaded successfully. New release available. Programopdatering tilgængelig. Error: '%1'. Fejl: '%1'. No new release available. Ingen ny udgave tilgængelig. This release is not newer than currently installed one. Denne version er ikke nyere end den allerede installerede version. Check for updates Tjek for opdateringer Download new installation files. Hent nye installationsfiler. Cannot update application Kan ikke opdatere programmet Downloaded %1% (update size is %2 kB). Downloading update... Henter opdatering... Downloaded successfully Hentet succesfuldt Error occured Der opstod en fejl Error occured during downloading of the package. Go to application website Gå til programmets hjemmeside This is new version which can be downloaded. Dette er en ny version der kan hentes. Install Installér Cannot launch external updater. Update application manually. Changelog Ændringslog Available files Tilgængelige filer Download selected update Hent valgte opdatering Go to application website to get update packages manually. (size (størrelse Available update files Tilgængelige opdateringsfiler Package was downloaded successfully. You can install it now. GmailAccountDetails Username Brugernavn OAuth 2.0 settings OAuth 2.0 indstillinger Client ID Client secret Redirect URL Omdiriger webadresse Get my credentials Få mine legitimationsoplysninger &Login &Log på Not tested yet. Endnu ikke testet. User-visible username Brugersynligt brugernavn No username entered. Intet brugernavn indtastet. Some username entered. Et brugernavn er indtastet. You did not grant access. Du har ikke givet adgang. There was error during testing. Der opstod en fejl under test. Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more. Testet med succes. Du bliver muligvis bedt om at logge ind igen. Your access was approved. Du har fået adgang. Empty value is entered. En tom værdi er indtastet. Some value is entered. En værdi er indtastet. There are some preconfigured OAuth tokens so you do not have to fill in your client ID/secret, but it is strongly recommended to obtain your own as it preconfigured tokens have limited global usage quota. If you wish to use preconfigured tokens, simply leave those fields empty and make sure to leave default value of redirect URL. You have to fill in your client ID/secret and also fill in correct redirect URL. There is error: %1 Preconfigured client ID/secret will be used. Only download newest X articles per feed Download unread articles only GmailNetworkFactory Click this to login again. Error is: '%1' Click this to login again. No subject Intet emne Gmail: authentication error Gmail: godkendelsesfejl Gmail: authorization denied Gmail: tilladelse afvist you are not logged in failed to get metadata GmailServiceRoot Inbox Indbakke Sent Sendt Drafts Kladder Spam Spam Authentication status: %1 Login tokens expiration: %2 logged-in logget ind NOT logged-in IKKE logget ind Select attachment destination file Write new e-mail message Skriv ny e-postbesked Reply to this message Svar på denne meddelelse GreaderAccountDetails Service URL Webadresse Authentication Godkendelse Username Brugernavn Password Adgangskode &Test setup &Test opsætning Password for your account Username for your account Brugernavn på din konto URL of your server, without any service-specific path No test done yet. Endnu ikke testet. Here, results of connection test are shown. Network error: '%1'. Netværksfejl: '%1'. Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password? Netværksfejl, har du indført den rigtige slutsti og kodeord til Nextcloud? You are good to go! Yeah. Username cannot be empty. Brugernavn skal udfyldes. Username is okay. Brugernavn er okay. Password cannot be empty. Kodeord kan ikke være tomt. Password is okay. Kodeord er okay. URL cannot be empty. Webadresse kan ikke være tom. URL is okay. URL er okay. Only download newest X articles per feed Download unread articles only Intelligent synchronization algorithm Fetch articles newer than OAuth 2.0 settings OAuth 2.0 indstillinger App ID App key Redirect URL Omdiriger webadresse Get my own App ID Some feeds might contain tens of thousands of articles and downloading all of them could take great amount of time, so sometimes it is good to download only certain amount of newest messages. If you select intelligent synchronization, then only not-yet-fetched or updated articles are downloaded. Network usage is greatly reduced and overall synchronization speed is greatly improved, but first feed fetching could be slow anyway if your feed contains huge number of articles. There are some preconfigured OAuth tokens so you do not have to fill in your client ID/secret, but it is strongly recommended to obtain your own as preconfigured tokens have limited global usage quota. If you wish to use preconfigured tokens, simply leave all above fields to their default values even if they are empty. You have to fill in your client ID/secret and also fill in correct redirect URL. You did not grant access. Du har ikke givet adgang. There was error during testing. Der opstod en fejl under test. There is error. %1 Dette er fejl. %1 Tested successfully. You may be prompted to login once more. Testet med succes. Du bliver muligvis bedt om at logge ind igen. Your access was approved. Du har fået adgang. Preconfigured client ID/secret will be used. Empty value is entered. En tom værdi er indtastet. Some value is entered. En værdi er indtastet. GreaderNetwork login failed Inoreader: authentication error Click this to login again. Error is: '%1' Inoreader: authorization denied Click this to login again. GreaderServiceRoot Other services IOFactory Cannot open file '%1' for reading. Kan ikke åbne filen '%1' til læsning. Cannot open file '%1' for writting. Kan ikke åbne filen '%1' for skrivning. ImportantNode Important articles You can find all important articles here. LabelsMenu Labels Etiketter LabelsNode Labels Etiketter You can see all your labels (tags) here. New label Ny etiket This account does not allow you to create labels. Not allowed Ikke tilladt LocationLineEdit Website address goes here Hjemmesideadresse indføres her MariaDbDriver MySQL server works as expected. MySQL-server fungerer som forventet. Selected database does not exist (yet). It will be created. It's okay. Valgte database eksisterer ikke (endnu). Den vil blive oprettet. Det er okay. No MySQL server is running in the target destination. Der er ikke fundet nogen MySQL server på målet. Access denied. Invalid username or password used. Adgang nægtet. Ugyldigt brugernavn eller adgangskode. Unknown error: '%1'. Ukendt farve: '%1'. MariaDB MessageBox Do not show this dialog again. Vis ikke denne dialog igen. MessageBrowser You clicked some link. You can download the link contents or open it in external web browser. What action do you want to take? Open in external browser Åben i ekstern netlæser Download Hent Always open links in external browser. Åben altid henvisninger i ekstern netlæser. Incorrect link Selected hyperlink is invalid. Click this link to download it or open it with external browser. image billede MessageCountSpinBox = unlimited = ubegrænset article articles MessagePreviewer Mark article read Mark article unread Switch article importance MessageTextBrowser Open with external tool Åben med eksternt værktøj MessagesForFiltersModel Read Læst Important Vigtigt In recycle bin I skraldespand Title Titel URL Webadresse Author Udvikler Score Date MessagesModel Id Read Læst Deleted Fjernet Important Vigtigt Feed Feed Title Titel Url URL Author Udvikler Contents Indhold Permanently deleted Permanent slettet Attachments Vedhæftninger List of attachments. Liste af vedhæftninger. Account ID KontoID Custom ID Custom hash Feed ID Has enclosures Score Date Loading of articles from item '%1' failed. Loading of articles failed, maybe messages could not be downloaded. ID of the article. Is article read? Is article important? Is article deleted? Is article permanently deleted from recycle bin? ID of feed which this article belongs to. Title of the article. Url of the article. Author of the article. Creation date of the article. Contents of the article. Score of the article. Account ID of the article. Custom ID of the article Custom hash of the article. Custom ID of feed of the article. Indication of enclosures presence within the article. MessagesToolBar No extra highlighting Toolbar spacer Værktøjslinie afstandsstykke Search articles Article search box Menu for highlighting articles Highlight unread articles Highlight important articles Display all articles Article highlighter MessagesView Problem with starting external e-mail client Kan ikke starte eksternt postprogram External e-mail client could not be started. Open with external tool Åben med eksternt værktøj Cannot run external tool Kan ikke starte eksternt værktøj External tool '%1' could not be started. No external tools activated Context menu for articles NetworkFactory protocol error Network status. protokolfejl host not found Network status. vært ikke fundet connection refused Network status. forbindelse afvist connection timed out Network status. tidsudløb for forbindelsen SSL handshake failed Network status. SSL handshake mislykkedes proxy server connection refused Network status. forbindelse til proxy server afvist temporary failure Network status. midlertidig fejl authentication failed Network status. godkendelse fejlede proxy authentication required Network status. proxy-godkendelse kræves proxy server not found Network status. ingen proxy server fundet content not found Network status. indhold ikke fundet unknown error Network status. ukendt fejl no errors Network status. ingen fejl access to content was denied connection timed out or was cancelled unknown content Network status. ukendt indhold NetworkProxyDetails Form Type Proxy server type. Type Host Vært Hostname or IP of your proxy server Værtsnavn eller IP på sin proxyserver Port Port Username Brugernavn Your username for proxy server authentication Dit brugernavn til godkendelse af proxyserveren Password Adgangskode Your password for proxy server authentication Din adgangskode til godkendelse af proxyserveren Note that these settings are applied only on newly established connections. No proxy Ingen proxy System proxy Proxyserver Socks5 Socks5 Http Http NewspaperPreviewer Form Show more articles (%n remaining) Cannot show more articles Cannot show more articles because parent feed was removed. OAuth2Service Click here to login. Klik her for at logge ind. Logging in via OAuth 2.0... Log ind via OAuth 2.0... Refreshing login tokens for '%1'... You have to login first Du skal logge ind først. You can close this window now. Go back to %1. Failed to start OAuth redirection listener. Maybe your rights are not high enough. OwnCloudAccountDetails Force execution of server-side update when updating feeds from RSS Guard URL Webadresse Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. Nogle feeds kræver godkendelse, inklusiv GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 og DIGEST-MD5 godkendelsesmetoder er understøttet. Authentication Godkendelse Username Brugernavn Password Adgangskode &Test setup &Test opsætning Leaving this option on causes that updates of feeds will be probably much slower and may time-out often. Password for your Nextcloud account Kodeord til din Nextcloudkonto Username for your Nextcloud account Brugernavn til din Nextcloudkonto URL of your Nextcloud server, without any API path Webadressen på din Nextcloudserver, uden API-sti No test done yet. Endnu ikke testet. Here, results of connection test are shown. = unlimited = ubegrænset Network error: '%1'. Netværksfejl: '%1'. Network error, have you entered correct Nextcloud endpoint and password? Netværksfejl, har du indført den rigtige slutsti og kodeord til Nextcloud? Installed version: %1, required at least: %2. Selected Nextcloud News server is running unsupported version. Valgte Nextcloud Nyhedsserver kører en ikke supporteret version. Nextcloud News server is okay. Nextcloud Nyhedsserver er okay. Unspecified error, did you enter correct URL? Username cannot be empty. Brugernavn skal udfyldes. Username is okay. Brugernavn er okay. Password cannot be empty. Kodeord kan ikke være tomt. Password is okay. Kodeord er okay. URL cannot be empty. Webadresse kan ikke være tom. URL is okay. URL er okay. Download unread articles only Only download newest X articles per feed articles QObject LANG_ABBREV Abbreviation of language, e.g. en. Use ISO 639-1 code here combined with ISO 3166-1 (alpha-2) code. Examples: "cs", "en", "it", "cs_CZ", "en_GB", "en_US". da LANG_AUTHOR Name of translator - optional. Martin Rotter LANG_EMAIL + %n other feeds. Load initial set of feeds This service offers integration with Tiny Tiny RSS. Tiny Tiny RSS is an open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible. At least API level %1 is required. Denne tjeneste tilbyder integration med Tiny Tiny RSS. Tiny Tiny RSS er en open source netbaseret nyhedsfeed (RSS/Atom) læser, lavet til at gøre det muligt for dig at læse nyheder alle steder fra, men føles næsten som et rigtigt skrivebord sprogram. Mindst API niveau %1 er påkrævet. This service offers integration with standard online RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds and podcasts. Denne tjeneste integrerer standard RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds og podcasts. The News app is an RSS/Atom feed aggregator. It is part of Nextcloud suite. This plugin implements %1 API. New version available Ny version er tilgængelig Click the bubble for more information. Klik på boblen for at få mere information. Passed external tool representation is not valid. Simple Gmail integration via JSON API. Allows sending e-mails too. Basal Gmail-integration via JSON API. Tillader også at sende e-post. Welcome to %1. Please, check NEW stuff included in this version by clicking this popup notification. Standard online feeds (RSS/ATOM/JSON) Keep up with the topics and trends you care about, without the overwhelm. Feedly is a secure space where you can privately organize and research the topics and trends that matter to you. Cannot insert article filter, because current database cannot return last inserted row ID. Fetching articles right now Login data refreshed New %1 version is available Miscellaneous events Unknown event New (unread) articles fetched XML problem: %1 Google Reader API is used by many online RSS readers. List of supported readers: RecycleBin Recycle bin Skraldespand Restore recycle bin Gendan skraldespand Empty recycle bin Tøm skraldespand Recycle bin contains all deleted articles from all feeds. %n deleted article(s). RootItem %n unread article(s). Tooltip for "unread" column of feed list. ScriptException script line is not well-formed script threw an error script's interpreter was not found script execution took too long unknown error ukendt fejl SearchTextWidget Seach text Søgetekst Find previous occurence Find foregående forekomst Find next occurence Find næste forekomst ServiceRoot Synchronize folders && other items Synchronize article cache SettingsBrowserMail External web browser Ekstern netlæser <html><head/><body><p>If unchecked, then default system-wide web browser is used.</p></body></html> Use custom external web browser Brug ekstern brugerdefineret netlæser Web browser executable Executable file of web browser Netlæserens eksekverbare fil &Browse Use sample arguments for Select browser Vælg netlæser Note that "%1" (without quotation marks) is placeholder for URL of selected message. External e-mail client Eksterne e-post klient Use custom external e-mail client Brug brugervalgt ekstern e-postklient E-mail client executable Executable file of e-mail client Epost-klientens eksekverbare fil Select client Vælg klient Placeholders: • %1 - title of selected message, • %2 - body of selected message. Select web browser executable Executables (*) File filter for external browser selection dialog. ---------- File filter for external e-mail selection dialog. Eksekverbare (*) Executables (*.*) Eksekverbare (*.*) Select e-mail executable Vælg e-post klient programfil Opera 12 or older Opera 12 eller ældre Mozilla Thunderbird Mozilla Thunderbird Web browser & e-mail & proxy Netlæser & e-post & proxyserver Always open links from simple internal text browser in external web browser External tools Eksternt værktøj On this page, you can setup a list of external tools which can open URLs of selected messages. Executable Kørbar Parameters Parametre Select external tool Vælg eksternt værktøj Enter parameters Indfør parametre Parameters passed to executable Network proxy &Add new external tool &Edit selected external tool &Delete selected external tool Enter (optional) parameters separated by "%1": SettingsDatabase WARNING: Note that switching to another data storage type will NOT copy existing your data from currently active data storage to newly selected one. ADVARSEL: Bemærk, at et skifte til en anden datalagringstype IKKE vil kopiere eksisterende data fra den aktuelle aktive datalagring til den nye. Database driver Database drivprogramæ Use in-memory database as the working database Usage of in-memory working database has several advantages and pitfalls. Make sure that you are familiar with these before you turn this feature on. Advantages: <ul> <li>higher speed for feed/message manipulations (especially with thousands of messages displayed),</li> <li>whole database stored in RAM, thus your hard drive can rest more.</li> </ul> Disadvantages: <ul> <li>if application crashes, your changes from last session are lost,</li> <li>application startup and shutdown can take little longer (max. 2 seconds).</li> </ul> Authors of this application are NOT responsible for lost data. Hostname Værtsnavn Port Port Username Brugernavn Password Adgangskode Test setup Testsetup Note that speed of used MySQL server and latency of used connection medium HEAVILY influences the final performance of this application. Using slow database connections leads to bad performance when browsing feeds or messages. Working database Aktuel database Hostname is empty. Værtsnavn er tomt Hostname looks ok. Værtsnavn ser ok ud. Username is empty. Brugernavn ikke angivet. Username looks ok. Brugernavn ser OK ud. Password is empty. Kodeordet er tomt. Password looks ok. Kodeorder ser fint ud. Working database is empty. Aktiv database er tom. Working database is ok. Aktuel database er OK. No connection test triggered so far. You did not executed any connection test yet. Hostname of your MySQL server Værtsnavn på din MySQL-server Username to login with Brugernavn til login Password for your username Kodeord til dit brugernavn Working database which you have full access to. Aktiv database, som du har fuld adgang til. Data storage Datalager Note that turning this option ON will make saving of new messages FASTER, but it might rarely cause some issues with messages saving. Use DB transactions when storing downloaded messages Brug databasetransaktioner når hentede meddelelser lagres SettingsDownloads Open download manager when new download is started Target directory for downloaded files Ask for each individual downloaded file Save all downloaded files to Gem alle hentede filer i Target directory where all downloaded files are saved &Browse Select downloads target directory Vælg bibliotek til hentede filer Downloads Hentet SettingsFeedsMessages Feed connection timeout Tidsudløb for forbindelse til feed Connection timeout is time interval which is reserved for downloading new messages for the feed. If this time interval elapses, then download process is aborted. ms ms Use custom date/time format (overrides format loaded from active localization) &Change font Font preview Forhåndsvisning af skrifttyper Height of image attachments Height or rows in feed list (-1 = default height) Feed list font Feedliste skrifttype Display placeholders to indicate locations of pictures Select new font Vælg ny skrifttype Feeds Feeds Articles Remove all read articles from all feeds on application exit Display real icons of feeds in list of articles instead of read/unread icons Bring application window to front once article is opened in external web browser Height or rows in article list (-1 = default height) Article list font Article browser font Feeds & articles Fetch articles for all feeds on application startup with initial delay of Auto-fetch articles for all feeds every Only auto-fetch articles if application is unfocused Article count format in feed list Enter format for count of articles displayed next to each feed/category in feed list. Use "%all" and "%unread" strings which are placeholders for the actual count of all (or unread) articles. Hide article counts if there are no unread articles Display tooltips for feeds and articles Keep article selection in the middle of the article list viewport SettingsGeneral Launch %1 on operating system startup Start %1 ved systemopstart Check for updates on application startup Tjek for opdateringer ved programopstart. Remove junk Trolltech registry key (HKCU\Software\Trolltech) when application quits (Use at your own risk!) (not supported on this platform) (ikke understøttet på denne platform) General Generelt SettingsGui Icons && skins Ikoner Icon theme Ikontema Tray icon Systemebakkeikon Hide main window when it is minimized Gem hovedvindue når det er minimeret Start application hidden Start programmet skjult Tabs Faneblade Open new tabs with left mouse button double-click on tab bar Hide tab bar if just one tab is visible Close tabs with Luk faneblade med Middle mouse button single-click Toolbars Værktøjslinier Toolbar for feeds list Værktøjslinie for feedliste Statusbar Statuslinie Toolbar button style Knapstil for værktøjslinie Select toolbar to edit Name Navn Version Version Author Udvikler E-mail E-post Icon only Kun ikoner Text only Kun tekst Text beside icon Tekst ved siden af ikon Text under icon Tekst under ikon Follow OS style Brug OS-stil User interface Brugergrænseflade Style Skin Use monochrome icon Brug et sort/hvidt ikon system icon theme Label for disabling icon theme. no icon theme intet ikon-tema Left mouse button double-click Display count of unread messages (Your OS does not support tray icons at the moment.) Tray area Toolbar for articles list SettingsLocalization Language Sprog Code Author Udvikler Localization SettingsNotifications Form Notifications Enable notifications You must have "tray icon" activated to have balloon notifications working. SettingsShortcuts Keyboard shortcuts Tastaturgenveje ShortcutCatcher Reset to original shortcut. Nulstil til original genvej. Clear current shortcut. Nulstil nuværende genvej. Click and hit new shortcut. SingleNotificationEditor Sound Full path to your WAV sound file &Browse &Play Balloon notification Select sound file WAV files (*.wav) SkinFactory This page was blocked by AdBlock Blocked URL: "%1"<br/>Used filter: "%2" SqliteDriver SQLite (embedded database) SQLite (indlejret database) Database file not copied to output directory successfully. Databasefilen kunne ikke kopieres til uddatabiblioteket. StandardCategory Error Fejl Cannot save data for category, detailed information was logged via debug log. StandardFeed Script Local file Unknown Error Fejl Cannot save data for feed: %1 XML is not well-formed, %1 XML feed file format unrecognized Cannot move feed, detailed information was logged via debug log. Encoding: %2 Type: %3 StandardFeedDetails Form Select parent item for your feed. Type Type Select type of the standard feed. Encoding Kodning Select encoding of the standard feed. If you are unsure about the encoding, then select "UTF-8" encoding. Title Titel Description Beskrivelse Fetch metadata Hent metadata Fetch it now Hent nu Icon Ikon Select icon for your feed. Vælg ikon til feed. Feed title Feedtitel Set title for your feed. Sæt feedtitel Feed description Feedbeskrivelse Set description for your feed. Angiv beskrivelse for dit feed. Icon selection Load icon from file... Indlæs et ikon fra en fil... Use default icon from icon theme Brug standardikonet fra ikontemaet Fetch icon from feed Hent ikon fra feed No metadata fetched so far. Indtil videre er der ikke hentet noget metadata. Icon fetched successfully. Ikon hentet succesfuldt. Icon metadata fetched. No icon fetched. Ingen ikoner hentet All metadata fetched successfully. Feed and icon metadata fetched. Feed og ikon metadata hentet. No metadata fetched. Ingen metadata hentet. Feed name is ok. Feed navn er i orden. Feed name is too short. Feednavn er for kort. Description is empty. Ingen beskrivelse. The description is ok. Beskrivelsen er OK. The URL is ok. Webadressen er OK. The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. The URL is empty. Webadresse er tom. Select icon file for the feed Vælg ikonfil for dette feed Images (*.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.tga) Billeder (*. Bmp *. Jpg *. Jpeg *. Png *. SVG *. TGA) Select icon Vælg ikon Cancel Annuller Look in: Label for field with icon file name textbox for selection dialog. Kig i: Icon name: Ikonnavn: Icon type: Ikontype: Source Post-process script You can use URL as a source of your feed or you can produce your feed with custom script. Also, you can post-process generated feed data with yet another script if you wish. These are advanced features and make sure to read the documentation before your use them. Full feed source identifier Full feed source identifier which can be URL. Full command to execute You can enter full command including interpreter here. Here you can enter script executaion line, including interpreter. The source is ok. The source is empty. The source does not seem to use "#" separator for arguments. Command is ok. Command not seem to use "#" separator for arguments. Command is empty. Script failed: %1 Network error: %1 Error: %1 Fejl: %1 Parent folder StandardServiceRoot This is obligatory service account for standard RSS/RDF/ATOM feeds. Do you want to load initial set of feeds? Error when loading initial feeds Fetch metadata Hent metadata Export feeds Eksportér feeds Import feeds Importér feeds This new account does not include any feeds. You can now add default set of feeds. Cannot add item Kam ikke tilføje emne Cannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing. Cannot add category Kan ikke tilføje kategori Cannot add category because another critical operation is ongoing. Kan ikke tilføje kategori, fordi en anden kritisk operation er under udførelse. Import was completely successful. Some feeds/categories were not imported due to error, check debug log for more details. StatusBar Feed update progress bar File download progress bar Filhentningsstatusbar Toolbar spacer Værktøjslinie afstandsstykke SystemFactory anonymous anonym bytes bytes SystemTrayIcon %1 Unread news: %2 %1 Ulæste nyheder: %2 TabBar Close this tab. Luk dette faneblad. Close tab Luk faneblad TabWidget Feeds Feeds Displays main menu. Viser hovedmenu Main menu Hovedmenu Downloads Hentet Newspaper view Avisfremvisning Web browser Netlæser Browse your feeds and articles TimeSpinBox %n hour(s) %n time%n timer %n minute(s) %n minut%n minut(ter) and og %n second(s) ToolBarEditor Activated actions Aktiverede handlinger Available actions Tilgængelige handlinger Insert separator Indsæt afstandsstykke Insert spacer Indsæt afstandsstykke Separator Afstandsstykke Toolbar spacer Værktøjslinie afstandsstykke Move action up Flyt handling op Move action down Flyt handling ned Add selected action Tilføj valgte handling Delete selected action Slet valgte handling Delete all actions Slet alle handlinger Reset toolbar Nulstil værktøjsbælte TrayIconMenu Close opened modal dialogs first. TtRssAccountDetails Force execution of server-side update when updating feeds from RSS Guard Some feeds require authentication, including GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 and DIGEST-MD5 authentication schemes are supported. Nogle feeds kræver godkendelse, inklusiv GMail feeds. BASIC, NTLM-2 og DIGEST-MD5 godkendelsesmetoder er understøttet. Authentication Godkendelse Username Brugernavn Password Adgangskode Requires HTTP authentication Kræver HTTP-godkendelse &Test setup &Test opsætning URL Webadresse Leaving this option on causes that updates of feeds will be probably much slower and may time-out often. HTTP authentication username Brugernavn til HTTP-godkendelse HTTP authentication password Adgangskode til HTTP-godkendelse Password for your TT-RSS account Kodeord til din TT-RSS-konto Username for your TT-RSS account Brugernavn til din TT-RSS konto URL of your TT-RSS instance WITHOUT trailing "/api/" string No test done yet. Endnu ikke testet. Here, results of connection test are shown. API access on selected server is not enabled. API-adgang på valgte server er ikke aktiveret. Entered credentials are incorrect. Indtastede legitimationsoplysninger er forkerte. Other error occurred, contact developers. Der opstod en anden fejl, kontakt udviklerne. Installed version: %1, required at least: %2. Selected Tiny Tiny RSS server is running unsupported version of API. Den valgte Tiny Tiny RSS server kører en ikke understøttet version. Tiny Tiny RSS server is okay. Tiny Tiny RSS server er okay. Network error: '%1'. Netværksfejl: '%1'. Network error, have you entered correct Tiny Tiny RSS API endpoint and password? Netværksfejl, har du indtastet korrekt Tiny Tiny RSS-adresse og adgangskode? Unspecified error, did you enter correct URL? Username cannot be empty. Brugernavn skal udfyldes. Username is okay. Brugernavn er okay. Password cannot be empty. Kodeord kan ikke være tomt. Password is okay. Kodeord er okay. Username is ok or it is not needed. Brugernavn er OK eller ikke nødvendigt. Username is empty. Brugernavn ikke angivet. Password is ok or it is not needed. Kodeord er OK eller ikke nødvendigt. Password is empty. Kodeordet er tomt. URL cannot be empty. Webadresse kan ikke være tom. URL should NOT end with "/api/". Webadresse skal IKKE ende med "/api/". URL is okay. URL er okay. Download unread articles only Only download newest X articles per feed TtRssFeedDetails Form Select parent item for your feed. URL Webadresse Full feed URL including scheme Provide URL for your feed. The URL is ok. Webadressen er OK. The URL does not meet standard pattern. Does your URL start with "http://" or "https://" prefix. The URL is empty. Webadressen er tom. Parent folder TtRssServiceRoot Cannot add item Kan ikke tilføje emne Cannot add feed because another critical operation is ongoing. Username: %1 Server: %2 Last error: %3 Last login on: %4 Brugernavn: %1 Server: %2 Sidste fejl: %3 Sidst logget på: %4 UnreadNode Unread articles You can find all unread articles here. WebBrowser Navigation panel Navigationspanel No title Webbrowser tab title when no title is available. Ingen titel Back Tilbage Forward Frem Reload Genindlæs Stop Stop Open this website in system web browser WebFactory Web engine settings Auto-load images Autoindlæs billeder JS enabled JS aktiveret JS can open popup windows JS kan åbne popup vinduer JS can access clipboard JS kan tilgå udklipsholder Hyperlinks can get focus Local storage enabled Lokal-lager aktiveret Local content can access remote URLs XSS auditing enabled Spatial navigation enabled Local content can access local files Lokalt indhold kan tilgå lokale filer Hyperlink auditing enabled Animate scrolling Animér rulning Error pages enabled Fejlside aktiveret Plugins enabled Udvidelser aktiveret Fullscreen enabled Fuldskærm aktiveret Screen capture enabled WebGL enabled WebGL aktiveret Accelerate 2D canvas Print element backgrounds Allow running insecure content Tillad kørsel af usikkert indhold Allow geolocation on insecure origins Navigate to website manually %1 was unable to launch your web browser with the given URL, you need to open the below website URL in your web browser manually. WebViewer Written by Skrevet af Newspaper view Avisfremvisning unknown author ukendt forfatter Open link in external browser Åben henvisning i ekstern netlæser Open with external tool Åben med eksternt værktøj